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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Yup. Me too Slicer. Last I heard it had ran into some kind of legal trouble, and thus postponed. AGAIN. ¬_¬

You heard of MW: Living Legends Slicer? I'm kind of miffed that my current PC isn't powerful enough to run it at a comfortable quality. Will be one of the first games I install to test out the new desktop PC I hope to get, if surprise financial set backs ever let up and let me afford it.

Some copy pasta vid links from a previous post I made, in case you've missed this thing.

(<< Explosions and combat)
(<< Slow introductory vid/technical tour)
(<< Madcat and Vulture patrol)
(<< More explosions and stuff.)
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Ooooooooooh, that looks fun as hell. Once I stop obsessing over battlefield 3 I'll have to get that. Crysis ran decently on this PC so it should be able to handle MWLL.

Also LOL, I googled the wikia and the is about people sitting at the longest range possible and firing missiles. Exactly the kind of thing I would do.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Purchased Capcom Vs. SNK2:EO. getting my Fighter skill back slowly.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Hey all! I was just wondering, I saw at least one person with BF 3 for the X360...

Wanna join the ULMF platoon?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My brother has BF3, which means I may get to play it occasionally, if not much. Though I currently don't have a gold Live account, so I'd be more likely to be using his profile if I did.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

LOL, sure, let's keep this by PM though, I don't want my account getting hacked or some other shit.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I read the sci-fi RTS talk on the previous page, and...no mention of Sins of a Solar Empire? Seriously?
Christ, it could easily take a person a good couple of weeks - no exaggeration - to wrap up a single medium-sized game against AI opponents. Slow, complex, and VERY rewarding if you have the patience - and the sense of scale is wonderful.

(Also, there's a Warhammer 40K mod for it that's a work-in-progress.)

Not played any of those :< Has played Gratuitous Space Battles, which is basicly:

1. Put parts on ship chassis
2. Send ships in various prebuilt missions or in versus online play
3. Let computer-controlled fleets fight it out, with a few specifications you can direct them to
4. Rince and Repeat, unlock new fleet bits
5. Profit!
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So I read the sci-fi RTS talk on the previous page, and...no mention of Sins of a Solar Empire? Seriously?
Christ, it could easily take a person a good couple of weeks - no exaggeration - to wrap up a single medium-sized game against AI opponents. Slow, complex, and VERY rewarding if you have the patience - and the sense of scale is wonderful.

(Also, there's a Warhammer 40K mod for it that's a work-in-progress.)

I love that game, I tend to make as many carrier ships as I can and just sit back and watch the utter carnage as swarms of about 100+ bombers and 100+ fighters swarm all over and rip the enemy ships, capital ships and structures all to shreds. The addition of the starbases in the expansions make the game even more enjoyable.

By the way I take it you mean that the game has a mod to add Warhammer 40K ships to the game with that mod?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I believe that the 40k mod is scrapped, or at least on hiatus. Of course, there is always the main game; there is another mod coming out soon with Titan class ships in it, and lots of other goodies; if they ever get around to releasing a campaign - especially if they get into the thing(/s) chasing the Vasari - you just might be able to hear the echoes of my vast squee.

Failing that, there's the 7 Deadly Sins mod, which is pretty damn massive as it plans to compile effectively every good mod for the game into one; it already contains about 4~ star control races - both Ur-Quan paths, Arilou, and the Taalo; most ships are custom built and the models aren't particularly good, but still - unleashing a horde of FRIED capable Kor-Ah vessels on anything is worth it. Following that is a custom, playable ship-stealing pirate race, Star Wars' Empire, reworked versions of the main races, and one made up god-race for the mod creator's own sake. This is on top of an overhaul to the combat graphics, and, if I remember correctly, about 80 new planet types. Trailer type thing, though the version depicted is considerably more outdated than the current version:

There are tons of other mods that look more than decent as well; there are a large number of semi-complete corssovers for probably all of the sci-fi you can name off the top of your head (no Space Battleship Yamato, though :()… the best mod I've seen for Sins, though, has to be the Dynamic Battle Mod. While small, the changes it causes make battles so much more fun to watch - and in the end, more than any other feature, Sins' main attraction is in being able to depict absolutely beautiful space battles.

...Almost forgot to mention Dawn of Victory. The mod looks like some kind of more awesome, Red Alert IN SPAAAACE! Trailer Here:
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

I like to play Sins of a Solar Empire with my friends VS Insane AI when we get the chance, but most of them give up after the first round (usually 4-6 hours) because it's taking so long, even with travel/production/what-not on the fastest speed. Which is a shame, because we've still got one game to finish where we have as many starbases as possible on each star save for two, and that's just because the enemy presence there is too great. So close, yet probably never going to finish because of a lack of interest from most of them.

Been trying out a game called Black Prophecy. One of my friends described it as Air Rivals in space, if that helps anyone get a better understanding of it.
In the game, two factions are warring against each other, and you choose a side. Eventually.
You control a spaceship, using QWEASD for movement and the mouse to aim and shoot.
You can customize your cockpit, wings, engine, shield, and weapons. There are 3 types of weapons, and armors/shields that are better/worse against certain weapons. Also, each weapon type has a regular and a heavy variant. The heavy variant hurts more (duh), but takes up more room in the weapon equip slots (i.e., 2 compared to 1). They also tend to be longer range, from what I can tell.
I kinda like it, but everyone else is so far ahead and not willing to help me out, I'll probably lose interest and delete it. Definitely more fun with a group than by yourself.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've heard about black prophecy a bit, but the way you describe some of it. its not an mmo is it?
Re: Games Discussion Thread

wealp... time to put my interest in that away.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So my brother just got home with Skyrim (for 360). Loaded up the game, finished making his character, and five minutes from the actual start of the game...


Start over.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So my brother just got home with Skyrim (for 360). Loaded up the game, finished making his character, and five minutes from the actual start of the game...


Start over.

HA! HAHAHAHAoh no.....I think i laughed so hard i just shit myself....Oh boy...
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Oh wow.. That is some epic bad luck XD I take it there is a city block leveled somewhere in the resulting rampage? Maybe that was what the echoing scream I heard earlyer was.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In a tiny update, beyond that odd first crash the game seems to be fine. The general atmosphere and feel of the world and it's inhabitants has been very much improved. The combat is much more dynamic, and feels like it has more skill to it. The removal of the primary attribute stats seemed like a crazy idea at first, but y'know what? I've not missed them yet.

Was undecided about character right up to the character creation screen, and somehow ended up playing a bright red female Argonian pyromancer called Fire Tail. Blew a rabbit fifty meters into the air and off a cliff. Much fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

In a tiny update, beyond that odd first crash the game seems to be fine. The general atmosphere and feel of the world and it's inhabitants has been very much improved. The combat is much more dynamic, and feels like it has more skill to it. The removal of the primary attribute stats seemed like a crazy idea at first, but y'know what? I've not missed them yet.

Was undecided about character right up to the character creation screen, and somehow ended up playing a bright red female Argonian pyromancer called Fire Tail. Blew a rabbit fifty meters into the air and off a cliff. Much fun.

So apparently dragons can attack you when they feel like it. So carry Good shit, as in potions. Because they will randomly swoop down and be like HAI BITCH and smack you with their penis. I Killed him, but still, dragon fire breath hurts like a mother fucker.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

My friend fought a pink dragon on day one of the game's release, apparently.
Oh, the dragon's skin wasn't pink, but the part where it's skin was supposed to be was. Although apparently it's eyes were fine.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I very much like that the general appearance of the various races is less... comic-y this time. Like how the Orcs are no longer bright green, and how the Dunmer look like Sith Lords this time around.

Oh yeah, and I also fancy that there are now actually some boss fights, apart from dragons, even.