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Games Discussion Thread

Re: Games Discussion Thread

The track record for games in the Warhammer universe has been a bit, well, mixed to be nice (Heard good things of Sanctus Reach and of course the newest Space Hulk shooter, but Eternal Crusade's been sadly delay-happy and mismanaged plus no doubt some other mediocre titles I'm forgetting) but I wanted to give an early signal boost to something come up from the same makers as the digital Mordeheim for the Fantasy side of things.

Specifically, Necromunda: Underhive Wars.

For those who have never heard of this particular side game before, the interview I linked under the really barebones homesite said it best:

''It’s basically a mix of Judge Dredd, Mad Max and Sons of Anarchy.'

For those that want further details, Necromundia's a planet-spanning city (aka Hive World) and a major asset for the Imperial Guard with it's own regiment, but what it's really known for is being a wretched hive of scum and villainy that makes Mos Esley look like a retirement home. Much of the action happens in the underhive, the dirty gritty underbelly of the more well-off spiretips and the industrial heart of the world, with war taking place between the many, many, gangs of the planet, with these gangs spreading their teeth all the way up to the 'noble' houses of the planet..

The original six houses/gangs of Necromundia, aka the six that we're seeing in this, are House Orlock, metal-smiths and basically the McAverage, House Goliath, the brutish nearly-Orks choppy and smashy type, House Escher, a matriarchy amazonian faction with a focus on agile melee and plasmatech, House Van Saar, the inventive type that will gladly use that tech knowledge on the field, House Deleque, the sneaky sniper gang who gets by via espionage and spywork, and House Cawdor, who has been blinded by the Redeptionist fragment of the Imperium's religion and thus expect a LOT of promethium incinerated around them.

The game will probably be very similar to Mordeheim, but I'm looking forward to it, specially as it sounds like the devs really want to dive into the hive underbelly and really show off the rather ludicrous things the place will be pumping out, they talking about making battlefields literally in between the type of interior parts you'd see on Titans or casings for battleship ammunition, and the equipment used to ready them for the final destination.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

As it probably is the devs behind Mordheim that are making Necromunda: The Vidyagaem, I'd keep expectations low. Because if they follow their success with Mordheim, the result will only barely qualify as Necromunda.

And also if they follow their success with Mordheim, the AI will get static stat buffs to make up for it being retarded, which is retarded.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

As someone who is in a Necromunda tabletop group that actually plays occasionally

I very much doubt this will work out, seeing as its the same devs that made the Mordheim trainwreck. Maybe they'll be able to fix things from their experience. Maybe they'll actually think about things time time around
But probably not, why GW thought it was a good idea to give them another IP after Mordheim will probably never be known.

That said, the Necromunda tabletop thingy is fun, worth playing if you are okay with lots of dice being thrown around and have some time to spend on it
Re: Games Discussion Thread

GW doesn't know what to do with their IP it seems. Death Wing was an unimaginative train-wreck, fun for a few minutes, but then just as boring as the RTS version of space-hulk on PC. If IF it ran at all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Death Wing was intended as a single player game

It looks great, the devs did good on that.
But thats about it, the gameplay isn't exactly well done, and the multiplayer wasn't great as a result of that and a bunch of other things

I've considered buying Necromunda on sale to play it 10 hours or so, and then write a big review highlighting all the bad, but I'm not going to pay money to spend several hours not having fun.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Death Wing was intended as a single player game

It looks great, the devs did good on that.
But thats about it, the gameplay isn't exactly well done, and the multiplayer wasn't great as a result of that and a bunch of other things

I've considered buying Necromunda on sale to play it 10 hours or so, and then write a big review highlighting all the bad, but I'm not going to pay money to spend several hours not having fun.

Last I heard, Deathwing was still due for some additional free content and potential DLCs somewhere in the future, the main channel I've been looking at for it hasn't said any ETAs though. Really, it's about as good as a Left 4 Dead clone could be, with most the budget put into scenery porn and nodding to the lore in various spots. A decent game catering to fans but certainly wasn't going to last too long considering how few people play the thing it's taken it's core gameplay from anymore.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

They really need to patch it though. Fixing the controller, aim detection on door locks, friendly AI engagement range (jesus they wait till the nids are right on top of them to start shooting), hit detection on melee, and some weapons are outright worthless. The spear of caliban? More like the spear of just use the regular plasma cannon.

Would be nice if the relics and logs were more find able too. Maybe the radar of your immediate area pops up with a marker when you're close enough, because fuck me I'm killing nids I don't have time to check every damn corner of a room for collectables.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

tfw the new Dwarf Fortress updates for taverns, temples, and libraries has made it possible, along with the prior update adding bipedal sentient insect and animal people, Dwarf Fortress has yet another ridiculous thing you can emulate from reality.

A catgirl cafe.

Re: Games Discussion Thread

Aaah yes, Dwarf Fortress. The game I tried a few times, only to run away from it while imaging what great stories I might've been able to tell about my game. I even went so far as to to read up and learn about game concepts. I partially read it, but never started another game.

Since I've more time on my hands, I've been pushing myself to give it another shot. But I still haven't started a game yet. XD Instead, I read through once more. What a great read!
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Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm attempting to unlock a thing in this game I play casually. I could pay credits to do it, but unlocking the one puppet I need costs 3K credits, and, well, that's a lot for someone who doesn't buy them. However, apparently, if you get 50 people to click on the advertising link for the game, it'll unlock for you. Far as I know, you don't have to sign up, just click.

Might be something folks here either already play or might have a mild interest in, called . It's fairly decent. I've been off and on with it for several years now. Sexy pics. Dark humor. And, of course, I'm posting it here, so it's definitely 18+. Game's actually gone through a bit of a revamp, too, so even if you've checked it out before, there's new content.

Thanks, all.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

So, I'm attempting to unlock a thing in this game I play casually. I could pay credits to do it, but unlocking the one puppet I need costs 3K credits, and, well, that's a lot for someone who doesn't buy them. However, apparently, if you get 50 people to click on the advertising link for the game, it'll unlock for you. Far as I know, you don't have to sign up, just click.

Might be something folks here either already play or might have a mild interest in, called . It's fairly decent. I've been off and on with it for several years now. Sexy pics. Dark humor. And, of course, I'm posting it here, so it's definitely 18+. Game's actually gone through a bit of a revamp, too, so even if you've checked it out before, there's new content.

Thanks, all.
What is this? Reminder that web browser games like ogame are still there? Oh boy, haven't touched anything like that in a quite a long time (decade+? xD)...
*clicks link, because why the heck not*
Now you are closer to unlocking it :D

Anyway, this doesn't look bad, kinda laggy but works nice as a time waster, though... I don't think I will stay for long.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gave you a click, may as well

That said, GTA V is on sale until tomorrow or the day after or something, in case you want it. Still expensive, but more managable for a while
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Thanks, guys. To answer the questions its...I've seen it toted as "pokemon for adults," which is something of a misnomer. And the original name of the game was "Pocket Nightmares" or something like that, so you may've seen it that way.

Original story was that your brother gets involved in this game made by "the Toymaker" which essentially sucks the souls out of the kids who play it and you have to go into the world to find him and wackiness ensues. Ignis, the guy who made it, for a while went PG on it, since he got an official sponsor but has since gone back to his roots, though with that came a lot of changes in the game. I'm currently in Chapter 3 (which is about in the middle of things) and while he talks about the changes in the news/update section, it's been so long, I don't know how the old compares to the new *laughs*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Gave you a click, may as well

That said, GTA V is on sale until tomorrow or the day after or something, in case you want it. Still expensive, but more managable for a while

Damn... haven't played GTAV since bikers DLC, no one to play with and random players tend to be too... random for missions/heists where teamwork is both half of the fun and kinda a requirement for winning :D
Re: Games Discussion Thread

Anyone else waiting/excited for Divinity: Original Sin 2 to be fully released? The gameplay, dungeons, puzzles, and boss fights were so fun (and some times annoying/stressful cause of RNG).

On top of that, it's gonna have 4 player online co-op, unlike the first one which was 2 players only with 4 characters.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

D:OS was a damn good throwback to old-school top down RPGs. If it's getting a sequel I'm in.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

I've supported them from Early Access without having even played the first one. I really liked what I've seen so far.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Jim Sterling vs Digital Homicide lawsuit is finally axed, with prejudice so either side can't pursue it anymore.

Video from lawyer I've recently subbed to cus good legalstuff -
Jim's post on his site -

No doubt the only reason Jim didn't countersue for stuff like slander or his lawyer fees is because he was so damn sick of this shit already or figured the Romains didn't have two pennies to rub for heat left with this legal bullshitery prior.
Re: Games Discussion Thread

It's nice that Jim's benevolent towards those too stupid to know better, but it would still be nice if he did his due duty in investigating certain other things beyond, you know, obviously biased publishers. *cough*gamer*cough*gate*wheeze*
Re: Games Discussion Thread

The Jim Sterling vs Digital Homicide lawsuit is finally axed, with prejudice so either side can't pursue it anymore.

Video from lawyer I've recently subbed to cus good legalstuff -
Jim's post on his site -

I learned about this in a video I was shown only a few days ago. But in that video, it was stated that Digital Homicide sued not only Jim Sterling, but also a whole bunch of other YouTubers and Steam users. And because DH couldn't properly sue the Steam users, as they didn't have any personal information, they demanded that Steam hands over that information. This led to Steam removing all of DH's games from the Steam shop (Valve official stated they won't do business with people who threaten their customers), and THAT led to DH also sueing Valve for preventing a proper prosecution of those Steam users.

Anyway, thank God this stupid lawsuit(s?) is over. It was funny at first, but the fact that not only DH kept up their climes all this time, but they also managed to remove themselves from Steam - basically cutting their own financial pipeline - with their rage made this seem way too idiotic for me to follow any further.

And I'd like to end the post with the appropriate phrase: "Thank God for Jim Sterling."