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GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score

I didn't feel very strongly for much this year. Borderlands was nominated for best roleplaying game but I didn't expect it to win, so I wasn't let down. Fallout 3 won best DLC, yay. Somehow, ODST was nominated for best FPS. What the fuck amirite. That and L4D2 shouldn't even be on there, they should have their own list, games that should have been DLC LUUUULLLLLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

What bugs me is the shitstorm of low ratings on best FPS, just because MW2 won. The hell did you expect? It's huge. There was so much hype for this game and it's such a big title, you can't expect Killzone 2 to stand a chance. Meanwhile, UC2 snagged 3 or 4 rewards and nobody gave a shit.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I realize it's simply GT's opinion, but WHY would they give UC2 the award for best single-player campaign?

But yeah, for the FPS category, it's not hard to see why MW2 would win. Still, I would have liked to see Killzone 2 or even F.E.A.R. 2 win.

Like I said, though, it's simply the opinion of the people working there(/answered a poll?). UC2 I can live with winning best graphics out of the choices given, but I would have gone with Batman AA or even Assassin's Creed 2 over UC2 for best single player.

As far as Best DLC, yeah, Fallout 3 was the clear choice out of their picks.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I figured biggest disappointment would be MW2 for PC
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I figured biggest disappointment would be MW2 for PC

I KNOW. I was so confused why they didn't toss that in as at least a nominee.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I realize it's simply GT's opinion, but WHY would they give UC2 the award for best single-player campaign?

But yeah, for the FPS category, it's not hard to see why MW2 would win. Still, I would have liked to see Killzone 2 or even F.E.A.R. 2 win.

Like I said, though, it's simply the opinion of the people working there(/answered a poll?). UC2 I can live with winning best graphics out of the choices given, but I would have gone with Batman AA or even Assassin's Creed 2 over UC2 for best single player.

As far as Best DLC, yeah, Fallout 3 was the clear choice out of their picks.

MW2 won? What the fuck. It deserves to burn in hell for a completely fucked up multiplayer mode.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

haha noman, you must have it for PC.

It's funny how anytime I hear anyone say anything good about MW2, I immediately ask "Oh so you're a 360 player then?" and am always right.

How many people actually canceled their game beforehand after hearing they were about to fuck it up?
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I never planned to get MW2, and when I heard about how they fucked over PC gamers, I just lol'd. It really confirmed that I'd never bother with buying it since I'm strictly a PC gamers.

But really, I picked up the 360 version over the holidays (my older brother brought it over), and it isn't too bad. Just like MW1, the campaign was engaging, but short, and the little bonus missions were fun. The only problem is that the heart of the game, the multiplayer, is kind of eh even on the console version.

I guess it isn't my type of game. I miss health bars and fucking HATE the whole (lawl duck behind cover and you'll never die) thing.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I actually agree with Modern Warfare 2 getting the best FPS. I don't know what it's like on PC so forgive me this thought. Yes I am a 360 player. But I thought the campaign was well done and varied, I enjoy the multiplayer, and the Spec Ops are quite enjoyable.

As for best Single Player, I thought Dragon Age: Origins, or Assassin's Creed 2 should have got it. Perhaps that's just because everything I see of Uncharted screams that I won't like it much.

I personally also thought Dragon Age should have won best RPG, but I've never played Demon's Souls, but it looks pretty awesome so I won't be harsh on that choice. For me however, Borderlands just doesn't seem like an RPG, so I'm somewhat gratified it didn't win.

I agree with the choice of Batman for Action/Adventure as well.

I also don't know if Uncharted should have gotten Best Graphics. I've seen some damn good graphics lately. I even quite enjoyed the look of Borderlands.

Regardless, despite the awards, I'm mostly going to ignore them, and play what I enjoy, and encourage others to ignore them, and play what they enjoy.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

It's just that in the past, PC was the dominant machine so if a game was made for it, they had to water down a version for consoles. That's a classic and often used formula. However, since the days of Xbox, they've been making games for consoles and porting them into PC, despite it STILL being the dominant machine.

Speaking of which, my brother noticed in borderlands, when looking at the four weapon slots, you can see that each one was designated a direction, as in choosing which weapon slot it is according to a controllers directional pad, meaning its intent to be made on a console.

And it's this, create a game for the 360 and port it to the PC that destroyed Modern Warfare 2.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

And Operation Flashpoint 2.

Just to check, how do you mean dominant machine though? In spec right?
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Well C# (which I think most games are made with nowadays, as opposed to C++) code is usable for both Xbox and 360. Microsoft is making a business decision by prioritizing their console coding over their pc coding. After all, not all PC games developed by Microsoft are played on a PC which was bought from Microsoft. Alternatively, at least a percentage of every Xbox's profits go directly to Microsoft, so why wouldn't they prioritize it?

Yeah it's still a dick move but you have to at least be able to appreciate it as a sound business decision.

So was AC2 actually good? I remember the first one sucking (whoo, hold spacebar and W! Combat is right click and occasionally left click! Use the weapon that can't block for minuscule challenge!) and figured I wouldn't even pick up the second.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Sorry Alias, couldn't tell you. I rather enjoyed the first one on 360. I thought it was a pretty damn good game, and the second improved on everything. In almost every way. But I've never played it for PC.

Yeah, I really only play Rome: Total War or Medieval II: Total War on PC these days.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I actually agree with Modern Warfare 2 getting the best FPS. I don't know what it's like on PC so forgive me this thought. Yes I am a 360 player. But I thought the campaign was well done and varied, I enjoy the multiplayer, and the Spec Ops are quite enjoyable.

Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Actually I don't have the game, but I have seen enough bitching on the Steam forum to realise how bad it is on the PC. I suppose it might be worth getting if only for the single player mode.

It really mystifies me why activision decided to use VAC instead of PB though. VAC was never meant to be used without server admins.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I suppose it might be worth getting if only for the single player mode.


The campaign is great and spec ops are fun with friends, but if you're not getting it for multiplayer, you had better be getting it at a HUGE discount.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I'm feeling the need to get a PS3 even more now that I've seen all this stuff on Uncharted 2, and the little bits and pieces that I've seen giving me a lump in my throat from happiness. THere's been series I want to get PS3 for (R&C, FF, Disgaea) I guess I'll just add Uncharted 2 to it...

WTF Was BlazBlue and DJ Hero doing in IP? I want to shank GT just for those two being there.
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Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

The only thing making me want to get a PS3 is Demon's Souls. It looks awesome.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned


The campaign is great and spec ops are fun with friends, but if you're not getting it for multiplayer, you had better be getting it at a HUGE discount.


If you can't play multiplayer, then there's absolutely no reason to pick MW2 up.

"But Mo I like throwing my money on games that last four hour-"

Then go to a fucking charity drive, you selfish piece of shit.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I asked for MW for PC, got MW2 for PC. It's no money out of my pocket, so no biggie for me. Probably gonna get MW with the gift card to Gamestop I got.

As far as Demon'sssSouls goes, while I realize Yahtzee can be harsh, his review makes me go 'yeah, not gonna buy it... maybe mooch off a friend to try it, but not gonna buy it'.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Yahtzee WOULD HAVE kept me from getting Demon'sssSouls if I gave half a shit about the playstation 3. I don't care about any game or group of developers than don't have the decency to port a game to the PC.

Basically, how most PS3 owners feel about Valve.