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GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

oddly enough i just read the nova novel last night. its pretty mediocre writing but its in a universe i care about so that makes it worth while.

points to anyone who can hook me up with the last two books of the dark templar series.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Nova can’t be worse than Shadow of the Xel’Naga, at least. That one can’t be excused, even if it is Starcraft – and it being a Starcraft novel is debatable. (To a lesser extent, Speed of Darkness, either.) Now, Liberty’s Crusade and I, Mengsk, well, those could be copied directly into the Epic Quotes thread… If only I could actually remember some of them. =\

Nunu, you want someone to hook you up with ? Joking aside, I second someone finding the various Dark Templar books, I haven’t managed to get my claws on them yet.

Hey… what’s this? “ ”? That’s new…
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

at the end of the day, most of these books are never going to be high literature. I don't expect it and it doesn't disappoint.
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

I actually really enjoyed "Speed of Darkness".
Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Speed of Darkness was alright, in that it was flawed but actually had the redeeming quality of generally being good writing. It’s at about the same enjoyment level as Uprising, except Uprising is more consistent in being average, instead of jumping in quality the entire damn time like Speed of Darkness. It’s been a while since I read it, but this is what I can remember after a deep search into my memories of the book:

1. “Let’s use ‘wound’ ammo instead of ‘kill’ ammo, because the bug aliens use the same logic as humans and are compassionate towards their wounded *trollface*.”

2. They resocialized the main marine, some years ago, to have the idea that Zerg attacked his colony – despite the only people knowing about them at that point being high-ranking confederates, and no actual Zerg attacks happening till several years later. What did they do, keep him locked up for however long it was till everyone else knew about the Zerg as well?

3. Why send a team to secure the Psi Emitter, not telling them what it is, if you’re just going to nuke the damn thing anyway? It’s like they *wanted* the team to bring the emitter back and their plan to fail. If they just wanted the marines dead, there are easier and more foolproof ways to kill someone. Shooting them, for instance.

4. Why leave behind good soldiers, vulture mines, ammo, various other supplies, and most egregiously, a couple of space capable buildings (command centres, barracks, etc.)? They had room for the soldiers, they had the ability to take them, but no, they send them out to do something totally pointless and then leave while they’re away. Yes, the confederates are the badguys, we get it - but they’re not that damn frivolous.

5. The ‘Golden’ stuff being violently out of place with the rest of the book, and the attempt at using it for emotional response at the end of the book just being facepalm inducing.

6. The Sons of Korahal already knew about the Psi emitters, and had been around them enough that they should have been able to get their hands on the blueprints too. All that seeming lack of knowledge about the subject that Mengsk had, all his rage at finding out that the Sara system attacks were weapons tests designed to get rid of confederate enemies, that was him acting – and those missions where you go to find stuff about the attacks, those were just because Mengsk likes to have his men die in utterly pointless missions.
EDIT: (This last one wasn't as obvious as I thought - it is sarcastic, the idea being that the above is what the book would have you believe, instead of the way things were in the game.)
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Re: GameTrailers doesn't really fuck up GOTY 2009 as far as I'm concerned

Having been awhile since I've actually read the book, the only point I can truly argue is 1.

They were issued "wound" ammo as that was standard issue. They upgraded later in the book by themselves. It's also not impossible as one can do it with normal bullets as well.
Also, think to the Vietnam war, or even the modern battlefield. Vietcong and Taliban will ignore their dead and wounded to wound/kill more American or NATO forces. We are issued the 5.56mm round with was deigned to wound and maim, rather than kill.