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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trix waves at Sho's response to her, head in the fridge. "Gotta be a breakfast in here somewhere," she mutters.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Well, don't worry. If they need to get you up to speed in something, I'm sure the teachers will be glad to help. At least you're coming in at the beginning of the school year, too, and not in the middle. That might be more problematic. Right now, you just need to remember where the classes are and when's lunch." She grins.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"I, uh, um....not really," Isabella replies to Sho's assumption, her face flushing a deep red.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Goodness, you look like you could cook an egg with how warm your cheeks are," she chuckles a little. "If it's that blush-inducing, just smile, wink, and say 'Something like that.' and leave us all to wonder."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Please excuse the huge solo post... >_> ))

Ellisia is sitting a little way separate to the others down already, with a bowl of cereal and some reading material to one side. She's surprised to see her room mate up so soon. She'd known Grace to take her time even after her alarm had gone off. She watches as Grace enters the room and zips about the kitchen making a quick breakfast.

"Hey El." Grace greets simply sitting down opposite with her own bowl. She's spotted Isabella but avoided looking in that direction so far.

"Morning. Your up early today. Sleep well?"

Grace's reply to the question is interrupted by her accidentally smacking her spoon into her teeth. "...oww. Uhh, no. I was woken by a dream."

"Oh. So now they're waking you up instead? Yesterday you said they were keeping you in. Have you been eating strange things before bed? Not been feasting on those plundered fairy cakes in the middle of the night eh?" Ellisia says with a smile, setting her empty bowl to one side.

'That would be a nice excuse...' Grace thought to herself, "No! I don't have any sugar after brushing my teeth. It's one of my own rules. Nice n' shiny see!" Grace says with a lofty frown followed by a toothy grin just before the next spoonful went in.

"You do actually follow some rules? How impressive. Alright then, what was this dream about that switched you on so well?"

Grace nearly chokes. 'GAH! Don't word it like that woman!!!' Recovering she quickly trys to think of something other than the truth to say. "Err, it was a dream about being a spy. Like Bond, but I could fly. At least untill I got shot. It really really hurt! As if it really happened. It's almost like I can still kinda feel..."

Ellisia was now leaning on one elbow listening amusedly to her room mates story. "Bond? Is that the cheesy guy who dodges bullets without trying and always has a girl wraped round him?"

'... stop it...', "Um, yeah that's him. Only I did get shot."

"Hmm. I had a dream like that once. Not the spy stuff. But one that felt really real. Miniature nightmare really. Dreamt I was getting stabbed in the gut repeatedly, was rather nasty. But you know what it was? A friend of mine was tickling me in my sleep!"

"Hah, really? That's awesome." Grace says laughing a little.

"Yeah, but I didn't think so at the time. I woke up and punched him in the face. Felt a little bad about it latter though. Dreams do that a lot. When there's a sound, a smell, or just some joker violating you in your sleep..." Ellisia says smiling again enjoying the conversation. Grace however had had enough. Ellisia wasn't helping to clear her mind at all. She takes a quick glance around the room looking for excuses.

"...Oh my! I forgot, I was meant to be helping out the cosplay club with that thing! Yes the thing, the thing they are doing! Sorry El, gotta go! Bye!" Grace says with a bit of fake laughter getting up and dashing hurriedly for the door.
Ellisia just watches her depart in surprise and a little confusion, thinking to herself, 'Huh. The club's doing something at this hour? Right before class? Why do I doubt that. She even left her breakfast. Damned crazy girl. What ever is up with her? Only time I've seen someone act like that is either when possessed or ...'

Ellisia turns in her seat to anyone that might have happened to have witnessed and shrugs.
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"I, it's nothing, really," Isabella continued with her denial.

Isabella had frozen up as soon as she had heard Grace enter the room. She sat unmoving, her face as red as ever, whilst listening to her retell her 'dream', the obvious lie at the end made Isabella believe that Grace had had a similar dream. Isabella only moved again once Grace had left the room.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

After grabbing a bit of food and quickly scarfing it down, Trixie absently slid her finger around the table, think to herself a bit absentmindedly as she sat there.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho is wise enough not to push the issue, at least with girls she doesn't know all that well. "Nothing it is, then." She makes a face as she glances at the clock. "Ugh. Looks like I need to go get myself ready. I'll see the lot of you at lunch, if not sooner." Drinking the chocolate milk the cereal has made right from the bowl, she gets up and rinses it out, depositing it in the nearby drainer to dry. With a wave, she makes to head back toward her room.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Oh, it's that time already?" Isabella says quietly as she watches Sho leave the room. She washes her plate up and quickly leaves the dorms as well.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Autumn waves quickly at Sho as the other girl leaves, finishing her toast a bit later and taking her apple with her. Mumbling directions to herself as she heads for class.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Clearing the table Ellisia decides it's about time to head to class, and leaves the room a short way behind the rest.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace was halfway back to the dorm, having just reached the short lit path that led through the woods to the building. Hearing fast and a little irregular footsteps coming up behind her she turned around and walked backwards for a while to see who was hurrying about. Her imagination aside, she had no idea of the scene she'd only just avoided by a minute or two, and wasn't expecting anything sinister. The torn, battered and bloodied girl running at her was a bit of a surprise.

"Holy crap! Fuck, what happened to you?"
She asks as Stella approaches. No fear in her voice, just shock and concern.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella stops as she sees the girl and tries to keep her face covered, looking around, she looks over at the girl addressing her, mumbling, "I tripped." She wasn't exactly sure if she could give her a decent answer, after all, part of the blood was her own, but she thought most of it either belonged to her victim, or to that crazy fireball wielding guy she had bumped into.
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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Hmm, I said that she passed Grace on the path, but meh, stairs work too.))

Grace's face wrinkled a little, partly from scepticism and partly from the state of Stella. "You tripped? What, through barbed wire? A few windows maybe? Seriously, you don't look too good."

'Worse than normal even. There's no way she could do this to herself in the school grounds. Not in some accident. Not on her own.' Grace thought to herself.

"Did someone attack you or something?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

(Ah, sorry, misread, thought that since it was the girls dorm, we would already be inside, I'll change my post)

Stella stiffly looks at the girl, and shakes her head, "I fell down some stairs. I'll be fine." She wished she hadn't left her gloves and flu mask back at the building, if the girl got too close, she would probably start to notice something odd about her, and that wouldn't be good.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((kk. There's not really any properly appropriate thread for the dorm path and the surrounding gardens. This seemed the closest to a general 'dorm grounds' thread. I imagine there are some form of simple garden since there's meant to be a wall around each dorm after all.))

Grace really wasn't sure what to do. She was more fixated on the apparent injuries than anything else. This girl didn't seem to want to tell her what happened, or at least Grace didn't believe a word of it. Was it really ok to leave someone like this? The nurse probably hadn't quite gone yet, but it wasn't as if Grace could force the girl to go see them.

"O-K... So you fell down some stairs. Are you sure you don't want some help? Because I'm gonna feel pretty freaking guilty if I wake up tomorrow to hear your dead, knowing that I could have forced you to get some help."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella shakes her head as she stands there, smiling a little to herself, "No... it's fine, I won't die or anything." She figures the girl was smart, falling down the stairs? Who was she kidding... she sighs and looks at the dorm, then back at the girl, "I just got roughed up a little, it's nothing. I just want to get cleaned up."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"So that's what it is. I kind of guessed. But alright then. If you think you'll be ok I'll take your word. But that's some nasty work they did. If there's something wrong, don't just put up with shit like that ok? Tell someone or something if you think could happen again." Grace says a little relived to get a straight answer. She wouldn't interrogate any further. "Or me even. I can't stand punks who think they can kick someone about. Pisses me off every time I see it. Well, anyway I guess I should let you clean up, and stuff." Grace says beginning to move on. She decided she'd stay loosely with Stella, at least until they separated to reach their rooms. Just to make sure she didn't keel over somewhere along the way.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella simply nods and continues to make her way towards the dorm, still trying to hide her face, only glancing slightly at the girl every once in awhile. It was nice to have someone to talk to, but she sorely wished it was under better conditions, where she wasn't trying to hide her true nature...
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Just to clarify, is there anything in specific she's making sure to hide? General zombieness? Or are there more pronounced teeth and claws or such? I'm generally going with the injuries and rough state actually making it a little harder to recognise the wrongness that's already there. Plus it's dim lighting.))

Grace also walks along quietly. As long as Stella seemed steady, she'd resolved to return to her own room and let her deal with it as she wished. As they reach the door she looks back down the path to the school, wondering what happened for Stella to end up like this. And more importantly, who. It was Stella wasn't it? That was the name that came to mind, though she wasn't sure since they'd never spoke before.

Reaching her room, right next to the stairs on the second floor, "This is my room so I guess I'll leave you alone now, yours is just down there I'm guessing?" She says motioning down the hall. "Eh, seeya then. And again, don't let them get away with this. Yeah?" Grace says swiping her keycard, but not quite opening the door yet.