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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Here now, I *meant* personal code of standards, like not hitting girls (that aren't trying to eat brains), but you go ahead and tease *raspberries*))
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Lol, that reminds me of a three panel comic I had in mind of the incident, Squid XD ))
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Eventually, Suzy stumbled out of her room, eyes half closed, and the skin around them grey-tinged. Not sleeping for the sake of finishing her homework may not have been the best move. Regardless, she poured out a glass of orange juice and slumped into a chair, sipping the sweet juice.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace strolls into the communal room and looks around like she's expecting to see someone. She was surprised to see that Ellisia wasn't here. Which meant she must already be out of the dorm. Grace just mentally shrugs and grabs some easy breakfast. Taking a second look around the room she decides she'd quite like some orange juice too.

She says without waning taking a squat across the table from Suzy, "You look lively. Not been up playing games all night have you? Or is it weird dreams maybe? Everyone's talking about freaky dreams lately..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella slowly makes her way into the communal room, stifling a yawn behind her hand. She was carrying her sachel that held all her school books as well as several sketch books, including the odd-looking one, as well as wearing her school uniform. She walks over to the toaster, eyes half closed from the lack of sleep last night, and not noticing Grace she bumps into her.

"Oh, uh, um...Sorry about, uh, that..Grace.." Isabella mutters quietly as her head hangs slightly though she looks at Grace from under her fringe, a light blush appearing across her face.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Aeh!" Grace has to quickly fumble to save her juice before the floor gets it for a moment, but succeeds with only a small dip spilling onto her hand, she turns to see Isabella and doesn't seem at all bothered, "Oh hey Isabella! Where have you been hiding lately?" She says licking the spot of juice off her fingers.

(She's simply been looking the wrong way each time Isabella has been around over the last day or so.)
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Uh..no where in particular..Just been focused with classes and work.." Isabella wouldn't admit it, but she's been avoiding Grace since having that dream. "Um..you been doing, much?" She asks Grace, finally lifting her head up to look at her properly, most of the blush having disappeared from her face.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace stops to think for a second as if she really can't remember the last day, before coming out with, "Nothing too exciting. Classes, clubs n stuff. I guess today will be more of the same huh?" She says scooping up some of her cereal and kicking a chair out for Isabella. Despite saying that, she didn't sound bored at all.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Hmmm....probably.." Isabella says with a sigh as she glances over at Grace eating. Quickly pulling out one of her regular sketch books Isabella starts busily sketching Grace whilst she eats.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

'Hmm...?' Grace notices the sketch pad coming out and leans in with interest to see what's about to be drawn. After a moment she realises what, and that she isn't helping. "Oh! Uh... okay. I'll just keep..." She mutters going back to eating. Suddenly she can't help but pull a slightly unnatural face, smirking to herself a little as she tries to look straight and focus on munching cereal.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Oh, uh...You can just act natural if you want, I'm almost finished anyway.." She says to Grace in response to her comical expressions.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace stifles a giggle a little, "Sorry, I'm trying to. I guess trying to act natural is bound to fail." she says with a shrug.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace strolls into the communal room and looks around like she's expecting to see someone. She was surprised to see that Ellisia wasn't here. Which meant she must already be out of the dorm. Grace just mentally shrugs and grabs some easy breakfast. Taking a second look around the room she decides she'd quite like some orange juice too.

She says without waning taking a squat across the table from Suzy, "You look lively. Not been up playing games all night have you? Or is it weird dreams maybe? Everyone's talking about freaky dreams lately..."

After taking a moment to consider, while finishing her juice, Suzy replied, "Games? Nah, haven't touched the things for a few months actually. I worked all night, since I couldn't motivate myself to do it while everyone else was awake. Dreams are rarely a problem for me, only one recurring one, and the occasional one where ya think you're falling, then wake up. They're annoying."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Funny, I always seem to have the one where I'm flying in one form or another," Sho says with a grin that seems like she's making a private joke, probably to herself, as she happens to come up on the conversation at that moment. "Somebody have a weird dream last night?" She's dressed in proper attire and by the fact that she's carrying a backpack, is probably going to her classes today. The fact that she starts making breakfast is likely a good sign, too. "Anybody need anything while I'm in the fridge?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trixie walked through the room, going to the fridge while calling out a tiredish 'Hello!' to the team.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Isabella continues to sketch for several more minutes in silence, until finally she lets out a sigh and places her pencil down on the table.

"There, finished," She says as she turns the book to Grace, who would see an almost life-like sketch staring back at her, her spoon mid-way to her mouth as it hung half open ready to recieve the cereally goodness. "Unexpecting poses is what I prefer, they seem more natural than smiling or something like that."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Blinking, Suzy leaned over a little to look at the sketch, blinking. She stared at it for a good 10 seconds before slumping back in her seat. "Hey, that's pretty good, even more so for being first thing in the morning. You practise a lot?"
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Uh...er, you could say that, I guess. I, uh, come from a family of talented artists, and uh, painters..." Isabella explains to the girl who just addressed her, her nervousness building back up from being spoken to by a new person. "I..uh, I draw whenever I, get the chance to..I've got numerous sketchbook, um, filled up already. Some of them I couldn't bring here...they'd have filled my entire room..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Huh. Uh, I would never draw that much, I mean, sometimes its a fun thing to do in spare time, so I've got some stuff, but it doesn't happen often, I'm more into relaxing with just an iPod for company, ya know?" Suzy replies, brushing her fringe out of her face.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Stella opens the door and walks in, smelling like dirt and grass. She closes her eyes and haphazardly makes her way into her room, one hand over her mouth. After a few minutes and a crash here and there, she emerges, no longer smelling of grass and wearing her opaque sunglasses, adding a cheerful, "Good morning."