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Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Well, uh...I do listen to music while I, er, draw most of the time...Drawing is all I'm good at really..." Isabella's voice drifts off quietly as she feebly tries to explain.

"Oh, um, morning," She says to Stella as she comes into the communal room. "I, uh, I think I'll head to class now. See you later." Isabella quickly puts her stuff back in her bag and leaves the dorm for class, the amount of people now going past what she's comfortable with all the while forgetting to have breakfast.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho takes a peek at the sketch as she goes by. "That's pretty damn good. But then, I can do stick figures, so anything better than me is pretty damn good." She laughs.

Her attention goes to the door as Stella walks in, staring to say something to her, though it fades as the girl hurries off to her room. She looks concerned at the crashes she hears, but since she seems fine when she comes in, she relaxes.

"Hey, Stella. You're looking better this morning. Guess you were right about just needing some rest."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Trixie stuck her head out of the fridge, arms holding her breakfast as she goes along to fix it up, a small glance going to Stella. Having seen what happened between Art and her last night, she was almost concerned about her now...
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"I actually quite like those falling dreams. And yeah, the flying ones are better." Grace says finishing her cereal, then leaning into have a look as Isabella declares her sketch complete. She lets out a little "skwee" noise and goes into a small staring completion with the drawing for a while as the others talk, almost missing Stella as she zips through and on to her room. "Oh he... oh." She says cutting off as Stella escapes, and trying again when she returns. "Morning!" Grace calls, about to add more until Shoni stole the words from her mouth, and nodding instead.

'Woah, mind reader alert...' She thinks to herself as she gets up to take away her empty bowl. Returning and throwing her bag over her shoulder, while pulling out a scrap of paper to peek at. "Maths, yadda, music, yadda, art... fairly easy day..." She mutters mostly to her self.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

There's a soft chuckle from the brunette as she watches Grace and her picture. As for Stella, it's less mind reader and more a case of good timing. Listening to Grace go on about her schedule, she digs her own out, stares at it for a second, then stuffs if back into a pocket. "This is the time of year that I hate, really. I know where I'm supposed to be and I know where I'm going, but I always get that needling feeling in the back of my head that I'm in the wrong place. Could be why I skip out a lot. Forgot where I'm supposed to be." She chuckles, maybe serious about that statement, maybe not. As she takes her dishes over to the sink, she smiles at Trixie. "How's tricks?" she asks.

(Yes, she asked the last question like that on purpose, aiming for the word-play.)
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sitting down at the kitchen counter- a plate piled high with pre-cooked bacon- she gives a shrug. "Same as usual, school, clubs, wandering..."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"That I can completely understand. Wandered anywhere interesting lately?" Glancing at the clock, she finds she has enough time to wash up her dishes, shaking her sleeves back so they don't get soaked while she does so.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Nowhere too important," she said with a small shrug, mulling over her food.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho takes the short answers as a cue to let Trixie eat in peace. Glancing over at the clock, she narrowed her eyes. "I hate you," she mouthed to the timepiece, wandering over and picking up her bag. "Well, have a good day of classes, ladies. May we all survive until lunch," she chuckles and makes her way out the door, heading for her first class of the day.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Grace heads of to classes also, pausing for a moment when she gets outside. "Hmm... wonder if it'll stay like this till lunch time." She murmurs to herself glancing up at the morning sky. Then running off again down the path to the school.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

For several hours nothing noteworthy happened, until the school clock chimed for ten o'clock. Students, as well as any objects suddenly stopped moving, as if time itself had frozen and a moment later a loud explosion sounded from over by the A Building.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

From the common room, Suzy nearly fell out of her chair when the explosion went off, instead only sending her headphones to the floor. Cursing, she picked them up, and stood up to peer out of the window towards the A Building. Being only able to make out that there were some figures in the courtyard, she was about to go to her room when she noticed everyone else's movement, or rather, lack of.

"Oh hell. This is creepy... Oh hell..." She muttered, slowly making her way to the stairwell, before turning and dashing to her room.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Yume was feeling hungry, and so had come down from her room to get a late bite to eat in the communal area before bed. She strolls in a little sleepily and wanders over to the kitchen, limply waving to someone as she goes. She makes herself a sandwich, and goes to sit at a table. Casually chatting to the person across the table while she eats. It was a one sided conversation. Finishing her snack, she says goodnight to the random silent stranger and gets up. On her way out of the room she stops and double takes, something finally catching up to her. She spins around and looks over the room.

"Why is nobody moving!?"

She moves to check on the frozen people, but no one responds. She stands in the middle of the room with her hands to her face, looking round in confusion.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Sho had been reading, getting a jump start on the information in a few of her text books and an idea on what they might be covering in some of her classes this year. Not having realized so much time had passed, she leaned back in her chair, stretching from side to side. Glancing at her watch as she heard the clock beginning to chime the hour, she rubbed her eyes. Really? When had it gotten so late?

Then the explosion. Letting out a startled noise, she hurried over to the window to try and see what had just happened. Unable to make anything out, she grabbed her coat as she bolted from the room, hurrying toward the common area, likely nearly colliding with Suzy in the process.

"What happened? Any idea?" Not everyone's frozen stiff it seems.

((Missed your room post, Hero, but figure that's something feasible that could have happened before she made it upstairs.))
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

((Sure thing.))

"I don't know! Everyone's gone weird. Tell me you heard the explosion too? I think I can see what happened from my dorm, are you going outside?" Suzy said, sliding against the wall so she could avoid Sho, obviously slightly panicked.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Yume hears the talking coming from the stairs and moves to investigate. She stands at the base of the stairs looking up to the other two. The pair would recognise her as someone they'd vaguely seen around the school before. Just another student. She clears her throat and quietly says, "Uh, hi..."

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Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Suzy only glanced at Yume, saying "Hey. I don't suppose you know what's happening here? No-one is moving, except us apparently. It's both awesome, and creepy at the same time."
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

Yume stands on her spot only shaking her head and voicing a non worded sound to reply.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

"Yeah, I did and I am. Maybe you'll be able to see more from higher up," Sho briefly considers doing so from much higher up, but it's probably best if she doesn't right now. "I'll try things at ground level."

She turns at the sound of Yume's voice, Suzy getting her question out before the other girl can say anything. She does, though, believe her lack of knowledge on what's going on.

Just another day at school... She thinks blithely.

"Well, I'm heading out and over toward A. That's where it sounded like it came from. If I'm not back in five minutes...just wait longer." And with that, she's out the door, weaving past another frozen student who looked to be just returning.

This is way too weird. And Suzy's right. Creepy, too. I hope most of the others are all right. Maybe...it's just affecting the normal students? Wouldn't that be telling...

Pushing those thoughts out of her head for the time being, she races across the campus, heading for the source.
Re: Girls Dorm and Communal Room

As the girls split up Yume looks between the two wondering what to do. She didn't really feel like being left alone right now, and so springs off to follow the girl heading for A building. "Hey, I'm coming with you!" She calls out and running to catch up.