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Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic noticed how Suzy's needs were a bit on the physical side, but that wasn't how she swung. Instead, Suzy would have to settle for some valium. The medic did rub Suzy's back a bit to get her to relax, then handed over two pills and a cup of water. "Take these, it'll make you feel much better." She'd continue the massage, the pills would kick in fairly quickly, then she'd be able to focus on more important issues then babysitting.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The ginger girl twitched nervously at the medics hands rubbing up and down her back, and took the drugs eagerly, taking a mouthful of water before popping them in, and then drinking the rest.

Pretty soon, Suzy's jitters stopped, and she relaxed into a seat, sighing. Leaning back, the girl brought her hands up to cup her face, then ran them through her orange hair. "Th-thanks... Thank you... I... I didn't catch your name...?" she said slowly, looking somewhat sluggish.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"It's Fran, now hold still, I'm going to clean you up a bit." The medic had precious little water, but was using one bottles worth to clean out Suzy's hair. She slowly poored some on, then used a cloth to scrub the cum out, a bit surprised it hadn't been taken care of before now. "When you're cleaned, we'll check on how the two in the compartment over there are doing, or those that went for weapons."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy sat still as Fran washed her hair for her, blinking lazily a few times, but then her face started to flush a little red. The short woman crossed her legs, blinking embarrassedly, she was getting a little turned on. Still, she didn't want to show that now, so tried to suppress her increasingly dirty thoughts, mostly concerning Alexis. "Yeah. Um... Yeah. Wait... Rika... That... That fucking bitch, she caused all this!" Suzy muttered, suddenly standing up, and hissing. Now that she had returned to a normal state of mind, she was to her normal thinking. Alexis and Abi had to be avenged. No doubt Kita was exacting her own, but the ginger girl was counting on herself to take out the suffering of the soldiers on the blonde bitch.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The medic was a bit startled by Suzy's sudden rise. The drugs should keep her a bit loopy, but anger was probably better then how she was acting. She let the woman pace as she considered the situation. There hadn't been any gunshots for awhile, but low level yelling was still going on. "I'm sure Rika's being taken care of... perhaps we should go see how the others are doing?" There was a bit of emphasis put on "care", half malice, and half regret.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy fumed, deliberately whipping herself into more of an anger with reminders of all that the blonde bitch had done, in order to quell her sudden heightened libido. She was doing well in suppressing the dirty thoughts, but she could only blush at the feeling of herself getting slightly wet, before biting her lip, and yipping in shock, jumping slightly, and then standing still. She grumbled something incomprehensible about Rika, and then cleared her throat, saying "Yes... I... Yes, we should find Alexis, and Sara and Abi. They... I hope they found some clothes and weapons before Rika's bitches find them."

She didn't much care for what Fran thought of Rika. It seemed she didn't like her either, but was a bit softer on her than Suzy's now furious mind intended to be if she could get her hands on her. She longed for her knife, and the rest of her things, which these bastards had taken away from her.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Alright, let me just make sure they're all right in there." The medic slide down the hall and placed an ear to the door Kita was behind. Then, hearing nothing wrong apparently, returned to Suzy. "Okay, let us continue on towards the front."

The medic led the way, motioning for Suzy to stick close. They made their way along the boxes and other stores in the warehouse. They noticed a guard or two up top near the small windows lining the upper areas, but they paid no heed to the two creeping girls. Farther on where groups of guards, looking out windows on the side, talking wildly and firing a pot shot out every once in a while. They did not notice the two entering the hall with the weapons room.

The door and the end of the hall, to outside, was barricaded, and the three who'd left earlier were guarding it, clothed in various outfits. Alexis noticed them right away and came over to speak, she was dressed in a construction worker's outfit. "Huh, what are you doing here, is everything all right? Where's the new girl?" Abi and Sara both gave a look back, but focused most of their attention forward. Abi was still in her uniform and Sara was in a janitor's outfit.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy wasn't so sure about Fran's lack of concern for Kita, and was about to push open the door to see if they were alright, but the medic was already walking off, so she sighed, and hurried to catch up, her blush deepening from her sudden, and confusing horniness.

Throughout the journey, Suzy was silent, finally sinking back into her element, sneaking around happily, though still having to direct some of her willpower towards keeping her unwanted physical need in check, and at the sight of Alexis, that had to be reinforced as she resisted the urge to fling herself into the redheads arms, instead just blushing a bit more, and smiling warmly. "H-hello guys..." she murmured, looking around embarrassedly. She remembered how much trouble she'd been, and was under the impression the other girls would be at the very least annoyed with her. "Things... Things are fine, Newbie's where we left her, but... She has Rika. Bitch fell down some stairs and we captured her. I don't know what they're doing, Kita took her into a room. So... Did... I see you found clothes, but what about rifles? We, uh, we have none. Newbie has Rika's rifle, but... Yeah." Suzy continued, shrinking slightly from Alexis, hands crossing defensively over her damp crotch, accidentally pushing her chest out, she still wasn't used to the new size, which only caused her more embarrassment, being rather uncomfortable with them. By now her entire face was bright red from a combination of self-inflicted humiliation and increased libido, so she lowered it, cleaned hair flopping forwards to cover her face.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

There really wasn't much to be done for Suzy right now, as much as Alexis wanted to help, they were a bit busy. "Yeah, we have rifles." She nodded at the two by the door, Abi raised a rifle that was behind her from Suzy's point of view, she'd missed it earlier. "There's... things... out there. We aren't exactly helping these people, but this door seemed to have been forgotten. We can escape out it when everyone's ready, well, preferably when there's less monsters out there, but we could run right now if we really had to." The redhead took a moment to let her words sink in. "I don't feel safe leaving only one person guarding Rika, someone should go back, but not one of you. You need to get clothes and a rifle from the store room. Then you can take the place of whoever left at the door." She motioned at Abi, who stood up and started to make her way back to the compartment with Kita. "I dunno where our rifles went, but there's plenty of other types of weapons, like civilian rifles and some important automatic models."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy glanced back up, and nodded shyly, accompanying Fran to the armoury, and browsing. She had been in here before, but since then she'd been drugged, beaten, traumatised, raped, given birth, had her children snatched, been unable to reach them afterwards, and now she was horny for reasons unknown to her. After much looking, the short ginger girl reached up, and pulled a bolt action hunting rifle from the shelves. She really, really didn't want to have to use one of the foreign rifles, fully aware that their accuracy was, to put it bluntly, shit.

Quickly, the sniper pulled open the bolt to check the barrel was clean, and then closed it again, before beginning to gather magazines. Then, she picked up one of the handguns, glancing back at the others as she pulled back the slider, and then slipped it into one of her more secure pockets. The other remaining pockets on her cargo trousers were soon filled with magazines for both weapons, and then an additional one each to slide into both weapons, having to chamber a round for the bolt-action, but leaving it on safe, while she didn't bother letting the slider on her pistol chamber a bullet. Returning the pistol to its pocket, and satisfied, Suzy walked back out, and took the position Alexis had commanded, cradling her new rifle, and trying to avoid eye contact with the others, hanging her head still.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Fran got dressed in another janitor's uniform behind Suzy as she browsed, heading over to look at the weapons as Suzy went back in the hall. Alexis had taken up a spot near the door and motioned Suzy closer. "We're just holding it shut for now, don't want to draw attention. Stand back a ways, incase they suddenly burst through not everyone gets entangled in the mess." Later, when Fran emerged from the store room, Alexis would trade places with her, so she could talk to Suzy one on one.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

When Alexis took her to the side, Suzy blushed again, and looked at her feet, unable to control the dirty thoughts flooding her mind concerning her girlfriend. "H-h-hey, Alexis... I... Umm... I hope you're, ah, better now...? I... I'm sorry for being so awkward earlier, and for getting you all into this mess, and, um, the... The colonel person, I... I was lying about that, you know that, please? I would never do things like that, I was just trying to protect you, and Sara, and Abi, and..." she trailed off, not looking up at the redhead yet, ashamed of herself for her actions, and hunching down protectively. She obviously believed that her behaviour so far, especially concerning her children, had been embarrassing, and potentially dangerous to the group, even going so far as to think to herself that the others would actually believe she had been with White and his bastards. As she hid her face, hair covering whatever she was looking like, Alexis may have caught the glittering of a single tear falling to the floor.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis wrapped an arm around Suzy as she spoke. "To us, it was a pretty obvious lie. Besides, you'd been with us the entire time, how could you be with someone else..." To Alexis, it did not seem like Suzy was thinking straight just yet.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Finally, Suzy looked up, eyes glittering with moisture, and a tentative smile appeared on her face. "R-really? So... So... You don't hate me? I... Alexis..." she whimpered quietly, before turning towards the redhead, and trying to bring her into a hug, to nuzzle softly against Alexis' shoulder. Finally, Suzy was beginning to brighten up, even if her eyes were still wet with the threat of tears, and her enlarged bust was pressing against Alexis underneath the redheads own.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Alexis gave a weak smile. "I promise, next chance we get, we'll curl up in some nice, quiet place, and you can relax all you need to." With Suzy distracted by her own problems, Alexis spared a glance at the two manning the door. There was no telling when or how'd they get out of here, or be discovered by the guards. As much as she hated to do it, soon Suzy would have to be put in a combat situation again. "Whenever you're ready, we'll gather round and make a plan, but you can take a moment to rest now, if you need it."
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy sighed from Alexis' shoulder, and gave the redhead a small kiss on the neck. "But... What about you? I... Rika did horrible things, and... I couldn't just make myself feel better if you're feeling like shit... I'm sorry... We... Shall we talk later? I'm... I'm fine now, I just... Umm... Yeah, I can be, uh, normal now. I think. Maybe." she said softly, before releasing Alexis from the hug, mouth twitching into a small smile. She was relieved by the fact that at least her friends had seen through her lie, though she still wasn't particularly sure whether to consider Abi such. After all, she'd done some nasty things earlier. True, worse things had happened since then, but still.

Sighing again, Suzy wiped her eyes, and drew her hunting rifle again, sitting down on the table near Alexis where not so long ago, in a better time, the soldiers had sat and eaten fruit together. It was time to get back into the proper mindset for a war zone, even if the only thing she really wanted was to do what Alexis had said, and crawl into a nice, quiet corner somewhere with her love.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

"Don't worry, we'll have time later for everyone to really reflect on what happened, but if we want to get out of here, we're going to have to save ourselves. When enough of the horde outside is cleared, we'll try and make a break out this door, but untill now we'll just hide here while everyone's distracted." Alexis turned to look back into the warehouse. "I can only assume karma will catch up to Rika and her ilk."

After a few minutes of waiting, there was a burst of fire from the upstairs windows, where most of the guards were. Then Rika's sister was seen running through the warehouse towards the back.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy could only nod at Alexis' comments. She was talking sense, but the ginger girl guessed that she was hurting as bad as, if not worse than herself from her abuse. If she could get her hands on Rika after Newbie had finished with her, there'd be even more hell for the blonde to pay.

Then, a decision came up. The bitches as-of-yet unnamed sister was running across the other end of the room, and Suzy smiled, a hint of malice that she hadn't shown since before the Goodman building shining through. Next best thing, as far as she was concerned. She looked up at her love, and smiled more warmly, laying her rifle on the table as she suddenly started sprinting down the warehouse towards the other woman, pulling out her pistol as she went, flicking the safety off and pulling back the slider. She couldn't guess how trigger-happy the other woman was, so for now, better safe than sorry. As she ran, she yelled "Hey! You, stop!", hoping that at the very least the woman would halt to look, and trying to close the gap enough to slam her gun fist into the girls gut, while her other arm went to shove the woman's rifle out of harms way. If that didn't work, a knee would swiftly follow into her stomach to weaken her arms. Her pistol would only be used if the woman proved too eager to shoot, and even then, she would aim for her legs. Murder was not high on Suzy's list of priorities, but she could make a fair guess that Kita was doing unpleasant things to Rika, and it just wouldn't be fair for their fun to be interrupted, would it...?
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

The woman was in a rush, but the shout caught her off guard. She skidded to a stop and turned just in time for Suzy's fist to slam into her, causing her to drop her rifle which flew a few feet away. She fell to the ground with Suzy crashing on top of her. The woman opened to mouth to talk, but was quickly silenced by Alexis putting a hand over her mouth, who had run up behind them. "What are you thinking! They still don't know we've escaped! We have to get her over there and concealed, fast now!" The corporal spoke in a harsh whisper, clearly not happy that their cover might be blown now. The captured woman stared bug eyed at the pair, before attempting to struggle.
Re: Guns and Goths (Hero and Lurker)

Suzy quickly mounted the sisters stomach, pinning her arms to the floor, before looking up to Alexis, face paling as she realised she'd done something irrational and potentially dangerous. "I-I-I'm sorry... I just... Thought it might help, or something... I... I don't know..." she stuttered timidly, before looking back down at the woman below her. Grimacing apologetically, she moved off of her, and went to grab her legs instead, making to pick her up, blushing in shame once more. She hadn't intended to scare or annoy Alexis, though admittedly, she hadn't thought through her options beforehand. Now they had two prisoners between all of them, and likely more would come looking for them soon. This would turn sour if they weren't more careful, and the short woman could only blame herself, entirely. A thought suddenly hit her, and she looked up at Alexis again timidly. "I... This... Weren't these two, like... Uh... Big people here? Oh, shit... I'm sorry! We... Shouldn't we fetch newbie and Abi soon? Oh shitoshitoshit..." she muttered, eyes widening as possibilities ran through her head. If guards came down here, and found that they had escaped and taken hostages, they might open fire. Suzy couldn't bear the thought of anyone here being cut down because of her rashness, but for now, what was done was done. They had to sort out the mess Suzy'd made, and quickly...