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Happy New Year!

Re: Happy New Year!

I never plan on getting wasted. I plan on drinking, and allow space in the schedule for getting wasted if I think it will come up. Happy new year, eat drink and be merry.
Re: Happy New Year!

*shitfaced off his bottle of Crown Royal he's been saving*

two hours late, but who's countin, eh?

Happy friggin new year, me buckos!
Re: Happy New Year!

Just making it on to the forum now. Here's to a happy new year, even if you lot all seem to think it's going to be horrid *laughs* I brought mine in with laughter and I hope that's how the year continues for me...

Wonder if I would have thought the same wishes if we'd rung in the new year with Cthulu instead *scratches head*
Re: Happy New Year!

Happy new year or else!

It's past 10 a.m here. I had a pretty good time playing poker as our tradition goes. I didn't drink too much(I very rarely do), so I'm actually feeling pretty good right now.
Re: Happy New Year!

Happy new year people!
And good bye strongest year!
Re: Happy New Year!

Started the new year just like the year before.

Slightly pissed off and with a very annoying headache.

Happy new year everyone, I hope you all had a better time.
Re: Happy New Year!

It's the new year already?

Boy, time sure flies when one is having fun.
Re: Happy New Year!

My new year started great :3

I got to hang out with great friends, and get some hot lovin from my roommate after we got home from the party.

Slainte Mhath!!! (Slancha Va is the phonetic pronunciation. It's Gaelic for "Cheers!" or literally, "To your health")
Re: Happy New Year!

This the same roommate you keep bitching about?
Re: Happy New Year!

Yes because there's two things he's good for. Good food, and a good fuck.
Re: Happy New Year!

Sounds like you're just using him to me. Though then again he's probably just using you too.
Re: Happy New Year!

well he lost his job, so he can't pay rent. Thank God this is my Dad's place or he'd have no place to go. Since he can't, he does the dishes, cooks, cleans, and is basically the house-man.

And that was a rather caustic statement I made in my other post, let me rephrase. He's a good guy. He just has a lot of pride, and a "I'm always right" complex. He's complicated to get along with, but we have fun hanging out and watching movies. It's just when he tries to tell me how to fix my problems, and goes about it in the worst way, that's when we have problems. And most of the time, I'm bitching just to bitch, cause i can't talk to anyone else about it.

He and i are good friends, we're just too alike and we get on each other's nerves a lot.

did that make any sense?
Re: Happy New Year!

Kinda, though you have to remember most men are prideful, and they aren't gonna back down so easily. Well, men who aren't spineless and whipped that is XD
Re: Happy New Year!

I know, and it's taking a little getting used to.

anyway, back on topic:

Anyone got any resolutions for this year?

I'm resolving to eat healthier and lose some belly fat, and to feel better about myself. And to write more in my book, and my short stories. I want my anthology finished by the end of this year. lol, and to make good grades and get a job xD
Re: Happy New Year!

anyway, back on topic:

Anyone got any resolutions for this year?

make good grades, eat more, save the world, read more hentai, buy some videogames, finish them, give free hugs.

i will try to make more later
Re: Happy New Year!

I never plan on getting wasted. I plan on drinking, and allow space in the schedule for getting wasted if I think it will come up. Happy new year, eat drink and be merry.

Newbie, you have awesome quotes.

As for the people talking 'bout more smexings, I started the new year by loosing my virginity. Or at least I think so, I didn't have time to finish 'cause her mother interrupted us.
Mother was all:
Knock, knock, can I come in?
I just said: No.

Heh, and the last time we were having fun her sister came in.

Gonna be some fun times methinks.
Re: Happy New Year!

yay for you wonderboy :)

And my new year's resolution is I'm gonna work harder at uni, because otherwise I'm gonna fall massively behind again.
Re: Happy New Year!

Good call, that.

My resolution is to keep doing what I've been doing: working out, watching what I eat, and just get more enjoyment out of life.

Maybe play the lotto more so I can prove that being rich will not change who I am *laughs*
Re: Happy New Year!

You know, when you get down to the base maths and statistics, the lotto is no different to a common slot machine. A very high jackpot, low buy in, impossibly small win chance... slot machine.

Maybe one of my new year resolutions should be to stop being such a kill joy... >_>