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Re: Hate Thread

It could also be some home-made collapsible rake.

In other news, I hate when I start hiccuping for no reason, and then cannot stop hiccuping.
Re: Hate Thread

It could also be some home-made collapsible rake.

In other news, I hate when I start hiccuping for no reason, and then cannot stop hiccuping.

Ugh. Hiccups suck. And, strange but true, I've found that if holding your breath doesn't work, either try pressing a finger on that bit of of your lip just below your nose or pull at your earlobe a few times. Nine times out of ten, those work for me. It's very weird, but it works.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate staying awake thinking thoughts better left unthought.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to find an appropriate thread to reintroduce myself...
Re: Hate Thread

I think somewhere far away, I just heard Obe and Mo cry.

Welcome back though.
Re: Hate Thread

AI, how we've longed your touch,
Without you, how we grieved so much,
I dearly hope I won't be of bother,
Welcome back our queen and mother.

(This was over the top wasn't it?)
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate not being able to find an appropriate thread to reintroduce myself...

Excuse me.

Re: Hate Thread

So you introduce yourself in the Hate Thread.

Re: Hate Thread

In addition: I also hate when people misuse the word irony, or ironic.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when it rains hail. Ever get hit on the head by a piece of ice from the sky?
Re: Hate Thread

...I hate four hour math classes that lead into a three hour art lab, followed by no less than one hour of either psychology class or an hour and a half of english...
...then after that having to go to work, only to return and find my x bawks download is only at 23 % completion...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate when it rains hail. Ever get hit on the head by a piece of ice from the sky?

Yes, but hail had nothing to do with it.

I hate when it rains for several hours at a time.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the mining minigame in Mass Effect 2. It is, without a doubt, the worst gameplay mechanic I have ever been made to sit through. I can almost guarantee that around half of the time it takes me to beat the game is going to be spent doing the horrid, bland, boring, and pointless mining, just so I don't have to play through the game more than once to get most of the achievements. Which will, ironically, ensure that I don't do a second play through like I did for the first game.

One would think that, after spending billions to duct tape him back together, get him a crew, and give him a space ship, that they could make an automated system for the god damn resource gathering, but noooooooooo. The commander has to shoot probes at the planet according to an illegible chart and the controller vibration to gather resources. Fuck you Bioware, for throwing something completely pointless into an otherwise excellent game that effortlessly destroys the flow of the gameplay and the story.

I played and beat the first Mass Effect four times. I even managed to sit through Dragon Age twice. I'm not even sure if I'm going to be able to finish Mass Effect 2, thanks entirely to the mining system. That's how bad it is. And yes, I know you don't have to actually get every planet down to depletion, or even do it at all.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate serious business on the forum :/