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Re: Hate Thread

You gotta give them a little leeway. While there are better power metal bands(like Avantasia and Sonata Arctica and...), it's still better than listening My Chemical Romance and saying that it's metal. Dragonforce is easy to listen to and in the end it brings more people to listen to good metal.

I hate mainstream rap music.

There's an Indie Hip Hop artist that I'm really into right now, his name is Outasight, check his shit out. Some pretty good stuff in there, and the best description I could find of him was "Coldplay meets Hip Hop".

And yeah, I'll take any Dragonforce song over most pop that's playing on the radio waves these days...(though I do enjoy that song "Run This Town" with Rihanna and Jay-Z, if only because it was featured on the Super Bowl with Es Posethumus.)

I hate that people don't get the reference whenever I shout "Tits!" instead of "dammit" or "fuck".
Re: Hate Thread

Just to get the thread back on track...

I hate rap. And any other music style which disdains such an effete concept as "melody".
Re: Hate Thread

Depends on the 'rapper' for me. The only reason I hate a lot of the rap songs that I do is because they don't actually rap, they just string cuss words together and put music in the background. The sad part is, people buy the shit.
Re: Hate Thread

I'm starting to hate on people that diss other people's music.

"I hate country!" So? There are people out there that enjoy that shit. Keep it to yourself. Same with every other goddamn music genre, INCLUDING Rap, Metal, Pop, and every other fucking genre out there.

Yeah, some people buy a string of swear words that degenerate women. I listen to minute long guitar solos. We all have our tastes.
Re: Hate Thread

I wouldn't say I hate rap... more like I don't consider it to be music. Most of it, anyway. But I haven't come up with an argument against the simple fact that drum solo music doesn't have a melody either, and if you've never heard good african or Japanese drum groups, that is definitely music - and good music at that (maybe you can come up with a rebuttal to that, DeMatt). I do, however, hate listening to it - it just sounds like noise to me.

The funny thing is, our taste in music is of course determined by genetics - which is, no racial slur intended, why a lot of black people like rap. Their (African) ancestors liked banging on drums, too. And a strong rhythm is integral to rap. So they're basically just enjoying an evolution of what their ancestors did as well. Both my parents were classical music junkies - dad played classical guitar for a living and mom could have easily been famous with her flute. So although I have a taste in metal, it's all symphonic - I love the oomph a full orchestra gives it.

So I'm sort of with you, Mo, and I'm sort of against you. You might consider, though, trying to understand the fact that they're probably not actually saying "I hate country," but that they're actually saying "I hate listening to country," which of course is just them expressing their taste in music, and nothing to get a bellyache over. If they're actually saying they hate the concept of the genre of music, though, fuck them, I'm right there with you.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate everything and everyone.

*goes to a plastic knife factory*
Re: Hate Thread

I hate that inspiration always seems to hit me when I'm tired. Seriously, sometimes I think that it would be impossible to do anything creative before the sun has gone down.
Re: Hate Thread

I've come to accept that as just the way that I am. What's worse than having it hit when you're tired is having it hit when you can't exactly do anything to transfer your inspiration to something outside of your brain before you lose it.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the people that run my state.

Goddamn fucking budget cut is going to kill this state. Stupid Governor. "Oh we have a deficit! I wonder where we can pull money from... Hrmmm.... Oh! Lets pull from education so they have to fire teachers, cut majors, cut funding for hospitals and veterinary clinics, pretty much kill the primary schools, and cut the programs which make kids WANT to get an education. Piffle, who needs education anyway. Derp a derp!"

One reason I'm glad I'm not a Geology major anymore, because it's getting the Shaft and discarded.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the people that run my state.

Goddamn fucking budget cut is going to kill this state. Stupid Governor. "Oh we have a deficit! I wonder where we can pull money from... Hrmmm.... Oh! Lets pull from education so they have to fire teachers, cut majors, cut funding for hospitals and veterinary clinics, pretty much kill the primary schools, and cut the programs which make kids WANT to get an education. Piffle, who needs education anyway. Derp a derp!"

One reason I'm glad I'm not a Geology major anymore, because it's getting the Shaft and discarded.

Really? What a bunch of dicks.
Re: Hate Thread

And long with the annihilation of the education budget, roads and other infrastructure are still left to fucking rot, while the asinine pieces of selfish garbage that make all the decisions are still giving themselves pay raises, along with all of their friends, relatives, associates, and limo drivers, even though they all already make somewhere over 100k a year with full health benefits. That include fucking cosmetic surgery.

America Today: Land of the Comically Feudalistic. Thanks a lot, Reagan and Bush.
Re: Hate Thread

To be fair,
the current administration is not really assisting much in that...
for example, the slice of the stimulus bill that was aimed at creating jobs in California...turns out a hefty portion of that went into keeping some marsh mouse from dying out...

Currently I am RAGING at my school's random cutting and placements of academic probation...
Mostly due to being placed on probation myself...despite having no grades less than a solid B last semester...
Schools freak'n hate me...

pic related...
The last year for me in a nutshell...

Re: Hate Thread

Well, if the government keeps dicking over the middle class too much, we might have to have ourselves a good ol'-fashioned 750 BCE Greece tyrrany revolt. Just keep the Draconian bastards away from power afterwards.

Yeah, I'm having fun with my HIST-121 class lately :p
Re: Hate Thread

I'm starting to hate on people that diss other people's music.

You used to do that all of the time. Getting soft, are you?

I hate waiting for people to fill up slots on tf2lobby. This is mostly from highlander. Then after one full round, half of the people leave and we decide to make a new game and wait some more. I'd stick to 6v6 but those are a bit more serious and the players are a bit better.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate deadlines. Especially when I set them myself. Yesterday I wrote almost 500 words with no problem and stopped because I didn't know how long the text was going to be and didn't want to end up with 1000 word blog post, so I decided that I'd continue today. Today I'm supposed to also write 500 words or until it's finished, whichever comes first. That is not what is happening right now.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the tasteless, bland, dry and uninteresting, sorry excuse for rice that's being sold in a lot of places... Proper rice has flavor...
Re: Hate Thread

thats why god invented chicken stock.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate me. I've sloth and responsibility in the worst possible combination, such that my inaction leads to problems that I refuse to ask help for because I know they're my own damn fault. Now If you'll excuse me, I've got to write an 8 page research paper in as many hours.