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Re: Hate Thread

Eh. I have an LG right now, and the battery is ASS. It lasts for about a day when fully charged. After 24 hours, it'll last another 24 IF I don't make a call. If I do make a call, I can talk for about 5 minutes before the phone dies completely.
Also, I can't change the time to a 24-hour clock. I like my 24-hour clock, damn it.
Re: Hate Thread

Eh. I have an LG right now, and the battery is ASS. It lasts for about a day when fully charged. After 24 hours, it'll last another 24 IF I don't make a call. If I do make a call, I can talk for about 5 minutes before the phone dies completely.
Also, I can't change the time to a 24-hour clock. I like my 24-hour clock, damn it.

Yeah, I'm in the same boat.

Mine also fails at connecting to my computer. The drivers weren't on the phone, so I had to download it, and then they didn't work anyways.
Re: Hate Thread

Just sitting around spacing out. Then out of nowhere, coughing up acid and running to the bathroom. And then I couldn't stop coughing for like 5 minutes...God it burned so bad...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate this announcement:

"Machine Of Death 2: I'm putting together a book of short stories with some of my friends! The last one went to #1 on Amazon and was awesome. We're accepting stories from everyone - you should write one and send it in! The deadline is July 15, 2011."

For the past about two weeks I've been reading dinosaur comics and that's right there, at the bottom of any other announcements. I checked the first book, and the few stories I read were totally rad! And I really want to write a story for it. But! It feels as if there's a great idea just within my reach. And every time I try to reach for it, I get some other idea and it takes me a while to realize that it's not the one I want. So I discard it and try again. No big deal. Only, there's this announcement nagging me every time I read a comic. So I still thinks it's awesome, but at the same time I think "Fuck this! I'm sick and tired of that announcement nagging me!" It's really frustrating, guys!

And on top of that all, my writing style is current way heavily influenced by R. North(I must've overdosed on Dinosaur Comics. And I can't stop until I've finished reading the archive!), so I'm not sure I could even write it that well.

Hmm. "Rage"? Maybe that could work...
Re: Hate Thread

I innocently keep my laptop on my floor, as that way no one trip over wires or anything, and so it doesn't set anything on fire. Someone decided they were gonna step on my laptop. I now have half a screen, with an indistinguishable mess on the lower half. No one will confess. I can't afford a new computer! Besides, even if I could afford a fix, it would be quite interesting explaining the files on my computer that I acquired from this website... So I guess I will prolly be on less frequently...
Re: Hate Thread

Well... that's a bastard move. Can't even admit it...
Re: Hate Thread

Well, I just discovered this site called screentekinc.com... I can get a new LCD for 111 dollars if i can just wait til Monday... Sigh. Until then, iPod it is...
Re: Hate Thread

People who think I give a shit about their trollish behavior.

Moar neg rep, asshole. Fill the bar and watch what happens.
Re: Hate Thread

But you hate them... so you care?
Re: Hate Thread

Nah. I posted in the wrong thread. I was thinking about just posting my recent neg with the explanation, but this seemed like it would be more effective.

At least I'm asking for it this time. ;)
Re: Hate Thread

What was the neg rep you got?
Re: Hate Thread

Ummmm, idk. I've had a bunch that just felt rather biased (as if one dude is wailing on me). Probably not the case, since I do come off as an asshat.

In case... my most recent was...

shut up
Re: Hate Thread

Ha, that thread. I was thinking about writing a scathing post about it but then realised it would just draw attention to an otherwise useless thread so I didn't bother.

Yes people, I am learning.

And no, it wasn't me who -rep'd you. I'd have posted what I would've said in the comment.
Re: Hate Thread

I could care less. You guys seriously need to do me the favor of maxing out my neg rep. PLEASE DO IT!

I can be the example to the entire forum of why no one should care about the rep system. =3
Re: Hate Thread

The only problem is, people asking for it usually get offensive and annoying, and that's when moderation steps in. It's like being cool in high school. You can't just say you're cool or else everyone hates you. If you don't care about the reputation and people still hate you, you're a geek everyone ignores. If you don't care about the reputation dropping and keep the lashing out, you're the loser who keeps getting sent to the office. You can only start being cool by pretending you don't care if you're cool or not, and start wearing leather jackets and leaning against lockers during class periods.

... I like 80's movies.
Re: Hate Thread

Ah, but first I have to give a damn for those points to even be relevant.

I think my sig sums it up nicely. Time to move on.
Re: Hate Thread

The only problem is, people asking for it usually get offensive and annoying, and that's when moderation steps in. It's like being cool in high school. You can't just say you're cool or else everyone hates you. If you don't care about the reputation and people still hate you, you're a geek everyone ignores. If you don't care about the reputation dropping and keep the lashing out, you're the loser who keeps getting sent to the office. You can only start being cool by pretending you don't care if you're cool or not, and start wearing leather jackets and leaning against lockers during class periods.

... I like 80's movies.

Re: Hate Thread

I could care less. You guys seriously need to do me the favor of maxing out my neg rep. PLEASE DO IT!

I can be the example to the entire forum of why no one should care about the rep system. =3

It's "I couldn't care less" you uneducated piece of shit. Christ, such a simple phrase and fuckwits like you can't even grasp it.

And the way you advertise that you don't care about the rep system while borderline begging people to -rep you stinks of you being an attention seeking whore. It's like Toxic said, if you really didn't care about it you wouldn't mention it at all.
Re: Hate Thread


See, and now you're cool