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Re: Hate Thread

So I got neg-repped because some word-nazi was correct...

Fine, whatever.. Enjoy your f*cked up victory, I was just trying to convey that I was GOOD at something that I thought I was good at and I thought using the word "Professional" would be nice... But I guess in these parts that's asking too much...

I guess next time I make a post I'll make sure to fucking open a new tab to wikipedia and make sure EVERY WORD I TYPE MEANS EXACTLY WHAT I HOPE IT MEANS..

Oh wait.... I forgot... I don't cater to word-nazis.... I'm sorry... This isn't going to work out...

Thanks for giving me one more thing to hate and the LOMA one more reason to annoy me.

(LOMA is the name I gave to any person who negreps me/others over something petty or childish and doesn't put their name in it.
It stands for "League of Mysterious Assholes")


(Or maybe you should just not use words if you don't know what they mean. You know, to make you appear less like an idiot.) - LOMA strikes again...
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Re: Hate Thread

Never at any point did I personally criticize you, in fact, I complimented you. I'm just pointing out that there is one point with which you're wrong. I understand the impulse to get all defensive when somebody attacks you, but there's seriously no need for you to get uppity with me, so just simmer the fuck down.

And as for being a "Word-Nazi", you can suck my dick. My response may have been pedantic, but it's perfectly legitimate. You're the one who said that "Professional means so-and-so blah blah blah". Guess what, you corrected somebody and you were wrong. I have to pay for that sort of shit, so do you.

If you don't want somebody to correct you, verify your data before you make your reply. And further more, the part of his criticism you should have defended against is the first part: "You're making out like it's a big deal or something." Which you personally said you were more or less expecting in the first place.

And this thing about LOMA? I might be an Asshole, but there's nothing mysterious about the way I approach people, you fucking windmill son of a bitch. AND FURTHER MORE, to clarify, I didn't negrep you at any point. Not even now, after you've already assumed that I have and attacked me.
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Re: Hate Thread

LOMA - "any person who negreps me/others over something petty or childish and doesn't put their name in it."

Didn't say that was you, infact I never assumed it was, and I knew for a fact it wasn't you, because if it was you, I'm pretty sure you would have the class to stick your name on it.. I knew you were better than that, apparently you didn't think I knew you were, though, from one knight to another, I can't help but feel disappointed that you'd think so lowly of me...

Not to mention, yeeesh, calm down, 4/5 of what I said was NOT directed towards you, mr.defencive.. It was directed towards the OTHER word-nazis.. Y'know.. The ones who, unlike you, are cowards and decide to neg-rep shamelessly instead of directly opposing me with their opinions.

See, this is why people get neg-repped/barked at for petty shit.. They think someone is being an asshole when in reality it's just a simple misunderstanding of the one who thinks he's being blatantly insulted..

*glances around nervously and is reminded of past*

.... That goes for me too...
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Re: Hate Thread

The context made it look different, but I guess it's my bad that I had assumed. Oh well, I'd suggest using the Rep/Hilarity thread for that kind of thing rather than the hate thread, though both are appropriate in their own ways.

Anyhow, I believe you're receiving flack because of your like for doing what you do. I kind of think it's a little strange that somebody would put that much effort into Hentai Game distribution, but I'm certainly not complaining, and I don't understand why other people would complain about it either.

Anyways, if you enjoy doing what you're doing, just do it for yourself, you don't need approval or anything. And considering the subject, you probably won't get it from somebody, unless it's anonymously.
Re: Hate Thread

You seem to have over-inflated the importance of what you do. You're handing out porno-games, not life-saving medicine. You've even created your own version of the league of super evil, which in reality is probably just one dude that doesn't like you. That's why you're getting neg-repped in all likelyhood. Don't get me wrong, what you do is nice and beneficial to the forums,( and appreaciated, that's why your rep isn't completely red) just your view on it is lacking a little perspective.
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Re: Hate Thread

So I got neg-repped because some word-nazi was correct...

Fine, whatever.. Enjoy your f*cked up victory, I was just trying to convey that I was GOOD at something that I thought I was good at and I thought using the word "Professional" would be nice... But I guess in these parts that's asking too much...

I guess next time I make a post I'll make sure to fucking open a new tab to wikipedia and make sure EVERY WORD I TYPE MEANS EXACTLY WHAT I HOPE IT MEANS..

Oh wait.... I forgot... I don't cater to word-nazis.... I'm sorry... This isn't going to work out...

Thanks for giving me one more thing to hate and the LOMA one more reason to annoy me.

(LOMA is the name I gave to any person who negreps me/others over something petty or childish and doesn't put their name in it.
It stands for "League of Mysterious Assholes")


(Or maybe you should just not use words if you don't know what they mean. You know, to make you appear less like an idiot.) - LOMA strikes again...

Some word nazi? That's like half the forum, bro. Which is weird....for a forum of porn.....
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Re: Hate Thread

I think we all know who the grammar nazi is, i've recieved more than one neg rep from him myself. Oh wait i'm the only one who can see who neg repped them, maybe i'll hold a poll to see if i should reveal their name?
Re: Hate Thread

Who could it possibly be? We must form an investigative committee to determine the identity of this most heinous individual. To the windmill!
Re: Hate Thread

I'll openly admit to negrepping for bad spelling. Mostly when the person in question could spell correctly, but chooses not to out of sloth. But I certainly don't do it often.

Completely uncalled for.

Well so are lazy assholes who refuse to respect the English Language. SO THERE.
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Re: Hate Thread

I just read a comment on cracked.com in which a commenter used "they're" wrong and right in the very same comment. For a split second, I wanted to strangle him.
Re: Hate Thread

yay, im not the only one with murderous blood-rage moments~
Re: Hate Thread

x.x Gotta take Stormy back to the Vet. This is just great. Her surgery site is painful and swollen. Eff my life

EDIT: Oh, so it wasn't painful and swollen? She just hates Kippah and needs to be on the feline version of Zoloft? wonderful
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Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate?... Being "The bad guy"...

My older sister "found" this puppy in our front yard, and decided to keep it..

Well, after a few weeks of the puppy tearing up the carpet, our shoes, and shitting EVERYWHERE, my family has had enough, but my sister still passionately defends this puppy, even though she doesn't have the responsibility (or the time) to take care of it..

This wouldn't be so bad.. Except my sister, well.. She's got anger issues..
Thankfully most of the time she's all bark and no bite, but if she gets mad
enough, the porcelain goes flying..

I volunteered to take care of this mess, since my parents were the same way (all bitc- I mean bark, and no bite).. In doing so, I waited for her to come home, stepped up to her, and said "You have a week to give that puppy a new home, or else I'm personally getting rid of it.."...

Now here I am in my room, wondering if she's gonna bust in any second with a gun or a bat screaming threats to call the cops or kill me...

I love that puppy just as much as she does.. But she absolutely refuses to take care of it, and pins both responsibility and blame on everyone else..

I can't help but question if what I did was right or wrong, but I based my decision on the future results.. She will either get rid of the dog, or I will.. And either way, she will bitterly hate me (which is no problem, she already did) and she'll only be sad for about the same amount of time she spent with that puppy before she lost interest, so all in all, it's a sound decision...

Either way, I can't say I feel guilty.. .. I just feel bad that I had to break it to her so bluntly...

Oh well, this probably isn't the best place to whine about my woes like this to..
Re: Hate Thread

You know what I hate?... Being "The bad guy"...

My older sister "found" this puppy in our front yard, and decided to keep it..

Well, after a few weeks of the puppy tearing up the carpet, our shoes, and shitting EVERYWHERE, my family has had enough, but my sister still passionately defends this puppy, even though she doesn't have the responsibility (or the time) to take care of it..

This wouldn't be so bad.. Except my sister, well.. She's got anger issues..
Thankfully most of the time she's all bark and no bite, but if she gets mad
enough, the porcelain goes flying..

I volunteered to take care of this mess, since my parents were the same way (all bitc- I mean bark, and no bite).. In doing so, I waited for her to come home, stepped up to her, and said "You have a week to give that puppy a new home, or else I'm personally getting rid of it.."...

Now here I am in my room, wondering if she's gonna bust in any second with a gun or a bat screaming threats to call the cops or kill me...

I love that puppy just as much as she does.. But she absolutely refuses to take care of it, and pins both responsibility and blame on everyone else..

I can't help but question if what I did was right or wrong, but I based my decision on the future results.. She will either get rid of the dog, or I will.. And either way, she will bitterly hate me (which is no problem, she already did) and she'll only be sad for about the same amount of time she spent with that puppy before she lost interest, so all in all, it's a sound decision...

Either way, I can't say I feel guilty.. .. I just feel bad that I had to break it to her so bluntly...

Oh well, this probably isn't the best place to whine about my woes like this to..

No offense, but what a bitch.
Re: Hate Thread

Sounds like my type of gal.
Re: Hate Thread

Sponge, as long as you're finding it a home or taking it to a shelter where it's sure to be adopted then she can't be mad at you for too long. At least you're giving it a chance.

I don't know you very well, but you don't seem like the kind of guy that would ties it up in a burlap sack and drop it in a river or just throw it back out onto the street. At least I hope you aren't that kind of guy.

On that note, I hate animal abusers. Putting a lit firecracker in a dogs mouth and then taping the dog's mouth shut so you can watch it explode is sick and inhuman. Tying a dog to a car and dragging it down the road is SICK. And tossing your roommate's cat into and oven and turning the thing up to 400 degrees because you're mad is ... I don't even have words for how wrong it is. The same goes for that guy who put his cat in a spacebag and sucked all the air out.

Re: Hate Thread

The people on fake tv shows tell me that that level of animal abuse is a sign of psychopathy.
Re: Hate Thread

Sponge, as long as you're finding it a home or taking it to a shelter where it's sure to be adopted then she can't be mad at you for too long. At least you're giving it a chance.

I don't know you very well, but you don't seem like the kind of guy that would ties it up in a burlap sack and drop it in a river or just throw it back out onto the street. At least I hope you aren't that kind of guy.

On that note, I hate animal abusers. Putting a lit firecracker in a dogs mouth and then taping the dog's mouth shut so you can watch it explode is sick and inhuman. Tying a dog to a car and dragging it down the road is SICK. And tossing your roommate's cat into and oven and turning the thing up to 400 degrees because you're mad is ... I don't even have words for how wrong it is. The same goes for that guy who put his cat in a spacebag and sucked all the air out.


Re: Hate Thread

Well, I'm not the type of guy who would tie the dog up and throw it in a river, but it's not like I have a car to take it to anywhere far. My parents are on my side on this one, so hopefully THEY can give me a ride to dump it off in a healthy-looking neighborhood where the dog will wander off into someone ELSE'S house "accidentally" and they can take care of it..

And yeah I hate people who abuse animals too...

I used to do a lot of that when I was younger, though, and I've never forgiven myself for it..
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