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Re: Hate Thread

I hate that people are still convinced that planes never actually hit on 9/11 and that The Bush Administration planted and set off bombs to... -stares- "make money by starting a war with people who never did anything wrong."

Good lord. I really don't want to live on this planet anymore.

Unfortunately, for most of us, dealing with stupid people is part of our job. I confess that I sometimes grow impatient at a lack of good grammar and punctuation when I read documents. I hate seeing or hearing mistakes like "should of," or "then" confused with "than." It bothers me when words are clearly misspelled in a world where the word processor underlines mistakes FOR you.

You're talking about TRUE stupidity, though, which is one reason I'm extremely grateful that I no longer work retail. It boggles me how many people believe that the Holocaust was a Jewish conspiracy, or that there was a 9/11 conspiracy beyond a bunch of religious extremists plotting to send a message of terror and hatred.

The Holocaust was real.
Islamic terrorists were responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center.
Elvis, the King, is dead. (Long Live the Boss.)
Re: Hate Thread

Unfortunately, for most of us, dealing with stupid people is part of our job. I confess that I sometimes grow impatient at a lack of good grammar and punctuation when I read documents. I hate seeing or hearing mistakes like "should of," or "then" confused with "than." It bothers me when words are clearly misspelled in a world where the word processor underlines mistakes FOR you.

You're talking about TRUE stupidity, though, which is one reason I'm extremely grateful that I no longer work retail. It boggles me how many people believe that the Holocaust was a Jewish conspiracy, or that there was a 9/11 conspiracy beyond a bunch of religious extremists plotting to send a message of terror and hatred.

The Holocaust was real.
Islamic terrorists were responsible for blowing up the World Trade Center.
Elvis, the King, is dead. (Long Live the Boss.)
No, sir. Elvis is not dead, he just went home.
Re: Hate Thread

Just to reiterate: I fucking HATE getting up early.
Re: Hate Thread

Debated whether to put this here or in the rant thread, then decided here, since ultimately, I hate when this happens.

Copper has been at her job for several months now. Copper has a pretty set schedule (9-6, M-F). The ONE WEEKEND I am COUNTING on my schedule being the way it usually falls, is, of course, the ONE WEEKEND they decide to schedule me. Now, granted this is not an earth shattering development, but at the same time, it's fucking annoying. And it happens ALL THE TIME. My last job, I work the 6-2 shift on Tuesdays for six months. I schedule my dentist appointment for Tuesday afternoon because hey, I'm working until 2. Nope. That's the day they decide to give my shift to the new girl. Doesn't matter that I constantly had the set-up for my department done in two and a half hours (they allotted roughly 4 for weekly set up), nope, they swap me out.

And now this. And what makes it even more fun is the guy that normally works weekends is the one taking the time off, but he didn't have Sunday (which is the day I really really wanted off) up on the calendar until I mentioned something about his not working on Saturday. *bangs head*

I might be able to get around it. The other girl that works days with me might be able to come in and cover for me for the rest of the afternoon so I can go do my thing, but still, it's just annoying as hell. So, I've decided not to leave anything to chance and even request off for when I need the weekends any more, especially during the summer, I guess. blah.
Re: Hate Thread

You ever have multiple tabs open and are switching back and forth between them when you close one by accident?

And it was a long ass video, and you don't have your spot so now you're going to have to start from the beginning again because you clicked the wrong goddamn half inch of screen.
Re: Hate Thread

First I wake up at 5 am to throw up. Then, diarrhea.

I fucking hate food poisoning.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh ugh. That sucks, Spider. Been there. Not fun.

Me, I hate idiots. Particularly idiots that think it's fun to throw egg onto the windshields of cars. Was late to work today because I had to scrub the stuff off.


Also, people that think it's perfectly acceptable to come to the CLOSED drive-thru window and go "But can I..." "No!" or come in at 5:30 when the Pharmacy closes at 6 and want their prescription done NOW. *bangs head*
Re: Hate Thread

Fucking Smough and Ornstein, man.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate people who open the door a considerable amount, AND THEN KNOCK.
No, knocking on the door after it's half-way open does NOT make it alright.
Re: Hate Thread


And the fact that he freaking likes Hot sauce. He was licking the stuff out of the bottle. wtf.
Re: Hate Thread


And the fact that he freaking likes Hot sauce. He was licking the stuff out of the bottle. wtf.

good lord... i thought the hotsauce was failsafe. I assume you used the hottest.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh ugh. That sucks, Spider. Been there. Not fun.

Me, I hate idiots. Particularly idiots that think it's fun to throw egg onto the windshields of cars. Was late to work today because I had to scrub the stuff off.


Also, people that think it's perfectly acceptable to come to the CLOSED drive-thru window and go "But can I..." "No!" or come in at 5:30 when the Pharmacy closes at 6 and want their prescription done NOW. *bangs head*

You know what I prefer to put on my windshield after someone eggs it? The person who egged it. (Though generally this would involve catching said asshole in the act.)
Re: Hate Thread

good lord... i thought the hotsauce was failsafe. I assume you used the hottest.

Tobasco. Good ol' tobasco. Gonna have to go get some made with ghost chilies or some shit
Re: Hate Thread

Tobasco blows.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate breed specific legislature.

I cannot express how much I hate it.

Re: Hate Thread

I hate breed specific legislature.

I cannot express how much I hate it.

I concur. This law is rubbish. I can understand the rationale behind banning animals that have a genetic disposition towards violence, and I can certainly agree with not allowing people with a criminal record from owning such pets. That said, this is a case in which a poorly written and executed law has made a victim of an innocent creature.

In the proper dispensation of justice, there are times when innocents must suffer. If we ensured that we never harmed an innocent in our attempts to punish the wicked, we would never punish anyone... and there would be no law, no safeguard from dystopian anarchy.

This is not one of those times. This is a case in which the law and justice stand in direct opposition. It WAS an opportunity for a good judge to have the courage to look beyond the letter of the law, which is at best inadequate and at worst evil. It now falls to the citizens of Ireland to put enough pressure on their representation to change this legislature, before there are many more victims.
Re: Hate Thread

So Lennox was taken away simply for being "pit bull like"? That's it? Wow
Re: Hate Thread

The word use is discomforting... continuously using the word 'destroy' as if that takes away from the fact that this dog is going to be killed for looking like a breed that can be violent.

Also, that the family isn't even able to say their goodbyes is disheartening.