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Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I see no relation between the two situations, politics breeds enemies, soldiering breeds brothers... (all this is entirely platonic)


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Regardless of how advanced you perceived roman society to be has little to no relation to the subject of how soldiers would react when faced with decimation.

Just because the Roman's used a judicial system doesn't mean they were any more civil than you or i, they murdered Caesar on the senate floor for Christ sakes and in much the same way as i had described. no apologies, no regrets, just a knife in the guts.

If the most civil and intelligent of roman's were willing to commit murder because they were being oppressed by a tyrant, think of what a common soldier would have done when it was his life on the line.
Julius Caesar was the leader of the Roman Republic. His assassination led to many civil wars and the ascension of his... nephew I think, as the first Roman Emperor.

Have you read the wiki article on him? He was actually a pretty good guy. Wanted to build a Library to rival Alexandria. The wiki also says "Caesar is deemed to be one of the greatest military commanders of history." He wasn't a tyrant at all. He was especially popular with the middle and lower classes. His assassination was done by men who wanted his position and the ability to destroy the unification he was working towards.

Learning things about the man I never knew, today. Huh. He wanted all in the Conquered Roman lands to be citizens.

And Nunu has the point. Political enemies will do anything for power. I can't pretend to know anything about soldiers though, considering I've never been one. Maybe someone who has should comment on the situation?


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

politics breeds enemies, soldiering breeds brothers... (all this is entirely platonic)
That's a pretty forced arguement and an even more egregious blanket statement.

Julius Caesar was the leader of the Roman Republic. His assassination led to many civil wars and the ascension of his... nephew I think, as the first Roman Emperor.

Have you read the wiki article on him? He was actually a pretty good guy. Wanted to build a Library to rival Alexandria. The wiki also says "Caesar is deemed to be one of the greatest military commanders of history." He wasn't a tyrant at all. He was especially popular with the middle and lower classes. His assassination was done by men who wanted his position and the ability to destroy the unification he was working towards.
Regardless of his perceived benevolence, he was a tyrant. he took control of the senate and made himself a dictator, using his popularity as an excuse to do whatever he wanted. Rome was a republic and the people who murdered him were justified in doing so in order to restore their power.

I'm not saying it's right or wrong, good or bad; those are opinions. i only brought it up as an example of Roman violence and how even the most civilized roman took it upon themselves to do it without remorse.

And Nunu has the point. Political enemies will do anything for power. I can't pretend to know anything about soldiers though, considering I've never been one. Maybe someone who has should comment on the situation?
Politics is a game compared to a dire situation such as decimation, like anything competitive, politics can be ruthless, in Caesars case he was murdered over politics.

As for someone commenting on being a soldier, their opinion wouldent help much in this arguement, my argument is that roman soldiers were ruthless enough to kill their comrades without much remorse which has no barring on modern soldiers.

its not like anyone has personally spoken to or observed the actions of a disgraced roman soldier.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Since you're only interested in throwing your opinion out there for the world to see without even considering others' I'll just keep the writing to myself when I finish it.

A friend of mine things homosexuality is a sin, apparently. However this friend... she's teased me before. Invited me to have sex with her. I've rebuffed her advances, because... Ben. Monogamy. Things of that nature.

Anyway. I hate hypocrites like her.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Hey now, let's not be judgmental. Maybe she wants to do it BECAUSE it's a sin and she really wants to go to hell.

"Gay sex is bad! Gay sex is bad? PUSSYFUCK ME, CHIBI!"


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Maybe she likes to Sin Chibi? Heh, that came out kind of funny.

And Serifyn, you really have no idea on the ties that soldiers build with each other, especially through times of war, and you really have no idea what a modern battlefield is like if you think modern soldiers can't relate to the Roman soldiers on the aspect of war. Sure we may not be decimated by our own commanders, but war is still war, and taking human life is still taking human life.

I can imagine that if from an army of soldiers who have fought and bled together were forced to kill one of their own, his friends would not like to do it but have little choice in the matter (the alternative is a better legion would probly come in and crucify all of them). It wouldn't be relief, there'd be horror on their faces. As for the man getting killed, the Roman's were enough about honor that he'd probly be able to face it well enough to restore his family's name.

Even cowards wouldn't find it easy to kill their friends.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Maybe she likes to Sin Chibi? Heh, that came out kind of funny.

And Serifyn, you really have no idea on the ties that soldiers build with each other, especially through times of war, and you really have no idea what a modern battlefield is like if you think modern soldiers can't relate to the Roman soldiers on the aspect of war. Sure we may not be decimated by our own commanders, but war is still war, and taking human life is still taking human life.

I can imagine that if from an army of soldiers who have fought and bled together were forced to kill one of their own, his friends would not like to do it but have little choice in the matter (the alternative is a better legion would probly come in and crucify all of them). It wouldn't be relief, there'd be horror on their faces. As for the man getting killed, the Roman's were enough about honor that he'd probly be able to face it well enough to restore his family's name.

Even cowards wouldn't find it easy to kill their friends.
I will post the story for you.

And, i dunno. She thinks marriage equality is great, but oh no, it's still a sin. She confuses the crap out of me.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

And, i dunno. She thinks marriage equality is great, but oh no, it's still a sin. She confuses the crap out of me.
I will just quote Rudyard Kipling there:

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubtings too;
Some people are afraid of who they are... Your friend is like that, especially if she has grown in a * family where the people are straight-minded (it seems to me it's the right word, though i'm not sure) and fuckin' assholes. So, you've got three choices:
1°) Be hypocrite and stay friend with her without saying anything.
2°) Confront her (or help her by another path, i don't know any of you).
3°) Tell her to fuck off.

Put here any word you want like "catholic", "christian", "jew", "muslim", or else...

Just think twice before you negrep me: if you negrep me, it's 'cos you know and undertsand what i wanted to say though you didn't want to hear or to see the truth.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

I'm just going to stop being friends with her anyway. She's... changed a lot over the break and not in a good way.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Put here any word you want like "catholic", "christian", "jew", "muslim", or else...

Just think twice before you negrep me: if you negrep me, it's 'cos you know and undertsand what i wanted to say though you didn't want to hear or to see the truth.
Minerve, it's great that you have an opinion and have decided upon your own way of life, but if you constantly harp on about Religious folks all being assholes you are going to piss people off, me included. So keep it to yourself.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

Minerve, it's great that you have an opinion and have decided upon your own way of life, but if you constantly harp on about Religious folks all being assholes you are going to piss people off, me included. So keep it to yourself.
Is this my fault if all the religious group I've heard about were homophobic? I don't have anything against religious folk who are not in any group... i've got friends who are religious, who pray the night before going to bed, who read dat' big book and some other stuff: I can bear them 'cos they're not integrists or in any group who has killed/murdered before and 'cos they've got ethic and do what they can for their family and the ones around them (or not, for one but she was funny with the way she was fuckin'/bothering people around her).

It's all... Actually, I'm myself some kind of religious person: I just can't stand these groups when i hear they kill each other for... Religious stuff OO

That's all. Just ethic.


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

You're making broad generalisations about groups you haven't been a part of based on what other people have told you. Religious groups as an organization might have some corruption, but calling everybody who follows a church an asshole because they follow a church is you being presumptuous and offensive. Last time I checked, the only truly homophobic church that went out of it's way to bother people out of the MANY in my country is Westboro Baptist.

Like I said, you can believe what you want about religious groups and entities, but keep that to yourself unless you want to start arguments.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: Hate Thread

You're making broad generalisations about groups you haven't been a part of based on what other people have told you. Religious groups as an organization might have some corruption, but calling everybody who follows a church an asshole because they follow a church is you being presumptuous and offensive. Last time I checked, the only truly homophobic church that went out of it's way to bother people out of the MANY in my country is Westboro Baptist.

Like I said, you can believe what you want about religious groups and entities, but keep that to yourself unless you want to start arguments.
I like arguments ^^ Though I always 'lose' against crowd.

Sorry, in France, we've got currently a lot of Catholic's manifestations against gay marriage. And we've got some politic groups which are Catholics and which fucked up all the time.

And anyway, I was talkin' 'bout ethic: you can't be in agroup and say you disagree with that group => you can't be Catholic and say you're sorry 'bout all murders Vatican did.

But I think we should stop there or follow in PMs, right?


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

Since you're only interested in throwing your opinion out there for the world to see without even considering others' I'll just keep the writing to myself when I finish it.
How am i not considering other people's opinion? Nunu said that Roman society was more advanced than i think it is, maybe it was, but there is still little correlation between between Roman culture and Roman Military disciple.

As for you, all you said was that Caesar was a good guy greg, it is a fact that he was a tyrant (he named himself 'Dictator perpetuo' or dictator in perpetuity months before his assassination) or someone who seizes power, the reasons why he was killed are irrelevantto this discussion as was his demeanor and personality, i only brought him up because he was brutally killed on the senate floor, an example of how violent and ruthless the Romans could be when someone was in their way.

Brutus was at one time Caesars friend and he one of the first people to stab Caesar during the assassination.

And Serifyn, you really have no idea on the ties that soldiers build with each other, especially through times of war, and you really have no idea what a modern battlefield is like if you think modern soldiers can't relate to the Roman soldiers on the aspect of war. Sure we may not be decimated by our own commanders, but war is still war, and taking human life is still taking human life.

I can imagine that if from an army of soldiers who have fought and bled together were forced to kill one of their own, his friends would not like to do it but have little choice in the matter (the alternative is a better legion would probly come in and crucify all of them). It wouldn't be relief, there'd be horror on their faces. As for the man getting killed, the Roman's were enough about honor that he'd probly be able to face it well enough to restore his family's name.
I'm sure anyone who has spent a significant amount of time with someone else would develop a special bond with them, I'm not arguing that these people would find sick satisfaction in murdering a friend of theirs, but deep down, there is relief that it wasn't you who drew the short stub.

There is little point delaying the inevitable, there is no consolation you can offer a doomed man, saying goodbyes would only make the process more difficult for everyone, i've yet to hear someone else's scenario of a man accepting his fate and graciously accepting the apologies of his comrades right before they beat his head in like a melon.


Lord High Inquisitor
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 17, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

As the soldiers drew their straws everyone was appalled to find that it was not Greg, the smelly stinky annoying member of their group, that drew the short straw but instead Jim, the guy everybody loved. Just as Greg was raising his weapon the others knocked his bitch ass out and told Jim to run away forever and that nobody would tell anyone what had happened.The end.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

You really need to learn about Caesar before you start talking about him. He was actually appointed Dictator for every year for the next ten years in..... 48BC I think it was. Not only that, but: "Shortly before his assassination, the Senate named him censor for life and Father of the Fatherland, and the month of Quintilis was renamed July in his honor." and "He was granted further honors, which were later used to justify his assassination as a would-be divine monarch;"

And on the page about his assassination....

"Caesar was the dictator of the Roman Republic at the time, having recently been declared dictator perpetuo by the Senate. This declaration made several senators fear that Caesar wanted to overthrow the Senate in favor of tyranny." Meaning there wasn't any Tyranny yet, just a lot of his doing good things for the common people.

The Senate set him up and tore the rug out from under him when they realized that he wouldn't keep their lives comfortable.

If we wanna talk Tyrants, lets talk about Nero.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

I really don't understand where the disconnect is here, i'm not disagreeing with anything you are saying, yet every single post you've made thus far in response to me has been about how little i know about Caesar.

You make him out to be this great man, fine. Whatever, as i've mentioned previously how great he was has nothing to do with the fact that he was a tyrant. Being a Tyrant doesn't mean that you are a good person or a bad person, simply someone who abuses their power, which is incredible accurate.

Caesar used his power to gain even more, it wasn't a fluke that he was made 'Dictator for life' by the senate, which he attained by coercing and strong-arming key members of, it's not like every member of the senate wanted him killed, it was a key faction who plotted it all along.

Perhaps rather than blasting me for my ignorance on the man and referring me to Wikipedia; you should understand the words I'm using when describing him.


Big Sis
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Hate Thread

Tyrant: a ruler who uses cruel and harsh methids to further his personal needs instead of the needs of the populus.

I think I understand the word quite fine, thank you.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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Re: Hate Thread

noun \ˈtī-rənt\
Definition of TYRANT
a : an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution
b : a usurper of sovereignty
a : a ruler who exercises absolute power oppressively or brutally
b : one resembling an oppressive ruler in the harsh use of authority or power

Examples of TYRANT

Our boss is a real tyrant.
<the people universally feared the tyrant, who was notorious for his frequent use of torture>

Origin of TYRANT
Middle English tyraunt, from Anglo-French tyran, tyrant, from Latin tyrannus, from Greek tyrannos
First Known Use: 14th century
Related to TYRANT

Synonyms: caesar, dictator, führer (or fuehrer), oppressor, pharaoh, strongman, tyrannizer, despot


It is possible to be a benevolent or (by your definition) a malevolent tyrant; what makes you a 'Tyrant' is the way in which you seize power, it isn't even debatable that Caesar did this.

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