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Re: Hate Thread

So there was some people in the apartment above mine that had a dog, and for the past few months it had done nothing but fuel my rage by running around and barking at night which kept me up. They moved out last week, taking that bastard animal with them and more importantly giving me some much needed peace and quiet.

And now some piece of shit flea-bitten sack of piss dog somewhere behind the building I'm renting my apartment in has started barking during the night. I am half tempted to wrap myself up in my black clothing and just slamming a knife through its skull.

I truly, honestly now understand what pushes a man to commit acts of murder.
Re: Hate Thread

So, one of my dogs wasn't eating or drinking and was vomiting all over the place. Took her to the vet. She has bloat.

Good news was that the surgery to fix it went surprisingly well. Her stomach only made a half-turn, and none of the tissue was necrotic, so everything should be healthy, maybe a little bruised. She's also getting her stomach tacked, so this shouldn't repeat. Still have to wait and make sure she's actually eating and pooping before she can come home, though.
Re: Hate Thread

My dog turned out to have some labyrinth ear disease and doesn't know which way down is anymore.
Re: Hate Thread

My dog turned out to have some labyrinth ear disease and doesn't know which way down is anymore.

Coincidentally, I have an ear infection that is proving most tenacious. It has become quite vexing, and is interfering with my sleep.
Re: Hate Thread

Oh, man. I'm glad you got her to the Vet in time, Termite. GDV is a nasty nasty problem.

In other news, I hate my shoulder right now. I have enough pain that i can feel it from just under my ear to my hip. It hurts to breath and to sit and do anything. Ibuprofen please kick in!
Re: Hate Thread

My grandmother died last night. I hate that Michele has to go through this again. I hate pretty much everything right now, actually.
Re: Hate Thread

My grandmother died last night. I hate that Michele has to go through this again. I hate pretty much everything right now, actually.

I'm so sorry to hear that, Chibi.

I came here tonight to say this: I hate Fred Phelbs. I hate the Westboro Baptist Church. They stomp on the flag that I defend. I would love to accidentally target them with a warhead, or several warheads. They're a little pocket of crazy, unreasoning hatred in my country. I would hunt them as Captain Ahab hunted his Great White Whale:

"To the last I grapple with thee; from hell’s heart I stab at thee; for hate’s sake I spit my last breath at thee."

Fuck you, Fred Phelps. You and all your gaybashing, funeral-protesting family.
Re: Hate Thread

I was happy when the RCMP met them at the Canadian border and denied them entry when they wanted to protest at some of our soldier's funerals.
Re: Hate Thread

Overtime. Juggling numbers. Feel like stabbing everybody.

EDIT: Aaaand SC2 has to reconfigure my files. 15 to 60 minutes. Great.
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Re: Hate Thread

Ugh, for the second year in a row the birthday gift I download for myself from steam didn't work on my computer. I'm at the age now where the game not working isn't really the major disappointment, but the fact that I can't afford to buy myself stuff too often and when this happens it's a rather large sum down the drain...
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to post 15 times before I can post links. Blah. :p

Oh well. Time to find another thread I can post gibberish in. :D
Re: Hate Thread

I hate having to post 15 times before I can post links. Blah. :p

Oh well. Time to find another thread I can post gibberish in. :D

Actually, you can post links before your 15th post, but you have to break them.

Posting gibberish in other threads isn't a good idea, just saying.
Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm making posts like this one. I'm contributing to the threads. It's still gibberish IMO but it gets the job done without me getting in trouble.
I did post a link and break it up with (dot) and (slash). Be nice to be able to replace it though. Just need 4 more posts now.
Re: Hate Thread

Eeehhhh..... hate it when people spam just to get the required number of posts just so they can post links. At least you're not a bot and are posting things somewhat related to the topics. Though, the birthday thread was probably a poor choice. And the rep thread.
Re: Hate Thread

Well I'm making posts like this one. I'm contributing to the threads. It's still gibberish IMO but it gets the job done without me getting in trouble.
I did post a link and break it up with (dot) and (slash). Be nice to be able to replace it though. Just need 4 more posts now.

Nah, ya can still get in trouble, since you're spouting gibberish. But thanks for just coasting along the bare minimum, it's always a great way to make a first impression.
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when my post gets eaten, whether it be because I forgot to hit 'post reply' or because it gets eaten by the server/forum. Usually it's because I didn't actually post it, but sometimes I swear to every deity that I did post it.
Re: Hate Thread

Fighting with the internet and tech support all day is exactly how I wanted to spend my birthday x.x

More seriously, that in and of itself is a minor problem, except that the town was deserted for spring break too, so none of my friends were in town either x.x