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Re: Hate Thread

Nope, still the same place. I guess that means the weather is even weirder than I thought. I'm just going to go ahead and say it's Chicago's fault.
Re: Hate Thread

*swoops in*

I live in Florida! The weather is nice for once!

*swoops out*
Re: Hate Thread

It's almost 15 degrees where I'm at too...
Re: Hate Thread

I probably shouldn't have said anything, as it is currently at -10C or 14F for those who can't convert. This is what happens when you brag about having nice weather.
Re: Hate Thread

We're a good 4-5 degrees colder here, which makes no sense for being further South :p

Roads are ice. I did stock up on food, but I didn't realize I was out of dish soap to clean my pots and pans *facepalm*
Re: Hate Thread

You got me. Personally I'm about ready to give up on figuring the weather out this year and we're only 10 days in.

If you have shampoo or hand soap they should work just fine for the dishes. Just make sure you rinse them really well since they tend to be perfumed.
Re: Hate Thread

Meanwhile, up here in New England, we had a high of 56F today (or 32C for every other country in the world). And tomorrow's supposed to dip back down to freezing. Odd things are afoot.
Re: Hate Thread

Must be the same weather system moving since that's pretty much what happened here over the last few days.
Re: Hate Thread

Egads, a double post. Oh well.

I despise blood stains. So does anyone have any good tips for removing a large blood stain from carpet....It's for a friend of mine who didn't violently murder some one with a spork and then also didn't bury the body under an oak tree.
Re: Hate Thread

Egads, a double post. Oh well.

I despise blood stains. So does anyone have any good tips for removing a large blood stain from carpet....It's for a friend of mine who didn't violently murder some one with a spork and then also didn't bury the body under an oak tree.

Hydrogen Peroxide, and a good scrubbing. Test it out on an unseen part of the carpet to ensure it won't bleed the color.
Re: Hate Thread

I'll have to give that a try. I've been using club soda but it doesn't seem to be doing much of anything...er I mean my friend was not using club soda.
Re: Hate Thread

Egads, a double post. Oh well.

I despise blood stains. So does anyone have any good tips for removing a large blood stain from carpet....It's for a friend of mine who didn't violently murder some one with a spork and then also didn't bury the body under an oak tree.

I have several dime sized bloodstains in my carpet from a world record nosebleed I had last week. Was intense enough it left me nauseous for about 12 hours and light headed.
Re: Hate Thread

There's only one on my floor but it's about the size of a basketball, apparently blood thinners really do work. Thankfully I still had some quick clot from my army days, as it was I still had to call for an ambulance.
Re: Hate Thread

I take it that was not from a nosebleed 0_o
Re: Hate Thread

Well it can't be TOO serious a crime. After all, you(r friend) ended up needing to call an ambulance, not a hearse.
Re: Hate Thread

No, it was most certainly not a nosebleed. Just my mom being old and on a lot of medicine that makes her bleed really easy when she does things like hit her foot on a table. Seriously though I think she was bleeding more than people I've seen missing limbs, so while not a crime it certainly looks like someone was murdered.

Either that or I just came up with a better excuse and I really am the serial spork killer you'll be hearing about in the news any day now.
Re: Hate Thread

No, it was most certainly not a nosebleed. Just my mom being old and on a lot of medicine that makes her bleed really easy when she does things like hit her foot on a table. Seriously though I think she was bleeding more than people I've seen missing limbs, so while not a crime it certainly looks like someone was murdered.

Either that or I just came up with a better excuse and I really am the serial spork killer you'll be hearing about in the news any day now.
Oh please, if you were the serial spork killer, you would have had to have had... I think all those hads and haves just made me dizzy... Ahem, multiple victims. And if you are only now figuring out how to get blood out of the carpet, this must be your first one.
Re: Hate Thread

That's why you haven't heard about it in the news yet, I'm just starting to perfect my craft. We can't all be Ted Bundy on our first go after all.

Also the peroxide does seem to be helping better than just water and soap, so thanks AI.