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Re: Hate Thread


YES! why wont they go extinct already! lol.

On that note:
I HATE hot weather, I cant even sit still for 5 mins without sweating
Yeah it may be hotter where you are but that proves my point! Its hot!

Cycling to work to spend 8 houres in sweaty clothes in the summer... i fucking hate it!
Having to keep an eye on my overclocked computer due to the weather difference.
Not being able to go outside without squinting or feeling like my skin is sizzling.
I myself am a warm person, im that weirdo who walks about in shorts in the snow... i dont feel the cold.
Re: Hate Thread

Sun I can take, but when it's hot and damp, Hell no.

I hate it when your ex is still friends with parents or stalks your Facebook. Seriously wtf?
Re: Hate Thread

If I ever chose to have kids I think I would rather adopt. I would feel wrong bringing another child into this world when there are already so many unwanted children who need a good home. Not to mention hereditary health complications such as hardened arteries, prone to high blood pressure, etc..

Regardless, I still would not date a transgender or hermaphrodite. I want someone who's 100% female. Besides, I'm sure there's people out there who prefer a mate that is transgender or hermaphrodite. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and each person has their own likes and preferences. I like what I like and my personal choices have nothing to do with hate or prejudice.

It's like if you say you only like milk chocolate and you hate dark chocolate. Is there anything wrong with that? Well not unless you start a crusade to keep anyone from eating dark chocolate. :p

As for that "gay panic defense" malarky, that's pretty far fetched. If you were to hit them once, out of panic, and by some far flung stretch of the imagination they happen to fall and hit their head on a rock. Then maybe. MAYBE that could be a defense. Hitting them multiple times? Beating them to death? No. Just go to jail. Although I must say it's downright stupid to tell them when you're alone. Do it in a public place, preferable near the police.
Re: Hate Thread

People do stuff out of fear, you can't put rational thinking on a irrational emotion. Especially when a person is back to a corner, that's when they fight the hardest. It's easy to attack what you don't understand but it takes an outstanding person to put his fear aside and look at the situation clearly.
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Re: Hate Thread

I hate when I can't sleep!

YES! why wont they go extinct already! lol.

On that note:
I HATE hot weather, I cant even sit still for 5 mins without sweating
Yeah it may be hotter where you are but that proves my point! Its hot!

Cycling to work to spend 8 houres in sweaty clothes in the summer... i fucking hate it!
Having to keep an eye on my overclocked computer due to the weather difference.
Not being able to go outside without squinting or feeling like my skin is sizzling.
I myself am a warm person, im that weirdo who walks about in shorts in the snow... i dont feel the cold.

Maybe what you are looking for? I mean running around in shorts at freezing temperatures. :p
Re: Hate Thread

I hate it when a tired .
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the main character of Disagaea 5.

His name is Killia and he is the "noble demon" blah blah bullshit with a reason for revenge, a lot of inner monologues, an evil side that wants to be released, etc, etc, etc

There's also Christo, who is an angel but pretends not to be but it is so damn easy to tell what he is.

The only character I like is Red Magnus. HE IS SUPER READY!

I mean, Disgaea 1, from the get go, managed to get the noble demon thing with Laharl and, to a lesser extent, Etna without being so damn emo.

And Disgaea 4 also had the noble demon, Valvatorez but made up for it in a big way. 1) He was a sardine-loving Prinny-training Vampire who won't drink blood who turns any scene hilarious and 2) He had a very specific world view that was only noble in a certain way. He wanted demons to be vicious and terrorize humans because that was their damn jobs. He wanted humans to be scared into walking the straight and narrow. And he wanted everyone to live up to their full potential, whatever that may be,

Disgaea 4 also had the moe Eldritch Abomination Final Boss DESCO who is one of the most adorable Eldritch Abominations out there.
Re: Hate Thread

All DESCO want's to be is a final boss. :D

I prefer Disgea 3 and 2, In 3 where you get the super hero ending, Mao is no longer the person he was and decided to let go. He came a long way from that geek playing super hero games all day.:D
2 was a way better love story than twilight and the fact that Adell was a demon but was blind to it, was awesome. The game made you think who is parents are and why he didn't change to a demon.

I hate that shit was hard ass hell with that ghost buster jump. :mad: I still love the game but that jump sucks.!
Re: Hate Thread

I hate the main character of Disagaea 5.

His name is Killia and he is the "noble demon" blah blah bullshit with a reason for revenge, a lot of inner monologues, an evil side that wants to be released, etc, etc, etc

There's also Christo, who is an angel but pretends not to be but it is so damn easy to tell what he is.

The only character I like is Red Magnus. HE IS SUPER READY!

I mean, Disgaea 1, from the get go, managed to get the noble demon thing with Laharl and, to a lesser extent, Etna without being so damn emo.

And Disgaea 4 also had the noble demon, Valvatorez but made up for it in a big way. 1) He was a sardine-loving Prinny-training Vampire who won't drink blood who turns any scene hilarious and 2) He had a very specific world view that was only noble in a certain way. He wanted demons to be vicious and terrorize humans because that was their damn jobs. He wanted humans to be scared into walking the straight and narrow. And he wanted everyone to live up to their full potential, whatever that may be,

Disgaea 4 also had the moe Eldritch Abomination Final Boss DESCO who is one of the most adorable Eldritch Abominations out there.

This is one of the same reasons I hate vampire protagonists in all that shitty young adult/adult urban fantasy. All mopey and emo and oh-woe-is-me. Fuck 'em.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate harem MC. act soo dumb like not a thing matter. i wish i could ntr their girls.:mad: revere harem have more story n plot to it:rolleyes:. but an harem, story??:confused::mad: just one plot MC have dominate over them... i wish there is an harem story where the MC at least trying to get an harem.. no. i want a MC whose manly enough to get is sister shotgun.:D oh that only happen on nukige.:eek: i wonder if there is anime hve tht plot? i prefer story with less intercourse n more butter in it:cool:
Re: Hate Thread

^I hate your abuse of the english language.
Re: Hate Thread

i hate harem MC. act soo dumb like not a thing matter. i wish i could ntr their girls.:mad: revere harem have more story n plot to it:rolleyes:. but an harem, story??:confused::mad: just one plot MC have dominate over them... i wish there is an harem story where the MC at least trying to get an harem.. no. i want a MC whose manly enough to get is sister shotgun.:D oh that only happen on nukige.:eek: i wonder if there is anime hve tht plot? i prefer story with less intercourse n more butter in it:cool:

Owww *headache*
Re: Hate Thread

i hate harem MC. act soo dumb like not a thing matter. i wish i could ntr their girls.:mad: revere harem have more story n plot to it:rolleyes:. but an harem, story??:confused::mad: just one plot MC have dominate over them... i wish there is an harem story where the MC at least trying to get an harem.. no. i want a MC whose manly enough to get is sister shotgun.:D oh that only happen on nukige.:eek: i wonder if there is anime hve tht plot? i prefer story with less intercourse n more butter in it:cool:

Maybe try HuniePop? It's pretty cheap right now at humblebundle.com

It's very story light but mildly entertaining if you don't mind the candy crush style gameplay. There's no rape or mind control. You just collect all their panties. :p

I noticed you mentioned incest and building a harem. Robozou might be what you're looking for.
There are some loli characters in it though (including but not limited to your little sister, a fellow student, and your own 12 year old self).
I'd suggest using a walkthrough. It's pretty complicated.
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Re: Hate Thread

My life story
Re: Hate Thread

ugh, i hate people complaining to me, an obvious millennial sounding person on the phone at work, about how pokemon go is causing their child to go out of the house and be social and not be home as often to clean and cook for them and also about uit eating their data and getting pissy when i tell them that no, its their phone no their kid's.

Like, fuck you?????
Re: Hate Thread

ugh, i hate people complaining to me, an obvious millennial sounding person on the phone at work, about how pokemon go is causing their child to go out of the house and be social and not be home as often to clean and cook for them and also about uit eating their data and getting pissy when i tell them that no, its their phone no their kid's.

Like, fuck you?????

People like shit done for them, if anything changes their routine or if their kid is having more fun then them.... They Bitch and Complain. People can't stay at the house and play the sims all day, let them live. IT'S THEIR LIFE AND THEY NEED TO LIVE IT RIGHT NOW! (unless they're doing stupid shit. >.>)
Re: Hate Thread

I just find it ironic that a generation ago (...god I feel old typing that) they were complaining because video games kept us inside the house, and now they're complaining that they're taking us outside of the house.
Re: Hate Thread

millennial sounding person
I bet they are under 30 and their kinds like 6, poor little fucker is screwed... his future is grimm with a parent like that.

I just find it ironic that a generation ago (...god I feel old typing that) they were complaining because video games kept us inside the house, and now they're complaining that they're taking us outside of the house.

Same shit again

Pokemon is demonic 'n' shit

This is why we cant have nice things.

Also i fucking hate religion, shit seriously needs to just go back to the 1800's and stay there.
Re: Hate Thread

I bet they are under 30 and their kinds like 6, poor little fucker is screwed... his future is grimm with a parent like that.

Same shit again

Pokemon is demonic 'n' shit

This is why we cant have nice things.

Also i fucking hate religion, shit seriously needs to just go back to the 1800's and stay there.
No no no, they sounded old, I am the millennial sounding person.
Re: Hate Thread

What, No Generation X'rs hanging around!? Talk about making me feel older then I am. True Culture is Counter-Culture. As for old judgements and Football bein tha Devil! That shit's far older then this crap. You could probably find cavemen who thought the Wheel was the Devil.

Imagine those arguments.

No, Today? Today I have a seething hatred for Clouds. More specifically Taunting Clouds. Where you know that big puffy white motherfucker in the sky is FAT with rain.... It's black and hateful and ready to give you everything you need to feel alive. He's that One Night Stand you came out Specifically to find....

And that Cloud isn't putting out. Because of how Hot it is on the ground... For whatever reason, that miserable Fat, Heavy, Rain-Laden Bastard isn't dropping it's sweet, cool, delightful payload. It's just floating right on by as I type this and robbing me of my Sweet cool release! I'M BEING EDGED BY THE FUCKING WEATHER!!!