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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

Siphon nods, then silently moves the group closer to the proper room, opening the door to reveal the core finally. Unfortunately, there are a number of armed bots in the area, who look up when they enter.

A grin, and all that is heard is Siphon mutter, "oh hey there fella's. Here's the deal, we're taking control here, and we'd like for you to throw down your weapons and surrender please."

One of the bots fires a quick burst of weapons fire into him, and he blinks in mock shock.

"I'll take that as a no then." He then opens fire back, bullets pinging all over the place and impacting his body. When there are just a few left, he'd go over to one and start feeding to replenish himself, the horrible sounds of the feeding resounding through the air, and a slight hiss coming from him. It was undeterminable why he was hissing, only that he was.
Re: Hive Number One

Altough Grave wanted to rush in and kill, he didn't want to get caught in the crossfire. When Siphon stopped and moved aside to feast, Grave charged into the room, katana in hand. The first bot didn't even notice what skewered him. A few bots noticed him and opened fire, but thanks to Grave's speed they had a lot of trouble with aiming. When an opening between the bullets appeared, the warrior lunged forward and began to purge the room of enemies.
Re: Hive Number One

Meanwhile, while all the amazing action was going on, Tsuki was... still working away at the computer. "Come on... anything else?...." Tap tap tap.
Re: Hive Number One

And Shrike was still guarding her, sitting cross-legged on the ground just behing her. Extending her senses to hear the enemy coming, but hearing only the faint sounds of battle from several floors down, she continued her vigil.
Re: Hive Number One

As Tsuki was searching, another piece of interesting data came up. A warning. 'If you are reading this message, then you are stuck in this situation I am in. The Bots are going to destroy us all. Leave while you still can.' Is all that can be made out


Meanwhile, Burrito had dragged the semi-alive bot into the hallway with Tsuki and Shrike in it, a smile on his face "Looks like things are going well. I got us a prisoner to interrogate." he says, setting down the bot and checking it for hidden weapons "This guy is our ticket to all the intel we need."
Re: Hive Number One

After all the bots have been taken care of, Siphon works on getting intel from the core of the hive. There is about a five minute pause before he lets out a string of some unknown language, even over the radio.

"Prem Shak Nelos Tevok Tor Nahs!"

Whatever it means, the tone clearly suggests that whyever he said it, he is not happy with something.
Re: Hive Number One

Pacing slowly around the room, Copper can be seen picking up her fallen knives, tucking them back into various sheaths after retrieving and cleaning them. She picks her head up as she hears Siphon cursing.

"If any of that translates into 'fuck me running,' I dont' want to know what you just found."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave was walking around with his katana sheathed, poking at stuff hidden in the corners of the room. He wasn't paying attention to what others were doing, but he heard what Siphon had said. "Uh... Translation, please."
Re: Hive Number One

"Interrogate an adbot? Will that even work?" Shrike replies calmly, not loking up and not opening her eyes. She had felt their approach before they rounded the corner. Her headache was beginning to abate now that she's had a less stressful activity for a while, and she felt almost back to full strength. She does the equivalent of a mental stretch and checks to see if Bruuito was followed, and finds nothing for the time being.

"Looks like nothing followed you as far as I can tell, you have all the time you need, or at least until the rest blow this place sky-high. I have no stomach for interrogation, I'll just cover you and Tsuki from the next corner over." She stands and moves off a bit to give him room to do his thing and holds out her hand again, the blade springing forth easily now. A second more, and the shimmering extends outward in the other direction as well.

She begins a twirling sequence of moves, her shimmering blade moving so fast it almost seem to disappear at times. It passes through a cornes of a wall about two inches deep, but it doesn't slow and no line appears on the wall. She hits the cornes again near the same spot but at a different angle with the same result, but this time a thin pie-shaped slice about an inch wide falls from the wall. Her movements focus on this piece as it falls, and before it hits the ground it has become eight pieces. She stops then and bends over to pick up a chunk, examining it closely. "Alright, I'm feeling much better, you should have no interruptions while you work." She states with a smile.
Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki just blinked at the screen. "Well now, this is interesting."

"'If you are reading this message, then you are stuck in this situation I am in. The Bots are going to destroy us all. Leave while you still can,'" she read off the screen over the radio. "Interesting quote they have on here. Wonder who wrote it...."

She took a moment to actually pay attention to what was going on around her. "Hey, Burrito is back."
Re: Hive Number One

"I'm not interrogating him here. Just going to disable his self-destruct sequence." Burrito says, crouching down and shoving his right hand into the bots upper back, then drawing it back out, a small black capsule in his right hand "They plant these bombs at the base of the neck. When the bot wants to self-destruct, they simply think it, and the bomb detonates, destroying their nerves and killing them instantly." he says, tossing the device to the side "Once we get back to the city, we're taking this fool to the interrogation room." he says, making sure the bot was still out cold "While I was rooting around in there. I did something interesting. Even if he wakes up, his legs will be useless." he says, an evil grin creeping onto his face
Re: Hive Number One

"Huh, alright then, in that..." Shrike starts to reply, then suddenly turns to look at one of the corridors, her entire body tense. "I don't know what you just did, but I think you may have pissed them off, there's a large group headed this way." She enters a battle crouch, slowly spinning her double blade in preparation.
Re: Hive Number One

"Let them come." Burrito says, his shotgun now in his hands "Wait til they turn the corner, this'll be good" he says, slowly walking towards the corner and stopping, aiming his shotgun and smiling as the bots turn the corner and a shot is heard, five of the bots shutting down from his viral bullets "I'll hold them off. You girls make sure and copy the files you need, then get the hell out of here."
Re: Hive Number One

"The hell with that, I wanna play!" Shrike yells and dives through the mass of bots, leaving scattered limbs, heads, and torsos behind at an alarming pace. "Besides, Tsuki's on her own with the hacking stuff, I was here to defend her if some adbots wandered by, and lookie, some adbots wandered by!"
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon doesn't bother with a translation, he simply states "Apparently we have to destroy certain parts of the core's computer scripts or this thing is capable of reforming itself after being blown up. To add to that, the thing is made up of not just metal, but organic components as well, and there is a large core for something else located near the rear of the ship, trying to figure out what it's for, but I have a bad feeling I already know."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave sighed. "Oh, great. This day just can't get worse." The warrior approached the core. "However, I am quite interested in this thing. What kind of organic components are we talking about? Living creatures? Or simply organic matter?"
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon simply groaned. "Yes, yes it can get worse. If I am reading this right, this goddamn Hive is capable of flight. I think that core I'm picking up at the rear and far point of the hive is an engine control system. If it is, it just came online too."

"Folks, heads up, this Hive might be capable of flight, I think I just picked up engines powering up from the core interface I'm at. What is your status there?"

He turns to Grave and Copper and asks, "can you folks hold the fort here for a bit?"
Re: Hive Number One

Grave smiled. "I'm still at my full strenght and ready to fight." He unsheathed his katana and positioned himself near the entrance to the room. "I'll keep all of the bots that might come here away from here, so just do your job." Grave prepared himself. He wanted to fight something really badly.
Re: Hive Number One

After making sure she'd copied down the important data so far, meaning the genetic blue prints, Tsuki immediately got back to work at her terminal. "You two have fun with those bots, just don't get yourself killed," was the last she said before she got back to work.

"I'll see if I can stop the engines. I don't know about you people, but I don't want to be stuck in the air with these bots, no matter how easy it is to fight."

Tap tap tap.
Re: Hive Number One

"Even if you shut them down, they'll try restarting them. But not if I blow the things sky high. I'm on that, just let me know if you find anything else useful."