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Hive Number One

Re: Hive Number One

Tsuki input the information she recieved from Siphon, and proceeded to, at least, try and shut down the wall's growth and the blocking of passages. If that was successful, she would try to start opening up ways around the Hive, specifically to the core and a way out.

As she worked, she noticed and odd feeling within her mind. "What the...." She winced. "What... is happening?"
Re: Hive Number One

Luckily the growth of the walls did stop, but the program to reverse the already grown walls seemed to be lacking in one vital part. The DNA of whatever species the creature Siphon had warned her about was. Without it, it seemed that that particular program could not be utilized. This was most likely a security measure that Siphon had not seen coming, one that would be nearly impossible to get around, if not actually impossible. It seemed the only way to get through the walls would be to cut through them, or perhaps she could get Siphon to give up some of his time to activate the system with his DNA for her?

The other creature was taken aback by another mind joining in the defense of the hacking female. He had not been expecting another telepath like this, and was caught unprepared. He lingered long enough to gather one piece of intel from the female's mind before he was forced to retreat, hissing mentally, loud enough all linked to him could hear it in their minds, and then took off at a run, leaving behind the hive and it's occupants to meet their fates. He was now uncertain they would be stopped here, and began working on some kind of backup plan. He also now knew for sure that another being like himself was on THEIR side, and he vowed to either kill it or convert it at a later time. One way or another, he would NOT be deterred from his goals. His final act of telepathic control was to viciously lash out at the three minds, hoping to at least cause them mental pain for challenging him.

Siphon wasn't quite prepared for the mental lash out, and staggered back a few steps, letting loose a hiss of either pain or annoyance, it was uncertain which. "That fucker ran, god dammit. I was hoping we could distract him long enough to find and kill him."
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike however, had poured all her focus into attacking and had left herself nothing with which to buffer the incoming mental assault with. She gasps as she toppled from her sitting position, a trickle of blood appearing from her nostril. She took a second to recover, rubbing her temple and trying to blink away the lingering after-flash of pain, before she spoke up. "Right, well, I most certainly wasn't expecting that. That was so much more effective than what I was doing to him." The trickle of blood made it to her top lip, and as such her attention. She touched her hand to her nose and lifted her hand as if to examine it. Stealing a quick glance over to Copper, who still had more of a flush than she did, Shrike just wiped it off and stood, only a little shakily. "Well then, what next?"
Re: Hive Number One

Copper doesn't seem at all phased by Shrike's nosebleed, though she's been quiet and listening to the conversations going on around them. Moving over to help Siphon keep his feet, she finally speaks.

"Y'all seem to be forgetting one thing. True, this guy doesn't expect us to get out of here alive, but he's not counting on the fact that I'm already dead. If you want to get info out of the core, then okay, yes, you need to come with, but if we just want to blow this sucker sky high, give me the C4 and get the hell out of here. Not that I want to use you guys as bait, but you scramming will probably draw their attention away from me. I'll radio you once it's planted and then give me a ten-count and blow the fucker."
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon nods, then adds, "that works only until we get to the point of, Shrike is right. If there are more hives in that database that we AREN'T aware of yet, we need to know of them. There's also the small problem of getting past these walls, but if Tsuki has already shut them down, I think Shrike can take care of that part."

A sudden thought occurs to him. "er, we DO have enough C-4 left right? It took a lot to blow up those engines, and I'm almost out of it."
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike shakes her head. "I don't like it. You're fast, but I don't think you're fast enough to escape the ship from the core in ten seconds or less. And you may be dead, but you aren't invincible, and wasn't it just one of that horde of terminator-bots down there that put you down a couple notches to begin with? I think we all need to be there for this to work. As for the walls, I can try again, sure."

She walks up to the same wall as before, a blade shimmering into existance in her right hand. She does a complete circle with her one arm, then steps aside as a chunk of wall slides out and drops to the floor, wobbling like a dropped coin before coming to a rest. "Looks like Tsuki's come through for us, let's go."
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Re: Hive Number One

"Who said anything about needing to run?" Copper smirks. "You can't blow up smoke. Though yeah, if there are more termo-bots down there, that will be a problem. So will ripping any info out of the core, since I can do it literally, just not figuratively." She pats the handle of one of her knives. "As for the C4, how much have you got? Burrito's probably got some, but he's with Tsuki. The new kids haven't got any, unless they're holding out on us, and I've got some, but I'm not sure how good it is after my bullet attractor stunt." She looks thoughtful. "Course, it was in the back and not all of them went through my gut..." She reaches around and under her leather, her face contorting a little as she wriggles her hand around back there. "That's...there it is. God, I hate that trick. Damn useful, but I hate it." She brings her hand back around and she's holding a block of C4.
Re: Hive Number One

"Three sticks left, plus your one, that isn't...."

He trails off, a thoughtful look crossing his face, hidden gears in his mind churning now.

"Unless we utilize the power of the core's conduits to our advantage. I think I can rig up a shaped charge with the C-4 and harness the power conduits of the hive to run through them and amplify the explosion a hundred fold. That will take some time to set up, but it can be done. Now that the walls are not growing any more, we should be able to slice and dice our way back to the core. Sure, it'll take some time, but it's doable."

He hands his own C-4 to Copper then says with a bit of a smile, "your holding onto that now. IF we do encounter more terminators here, I don't want you trying to take another round like the last one. Besides, I still need to ditch some of this energy that's overflow or there will be problems later."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave listened to the conversation without saying anything. He didn't really like the fact that their enemy ran away, though he had nothing against Copper's idea. The warrior was pondering one more thing: the strange enemy was just like Siphon. If that's the case, could Siphon be trusted? Grave had doubts about that. Still, it's best to stay quiet for now... I can skewer him later. "So, the vampire blows the core up while we cover her? Sounds fun." The warrior approached the rest of the group. "Let's move out. I don't think we have to discuss more details."
Re: Hive Number One

"Oh sure, give me the Play-doh," she mutters, gathering it up in her hold as he passes her the sticks. "The vampire blows the core after we get all the info we need out of it. Should we have Tsuki meet us there or can you hack into it?"

Not that she had anything against not taking another magazine full of chain-gun fire, especially since they upgraded to lasers. Those weren't as easily resisted as bullets.
Re: Hive Number One

"I'm pretty sure I can get into it now that I have his pass codes, and after what she's been through with the whole attempted mind rape thing, I'd rather not put her in a situation that could turn ugly fast. She's likely going to be a bit rattled by it, and that will affect her abilities. By how much I have no idea, but it will sadly. Grave, remind me when we catch up to this guy again to shove a stick of the C-4 down his throat and blow his damn head off, ok?"

There is a slight chuckle then he adds, "IF we do come across him again, and you get a clean kill shot, take it. No capture and interrogation for him, he just needs to go down. Being what he is, he's far to dangerous to try and subdue for capture. I have to assume from what I could gather from him that he's... pure blooded of whatever the hell I am. Me, I'm a hybrid I think, I'm not quite the same as he is. I suppose in a way you could say I'm impure."

There is a mutter under his breath of, "figures, I finally DO meet one of my kind that might be able to share some light on just who and what the fuck I am, and he turns out to be a homicidal maniac. Hell, I'm completely strange and different to humans, why shouldn't I be a complete outsider to my own god damn kind too?"

With that, he starts moving down the halls, taking the first wall they come to out with a flurry of rips and tears, seemingly going animalistic on the wall and shredding it, obviously no longer in a good mood.
Re: Hive Number One

Altough Grave wasn't too eager to trust Siphon, the vision of violence excited him. "Sure thing. And if I turn out to be the one that gets a clean shot, I will enjoy his painful demise." The warrior didn't hear what Siphon muttered, but he got the impression that his current commander was in a bad mood - an impression that was confirmed soon afterwards. Grave didn't help Siphon tear the first wall down - the hybrid was good enough in his opinion. However, the next walls got more than a few hits from Grave's katana, which turned out to be fairly effective. "Hey, in case it turns out we don't have enough C-4, at least we know that we can finish the job manually."
Re: Hive Number One

"AH!" As her mind was attacked, Tsuki leaned over the terminal to keep herself from falling. "What... is going on??"

"Mm.... I'm... not even going to ask what just happened. Siphon, I can't... get the walls to open up. It seems... I need DNA from... whatever that one thing is."

While she asked that, she pondered whether or not she could just cause the core to self-destruct. It'd be the easier way, no? She kept the wall program open while she, somewhat sluggishly, start to look around just a bit more. She wasn't expecting it to work, but couldn't hurt to try.
Re: Hive Number One

"Copy that Tsuki, and yeah, I'll explain later what that was that just happened. I wonder if it's keyed specifically to HIS DNA or if I can access it? Remind me to test that before we leave, and if it works to put my DNA on file with command for future reference if it is needed. As for the walls, I think we can rip through them now." To accentuate that point over the radio she could hear the ripping sounds of walls being torn down, or worse. Seemed that Siphon was in quite a bad mood now.

Tsuki would find after a little bit that there was in fact a self destruct for the core, but again it needed the specific DNA. What was interesting though was it COULD be triggered from the core room itself, which would allow her to see if Siphon's idea of if his DNA would work was right.

At Grave's mention of finishing the job manually, he grinned widely at the warrior. "Now THAT is an idea. Be a good way to work off some of this steam and anger I have right now. Good work Grave."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave laughed as well. "Anyway, I wonder if they've sent some new units to the core chamber already. I wouldn't mind a little challenge." Grave performed a wide slash, cutting a large piece of another wall off. "However, if we encounter those terminators, we'll be in trouble. And what about your allies? The girl and the cyborg. Do you think they'll be able to handle those guys?"
Re: Hive Number One

Shrike simply follows behind the group, massaging her temple with one hand, trying to get her brand new headache to go away. She's glad Siphon and Grave have started taking down the walls themselves, though she notices how fouls a mood Siphon is in, which worries her.
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon thought for a moment then said, "I think Tsuki will be alright. She's a hacker and I think she can get into their systems and shut them down if they get too close. I think it's more likely we have to worry about problems with the things than she and Burrito do. Still..."

"Tsuki, be advised that there are likely terminator like cyborgs on the loose. Hopefully you can hack them, if not, then my advice would be to get the hell out of there as fast as you can."

He adds to Grave, "if anything bad happens to my friends, you may want to run for the hills, cuz there won't be much left standing that's hostile if that occurs."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave nodded. "So, you've got some heavy artillery ready, right?" The warrior took down another wall. "Man, this is getting annoying. How many barriers are here? I'd rather finish this job as soon as possible."
Re: Hive Number One

Siphon just smiled. "For inside I have the M249. When we get outside, if they follow us, their asses are mine, you'll see some really nasty heavy weaponry. Until then..."

His next action was to level the M249 at the wall and shred it apart with the weapon, blowing a hole in the wall easily with the sheer number of rounds fired. "Another two levels of this and we will be back at the core."
Re: Hive Number One

Grave sighed and returned to his job. "Well, that's just prime." He hacked at the walls, thinking about what he's going to do with the person responsible for forcing him to deal with this boring task. That monster... I'll rip his limbs off.