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Hounds Of The Blade (old)

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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

ok, sorry if I sound like an ass but enough is enough.
1. game for free is free game.
2. game someone else is making is game you don't have to make.
3. game someone else is making, unless commissioned otherwise, is game they want to make.
4. complaining about the realism of any work of fiction/fantasy in any format is redundant.
5. porn in any format as a staged or scripted event is, more often than not, ridiculous and not realistic.

i'm not trying to pick a fight, i'd just rather that if any of the people who make these games(for free no less) find these boards that they'd like to feel supported than demoralized.

Agreed. As they say, quality over quantity.
Besides, I'm sure no one want to rage over the shit-load of glitches like in Monster Girl Unlimited RPG.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I sort of agree...it's especially pointless to complain about it if the maker doesn't read anything from here(which is likely), but if he does some suggestions on changes and critiques would be welcome to a point.

I don't think anybody is really bashing him except for maybe the length of time between updates. It's mostly constructive criticism.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

it seemed like it was gonna snowball from the "rapes fully clothed" comment to the "she has sword" to "it's not realistic!!". granted i kinda laughed when i first saw the pants comment; while i have no doubt one can rape with their pants on and fly down, i doubt anyone can transition that easy out of leather pants. i guess i just got annoyed with the idea that people would start saying "one minor detail that doesn't really matter made this stupid and the creator stupid." personally, the most i care to see in hentai is skinny girls with curvy bottoms and bouncing breasts. my interests are pretty tame/mundane. the only things i didn't like about nanocrisis were the rape-bugs and the fact it's not gonna get finished. seeing the concept improvements in HotB, i can see why he didn't wanna go back and finish something he already made better from square one for the most part. but yeah, waiting sucks. if i ever stop being lazy with my hobbies(creative design and program learning, not whacking off) i'd be making something as well.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

it seemed like it was gonna snowball from the "rapes fully clothed" comment to the "she has sword" to "it's not realistic!!". granted i kinda laughed when i first saw the pants comment; while i have no doubt one can rape with their pants on and fly down, i doubt anyone can transition that easy out of leather pants. i guess i just got annoyed with the idea that people would start saying "one minor detail that doesn't really matter made this stupid and the creator stupid." personally, the most i care to see in hentai is skinny girls with curvy bottoms and bouncing breasts. my interests are pretty tame/mundane. the only things i didn't like about nanocrisis were the rape-bugs and the fact it's not gonna get finished. seeing the concept improvements in HotB, i can see why he didn't wanna go back and finish something he already made better from square one for the most part. but yeah, waiting sucks. if i ever stop being lazy with my hobbies(creative design and program learning, not whacking off) i'd be making something as well.

I wish I knew enough to do so myself but sadly I'd be starting from square one. I can't even draw well. Really wish I had the talent for it because I'm a decent writer and can probably bang out music myself...then again I probably don't have time for it all with working a full time job and also playing soccer. :(
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I love how people are complaining about the realisim of a game whos creator made a game before this in which mutant flys n rabid dogs endlessly raped a spec-ops chick.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I like to call it selective reality syndrome. Complain about that and then they'll ask for a tentacle monster or something lol.

That being said, the sword in hand does slightly bother me but it's not game breaking or anything. I just chose to ignore it. I do wish that once you lose all your health, the sword gets dropped...no point in it being there if she isn't going to get back up again. But like I said, it's nothing big.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Don't get me wrong...I fully support the creator of this game and other games like it. The sword-in-the-hand IS a major peev of mine, but I still follow the boards and play all the demos of this game--eagerly anticipating it's release.

I fully understand that this is a game being made by someone else for free--I even alluded to that in my previous post. I wish I had the skills to help because I would. Barring that, the most I can do is offer constructive criticism and a willingness to pay money for the actual release of the game once it's created. I could try to learn how to do all this stuff, but right now, I'm working full time and studying for my A+ certification(Network +, Server+ and Security+ after that). Maybe sometime late this year or early next year I will finally have the time.

All-in-all, I love this game(and Nanocrisis including--the flies and dogs) and believe the creator has enough serious talent to release a freaking awesome game. If constructive criticism is all I can do for now, then I will help if I can.
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Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Don't get me wrong...I fully support the creator of this game and other games like it. The sword-in-the-hand IS a major peev of mine, but I still follow the boards and play all the demos of this game--eagerly anticipating it's release.

I fully understand that this is a game being made by someone else for free--I even alluded to that in my previous post. I wish I had the skills to help because I would. Barring that, the most I can do is offer constructive criticism and a willingness to pay money for the actual release of the game once it's created. I could try to learn how to do all this stuff, but right now, I'm working full time and studying for my A+ certification(Network +, Server+ and Security+ after that). Maybe sometime late this year or early next year I will finally have the time.

All-in-all, I love this game(and Nanocrisis including[/B--the flies and dogs) and believe the creator has enough serious talent to release a freaking awesome game. If constructive criticism is all I can do for now, then I will help if I can.

Pretty much this. Shouldn't white knight the creator of the game over justified constructive criticism, it's silly. If you disagree, coo' but it's okay for people to say
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The character is basically beat to the point where she's just exhausted and can't lift her arm to fight back. Yes, it may seem odd but its a hentai game and hentai, like slasher horror films, relies heavily on the suspension of disbelief. I mean in classic hentai films like LA Blue Girl, the girls get raped but as they get raped they start getting all into it, not exactly realistic but well, its hentai.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The character is basically beat to the point where she's just exhausted and can't lift her arm to fight back. Yes, it may seem odd but its a hentai game and hentai, like slasher horror films, relies heavily on the suspension of disbelief. I mean in classic hentai films like LA Blue Girl, the girls get raped but as they get raped they start getting all into it, not exactly realistic but well, its hentai.

You just described every hentai flick ever made LOL. But I gotta agree with you. It's the lil things that aren't realistic that, most of the time, make films, games, and hentai better. Look at tentacle hentai or games like gears of war, I don't c ANYTHING like that really happening but it's the strange things that make it interesting.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

for some reason i feel like i was need to clarify my point. by no means am i against constructive criticism. i criticize freely and abundantly on a regular basis. but there is a difference in what is constructive and what is just nitpicking. maybe i'm just inflicting my ideals of effective criticing but it just started to sound bitchy more than "oh hey, it's weird he can rape her without taking his junk out of his pants. haha, lol." and really, lets not bring reality into the equation. it has no place in hentai. if in hentai a girl gets kryptonited by dick exposure, it's laughable but hardly game breaking. though this topic did remind me of my friend's sister telling me that her self-defense class taught her that the best way to keep from getting hurt worse is to lay back and take it like a lady. i think they should call that class something else.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

this topic did remind me of my friend's sister telling me that her self-defense class taught her that the best way to keep from getting hurt worse is to lay back and take it like a lady. i think they should call that class something else.

sadly that is almost true. the damage a guy can do to the outside is nothing, to what resting when he is in you dose. Internal bleeding in which you get to die slowly in lots pain for a few days, if your lucky that is. you may get to live with that pain, destroyed down there oh and don't forget the psychological damage now.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

Realism will never be a good thing with any kind of rape, similar to a guy not really being able to have sex without a boner, a woman can't really (or rather, shouldn't) have sex without being wet or it will be a uncomfortable at best and utterly painful at worst experience for both involved.

Also, as for the whole swordarm comment, when you've lost the fight and are in a dominated position fighting back will never hurt the other more than he can/will hurt you, though the entire subject is utterly dumb to bring up in the first place when you're in a scenario where taking a sword to the torso does absolutely nothing up to the point where they've taken enough of them to instantly die.

If you want to criticise something about this game you'd be better off putting up sugestions about gameplay/updates or whatnot and leave the little details to the players to figure out with this magical ability called imagination and suspension of disbelief.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

I got one word for you all... DAZE.

She's hit hard, knocked back seeing tweety birds when she gets raped then you hit the buttons like mad trying to get her mind back into reality.

If any of you have ever fell out of a tree or had the breath knocked out of you then you understand. It doesn't matter if you have a sword in your hand or not your just trying to breath. Mix that with the uncertainty of what the hell is in my vagina and you get SUPER-DAZE.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

i was wondering about a pic of the woman's partner being raped by the centipedes(in the blog) is the creator allowing the game the ability to switch characters?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

i was wondering about a pic of the woman's partner being raped by the centipedes(in the blog) is the creator allowing the game the ability to switch characters?

I forgot about that post it was from oct of last year idk how to answer your question but this is what that blog post was about.

shitty translation
"Modify the title Eh, something like so funny to English 's "Hound of Blade".
Is "Hounds of The Blade" is the new title. Fixes had been so hastily point out the mistakes in the foreign site came out Te googled happened. Use of the article is in Japanese so I did not come across. Human transcendence is of course not good at English like me, mistaken article is likely well in university professors. I want to think I do not know whether this title was also honest, there is no mistake in the site because the English title "correctly? I 's" anti-What was said. (However, confidence is not translating so I read the results Excite) future, when there is a mistake, please point out such. I think this is just what the update so, would like to introduce this time of Poser figures. I would like to introduce is a figure of centipede. is quality and I do not think you can buy for $ 1.99. Using this figure immediately, I got shot at dawn on Mr. Lobo in a child. After the size of the entry of the introduction figure of last but one, but I received a comment that in the rice applause "Do tentacles Once out of the mouth," Personally, I want to do or oral tradition of the parasite are kept in the body than the tentacle I. You get shot at dawn on Mr. Lobo also a child, that is. Parasite has invaded from the mouth, rampaged in the body, eventually I think they have or can I say ...... Na to the emergence from Anal. But if you have a child fiddling Mr. Lobo to make this sample image, I would really like this character somehow. I was not originally scheduled to be over regular characters, instead of the daughter of Satan that was introduced in a previous entry, I think whether it is child's attempt to regular the Lobo. Was the previous erotic scene of a child would say there is no robot, and try to feel like a game or over a child trapped Lobo also fails to rescue operation after Aya was defeated. However, we believe those making the action part than a minute the child robot so unreasonable indeed, select it from the selected two of the "stealth" "breakthrough front", such that the game is over Selecting the wrong . I should not rethink the story and not a little also, mean that. That said, I did not think so much from the original, so a delay in the schedule is not. Story is not something so elaborate, so we thought only to the extent of the erotic spice for, w I is not haphazard or was to be honest"
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

he should make butterfly into a enemy. raped by a butterfly could your mind even process that?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

butterfly is too complex. he'll need at least 8 years of development just to create the sprites.
according to the progress in the last few months.

when the game is finished, we wont be able to play it anyway... grandchildren take too much time.
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

butterfly is too complex. he'll need at least 8 years of development just to create the sprites.
according to the progress in the last few months.

when the game is finished, we wont be able to play it anyway... grandchildren take too much time.

He could create some flies ou bugs, ain't it ? Maybe - but, it seems very difficult - some flies with Jeff Goldblum's face :D ?
Re: Hounds Of The Blade

The character is basically beat to the point where she's just exhausted and can't lift her arm to fight back. Yes, it may seem odd but its a hentai game and hentai, like slasher horror films, relies heavily on the suspension of disbelief. I mean in classic hentai films like LA Blue Girl, the girls get raped but as they get raped they start getting all into it, not exactly realistic but well, its hentai.

That premise of being beaten into exhaustion is by no mean a strange concept to me. In fact, that premise is already included in the game!;) That's when she starts crawling around--dragging her sword arm behind her. That makes sense to me.

for some reason i feel like i was need to clarify my point. by no means am i against constructive criticism. i criticize freely and abundantly on a regular basis. but there is a difference in what is constructive and what is just nitpicking. maybe i'm just inflicting my ideals of effective criticing but it just started to sound bitchy more than "oh hey, it's weird he can rape her without taking his junk out of his pants. haha, lol." and really, lets not bring reality into the equation. it has no place in hentai. if in hentai a girl gets kryptonited by dick exposure, it's laughable but hardly game breaking. though this topic did remind me of my friend's sister telling me that her self-defense class taught her that the best way to keep from getting hurt worse is to lay back and take it like a lady. i think they should call that class something else.

This is where I disagree. Hentai is definitely fantasy-based, but there is nothing wrong with adding some "real-world" elements into the game. Where you see "nitpicking", others might see "polish". For instance, every single rape move has the enemy grabbing her non-sword hand. I can't imagine it being too difficult to change the animation so that they grab her sword hand instead(adding to the image of the heroine being rendered helpless). Is it game-breaking? Absolutely not! The game is still fun as hell! I just don't see anything wrong pointing out some areas of the game that could be fine-tuned--if possible. If not, oh well...at least it was brought to someone's attention where there was a *chance* that it might be changed.

Realism will never be a good thing with any kind of rape, similar to a guy not really being able to have sex without a boner, a woman can't really (or rather, shouldn't) have sex without being wet or it will be a uncomfortable at best and utterly painful at worst experience for both involved.

Also, as for the whole swordarm comment, when you've lost the fight and are in a dominated position fighting back will never hurt the other more than he can/will hurt you, though the entire subject is utterly dumb to bring up in the first place when you're in a scenario where taking a sword to the torso does absolutely nothing up to the point where they've taken enough of them to instantly die.

If you want to criticise something about this game you'd be better off putting up sugestions about gameplay/updates or whatnot and leave the little details to the players to figure out with this magical ability called imagination and suspension of disbelief.

First paragraph: I always imagined that was one of the reasons for the plethora of slimy,pre-lubed, multi-tentacled monsters.:D

Second paragraph: It's funny you bring these points up because when she is being molested/raped--that's exactly the reason why you start pressing all of the buttons...to break free! LOL
Now about the sword, I suggested possibly removing it and using melee attacks powered by her energy gauge. The sword can then be turned into either a purchasable/discoverable item, or a reward for accomplishing a difficult task. Of course, it would then have a far more damaging attack power.;)

Third paragraph: I actually did make some suggestions about gameplay in my post. I can definitely come up with more ideas about gameplay, but that will require me to use more of that "magical ability called imagination".:p

The sword-arm thing to me is nothing more than the graphical equivalent of a typo. It's not something major or a deal-breaker--it just irks me everytime I see it.

Again, love the game. Massive respect for the creator. Looking forward to the next release. Goodnight all.
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