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RPG Patreon Active [Hreinn Games] Kingdom of Deception

Is there a way to continue wrking in the relief tents after the judgement ? Sabia doesnt want to work there anymore in my save and its seems like i miss 3 CG in the gallery. Did i miss something ?
No, pretty sure there isn't. I've started over each save, and she always refuses after the trial to become an honorary tribe member is over. There are otherwise five CGs from working yourself at the relief tent.
The first three you get from just working there:
* Forced facefuck
* Handjob
* Blowjob
The remaining two you get from asking Neve about how to suck dong for cash:
* Blowjob with a fake smile
* Blowjob with a presumably real smile
No, pretty sure there isn't. I've started over each save, and she always refuses after the trial to become an honorary tribe member is over. There are otherwise five CGs from working yourself at the relief tent.
The first three you get from just working there:
* Forced facefuck
* Handjob
* Blowjob
The remaining two you get from asking Neve about how to suck dong for cash:
* Blowjob with a fake smile
* Blowjob with a presumably real smile

Ok thks you i was too quick in speedrun its seems ^^
is there a way for fast earning of gold other than hunting before the moon something feast?. item requirements are expensive and best i can earn is 11gold per hunt.

You can earn a lot of money and additional perks if you did well on the previous parts of the game or have high relationship points with characters that would give you feast gifts. Otherwise the easiest and fastest way to make money is working in the orc shops in the trading lodge.

use Cheat Engine but make sure that your money number is unique (like 113 or something)

btw anyone have complete save game? I am too lazy to make my Sabia to be dominant...

Can you please not advertise and tell people to cheat? I understand if you don't care about game play and would rather take the easy, no thinking involved way, but trying to push other players to completely disregard the effort we put in the game is annoying to say the least.

Really wish the intro sex scenes were added back in. Part of why I like this game and Noxian Nights is it throws you some H straight off the bat and leaves you hungry for more.

Our main concern was that the intro scene was a bit too much for a starting scene and how it painted the whole game, otherwise we are not opposed to it. We might consider adding it back in, but as a later event.

You can earn a lot of money and additional perks if you did well on the previous parts of the game or have high relationship points with characters that would give you feast gifts. Otherwise the easiest and fastest way to make money is working in the orc shops in the trading lodge.

will you add difficulty option in the future? i saw the walkthrough and to get the most from this game you have to follow a strict playing order.
It's not a question of difficulty. However, I do agree on the fact that the game is a bit too much time sensitive. Currently, over 4 arcs, 3 are time sensitive (rewards depends on speed) and 1 will stop short after a while.

It means you have to do most of the things during the feast because you can take as much time as you want, or miss lot of things (and it adds).
It's not a question of difficulty. However, I do agree on the fact that the game is a bit too much time sensitive. Currently, over 4 arcs, 3 are time sensitive (rewards depends on speed) and 1 will stop short after a while.

It means you have to do most of the things during the feast because you can take as much time as you want, or miss lot of things (and it adds).

will you add difficulty option in the future? i saw the walkthrough and to get the most from this game you have to follow a strict playing order.

When you follow a walkthrough, the creators of those tried to find the best most optimal way to go through KoD, so those might seem as too strict or complex, but you don't have to be perfect everywhere to finish the game.You can have sub optimal score on the catgirl quest, you can leave Kulgan to die or you can even lose or not participate in some of the arena fights and still pass, same with the feast performance. So the perfect scores are more for people that enjoy and want the maximum out of the game, but they are not mandatory.
I understand that, the problem is if you don't do well at the start, you are missing good bonus (Kulgan training and reward, the catgirl ring), and the game becomes harder and harder. And if you didn't optimize the state you were at the end of the feast arc (full stamina, for instance), you will most likely miss more training from the arena, making the game even harder later (less atk or def, no special skill, etc), and people will miss even more stuff.

I know it will be most probably not required to do everything perfectly to go through KoD, but still, it has a kind of snowball effect. Now, if you are fine with that, then I am too. I wanted to point it out, however.
Some snowball effect does exist in the game, and I do hear what you're saying. However, I don't feel that the snowball effect is so massive that it ruins the game balance. There's also a positive snowball for players that like optimizing everything: if you do better on one event, you get a little benefit that stays with you in the future. I personally find that rewarding, so I tried to include it in a way that wasn't too punishing.

For example, saving Kulgan does offer a permanent boost (his training). But I tried to balance things such that the time you have to save him is roughly four times the amount you actually need. That gives enough time to play around some, or at least that was my idea. On top of that, very few of the benefits you can getexpire after the trial. So if you miss any of them, you can just pick those up later during a free period when you have infinite time.

Now, I won't deny that if you go forward without Kulgan, you'll be at a slight disadvantage. But his effect on the next major event (the catgirl raid) is fairly small. In fact, I believe it should be possible to earn the catgirl ring no matter what decisions you've made previously. Kulgan helps a little, but he doesn't lock off the next bonus. Likewise, his stamina bonus for the arena is only one of many. But if it had no effect and literally any save could get all the bonuses, then he wouldn't really be much of a reward for players.

That's my goal with the game, anyway! Hope it at least clarifies what we were going for. Please rest assured that the game will be balanced for what we consider to be an average save, not an uber-optimized save from following a walkthrough. Everyone should be able to enjoy playing the game casually, but we hope to include some content for people who enjoy the strategy of it.
Can you please not advertise and tell people to cheat? I understand if you don't care about game play and would rather take the easy, no thinking involved way, but trying to push other players to completely disregard the effort we put in the game is annoying to say the least.

woaah sorry about that if that's make you angry...
Sierra Lee, can you adjust the game so there are no 0xp fights from "Spar with orcs" at level 2? It's a something of a feel-bad to spend 50 stamina and not progress (is worse than just training alone). Could either clamp equal level fights to 1 rather than 0, or avoid generating level 2 orcs if player_level >= 2.

Those two options:
--- game/script.rpy.orig
+++ game/script.rpy
@@ -4142,12 +4142,13 @@
                     $ stamina -= 50
                     scene bg traininggroundsF
                     show backdropF
-                    $ enemy_level = 3
+                    $ tougher_orcs = player_level > 1
+                    $ enemy_level = 3 + tougher_orcs
                     $ enemy_maxhp = 25
                     $ enemy_hp = enemy_maxhp
                     $ enemy_type = 1
                     $ enemy_attack = 1
-                    $ enemy_defense = -2
+                    $ enemy_defense = -2 + tougher_orcs
                     $ enemy_magdefense = -3
                     call sabiabase from _call_sabiabase_20
                     call randorc from _call_randorc
@@ -19478,7 +19479,9 @@
             $ enemy_ep = 0
             call nullbuffs
             $ xpgain = enemy_level - player_level
-            if xpgain < 0:
+            if player_level == enemy_level:
+                $ xpgain = 1
+            elif player_level > enemy_level:
                 $ xpgain = 0
             $ player_xp += xpgain  
             $ renpy.block_rollback()
Last edited:
You can earn a lot of money and additional perks if you did well on the previous parts of the game or have high relationship points with characters that would give you feast gifts. Otherwise the easiest and fastest way to make money is working in the orc shops in the trading lodge.

Can you please not advertise and tell people to cheat? I understand if you don't care about game play and would rather take the easy, no thinking involved way, but trying to push other players to completely disregard the effort we put in the game is annoying to say the least.


Our main concern was that the intro scene was a bit too much for a starting scene and how it painted the whole game, otherwise we are not opposed to it. We might consider adding it back in, but as a later event.

Wow Nomo, you removed the intro scene? I'm very happy with that. It's OK to have that kind of scene, but you have to be realistic. I think as a writer you should put your shoes in Sabia. If you got gang banged, you'd be thinking about it, referring to it, whole game. But you won't be as shocked if you were gradually getting into that stuff. You could also write it that Sabia, the once proud general, after getting a train run on her, becomes fearful of orcs. Throughout the game, she acts tough but in fact she's actually shaking with fear (i LOVE corrupting heroine like that). And then you have that one orc that sees through her shit and totally dominates her. But it's also fine to remove that scene and play it out like a normal corruption game. Keep up the good work.
Gallery unlock for 0.4.2. Don't think it works as a save though. Extract to Kingdom_of_Deception > Game > Database.

Whoops, sorry I missed a post.

Sierra Lee, can you adjust the game so there are no 0xp fights from "Spar with orcs" at level 2? It's a something of a feel-bad to spend 50 stamina and not progress (is worse than just training alone). Could either clamp equal level fights to 1 rather than 0, or avoid generating level 2 orcs if player_level >= 2.
I see what you're saying, but did design the balance the way it is for a reason. If you want to grind the training orcs, you can reload as soon as you see a lower level orc. I didn't want the visual details to be completely irrelevant, so I tried to integrate the randomization.

A few important notes before the full release list:
1) Old saves do not work for this version so you need to do a full restart.

2) We have balanced the new combat system multiple times during the beta testing, but we are still working on it, so please do provide feedback and if you feel certain options are used more than others.

3) The new raiding system is still a work in progress. We coded and added the main frame of it, but we will increase its complexity with time. While you try it, we are still open for suggestions and feedback we can use for its further development.

- A full update of content aside from the whole game coding revamp.
- 5 new CGs with 9 unique scene variations, that add or change content depending on your choices.
- Unique Captain Content: Player choice of Captain will have an increased effect, with new events, troops, and sex scenes. Though we intend for most future content to be obtainable by most saves, we also think it's important for player choices to grant unique rewards sometimes.
- Makhor Content: After leaving you on a cliffhanger with the Makhor last time, we'll give you plenty of answers and scenes with the new character.
- Battle System Revamp: We increased the complexity of the combat system last time, but with this update we've completed the redesign. There's a new resource to manage, plus we responded to complaints that the system didn't include enough information about available attacks. The newly balanced system will make battles more varied and more fun.
- Army Raiding System Introduction: Now that Sabia has gained control of forces, she'll be able to take the next significant step. This includes a brand new system that we have yet to introduce in a preview post. We'll leave you to discover it in the game, but we'll say that it adds another layer of consequences to all your past decisions.
- New Maps: You'll be able to see an interactive part of the world map we previewed in the game that was applied to earlier content too. This is a new system so changes might happen to it, so PLEASE DO NOT save on the new map screen. If you save in the orc camp screen your saves should be safe from any changes we do.
- We changed the menus and GUI of the options in Sabia's tent. You can now better see her stats, from sub to dom points, to strength and other things, to the relationship points you have with different characters.
- There is a completely new equipment and crafting menu too. Hopefully this will give you more clarity on the consequences of your actions and better way to execute the different mechanics of the game.

The release has just been sent to patrons! It will be out for $5 backers in a few days, and released publicly in a week. We hope everyone enjoys!
public copy.png

Public release is out.More information and links can be found here below:

What strategy are you trying? Given how the combat system has been revised, you may need to adjust your strategy somewhat.
If anyone needs any help with the new version of the game, feel free to check the guides, they were updated to include the new version:
