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Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Not quite sure, although I know most people throw it in just before boil. Also it is moved from the pot to a large frying pan in order to absorb a cup of wine or so in there as well. I thought if you're adding it to water, it'll still retain a good amount of the alcohol, maybe like 75%

Ethanol has lower boiling point than water, is why I'm asking(typing with only one hand ftw).
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Yeah, cooking things usually removes most of the alcohol. But as he says, if you only put it in late, it can retain it's strength.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

If you were an alcoholic, you'd probably be abusing vodka sauces instead.

Drunken spaghetti can easily get you doped. If serving a large amount, there can be more than 2 quarts of wine absorbed into it.


I was trying to be amusing. People always look at me funny when I sit in the wine section for a while, so I crack that joke and get them to laugh.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I empty a wine bottle ever day, but I start the day by filling it with water. Two bottles in summer/hot weather. I find that water goes great with every meal.

Can't say I recall ever actually trying wine cooked food (or whatever it's called) before though. Unless the ginger jelly I once made with ginger wine counts.

[Edit+] Forgot to post the pic.

I had a picture of that somewhere, with the subscript "BRILLIANT!"

I know the one you mean.

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Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Discussion of wine? Dude, my sis is a Le Courdon Bleu chef, she practically cooks rings around us on anything higher then Shake and Bake.

Then again, it's also her profession, so she's payed to be that smart.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

, but I feel it belongs here anyway. Religious folk may or may not be offended by this. Either way I don't care.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Don't be a fag, it takes all of five minutes to make an account.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...


Snow needs a little help to play with itself, but its happy just the same.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

, but I feel it belongs here anyway. Religious folk may or may not be offended by this. Either way I don't care.

Sure is good to have no religion. Nothing offends you. Then again I was always curious how do christian folk deal with fapping to succubi and other demon related things.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Eh, I take all religious folk who do anything that would be considered 'sinful' as giant hypocrites. I'm not religious myself, but if you're going to worship an imaginary old codger in the sky then do it as the instruction manual dictates.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Eh, I take all religious folk who do anything that would be considered 'sinful' as giant hypocrites. I'm not religious myself, but if you're going to worship an imaginary old codger in the sky then do it as the instruction manual dictates.

Hmm, what about people who believe that people are inherently bad, and ask for forgiveness for their flaws and try their best rather than looking down at people and speaking out of their nose?

I personally when I was religious was the latter, and I am guilty of being a hypocrite within my life on several occasions, but there are religious people I know personally who I look up to a lot, and I believe that it's rather valiant of them to try so hard.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Hmm, what about people who believe that people are inherently bad, and ask for forgiveness for their flaws and try their best rather than looking down at people and speaking out of their nose?

Practically all the religious people I know aren't like that, so maybe I'm being biased but from my point of view anyone who goes about doing anything sinful on a daily basis and doesn't ask for forgiveness for doing it, hell even asking for forgiveness THEN continuing to do the same thing are hypocrites.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Sure is good to have no religion. Nothing offends you. Then again I was always curious how do christian folk deal with fapping to succubi and other demon related things.

Duh...the little story Oni posted tells you how. Divine puberty and Luke stole the computer. It makes perfect sense, silly.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Don't get me wrong, somebody who continues to sin unabated by any attempt to improve themselves is entirely a hypocrite, but as I was saying, I know some authentically impressive religious people myself, so my point is biased in itself.

Some of my closest friends are Christian, and I get the feeling they even tried at all to be my friend was due to their ideals, which leads me to think that in rare scenarios, Religion can lead to an honestly different and refreshing person who can do real good.

But then again, I doubt I'll change your opinion, I guess religion can also depend on were you live, if it's America, retarded Christians and the like are a foregone conclusion.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Don't get me wrong, somebody who continues to sin unabated by any attempt to improve themselves is entirely a hypocrite, but as I was saying, I know some authentically impressive religious people myself, so my point is biased in itself.

Some of my closest friends are Christian, and I get the feeling they even tried at all to be my friend was due to their ideals, which leads me to think that in rare scenarios, Religion can lead to an honestly different and refreshing person who can do real good.

But then again, I doubt I'll change your opinion, I guess religion can also depend on were you live, if it's America, retarded Christians and the like are a foregone conclusion.

Well there's a lot more to it other than the types of 'religious' people I know, but yeah I doubt you or anyone else for that matter will ever change my mind. Don't get me wrong though, it's not just Christians I have a problem with it's pretty much every religion. Also, I live in Britain, not America.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Well there's a lot more to it other than the types of 'religious' people I know, but yeah I doubt you or anyone else for that matter will ever change my mind. Don't get me wrong though, it's not just Christians I have a problem with it's pretty much every religion. Also, I live in Britain, not America.

I bet you hate muslims.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Well there's a lot more to it other than the types of 'religious' people I know, but yeah I doubt you or anyone else for that matter will ever change my mind. Don't get me wrong though, it's not just Christians I have a problem with it's pretty much every religion. Also, I live in Britain, not America.

I'm not quite religious anymore, though I had a phase were I tried to get into it, also, despite my living there for awhile, I don't know too much about Britain or religious groups affiliated, so I cannot really comment, but I'll trust your personal judgment on the people you know.

As for other religions, I haven't actually met somebody particularly religious who wasn't a Christian, up until recently I've been quite the shut-in.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

I bet you hate muslims.

Only the extremists. That being said, other than the hypocrites and extremists I don't really have a problem with people who believe in religion so long as they aren't trying to jam it down my throat. People can believe in whatever the hell they want, I just don't think we need what they believe in and I don't want to hear about it either.
Re: Images of Wonder Truth and Fear...

Only the extremists. That being said, other than the hypocrites and extremists I don't really have a problem with people who believe in religion so long as they aren't trying to jam it down my throat. People can believe in whatever the hell they want, I just don't think we need what they believe in and I don't want to hear about it either.

What about those who constantly whine about being offended by everything. I mean they come to country foreign to their religion and when they find something that offends them, which always happens because if you look for something you will find it, they don't "deal with it" or get back to their home country or some country where their religion is more widely accepted. Instead they start to riot and protest. Not all of them are extremists since most of them just whine, but isn't that basically the same as showing their religion down our/your throat ?