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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Insert your own coffee with creme puns. Oh, oh, competitor idea. I wont say more than it involves coffee and futa.
Re: In today's news...

So, apparently there's an alleged increase in harassment of immigrants in the UK since the referendum. It's a bit hard to quantify or verify, since it's based on twitter hashtags and samples from Facebook, but there's at least one case of multiple Polish immigrant families finding a message of "no more Polish vermin."


Even if it's the work of a single bloke, it's still pretty fucked up.

There's also something deeply tragically ironic about white English telling ethnic Tamils and Pakistanis (many second or third generation nationals) to "fuck off home", when the British literally fought wars to include them in their empire back in the day.

EDIT: Not saying majority of "Leave" voters are racists or anything, just that there's apparently a subset of them that seems to think that this has legitimized their preexisting prejudices.
Re: In today's news...

The fuck? They must hate big tits. A lot of the non-silicone large busted models are Polish! And if these fuckers hate big tits, I hate them.
Re: In today's news...

@crawdaddy: Sadly, there have been many, many more reported cases.
Re: In today's news...

The quote of the year is?

England stop with the U.S hate, your just the same but in denial. :p
Re: In today's news...

News has been consistently depressing....and hard to fap to.
Re: In today's news...

Seriously, whats the problem they have with the polish. Over in germany we joke about them sometimes, sure, but we got a lot of hard workin' folks from them..

I can understand concerns with the new wave of immigrants that have completely different values and attitudes (For example towards women, thanks for that muslims), but what even is the problem with the polish.
Re: In today's news...

It's different for Germany, you've been trying to annex them for centuries now.

So Germany was ready for them
Re: In today's news...

I don't quite know. I assume it has to do with the "they took our jerbs!"-issue. That's what caused a number of people over here to dislike migrant workers from Eastern Europe anyways, underbidding native tradesmen. This also means that this whole issue has a certain class-based difference; upper middle class people with high education welcome migrant workers because it means they can get that extension to their suburban villa cheaper, while working class people find the migrant workers a threat to their standard of living.

There's also stereotypes that associate Eastern European men with criminal gangs and burglar rings, as well as violent alcoholism.

And honestly, the whole "[insert foreign group] has a bad view of women" isn't unique to the muslim immigrants. It's a stereotype a lot of people have of Eastern European men as well.

Whether these apply specifically to Polish people in the minds of Brits, I don't know. I suspect some of the cultural stereotypes have been transplanted over to Middle Easterners/South Asians (or "muslims", often regardless of actual religion), who are currently the main cultural "Other" in Europe.

It's different for Germany, you've been trying to annex them for centuries now.

So Germany was ready for them

Ba-dum-tsh. XD
Re: In today's news...

Its definitely the "they took our jerbs" here in the USA. Though, its more like these people are going out and doing jobs that most americans are too proud to do.

So there's that.

I'm pretty sure its a similar case.
Re: In today's news...

Oh, it is. I noticed that when doing temp work - minimum wage jobs are largely done by first or second generation immigrants with poor German skills.
Re: In today's news...

I hate to sound potentially... blithe about all this, it's a tad sad to hear all the bad things, the media doing a job of talking up the falling pound, PM letting it stew until handing his title to the next poor bugger, etc, but is it wrong to think that Brexit will indeed be a wonderful thing, just that people in positions of power, be it politics or finance, are losing their shit because they don't know what to do, or don't know how, as mentioned, the actual systems work? 'Feeling that, logically, nothing drastic -must- happen or change, right now, it's a longer-term matter.

I.e it's gonna turn out better for us... if the situation's handled with actual competence? ><
Re: In today's news...

They took our job, system milkers(benefits), using their own language in work instead english, violent after alcohol and im sure the list for my Kin is longer.
Couple of years ago some/many British where baffled that its easier for a foreigner to get a benefit than them. IDK if the last sentence is still valid since the rules might have changed(never took a pence from benefits so im not sure)

There are a many kind of "bad apples" but every Country have them so its pointless to throw dirt forth and back.
Re: In today's news...

They took our job, system milkers(benefits), using their own language in work instead english, violent after alcohol and im sure the list for my Kin is longer.
Couple of years ago some/many British where baffled that its easier for a foreigner to get a benefit than them. IDK if the last sentence is still valid since the rules might have changed(never took a pence from benefits so im not sure)

There are a many kind of "bad apples" but every Country have them so its pointless to throw dirt forth and back.

There's been similar allegations in my country, although they have to do with refugees rather than work immigrants. Basically, elderly refugees automatically get a state pension without having to work up pension points. This pisses some people off. The reason for this, however, is that it's assumed that whatever pension scheme they had in their home country is now kaput, and so they're taken care of in their new host country.

Again, this doesn't apply to work immigrants, and I don't know how the UK system works.
Re: In today's news...

There's also something deeply tragically ironic about white English telling ethnic Tamils and Pakistanis (many second or third generation nationals) to "fuck off home", when the British literally fought wars to include them in their empire back in the day.
Well technically we* fought to own and control their land, people was just a side effect to that.

*we being the upper and middle classes... who funnily enough don't invite Pakistani families to live in their areas.

Edit: Really funny thing I noticed about the pound today. So since Friday the media's been all doom and gloom about how the pounds had a massive nose dive and that its been at its lowest for years and everyone is now fucked and we'll never recover...
I had a look on and looked at the pound:dollar rate for the past ten years, in 2008 in the space of six months with went from 2 dollar to 1.38 - not far off from what it is now.
So its not exactly the worst market crash in recent history at all.
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Re: In today's news...

Things are just getting started, believe me. They haven't even begun the process of removing themselves from the EU. Cameron passed that potato to his successor.
Re: In today's news...

I'm just saying, but

Everyone wants to trade with the UK still. And of course there is no way that they'll suddenly tax their financial sector into oblivion.

What we're seeing here is indeed that things are just getting started. Politically and speculatively, there's a lot of shit going around. Generally pro-EU politicians will not want to invoke article 50 out of their personal beliefs, and the market speculation wants to drive British everything down as far as they can so they can buy cheap for the recovery, whenever the politicians get around to actually showing the trade deals made.

Side note, I do believe the term for what happened with the Pound was a 'bear trap', where something drops rapidly and then shows signs of slow recovery, making some people buy in again.
And then it drops further, which should make these people sell at a loss to prevent losing more. That's more money for the big companies
In short, markets are complex and if they find a way to stir panic to get the prices down, they profit off it. So when you hear financial companies saying they're moving out of London to Germany, that's one of two things;
Or them going in harder on making the Pound and British stock drop harder to profit off it.

They don't care at all about the regular British citizens who had 10% of their savings wiped out, they care about the profit they just made short selling Pounds
Re: In today's news...

In other news,

Fuck 2016.