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Re: In today's news...

In other news,

Fuck 2016.

I've seen couple of movies with him not being even a teenager while my mom seen probably all of them gigling often from the fight scenes.
Re: In today's news...

I mean, I realize he may not be the most famous celebrity to pass this year, but Bud Spencer was a big part of my childhood. The movies he did with Terrence Hill are absolute classics.
Re: In today's news...

I'm just saying, but

Everyone wants to trade with the UK still. And of course there is no way that they'll suddenly tax their financial sector into oblivion.

What we're seeing here is indeed that things are just getting started. Politically and speculatively, there's a lot of shit going around. Generally pro-EU politicians will not want to invoke article 50 out of their personal beliefs, and the market speculation wants to drive British everything down as far as they can so they can buy cheap for the recovery, whenever the politicians get around to actually showing the trade deals made.

Side note, I do believe the term for what happened with the Pound was a 'bear trap', where something drops rapidly and then shows signs of slow recovery, making some people buy in again.
And then it drops further, which should make these people sell at a loss to prevent losing more. That's more money for the big companies
In short, markets are complex and if they find a way to stir panic to get the prices down, they profit off it. So when you hear financial companies saying they're moving out of London to Germany, that's one of two things;
Or them going in harder on making the Pound and British stock drop harder to profit off it.

They don't care at all about the regular British citizens who had 10% of their savings wiped out, they care about the profit they just made short selling Pounds

Well, obviously, it's an industrialized nation with 60 million consumers. You'd be an idiot not to want to trade with them in some capacity.
Re: In today's news...

Warner Bros. is making a Minecraft movie in 2019.
Re: In today's news...

Warner Bros. is making a Minecraft movie in 2019.

...Well, if Telltale Games can...

Aw who am I kidding. Telltale knows what the hell they're doing.
Re: In today's news...

And another bomb goes boom, more civilians die.

Am I wrong in believing there's no way to hurt them enough to stop this kind of thing?
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

The "games" are perfectly entertaining and immersive if you're willing to suspend your disbelief. At least, The Walking Dead season 1 was like that and I enjoyed it a lot. I think few people are willing to ignore it once the cat is fully out of the bag that none of your decisions really matter to the script, unless they take on a certain mindset; I personally couldn't once I got to season 2 with clementine and all that..
Re: In today's news...

you can't really compare the real season with the click and point advanture tho~ that where totally different Story's i finished the game story long ago and decidet to watch the real season as well (So many Season's D:) im not half way done yet ...
Still people nowdays probably don't like Films about game's anymore since there are some crappy films about good games around already due to low budget the film didn't met their Expectations and Rushed films are Crap as well (Deadpool was good tho)
Re: In today's news...

What could they possibly spend the budget on? I mean, it's not Minecraft if everything doesn't consist of cubes.
Re: In today's news...

warner bros is a huge Company so they Probably have many ways to spend their Budget
it's probably Funny to see a Minecraft like character Profile which resembels Vin Disel in a lot of way's xD (dunno if hes actually a part of the film i just like him, and it would be funny to see a blocky Version of a Bald Masculine guy <3 )
Re: In today's news...

Telltale's games are interesting to watch, but not much of a game IMO. Plus I thought the profanity was excessive to the point of ridiculous.

I'm half tempted to make a Walking Dead game with RPG Maker just to show them up, but I have to finish FSA before I could even consider it. :p

And even then, I would probably want to make something else instead. I'm not normally a fan of fanfic type stuff, plus there's the legality issues. Of course it would be free, and a parody at that, but that's never stopped companies like Blizzard from shutting down peoples' projects.

And I would totally make fun of Kenny before I kill him off in some spectacular way.
Kenny is walking down the road next to Clementine and says:
"What in the gosh darn heck is this gosh darn world coming to! I just gosh darn hate everything, including my own gosh darn hat! Gosh darn it! I even gosh darn hate my gosh darn self!" At which point I would probably have him run over by a car, and then hit by a falling meteor, and finally the meteor explodes. Meanwhile, Clementine claps and says "Yay! I thought he would never shut up!"

... It's tempting to give him a cameo in FSA just so I can kill him. :D


Sorry, just a pet peeve of mine.

Every time I see ownership grammar improperly used I am jokingly thinking, for example, "The story's what?" :D
It happens a lot. Always so tempted to reply with a comment like that but I usually restrain myself.
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Re: In today's news...

And I would totally make fun of Kenny before I kill him off in some spectacular way.

Kenny is walking down the road next to Clementine and says:
"What in the gosh darn heck is this gosh darn world coming to! I just gosh darn hate everything, including my own gosh darn hat! Gosh darn it! I even gosh darn hate my gosh darn self!" At which point I would probably have him run over by a car, and then hit by a falling meteor, and finally the meteor explodes.

Reminds me of this scene in Korean Zombie Desk Car

Re: In today's news...

Every time I see ownership grammar improperly used I am jokingly thinking, for example, "The story's what?" :D
It happens a lot. Always so tempted to reply with a comment like that but I usually restrain myself.

I try not to be a dick about it. More about helping people get understood properly.
Re: In today's news...

I try not to be a dick about it. More about helping people get understood properly.

I approve that and encourage anyone who see me typing any errors to point them out(especially the one's i make frequently)
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Re: In today's news...

As expected

Stocks are going up by a lot after Brexit

They had their low, now it's time for a high and then they'll oscillate a few times before stabilising. Probably

And the Austrian high court rules the election had severe enough problems to declare its results invalid

Details still unknown, but there will be a re-election

The mastermind behind the Istanbul attacks was a 'refugee' in Austria for years

Source seems a bit..Eh, but still works
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