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Re: In today's news...

And the Austrian high court rules the election had severe enough problems to declare its results invalid

Details still unknown, but there will be a re-election

Feels good to see justice for Austria at least.

Hope Hofer can get in there fair and square this time!
Re: In today's news...

As expected

Stocks are going up by a lot after Brexit

They had their low, now it's time for a high and then they'll oscillate a few times before stabilising. Probably
Well, this is how stock exchange works. But it doesn't mean anything. It certainly doesn't mean what you think it does - that things are back to normal, as if nothing had happened.
Re: In today's news...

Man, the stock market is so complex I don't think ANYONE really understands what it means.

That being said, economics is not the only issue here.
Re: In today's news...

Man, the stock market is so complex I don't think ANYONE really understands what it means.

That being said, economics is not the only issue here.

They don't, at least not as well as they'd like us to believe. There was a John Oliver segment where they reference a project that attempted to see how much more efficient managed funds were than just simply randomly choosing investments, and random won out, at least in that project.

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of important positions in world trade of course, but it's also a massively bloated sector, with near-sociopathic people willing to scuttle the world economy for a yearly bonus. Which is pretty much what actually happened.
Re: In today's news...

Well this is going to be interesting.
Re: In today's news...

They don't, at least not as well as they'd like us to believe. There was a John Oliver segment where they reference a project that attempted to see how much more efficient managed funds were than just simply randomly choosing investments, and random won out, at least in that project.

Don't get me wrong, there are lots of important positions in world trade of course, but it's also a massively bloated sector, with near-sociopathic people willing to scuttle the world economy for a yearly bonus. Which is pretty much what actually happened.

Re: In today's news...

Well this is going to be interesting.

So what they're saying is basically
"If your house is connected to the street it's not private"

Using the judge's own reasoning that is. Because no home is safe from invasion either, no matter how many bars you put in the windows and how strong your door is. If someone really wants in, they can get in
Re: In today's news...

As if, you know, we didn't have enough problems with warrants and intrusion into people's digital lives.
Re: In today's news...

It'll get overturned on appeal. Unfortunately our justice system isn't exactly friendly with new things (lol, I know it's not really new) being that most judges are rather old when they actually get on the bench. And even if it isn't overturned in state court, once it goes up to the supreme court there's no way that ruling will stand.
Re: In today's news...

America is striving so hard for this. :p
Re: In today's news...

It'll get overturned on appeal. Unfortunately our justice system isn't exactly friendly with new things (lol, I know it's not really new) being that most judges are rather old when they actually get on the bench. And even if it isn't overturned in state court, once it goes up to the supreme court there's no way that ruling will stand.

The case is the FBI vs a bunch of kiddy diddlers.

No way is that getting overturned, so that badly worded phrase is going to attached to something pretty big that will no doubt get abused in the future.
Re: In today's news...

Nigel Farage, leader of UKIP, has resigned his position, more or less citing that he's done what he's been single-mindedly, relentlessly campaigning for for nearly 20 years.

The Pound Sterling/FTSE has apparently, unless I'm mistake, not only recovered, but is now at a higher level than what it was 'pre-Brexit', correct me if I'm wrong. Also below is indeed a little copy from the newspaper, so feel free to a small pinch of salt, but eh.

"American politicians are apparently 'clamoring' to make trade deals with us, their House of Representatives Speaker called for negotiations with Britain as a 'indispensable ally of the US'. Trade Minister Lord Price - Former boss of Waitrose - is set to visit China, Hon Kong and Brazil. Officials in Australia and South Korea have been in touch to discuss partnerships, and talks with India could begin soon. New Zealand has offered to lend it's battle-hardened negotiators to Britain, with trade minister Todd Mclay calling the UK a 'long-standing friend'."

Economic doom and gloom that was fore-spoken of by everybody in positions of authority has yet to occur, much like the Mayan Calendar's end of the world scenario.

Speaking of which, Boris Johnson has spoken about the thousands-strong protests about the result, calling it a 'the last tides of pro-EU mourning' or some-such. Also he seemed to critcised the Government for not actually making full efforts to devise a proper strategy in the event of 'Brexit'.

Edit; Germany's leader has been calling for 'calm heads' and seems happy to talk with us at the appropriate time (Germany has elections next year, with candidates offering a EU Referendum) and France as said we can have our trade deal, and not have to have free movement of people, (France also has elections next year, with candidates offering a EU Referendum), ironically, their openness is contrasted with the President of the EU Commission's stance, for us to 'get out quickly', and apparently had called Britain 'insignificant' some months back. So 'insignificant', 'Brexit' has caused stocks around the world to plummet, however temporary it might be, and a potentially massive change in the EU, with them admitting to not listening to their people about issues.
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Re: In today's news...

I'd like to note that the only reason nothing has happened is that Britain still hasn't left the EU, still hasn't even BEGUN to leave the EU. The guys who were supposed to start it left office rather than trying to deal with it.
Re: In today's news...

Mhm, precisely - nothing has happened yet, but we have managed to become hysterical nonetheless. As for those whose left office rather than deal with it, in the PM's own words 'as a remainer, I don't believe myself the correct person to leave', paraphrased, obviously.

Here's hoping for the best as always.
Re: In today's news...

Well it is the government's job to have a plan, not the peoples. As they said, the government should have been prepared for the eventuality. The banks were more prepared for it than they were.

And yeah, didn't expect that much to come from the hysteria. We'll see a redux of it once the UK leaves officially but this happens every time there's change. I'm gonna wait about a year or two after the smoke settles to see how it went. Because as proven with the panic, when it's happening, nobody can keep a level head or objectivity on the matter.
Re: In today's news...

Don't get too used to the rising Pound/stocks, they'll drop again as soon as any news whatsoever comes out about brexit
And then again when it actually happens
And probably a few more times after that too

It being high right now doesn't exactly mean much in the long run, but in the short run it means the initial panic has died down

The exact same thing happened when Britain said no to the single-currency Euro. Pound and stocks dropped, and then recovered when people realised that things weren't all as doom and gloom as the predictions were
And then they shot up really quickly when Greece started saying they were in trouble
Re: In today's news...

The case is the FBI vs a bunch of kiddy diddlers.

No way is that getting overturned, so that badly worded phrase is going to attached to something pretty big that will no doubt get abused in the future.

It will be overturned, whether it's on this case or not. Privacy is a clearly defined concept and this ruling breaches it. Remember, the 'drones' must believe they have rights otherwise they'll become a problem.
Re: In today's news...

USA pls

Stop shooting eachother
Re: In today's news...

It certainly would be nice.

From everything that I've heard the BLM protest was peaceful and fine and the snipers are unconnected. The media was reporting that they had a suspect, but what happened is a man was exercising his second amendment "rights" and surrendered his firearm after he heard the police were looking for him and then provided evidence that he was protesting just as peacefully as the others. I'm assuming the gun will be ballistics tested and probably not returned after they prove it wasn't him.

I'm so tired of people killing each other.

I'm also tired of people carrying weapons like his around in public. I'm sorry, but I'll stand by what I said when Orlando happened, No one fucking needs that kind of weapon.
Re: In today's news...

not directly news related, but this thread needs to lighten up a little