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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

All the girls' antennae wave around excitedly once Toxic accepts and Pooky offers her services as an assistant, but the moment she learns what chitin is and declines a number of them start panicking. A small group rushes off to give chase, and one girl even manages to dive and attach herself to Pooky's ankle.

"Come back!"
"It's just a little line under our jaw!"
"Like a piece of armor we can't take off!"
"Please help us!"
"We can't find it ourselves!"
"I think mine's on my elbow..."
Re: In today's news...

I love the feel of an insect's carapace. To me, most of them feel very smooth.

Hate spiders though, their hairs are all prickly and pointy. Very uncomfortable feeling to pet one.
Re: In today's news...

All the girls' antennae wave around excitedly once Toxic accepts and Pooky offers her services as an assistant, but the moment she learns what chitin is and declines a number of them start panicking. A small group rushes off to give chase, and one girl even manages to dive and attach herself to Pooky's ankle.

"Come back!"
"It's just a little line under our jaw!"
"Like a piece of armor we can't take off!"
"Please help us!"
"We can't find it ourselves!"
"I think mine's on my elbow..."

<x< Damn you for being so convincing...*sighs, acquiesces to the request, and is promptly hoisted up by the group and carried off towards an 'Examination Room', with the door locking behind us and an 'In Use' sign flicking on*

Toxic gets the rest of the group until I'm done here =3
Re: In today's news...

<x< Damn you for being so convincing...*sighs, acquiesces to the request, and is promptly hoisted up by the group and carried off towards an 'Examination Room', with the door locking behind us and an 'In Use' sign flicking on*

Toxic gets the rest of the group until I'm done here =3

Here's some bugspray.
Re: In today's news...

So apparently is frowned upon?
Re: In today's news...

HAHAHAHAHAHA, 4chan was shown on British news today in their article about internet bullying.

Re: In today's news...

HAHAHAHAHAHA, 4chan was shown on British news today in their article about internet bullying.

I'm not allowed to watch the video because I'm not in snotty-tea-land (UK only vid).

DISCLAIMER: UrbanKirasagi has much love for the British twats. No offense is intended or meant by the above ascribed stereotypes.
Re: In today's news...

Only their twats?
Re: In today's news...

DISCLAIMER: UrbanKirasagi has much love for the British twats. No offense is intended or meant by the above ascribed stereotypes.

Re: In today's news...

DISCLAIMER: UrbanKirasagi has much love for the British twats. No offense is intended or meant by the above ascribed stereotypes.

Quit backpedaling. If you're gonna make fun of someone, go the whole way.
Re: In today's news...

I support our troops by wanting them home and out of danger. I kind of like them not being killed, you know?
Re: In today's news...

Short video is pretty much talking about a few organised attacks on facebook pages, and shows some screens from /b/ with posters giving links to these pages/advertising for other anons to join in. Always amusing to see 4chan getting itself on TV again, but nothing special to see really. A fairly plain and objective snotty-tea style news story actually. I guess we'll have to leave it to CNN to provide lulz by blowing up innocent vans.
Re: In today's news...

Squid pretty much summed it up nicely. I was amused simply because it was the first time I've seen anything 4chan related in British news.
Re: In today's news...


That's amazing.

"Regular internet users aren't shocked by much nowadays"

"Let's look at the bullies' website that they're using"

The whole thing is about naming and shaming cyber bullies but they don't name and shame one person. Or even say they have any names.

Re: In today's news...

I support our troops by wanting them home and out of danger. I kind of like them not being killed, you know?

Random, I suppose you're replying to earlier comments.

Still, I have to say that we shouldn't pull out of Afghanistan. our job isn't finished there, and simply pulling out now will mean it's been a waste.
Re: In today's news...

On a side note...

*a counter outside the Examination Room abruptly flicks to " [7] Patients Satisfied ", as a few of the naked termite girls stumble out, faces heavy with blushes, antennae twitching, hands covering between their legs as they move away in a small group, speaking in quiet and embarrassed voices as they leave, as fresh moans come from the room*

The discovery session is going well.
Re: In today's news...

"7 down, only 1486 to go."