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Re: In today's news...

Random, I suppose you're replying to earlier comments.

Still, I have to say that we shouldn't pull out of Afghanistan. our job isn't finished there, and simply pulling out now will mean it's been a waste.

i suppose its kinda like black hawk down. i don't know much about the circumstances, but the troops went in and as soon as people realised that American troops might die they got shocked and pulled out. congratulations, you literally forced those people to die for nothing. although as an arm chair theorist using a movie as my basis (even if it was based on a true story) i don't actually have the right to an opinion here.
Re: In today's news...

"7 down, only 1486 to go."

Hey, half of that quota is ToxicShock's, not my fault if he's inept with pleasuring women. *waits for the mental sound of about a dozen guys going 'oooh...low...' *

See, this is what the bugspray is for.

Why would I want to drive them away? You're not thinking of this exponentially - once I've finished with one group, some of them will have the technique and thoughts down to help some of the others, and so the more I help, the more will be helped.

Of course, that doesn't change that this probably ends with me in the midst of a 1486 girl either gang-raep or line of cunnilingus for a long time, but I have few complaints there.
Re: In today's news...

i suppose its kinda like black hawk down. i don't know much about the circumstances, but the troops went in and as soon as people realised that American troops might die they got shocked and pulled out. congratulations, you literally forced those people to die for nothing. although as an arm chair theorist using a movie as my basis (even if it was based on a true story) i don't actually have the right to an opinion here.

Well actually, the people wanted to pull out before the events of Black Hawk Down took place. They'd been there awhile. The public tends not to care too much about Africa until something really bad happens. Everyone was shocked at Rwanda and why we didn't do anything, but when it's starvation instead of machete's being used to slaughter people then it's not as big of a deal apparently.

There was also the incident with the Canadian Airborne in Somalia that caused our government to disband the unit, which a lot of people still think was a mistake, and they've only begun to rectify by forming CSOR. Still, CSOR will not be able to live up to the Airborne, they were men pretty much brainwashed into being killers and warriors. They shouldn't have been in a delicate situation like Somalia to begin with in my opinion, at least not in the way they were being used.

It's war-weariness that's really causing the big "Pull out now." People don't think that we should be dabbling in their business in a combat capacity. And Canadians still cling to that myth of Peacekeeping and how we should go back to doing that.
Re: In today's news...

Bikini-clad strippers protest church in rural Ohio

I loled
Re: In today's news...

All power to them (the strippers and their supporters). My favorite quote was:

"I got a church 900 feet down the street that causes me no problems," club owner George said. "And I got this moron nine miles down the street that causes me more headaches."

I can't stand it when religious people get on a high horse about "saving the souls" of people they call sinners. Fuck off, seriously, nobody is perfect, and besides, it's not like them going to hell (if they do) is going to affect whether or not YOU get into Heaven (or don't).
Re: In today's news...

I agree about not being able to stand the evangelists, but they actually do believe they'll go to hell if they don't try to save who they believe to be sinners. It's like if you believed in heaven/hell, and you saw people who were stuck in holes in the ground on a regular basis. You'd probably help them out of the holes, because if you just left those poor people there, you'd be going to hell.

That's the basis of their belief anyway. The jaded negativity of most religious people often masks the fact that some of them really are just trying to help, albeit in an incredibly irresponsible and oppressive way. All the others are just lemmings and can be disregarded on a moral playing field.
Re: In today's news...

While I can understand the reasoning behind the Church wanting the strip club shut down - if it is, in fact, because they want to save the strippers' souls, and not because they just don't like having a strip-club in their town - they're going about it the wrong way. You don't 'save' someone by telling them what they're doing is stupid and wrong. All that does is, as was mentioned in the article, put the accused on the defensive, and make them reject any 'help' you offer.

Personally, I don't see what the problem here is. Then again, under 'Religious Views' on Facebook, I put 'Man of Reason'.
Do I believe in a higher power? Yes, just probably not yours. While I believe the 'holy' scriptures of every religion have at least some good teachings in them, I also don't take everything the scriptures say at face-value. They were put there as guidelines on how to live, not as rules to be strictly followed - and if they were, well, it probably wasn't written with the best of intentions. That's just my opinion.

Anyways, back to the article.
I find it funny that the church has offered to help the strippers. Hey, here's a thought, HELP THEM BY NOT PUTTING THEM OUT OF A JOB. Seriously, did you think about that? Do you HONESTLY think that they would accept your help, when YOU'RE the one that put them out of a job?
Also, for the most part, people want to EARN their money. I'm not saying people say no to free money, but more often than not, most people prefer to feel like they've EARNED that money.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but the church just seems so... two-faced. On the one hand, they want to help these strippers. On the other hand, they want to put them out of their jobs, without - as far as I can tell - a thought as to helping the girls find new jobs; instead, they're just going to throw money at the problem.
Re: In today's news...

I love how the strippers were using words from the bible in their protest. I think that they have the right to earn money just like the church has a right to exist...
Re: In today's news...

... You don't 'save' someone by telling them what they're doing is stupid and wrong.

fighting for truth, freedom and the American way.
Re: In today's news...

I mean, I side with the strippers on this (big surprise) but the funny part about them quoting religious things, is that they quote the most elementary shit. And I have to kinda laugh. It's like they didn't actually want to research it, so they just tried to remember what a religious person might have told them when they were 8.
Re: In today's news...

Not even fictional characters are safe from the scandal of nude pictures being spread on the internet.

On a related note, if anyone is able to find the commercial where she's in the shower, it would be much appreciated. My google-fu is apparently weak at the moment.
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Aww, I liked her character, hadn't heard they'd dropped her =(

Although I do remember a rather funny piece of art of the Geico gecko fucking her XD
Re: In today's news...

Apparently her boots were with Mr Opportunity and he was knocking.

I have to find the one of her and Flo, I'm sure I've seen it before.
Re: In today's news...

That.... is just sad. And that was before I found out there was porn of her. But come on- if ya draw it, they will copy it (naked more then likely). It's one of the best fundamentals of art, beyond the good copy, the best steal, or something like that. *straitens pencil behind ear*
Re: In today's news...

Oh, you've got to love that brilliant business decision made right there.

Their character gets out, gets appreciated enough by people to have them draw numerous pictures of her, which causes her and thereby the company to be exposed to a greater amount of people and in a positive way, and in an entirely different demographic than was initially intended, something a lot of companies would call serendipitous... and they decide to shelve her.

Which is so very effectively going to stop people from drawing the character in ways they don't want.

Idiots. If they had just kept on with allowing it, and even accepted it, they'd get what , and their business likely would have benefited at least somewhat from it.

Also, those links could very well go in the Wonder Truth and Fear thread. Goddamn crazy French...
Re: In today's news...

. . . I'm suddenly very thirsty o_O
Re: In today's news...
