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Re: In today's news...

I don't have a link but I herd over the radio that while A Local Firedepartment was out Fighting a blaze a Local man Desided to help him self to the stations Electronics when the firefighters returned from the blaze They Discovered the man Walking out of the Station with a large black plastic bag over his shoulder and one of the firefighters Labtops In his hand neadless to say he was apprehended.

Now I know We could say That maybe the fire fighters should have locked the door are something but really the question you have to ask is who the fuck steals from a man who the closest weapon to him is a Fireaxe While your apparently unarmed? This took place about midnight so the guy was camping outside the station waiting for a chance to sneak in how stupid is that?
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...


. . . *waits for Yahtzee to rant on it*
Seriously, Australia already has some pretty ridiculous laws. What once started out as a country of prisoners is now a society run by pansy-ass mother fuckers that might as well ban everything but Teletubbies... and if they actually DO that, I have a feeling Australia will run red with their blood...
Re: In today's news...

I think it's just one guy with some good lawyers.
Re: In today's news...

its the god damned south Australian attorney general. FUCKING MICHAEL ATKINSON.

He's vetoing R rated games, supporting internet censorship and now putting us back in the god damned 1920's (technically I do not live in south Australia so I am not directly affected... this time). Doing everything a zealous and paranoid catholic (not that i have anything against catholics, just zealous and paranoid people) should.

Once, my lecturer walked up to him, gave him a peer reviewed paper about how r rated games didn't have any negative impact on anyone: "I don't believe it". Its not your god damned job to think you know better than people who study this for a living. Its your job to make informed decisions for the good of the state and the country.
Re: In today's news...

You KNOW you fucked up when Don Imus hates you.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah no shit, did anyone actually agree with his comments anywhere in the world. Hitler would have been like man that guy is messed up.
Re: In today's news...

Washington Post poll for best webcomic. Closed by now I'd assume, so just hit 'view results'.

Personally, I don't think PA should have won, or at the very least it shouldn't have won with as many votes.
Yes, they have entertaining strips, yes they're well known, but I just don't find them consistently entertaining enough to root for them in a poll.
Re: In today's news...

8 bit theater is the best webcomic easy.
Re: In today's news...

I don't think it's closed. PA and Perry Bible Fellowship are almost tied at 36 and 35 respectively. Of course, it's an online poll, therefore worthless.
Re: In today's news...

If it's not closed yet, it will be very soon. They say they'll close it Wednesday, and it was posted last Friday. At the very least for me, Wednesday has come and gone for 3 hours now.
Re: In today's news...

Simply astonishing.
Re: In today's news...

Australian cencorship is simply amazing,
It seems it's the end of the world we're facing,
When the state encourages breast enlargement,
I'd say that's close to national retardment.
Re: In today's news...

I'm sorry, but every time I hear of Australian politicians doing something as FUCKING stupid as that, I can't believe that the fuckers are from Australia at all.

I mean, COME ON. We joke about Australia being so hardcore and bat-shit insane that it must have been founded by prison inmates that we sent there because we couldn't do anything else with them. I mean, for FUCK'S sake, Aussies in the military have done some of the most insane, reckless shit and MADE it work, regardless of whether or not it should have.

And then we see this shit. Fucking pussy-ass mother-fuckers who can't deal with REAL BREAST SIZES because 'OES NOES, WE CANNOT BE SEEN AS PAEDOFILES! QUICK, BAN ANY IMAGE OF A WOMEN BELOW A C-CUP!'
Sure, it's still an INSANE move, but not the kind Australians are known for.

Fucking hell.
Re: In today's news...

I just heard that. Mainstream pornography is being banned from showing any A-cup breasts in Australia. It is utterly ridiculous. I really can't expand any more than what Kusanagi has said.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I saw this a day ago, a friend on Facebook posted it up. Which lead me to ask; can women with A-cup breasts still work in Alternative pornography?
Re: In today's news...


Utterly pathetic. Pretty much lost for words on how absurd this is.
Re: In today's news...

Ever since the labor party got in last election they've gone completely insane with censorship. It pisses me off, its un-democratic (and i know this as i wrote a paper about how un-democratic censorship is), it doesn't solve any problems, it inconveniences everyone and its completely god damned stupid!
Re: In today's news...

They're banning normal body sizes and natural actions of the body...

I see THAT working out well...
Re: In today's news...

I'd like to get into the department that checks all this media to ensure they're complying with the censorship.