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Re: In today's news...

Now, you see, I was always kinda 'meh' on Armstrong himself - his foundation is wonderful, but the man himself, 'meh'. I also don't have any strong feelings one way or the other about him doping. If he did, shame on the bastard, if not, good on him. However, after denying it for so long, only to just now admit to it, something seems... off. Either they finally have the 'undeniable proof' that they've said they had, or someone's getting a chunk of monies (or not losing a chunk of monies) out of this.

Not saying I'm right, just saying it's weird for it to happen now rather than sooner or not at all.
Re: In today's news...

I guess he just decided that they couldn't do anything more to him now.

I dunno.
Re: In today's news...

Yet he ruined other people's lives for lying about it (the ones that called him out on it).
Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Really? Fucking really? Why is it cool to put this up? For fuck sakes...
Re: In today's news...

Haha, yeah, that's pretty clearly terrible.

Everyone knows violence is only okay when it's man on woman /doing-Toxic's-job-for-him
Re: In today's news...

Really? Fucking really? Why is it cool to put this up? For fuck sakes...

Hurray for double standards, I guess?

Haha, yeah, that's pretty clearly terrible.

Everyone knows violence is only okay when it's man on woman /doing-Toxic's-job-for-him


I.... what?
Re: In today's news...

Is it wierd that I just had a nightmare about raining spiders.

Bloody sods, ruining my dream date.
Re: In today's news...

It's not that weird, it's just a really big sheet web judging from the video. Granted I've never seen one that big but I've never been to Brazil. Even if they were coming down more like rain it shouldn't be that strange, at least if you've read Charlotte's Web that is.
Re: In today's news...

A rain full of spiders is actually pretty common, as far as weird things go. Sometimes storms with high wind will pick them up and take them high up into the atmosphere. What goes up has to come down eventually...

I saw an article a few months ago explaining it, and listing around five or so documented occurrences.
Re: In today's news...

The comments and the biologist in the video explains it plenty, despite the journalist trying to insist they know better. A species of social spider that lives in colonies, whose young travel to new regions via ballooning webbing. There was a comment mentioning how a similar species lives in Chicago too and builds invisible webs between the sky scrapers at 80+ stories high.
Re: In today's news...

I'm kind of surprised it hasn't been posted yet but a meteor exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia. It kind of stole the thunder of DA14 and it's record setting flyby of Earth on the same day I would say.

Slightly better video of the the accompanying sonic boom from the explosion.

It kinda makes you realize how small we are in the grand scheme of things.
Re: In today's news...

Heh, yeah, everyone I know is talking about it. I'm a MASSIVE space buff too. Space was the reason I even attempted being an engineer in the first place.
Re: In today's news...

Way to go CNN. 1000 people are hurt, including 200 children, and 75% of the story is "Ooooh look at the pretties..."
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I'm an amateur astronomer myself and was going to read about DA14 since I couldn't see it here. Then I stumble on this, another completely different meteor from the looks of things. On one side I feel bad that people are hurt but I'm still kind of excited because it's a once in a lifetime occurrence.

Yep, that's how CNN works. Actually that's how most news sources work now that I think about it. One paragraph to tell you what happened and two more pages of random stuff.
Re: In today's news...

Some people just want to watch the world burn.

Re: In today's news...

In the latest news

Lawyers use international law (loophole?) to foreclose the US government(And apparently most other western governments) and like 90% of all banks, and claim all titles and assets held by these organisations.
I have been informed that this technically means no US, Canadian, UK, or Australian(And other?) citizens need to pay taxes from now on, since their government no longer exists according to international law.

Governments and banks don't seem to mind not existing, and continue with business as usual
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Re: In today's news...

In the latest news

Lawyers use international law to foreclose the US government and like 90% of the banks, and claim all titles and assets held by these organisations.
I have been informed that this technically means no US, Canadian, UK, or Australian citizens need to pay taxes from now on, since their government no longer exists according to international law.

Governments and banks don't seem to mind not existing, and continue with business as usual

Even if that was true - which I highly doubt, no matter the source - in order to ignore the "establishment" you would have to ignore the police. So, feel free to tell them about what you've read...

Nice find, tough.