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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

NK also terminated their non-attacking agreement with South Korea today.

From what I understand they declared it (or possibly some other peace treaty) was invalid because SK never signed, and then claimed that SK was a puppet state for America. China is telling them to cool their shit. A unified Korea might actually pose a threat to China, too.
Re: In today's news...

North Korea actually does this every time a new leader comes forward, trust me I was an intelligence analyst and Korean linguist for the army. Yeah it is scary to think there are countries this psychopathic but thankfully they're the only one and even China is getting sick of their shit. The latest UN sanctions were proposed jointly by the US and China, which is when all this started.

It's actually predicted that by 2020 the Koreas will be rejoined, which is the only reason China doesn't completely let North Korea die. A unified Korea would be one hell of a powerful nation: economically, militarily, and strategically. Very similar to how Germany became so strong after east and west were reunified.

They actually just declared the cease fire from the Korean War null and void, which they have done before as well. There was never actually a peace treaty to end the war between the two, just a really long temporary truce.
Re: In today's news...

North Korea actually does this every time a new leader comes forward, trust me I was an intelligence analyst and Korean linguist for the army. Yeah it is scary to think there are countries this psychopathic but thankfully they're the only one and even China is getting sick of their shit. The latest UN sanctions were proposed jointly by the US and China, which is when all this started.

It's actually predicted that by 2020 the Koreas will be rejoined, which is the only reason China doesn't completely let North Korea die. A unified Korea would be one hell of a powerful nation: economically, militarily, and strategically. Very similar to how Germany became so strong after east and west were reunified.

They actually just declared the cease fire from the Korean War null and void, which they have done before as well. There was never actually a peace treaty to end the war between the two, just a really long temporary truce.

The lines have been so terse they literally had a conference room sat on the border so the deligates can discuss without crossing into other territories, not to mention the 24/7 manned border. It's been like this for years. Not big surprise there's not been an official treaty.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah I know I got to visit the conference room when I was stationed at Panmunjom. It's pretty crazy to see a table built with a clear plexiglass wall separating the table in half and microphones built into both sides of it.

Even crazier is that you can't go into the room without a counterpart from the other country. What did my counterpart and I talk about you ask, baseball, he was a big dodgers fan. Go figure.
Re: In today's news...

Yesterday a guy in philosophy club tried to convince the rest of us we should get a big group and get one of those vacation packages NK offers every once in awhile that's typically just a propaganda tour, because it's actually pretty cheep apparently. While we all admitted it would be interesting, we were all a little hesitant for obvious reasons x.x
Re: In today's news...

Hmmm, random question Ronny... you didn't happen to go by the name Vlad on some other sites? I knew another guy who was also stationed there, though as a sniper I think.
Re: In today's news...

I was having some sushi the other day... and the sushi chef, who was South Korean by descent, was telling me that we should go after DPRK now. He claimed that South Korea would foot the bill for the reconstruction and modernization of North Korea. It was an interesting conversation, anyway.
Re: In today's news...

I always wanted to take one of those tours of Pyongyang but I don't think I would take it right now. And no that definitely wasn't me, I'm actually a rather horrible shot for having been in the army.

My one Korean teacher at DLI often said the same thing Hope, of course he was a former South Korean colonel and it was back in 2000. Still an interesting conversation
Re: In today's news...

My friends tell me that it would take them at least three days just to prepare their launch because of the type of missiles they have (liquid fuel). During which time... yeah... hasta la vista baby. There's pretty much a 0.000000000000000000001% chance of a surprise attack.

It's fun for the media to freak out though.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, now that I think about it, I think he said he was about 10 years older than you are.
Re: In today's news...

I love the fact that you CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP.

Re: In today's news...

I love the fact that you CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP.



For ef's sake, it's one thing to be crazed nutbars, but it's another to completely jump the shark and go full Westbooru
Re: In today's news...

Zerglings do have feelings! Terrans and Protoss must lay down their arms and allow nature to take its course. For the swarm!
Re: In today's news...



For ef's sake, it's one thing to be crazed nutbars, but it's another to completely jump the shark and go full Westbooru

Oh PETA, you so crazy.

Bear in mind that this is from the same people that brought you Seakittens.

Again, I am not making this up. I wish I were.

Re: In today's news...

The craziest part about it isn't that peta are defending an alien race, its that they want us to feel bad for barely holding back an omnicidal hoard of death.
Re: In today's news...

I love the fact that you CANNOT MAKE THIS SHIT UP.

The craziest part about it isn't that peta are defending an alien race, its that they want us to feel bad for barely holding back an omnicidal hoard of death.

This all reminds me of the protestor's in John Ringo's "Watch of the Rhine". Aliens are coming to invade Earth, simply because we're in their way. We're a bloody rest stop before they get to the big buffet at the end of the trip, and they literally want to eat all of us. One went so far as to make a cape out of the scalps of children.

Anyway... protestor's in said book whined and clamored for diplomatic attempts at negotiation because these were living creatures that deserved better than to be shot. Guess what happened to the majority of them?
Re: In today's news...

Tea and crumpets and rainbows and sunshine?
Re: In today's news...

Cooking Mama, Super Mario, Pokémon and now Starcraft?

Did they forget that everything is just numbers or did they just read "Mogworld" too many times.
Re: In today's news...

PETA is not relevant anymore, because it's been exposed for the lying sack of shit it is. This shit is them trying to stay in the news, and therefore in people's minds. It's sad, really, and I pity it. Then I remember it's PETA and go back to ignoring it.