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In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Re: In today's news...

Since I found a dump of it while browsing unrelated stuff, I figured I'll share

Tech news!

It's possible now to put tracking chips in physical money.
As if bank robbery is still physical robbery
(For the paranoid ones, RFID chips get totally fucked after 10-15 minutes of microwave. This also works on the same chips in passports, ID cards, etc)

Portable diagnosis device to detect tuberculosis and other bacterial infections


Injectable Nano-Network Controls Blood Sugar in Diabetics for Days at a Time


Quantum bits effected by laser. Helps a lot in applying quantum physics for the future


Big one there. Stem cells become brain cells, which can lead to possible cures for brain damage and lots of insight into how the brain/stem cells/mental disorders work


Quantum physics applied for internet security and encryption


"Mechanical energy harvester replaces small batteries"


Giving feeling to cybernetics and visual implants. Essentially just a big boost to science in general


3D printing a bionic ear. SCIENCE!


Scientists figure out how to make mice age a lot slower, or faster. Humans have a similar brain region, so more tests and studies may come soon(tm)


Graphene transistors; If silicon computers are prop planes, graphene is a jet engine ready for use.


Memory implants. Don't need to say much more


"Network of brain cells models smart power grid"


The Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation has awarded scientists a $2.4 million (2.25 million CHF) grant to develop an affordable photovoltaic system capable of concentrating solar radiation 2,000 times and converting 80 percent of the incoming radiation into useful energy.
Bonus: It desalinates water so you can drink it
80% is a huge boost for solar panels


Science finds theoretic way to seriously delay the aging process


Medical science - Taking a patient's own cells to create bone substitutes


Robot flies and bees.


"Researchers Design Nanometer-Scale Material That Can Speed Up, Squeeze Light"
Laws are made to be bend and broken, so clearly the laws of physics can also be bend and/or broken.
a specially designed "meta-atom" of gold and silicon oxide -- can transmit light through a wide bandwidth and at a speed approaching infinity.



"One of the biggest names in 3D printing recently filed documents with the SEC to raise $250 million dollars "to acquire new business" a few days after the plastic gun sensation."
I guess that second amendment isn't going away any time soon, America, it's going to be extremely difficult to stop 3d printed guns
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Re: In today's news...

Official: Obama just allowed terrorists to kill the embassy. He could have stopped it, but he decided not to.
Re: In today's news...

For anyone interested in stocks/economy

In short: Market is at almost exactly the same place as it was in 2008, and again people think it can only keep going up.
Re: In today's news...

Official: Obama just allowed terrorists to kill the embassy. He could have stopped it, but he decided not to.

Since the official story was proven to be false and the president a liar, the white house decided to just change the official story.

...No, you're not allowed to know what the official story is now, why would you think they would share something like that with their own citizens? Shut up and pay your taxes.

The administration routinely exerts pressure on reporters it feels are not kind enough in their coverage.
So much for 'free press'


Paramedic from Texas plant blast arrested

Calls for gun confiscation in New Jersey, by politicians

(find Thursday, May 9 from the menu, then click “listen” beginning at 1:52:30)

Edit: Also, this

For those interested.
Worth a read to figure out what's happening and why, even if you don't give a crap about their food
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Re: In today's news...

Please, free press went out the window ages before obama.

Do you know how news stories routinely run at fox news? you are given a story and your conclusion and told to fill the the middle.

All this doomsaying is annoying me.

I prefer happier funnier news (even if i think it has already been posted here)

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Re: In today's news...

Whilst I'll admit to not having clicked a third of the links, I kind of get the impression that this much "news" in a short time is surely bad for a persons health? '-'
Re: In today's news...

I prefer happier funnier news

I'm not sure if this qualifies as funny, but there are some people out there that just love the feathers in a way a man shouldn't love something feathery
Re: In today's news...

Thats much better thank you.
Re: In today's news...

So much for 'free press'

Please; like Obama's the only president to ever lie to his constituents. Don't get me wrong I can't stand the guy, but the amount of "shock" over this revelation through the country floors me.

The press has always been free, and yet, not the free that we the people would like. During the infancy of Television, Congress allowed what would become the big broadcast companies essentially free access to the airwaves. The catch was that they had to carry some form of news. the biggest mistake Congress made was when they did not mandate not-for-profit airtime during said news broadcast. They never conceived that news would become a commodity, which is what it has turned into today. With things like 24 hour news, we've become addicted to the "news-cycle" and can shop for the one that best identifies with our current mindset. If XYZ Corp has a newsman that says things that make you disagree with him, simply change the channel.

Aldous Huxley wrote a book called Brave New World. In it, he described a scenario where we would drown in the irreverent, ignoring the important. One could draw the comparison today where all the news does is "entertain" us while those in power do whatever the hell they want; regardless of the freedom of the press.
Re: In today's news...

some are better than others though. the bbc by and large has a decent reputation for not being massive douchbags. however you are right in that its mostly a form of choose your own propaganda. like the internet, where you seek out like minded individuals and all agree with each other, creates a situation known as polarisation where everyone's original beliefs are reinforced instead of the truth having any relevance.

The only reason we reach contention is because this is a tentacle hentai forum which basically means you need to be human (although we are pretty lax on that) to be welcome here. so the only things we tend to agree on before the fact are issues like internet freedom.

Although i'm sure we have a majority (I'm thinking middle class white males) we also get so many from around the world. i'd be interested to see the actual statistical demographics of the vocal membership. organising that is more work than i have interest though.
Re: In today's news...

some are better than others though. the bbc by and large has a decent reputation for not being massive douchbags. however you are right in that its mostly a form of choose your own propaganda. like the internet, where you seek out like minded individuals and all agree with each other, creates a situation known as polarisation where everyone's original beliefs are reinforced instead of the truth having any relevance.

^ This

The only reason we reach contention is because this is a tentacle hentai forum which basically means you need to be human (although we are pretty lax on that) to be welcome here. so the only things we tend to agree on before the fact are issues like internet freedom.

I reject your definition of Humanity and substitute my own.

Although i'm sure we have a majority (I'm thinking middle class white males) we also get so many from around the world. i'd be interested to see the actual statistical demographics of the vocal membership. organising that is more work than i have interest though.

All great leaders delegate. muwahahahaha
Re: In today's news...

Although i'm sure we have a majority (I'm thinking middle class white males) we also get so many from around the world. i'd be interested to see the actual statistical demographics of the vocal membership. organising that is more work than i have interest though.

You'd also have to define vocal. I average just under a post a day, for example.
Re: In today's news...

I'm not convinced that white middle-class are the majority. Plurality, maybe, but quite a few of us seem to be lower class.
Re: In today's news...

Yeah, I'd say I'm clawing around at the border line personally. It really depends on if I can land a good job after all this debt I'm going into too.
Re: In today's news...

And then you take posters like me, Chibi, Sin, and Ranger and throw us into the mix and that starts making the scale slide a little, too. Not to mention if any folk out there are posting under a gender different than their own. You'd have to be truthful in answering anything regarding demographics.
Re: In today's news...

No kidding. And I'm definitely below the poverty line. Go me! -blows a whistle- Still, the only government assistance i need is student loans. Those take care of everything until I get a job and then I won't need assistance anymore. I can pay my own bills! So excited. 11-13 weeks to paying my own bills. Ooooh. Good feeling.

Will still be below the poverty line but whatevs!
Re: In today's news...

I'm pretty sure there's a charge to see the poverty line, from where i'm sitting. On the bright side, having five people living in a house makes shares of stuff pretty small, so I do well enough.
Re: In today's news...

There's always places like this too, though personally the screens here don't really go into enough detail for me.

Also I'm surprised about the college statistics.
Re: In today's news...

I want to know how they know what they know :|