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Re: In today's news...

It was, the police were out there to protect them and were taking pictures with protesters.
Re: In today's news...

Gun control wouldn't have stopped it, apparently.

It was a WW2 era gun, simple enough that someone could make it in their own backyard if they had the drive for it(and the time)

And of course, hatred is what caused the shooter to go shooting

Single shooter, ex-military
You never hear of a devout Buddhist on a shooting spree, or a priest.
Re: In today's news...

It's true that high-up officials in the catholic church covered up for incidents of paedophilia multiple times, but if you think they're the first religion to have authorities do shady shit to cover up friends you are sorely mistaken. At the very least, it isn't the religion itself that encouraged those incidents to happen but shitty practitioners of it, we don't use the ISIS imams, the worst Imam to the western imagination, as the example of note when describing islamic practitioners most of the time. And I've heard some terrible things about what corrupt Sikhs are able to accomplish in india with the devout nature of the followers blinding them to their wrongdoing.

The truth is, no matter what institution, religious or not, the more power it accumulates the more liable corruption is to appear, because power appeals to the corrupt and corruption appeals to the powerful. Although I will say, that Islam is particularly liable to attract corruption because it is a combination of church and state. Authority in politics, much like authority in religion, appears to attract corruption and corrupt people, when combined together it seems to me like the effect is massively exacerbated.
Re: In today's news...

Ooopsie, I seem to have posted this in the wrong thread, I've amended this and put it in the rep thread.
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Re: In today's news...

Is there anything, super, that you can't just make a little bit worse?
Re: In today's news...

simple enough that someone could make it in their own backyard if they had the drive for it(and the time)

I really doubt that would've been a thing, it's probably a gun that he had already owned and because he had owned it he already had the tools available to him to do the deed. If he hadn't had ready access to the gun, I doubt he would've actually built a semi-auto rifle in order to kill some pigs. I doubt most murderers would (oddly enough) not put that much effort into killing someone

Of course, he might have also modified the fuck out of it. As far as I can read, the SKS being as old as it is goes through a loophole in current gun laws allowing it to be modified to be illegal but still technically legal because its still a Relic-and-Curio status rifle. Apparently you can get modifications and accessories attached to it that are illegal for civilian rifles and guns because of its relic status

Depending on whether or not he had pimped out his gun, revised gun laws might have prevented his gun from being as pimped out or possibly having had it confiscated if he had been seen with it as pimped as it was
Re: In today's news...

It's true that high-up officials in the catholic church covered up for incidents of paedophilia multiple times, but if you think they're the first religion to have authorities do shady shit to cover up friends you are sorely mistaken. At the very least, it isn't the religion itself that encouraged those incidents to happen but shitty practitioners of it, we don't use the ISIS imams, the worst Imam to the western imagination, as the example of note when describing islamic practitioners most of the time. And I've heard some terrible things about what corrupt Sikhs are able to accomplish in india with the devout nature of the followers blinding them to their wrongdoing.

The truth is, no matter what institution, religious or not, the more power it accumulates the more liable corruption is to appear, because power appeals to the corrupt and corruption appeals to the powerful. Although I will say, that Islam is particularly liable to attract corruption because it is a combination of church and state. Authority in politics, much like authority in religion, appears to attract corruption and corrupt people, when combined together it seems to me like the effect is massively exacerbated.

Apparently there's widespread man-boy love that goes on between imams and kids, but bizarrely it isn't considered homosexuality.

Can't remember where I'd heard it from originally so can't provide a source.
If anyone wants one they can do the research themselves, because theres no fucking way I'm having that in my search history!
Re: In today's news...

Apparently there's widespread man-boy love that goes on between imams and kids, but bizarrely it isn't considered homosexuality.


Naughty Imam Man Boy .. ok fuck these guys, 's not even funny.

I mean, its not like I think that one day before your 18th birthday I'm raping you, one day after Its a'ok, but say what you want about the bible(And theres a lot), at least it doesn't exemplify pedophilia.

On the note of the catholic church, I seem to recall that statistically they are indeed, sadly, not worse than any other organisation with minors in their care, with them its just more scandalous and prominent because people are shocked that humans, even those pretending to be holy, can be nasty and have desires, even if they try to deny them.
Re: In today's news...

Is there anything, super, that you can't just make a little bit worse?

Nope, not that I can think of. It got boring telling people to stop treating each other like shit, and stop acting like idiots a long time ago, so now I try to mix it up a bit :D
Re: In today's news...

No, that's actually not an islamic thing

It's a cultural thing from the regions where Islam is the only allowed religion
Only the one who likes being fucked in the ass is considered gay. As the adult does the fucking, he is not gay. As the child is too young to know these things, they are exempted.

Totally not gay
Re: In today's news...

That works on the principle that ignorance means innocence in the eyes of the religion. It doesn't. But you know, extremists gonna extreme.
Re: In today's news...

That works on the principle that ignorance means innocence in the eyes of the religion. It doesn't. But you know, extremists gonna extreme.

Isn't there a big thing about that in one of them (Catholic maybe?) called original sin? The whole deal being that because your parents had sex and created life YOU have already sinned just by being born?

I know alot of religions have a bastard clause (lol) where being born to an unwed mother pretty much assures you a ticket straight to hell.
Re: In today's news...


Yep *nods* religion makes total sense. . Don't get me wrong there could be something out there that can't be explained, but the talking snakes, 2 people repopulating the earth and the fact the everything you do is a sin including watching h stuff.
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Re: In today's news...

No, that's actually not an islamic thing

It's a cultural thing from the regions where Islam is the only allowed religion
Only the one who likes being fucked in the ass is considered gay. As the adult does the fucking, he is not gay. As the child is too young to know these things, they are exempted.

Totally not gay

This can be seen in the Ancient Greek and Roman societies as well. In Greek society, one's mentor taught a boy, but also had sexual access to him. In the Roman Republic and Empire, one was considered a "minion" if they were being penetrated, while the one doing the penetrating was considered normal.

According to many interpretations of the Koran, Muslims who died in a Jihad would be sent to heaven, but also be given 72 virgins (or "houri"), in addition to multiple "boys of perpetual freshness." I have read that these were concessions made by the original Prophet Muhammed in order to entice followers of all sexual preferences, but obviously this is unverifiable.
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Re: In today's news...

Figure need a few more brave people in here.