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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

You like the admins Cloud?

Rather odd reason to join a forum.
Re: Introduce yourself

i like to think we are all cool enough to join a forum for.
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome Cloud XDP:)
Re: Introduce yourself

i think your forgetting how men think dear. to a man a lesbian is a beautiful thing, where as a homosexual man is something to hide under the stairs lest they find you, then penetrate you... deeply.
Re: Introduce yourself

I can't tell you how many times fags ruined my breakfast touching dicks right in front of my cereal bowl.
Re: Introduce yourself

I can't tell you how many times fags ruined my breakfast touching dicks right in front of my cereal bowl.
Damn, I thought corm flakes where immune to homosexuality, guess I was wrong

Welcome to the forums. I'm sure we'll get on famously.


Im glad my hate for gays isnt personal!

i think your forgetting how men think dear. to a man a lesbian is a beautiful thing, where as a homosexual man is something to hide under the stairs lest they find you, then penetrate you... deeply.
Well, when I said gays, I meant general homosexuals, so I must be screwed up or something :S
Re: Introduce yourself

i don't think I've met a guy who doesn't like lesbians... this is quite an anomaly. what gets to you about them
Re: Introduce yourself

i don't think I've met a guy who doesn't like lesbians... this is quite an anomaly. what gets to you about them

No real Idea... Just got a thing against homosexuality.

Edit: On a side note, I may not like gays, But as I said, only in general, morre of a cringe thing more than anything, I can still talk to one like any other person, heck on of my friends is gay lol.
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Re: Introduce yourself

I don't think you and I will get along either then.

*hides in her chat*
Re: Introduce yourself

You don't like lesbians? Shame on you, you bisexual! If you said your heterosexual I believe you lie.
*Goes into denial*
Re: Introduce yourself

Chibi has sensitive emotions, but i'm sure everyone will get along just fine, you sound more like the kind of guy who wouldn't say things just to get a rise out of people anyway.
Re: Introduce yourself

*Checks to see if Nunu's online*

... Alright, coast is clear...

Lesbians are overrated. Too much happy going on in the scenes.

(yes the coast is extremely clear... - love Nunu)
Re: Introduce yourself

I like how I spawned a whole conversation over my dislike for gays. IN OTHER NEWS! I wonder how long im gonna be the newest memeber?
Re: Introduce yourself

I like how I spawned a whole conversation over my dislike for gays. IN OTHER NEWS! I wonder how long im gonna be the newest memeber?

Until somebody else comes along.
Re: Introduce yourself

You don't like lesbians? Shame on you, you bisexual! If you said your heterosexual I believe you lie.
*Goes into denial*

That reminds me of the Ron White thing about his homophobic Cousin:

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