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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

You mean we haven't already? Dammit, who forgot to send out the note?!

((And okay, I'll be good, unless something else comes along that pings the smartass in me.))
Re: Introduce yourself

*Waves* I don't blame you if you don't remember me, I've been gone for over a year I do believe... Real life can be so rotten, can't it?

The Basics

Name: Hali of course!
Age: 19
Gender: F
Birth Place: Calgary
Current Country of Residence: In Limbo
Occupation: Several, where ever I go!


Hair Color: Red
Eye Color:Green


Zodiac: Leo
My Fears: can too easily be used against me~
Common Utterances: "Thats life I suppose!"
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Always half full!
Bad Habits: Well... other than getting off a little too much, I'm a bit of a 'relationship addict'

3 Things You Dislike:
3)My luck!


TV Show: House
Drink: White Mocha
Shoe: My 3 year old New Balance shoes!
Hat:pinstripe Fedora
Color: Crimson
Music Genre: I'm a DJ, I love anything I can dance to!
Internet Meme: "Yo Dawg, I heard you like..."

Do I...

Smoke: One Cigar
Swear: I have my moments...
Flip out and kill people: I felt the urge once!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Doesn't everyone?
Knit scarves for orphans: I should >,>


Can you see into it?: When I've got a schedule in hand.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Marty? No way! He was better off without it!
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Either a Med student, or a stay at home mom!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Because I miss you guys... 3=
Other random trivia: Free Hugs!
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Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome back, yada-yada-yada, blah-blah-blah, etc. etc.

I remember you, of course I remember people I never even knew from the forums so meh.
Re: Introduce yourself

I saw your name and went "How did this person get it? I could have sworn this name was already taken"
Re: Introduce yourself

..Pinstripe...fedora?....I swear you mean trilby.

Getting off too much, I'm not touching with a barge pole. More than five times a day is unhealthy, they say.

And I swear there should be more deliberate misspellings in that meme.

Oh, and *Liars.

Apart from that.. welcome back! Oh, and I do remember you ;).

Re: Introduce yourself

hi Hali, i also remember you :)
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi Hali, I remember you, I also remember Lucas entering the chatroom once, smothering his face in your breasts, and then promptly leaving.

Good times.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well, I remember your name. Afraid my memory stops there. Does that count? =)
Re: Introduce yourself

HALI! Welcome back!!
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, I remember that name! Welcome back Hali!
Re: Introduce yourself

has it really been a year hali?

*huggles*... i like free hugs
Re: Introduce yourself

has it really been a year hali?

*huggles*... i like free hugs

for me too? :D
Re: Introduce yourself

Thanks for the spell check, and no, not more than five times a day Pale.
And good to hear I haven't been lost to time, and good to be back! See you all on the battlefield!
Re: Introduce yourself

The Basics

Name: Rain
Age: XX
Gender: M
Birth Place: The Abyss
Current Country of Residence: N/A
Occupation: Egotistic Narcissist.


Hair Color: Light Brow, Red, Gold, and hints of white.
Eye Color: Changes between Blue and Green


Zodiac: Virgo
My Fears: Ghosts and Eyes
Common Utterances: "And after I kill you I'm going to rape your corpse. Don't worry, I'll be gentle." (It comes in handy in all kinds of situations.)
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Equally proportioned between air and liquid.
Bad Habits: Pride, Wrath, and Sloth.

3 Things You Dislike:
1) People who don't realize how much of a genius I am...
2) Ace of Base...
3) Those who shelter themselves from the many wonders of the world...


TV Show: "House" and "Law & Order : SVU"
Drink: Ricin With and Cyanide chaser
Shoe: Combat Boots
Hat: Fedora
Color: Violet and Silver
Music Genre: Industrial, or just about anything else...
Internet Meme:

Do I...

Smoke: Only after being set on fire
Swear: Fuck you think?
Flip out and kill people: From time to time.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Yes...
Knit scarves for orphans: I'm not allowed. Court order.


Can you see into it? From time to time.
Should Marty have gone back to it? Time travel is a flawed concept and can ruin the fabric of space and time soooo... Yes.
Where you'll be in 5 years? From the looks of all the information I've given, dead or in prison...

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Nothing better to do.
Other random trivia: Did you know - The trivial pursuit of trivia is.... Well, trivial.
Re: Introduce yourself

welcome rain, enjoy the forum
Re: Introduce yourself

Well good you should enjoy the cyanide laced punch then.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forum, beware of trolls, beware of angering the mods, beware of angering people who have been here since the first forum, and beware of Arnold wanna-be's.

Have a Wonderful Time! :D
Re: Introduce yourself

*Waves* Welcome, and good luck!
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome, Rain and Hali. Hali, I'll try not to hold your preference of the fedora against you.
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