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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Just leave west coast washington free, please? ;^; if not I'm sending Sinful after ya!

Tsk tsk tsk Lurker. How would you do that? I'm Canadian too.

Also, welcome Caramoor and Goldstein
Re: Introduce yourself

Not really, I wouldn't say I would enjoy it but I'm still willing to fight for your freedom. Though I highly doubt Canada is planning to invade the US anytime soon, but if they really want to I hope they have fun fixing it.
Re: Introduce yourself

Tsk tsk tsk Lurker. How would you do that? I'm Canadian too.

Also, welcome Caramoor and Goldstein

Oh noes! D: *runs aound screaming like a chicken with it's head cut off*
Re: Introduce yourself

Name: Burning A, Gold.
Age: 18.
Gender: Male.
Birth Place: somewhere in Nevada
Current Country of Residence: America.
Occupation: Student.


Hair Color: black.
Eye Color: Hazle.


My Fear: The internet boogeyman.


TV Show: Scrubs.
Drink: V8 fusion juice.
Hat: Pimp hat.
Color: I like all colors. Besides pink.
Internet Meme: It's over 9000!

Do I...

Smoke: Fuck no.
Swear: Fuck yes.
Flip out and kill people: Not yet.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Fuck no to both.
Knit scarves for orphans: Fuck no.


Can you see into it?: No.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: No.
Where you'll be in 5 years?: Same place I am now, I hope.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: For the heck of it.

Now you all know me better.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forum Burning Gold!
Re: Introduce yourself

I find it simply amazing the number of people who are exactly 18 on these forums. What is it with you all born in '91, did some freaky tenatcle-y movie come out when you were young that secretly compelled you to come this way? ;P

(Is it weird that I'm starting to goggle that people born in the 90's are becoming not only cognizant, but legal, too? D8)
Re: Introduce yourself

That or there are a bunch of 16,17 year olds who need to be at least 18...

And welcome Gold!!
Re: Introduce yourself

That or there are a bunch of 16,17 year olds who need to be at least 18...

Thats crazy talk!
You're crazy.
There is no way anyone under 18 could get on this site!
Whenever anyone under 18 sees the warning saying that this site is for people 18 and older they get scared and flee.
People under 18 are just that stupid.
Re: Introduce yourself

I find it simply amazing the number of people who are exactly 18 on these forums. What is it with you all born in '91, did some freaky tenatcle-y movie come out when you were young that secretly compelled you to come this way? ;P

I'm from 88, myself, but i think what first did it to me was the Alien movies. I found the entire idea strangely attractive...
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm also from 88 and for me it was a combination of the alien movies, Duke Nukem, and my curiosity.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hi Au.
Re: Introduce yourself

I'm from 88, myself, but i think what first did it to me was the Alien movies. I found the entire idea strangely attractive...

XD Yes, those were helpful. Good old sinuous killing machines spawned from throat-raping scuttling aliens.

Though it's totally on a different level, I remember really liking Little Shop of Horrors as a wee one, too. Alien invading space plants that shoot out tendrils to eventually spawn! (Okay, so maybe it was more the lulz that they all sang as they tried to devour humans... shh.)

Thats crazy talk!
You're crazy.
There is no way anyone under 18 could get on this site!
Whenever anyone under 18 sees the warning saying that this site is for people 18 and older they get scared and flee.
People under 18 are just that stupid.

I fully suspect that 16 and 17 is casting some people here as older than they really are. XD I'm not sure how to feel about that, but since everyone stated that they're 18 on joining, I guess I'm going to have to trust that folks are what they say they are. 9_9 I'm glad that Nunu is such a damned stalker, I'm sure it helps to ensure that the 'really 18+' aren't accidentally proning it up with kids. :x I hope. *squints suspiciously!*
Re: Introduce yourself

Eh you're not the only one, I've had suspicions too. But on the other hand, I don't really give a shit. I saw porn before I was 18 and a bunch of other things I wasn't supposed to see. My parents didn't care cuz they didn't fall for this new age child-rearing bullshit. So I figure as long as you have that type of parent, s'all good, considering they're the ones who make the choice of what you can and can't see.
Re: Introduce yourself

S'true, but it would suck to come here in order to enjoy role playing the stuff that I'm in, and then find out that the people I'm playing with are waaay below the age of consent. I think I'd feel guilty!

In any case, that's probably being a little too anal retentive, so I'm going to shut my yap. There's more important things to do.
Re: Introduce yourself

enjoy role playing ... waaay below the age of consent ... anal

I wouldn't feel too bad, it's just writing. Unless you tried to meet one of us, you might come face to face with ol' Chris Hansen
Re: Introduce yourself

Frankly, on this board, while I enjoy chatting and being friendly, I just imagine that meeting in person would be way too awkward. XD "So... um. Tentacles. Yay?" *quickly move on to other topics*

None of this anal suggestion you're talking about! XD Twist my words, why don't you.
Re: Introduce yourself

Twist my words, why don't you.
Frankly, on this board, while I enjoy chatting, I just imagine that meeting in person would be way too friendly. XD "So... um. Anal?"

Since you asked...
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