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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

Dear god. Not a frenchmen! The Dutch, I could deal with, but French?

Re: Introduce yourself

And no worries about the English, either. Even us English speaking folks have bad days now and again.

I'll have you noe that my unglesh is perfekt awl da thyme.
Re: Introduce yourself

Welcome to the forums Kikun. You have a great posting avatar.
Re: Introduce yourself

damn, that's a lot of posts. Due to the fact that I'm a lazy bastard, I wont use the template. I'm Andrew. I live in Nor Cal. I know garfield *bignumber* IRL. He's pretty cool. He invited me.:D I hope I'm not too much of a noobfag...
Re: Introduce yourself

Not using the template in laziness should seem to fit in with the rest of us... how many people here aren't lazy?

Regardless, welcome.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey copper. How is PS CT different from SNES CT? Is it radically different or does it just have the anime cutscenes added as sort of bonus content?

It's from a bit back, but I almost forgot about it; there are only two differences from what I know: the cut scenes that make the characters look like their character concept artwork (Dragon Ball characters, bleh... nothing bad in general, but just not CT's true style. -_-), and the music was a slightly lower quality. Which is like saying that your oesophagus is slightly smaller than normal and you can only consume liquids. Small thing, much importance. Music MADE Chrono Trigger, there wasn't a single track that didn't stick in you head, from the battle theme to the overworld themes to the character themes...

One question… how do you guys pronounce “Chrono”, “Lavos”, and “Magus”? I have heard what I think to be abysmal pronunciation of all the character names from every lets play/whatever video relating to Chrono Trigger I’ve seen, and now I’m beginning to think *I* may be the one pronouncing the names wrong. Like back with Rastlin. Still not sure how I got Ras-t-lin from Rast-lin.

Also, Hi to all the new people, I won’t hold your being French against you kikun… Mainly because I don’t want to hold the French in any form. [/Assholery]
Re: Introduce yourself

I pronounce "Chrono" as crAWH-noh, derivative from crawh-NOH-meh-ter (chronometer, if you couldn't figure it out). Somewhat reminiscent of a poorly pronounced "Toronto" (trAWN-to, instead of the tor-AWN-to it's more like). "Lavos", to me, has always been LAY-vuhs instead of the more likely LAH-vohs. And "Magus" rhymes with it - MAY-guhs, albeit less syllabically separated.
Re: Introduce yourself

It would seem I'm going opposite of DeMatt. Chrono is "Kron-oh" (It's also how I pronounce anything with time. It's not Croh-noh, though that's probably correct.) I go the "Lay-vohs" route with Lavos. Suppose it could go either way (with a short a...Lah-vohs, but I've always gone long mentally.) and Magus is "May-gus," similar to Mage.
Re: Introduce yourself

I myself go with Kron-oh for Chrono, though DeMatt’s sounds valid to me too. I’m just happy that no one so far has pronounced it as ‘Croh-noh’ ([/incredibly lame pun]). I actually pronounce chronometer as Kron-oh-me-ter myself, though. There are some things to do with time that I will pronounce as ‘croh-noh-whatever’, though.

My Lavos pronunciation is Lah-vohs. Weirdly, all the pronunciations I’ve heard of it online are ‘Lah-vose’. Fuck knows where they got that last part from.

My rambling ‘evidence’:
Point 1: Lavos is a big firey thing that crashed into the planet, which shoots fire from its back, and appears from firey cracks in the earth. A character named it with their languages equivalent for ‘big fire’, and the first three letters of its name are Lav(a). It would be understandably appropriate, thusly, for the name to be pronounced with the Lah of Lava.

Point 2, because point one is not really all that definitive: Lavos is given to be a compound word of ‘La’, ‘fire’ and ‘vos’, ‘big’, according to Ayla. It is not possible to pronounce ‘La’ as ‘Lay’ when taking La as an individual word, leaving the only pronunciation as ‘Lah’. Of course, this is a translation of a Japanese game and the character naming Lavos is a human from a time when humans shouldn’t have existed; who knows what they’re speaking...

Magus I had always pronounced as the ‘Mag’ of Magazine, Magnum or Magi, and then ‘us’. Although I may also be pronouncing that last one wrong (Mag-eye, as opposed to May-gee… though ‘magey’ just sounds silly).

Random blathering about why (and most of this one’s probably wrong):
The only piece of ‘evidence’ I can bring to support my pronunciation is that Magus has gone by the name Gil and Magil in Radical Dreamers and Chrono Cross, respectively. (Granted, the one in Chrono Cross isn’t Magus himself, but was supposed to be when they named the character, so it still counts.) Gil, from Radical Dreamers, came first, and really only has one way to be pronounced, that of ‘gill’, like those on a fish. Now, Magil you could pronounce “may-jill’, but as the name is clearly building off of Gil, that no longer makes sense. The end result is that Magil is pronounced either ‘Mah-gill’ or ‘Mag-ill’, there isn’t really much difference there. Again, as Magil is an expy for Magus, it can be assumed that the names are pronounced the similarly; thus, Magus is pronounced Mah-gus, or Mag-us.
Re: Introduce yourself




Since "magus" is a real word (singular of magi, who originally were the three kings of orient that gave frankincense and myrrh to baby jesus), there's only one way to pronounce it. Seriously - look it up in the dictionary =p

Crow-no is how I pronounce anything with "Chrono" in it. Chronosphere, Chronometer, Chrono trigger, etc.

Lah-vose I don't really have a justification for other that what host has already mentioned... lavos is fire and brimstone and therefore his name should sound like lava.
Re: Introduce yourself

Exactly what Alias said about the pronunciation.

And yes, welcome everyone. I'm too lazy to welcome you all individually.
Re: Introduce yourself

What Goldstein said.

Both things.
Re: Introduce yourself

Re: Introduce yourself

Not using the template in laziness should seem to fit in with the rest of us... how many people here aren't lazy?

Thank you Goldstein, Toxic and Aika.
Re: Introduce yourself

omg its like im a trendsetter! im so excited!!!
Re: Introduce yourself

*face palms self
i forgot to introduce myself oh well i will do it now even thought i have been on here for awhile now

The Basics

Name: Fanta
Age: wee old enough to go to jail


My Fears: ghosties
Common Utterances:a many gir quotes
Is the glass half full, or half empty: its always full just sometimes with air
Bad Habits:we all have them

3 Things You Dislike:
1)the world series of baseball
2)political correctness


TV Show:
Music Genre:metal

Do I...

Swear: fuck yes
Flip out and kill people: if the need spurs
Knit scarves for orphans:eek:nly Kavorkian scarfs


Can you see into it? if i concentrate real hard i see the future of one corner of my house
Where you'll be in 5 years? in the future duh

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:CYOAS
Other random trivia:Who put bacon in the soap? A: I MADE MYSELF!
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