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Introduce yourself

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Re: Introduce yourself

13000 feet, good lord you could take a nap on the way down. Yeah a 1000 feet goes quick especially if you have a mortar base plate strapped to your chest. I actually got stuck in mud once because of that durned thing. Had to actually e-tool myself out.
Re: Introduce yourself

Actually, free fall was about 45 seconds to a minutes long, and the remainder of the descent was like... 5 minutes.

Mortar plate and e-tooling adventures. Sounds like fun, glad I missed it.

I remember a friend of mine jumped, parachute opened, hit and broke his leg, and he walked off the damn landing field. Somehow. Weird shit happens.
Re: Introduce yourself

Yeah took me half an hour to get loose, it wasn't like I could just drop the dang thing either. Since I would just have to dig that out then as well.

I saw a lot of broken legs actually, none of them walked off. Though I hae heard of that happening. I broke my shoulderblade doing it as well, which is suprisingly not all that painful compared to other bones.
Re: Introduce yourself

Really? I've never broken anything... except a toe, but one would assume a shoulder blade would hurt.
Re: Introduce yourself

Shoulderblade a little, fingers/toes meh, ulna yes, radius yes, metacarpals yes, tarsal yes, shin a lot, ribs a lot, collarbone a whole lot. Yeah I know I'm clumsy, but at least I can still move. Even if it is only in small circles counterclockwise.
Re: Introduce yourself

Hey, even small movements is movement.
Re: Introduce yourself




AAAAAHAHAHAHA! That was good
Re: Introduce yourself

I demand to know who placed that +rep so I can rep it!
Re: Introduce yourself

Pretty sure it was captain Fox
Re: Introduce yourself

No it was Chibi Sin. She told me she was doing it on AIM before he posted that.
Re: Introduce yourself

Well... damn it, I just went for obvious choice.
Re: Introduce yourself

obviously it was chibi even I knew that
Re: Introduce yourself

No way. How could it be Chibi that did that?
Re: Introduce yourself

Meep (get used to it it's my own way to say hello... or other idiotic meanings)

The Basics

Name: Captain Hentai (a nickname given to me from "boys" in the anime community where I am, "girls" refer me rather as "Vibro")
Age: 22
Gender: male
Birth Place: Thailand (wohoo a real asian)
Current Country of Residence: Austria
Occupation: Freelancing Author, Freelancing script writer (Commonly I'm just doing what i want)


Hair Color: black
Eye Color: dark brown
Maybe later I'll post photos of me, when you all get used to me ^^.


Zodiac: fish (Pisces??)
My Fears: to be honest... beeing forgoten ad left alone
Common Utterances: I'm asian i can afford it to be perverted!
Is the glass half full, or half empty: depends how thirsty I am
Bad Habits: Sometimes I get too emotional, very strong guardian instinct, sometimes I'm overdoing

3 Things You Dislike:
1) the "trend" of girls liking yaoi even though they said they are 100% lesbians and hate the mens anatomy
2) Math -.-


TV Show:
Drink: Tea (someone got a monocle?)
Shoe: Fancy and gentleman like :3
Hat: none
Color: Cyan
Music Genre: could be everything as long I like it
Internet Meme: Geddan XD

Do I...

Smoke: nope
Swear: sometimes, but I try to hold it back
Flip out and kill people: only if they deserve it GYAHAHAHA!!!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: got an acustic guitar but I cant' play so now I'm learning piano for now
Knit scarves for orphans: if they ask me sure why not?


Can you see into it? Watch out future here comes an asian!!!
Should Marty have gone back to it? nah
Where you'll be in 5 years? I hope married :3

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: After lurking and beeing a Hentai critic for 2 years I have seen the members of this forum can actually really "trust" each other and that's something very very rare. All in all, I say that the true members here are really unique and special.
Other random trivia: uhh...what?

Please be gentle with me....at least for the beginning hehe.
Re: Introduce yourself

LOL Austria.

Hentai critic, eh? Do you mean you actually have a blog or something else where you actually critique hentai, or do you just watch it and feel the urge to express your opinion like most of the rest of us :p

Either way, welcome to the forum, CH. Be wary of the adbots (not many of these) and the trolls, and don't feed the members after hours.
Re: Introduce yourself

Your name amuses me, for some reason. I approve.
Re: Introduce yourself

it would make me happy if you could write some critiques of hentai and post them up
Re: Introduce yourself

Captain Hentai, welcome to the forum, just a tip, buy a top-hat, THEN worry about the monocle, being a gentleman is not easy.

Pic Related;


Also, here take this;
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