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Introduction Thread


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I am dubious, and rather tempted to call douchebag due to the sig and lack of filling out the form.

I won't, because part of me doesn't want to accept that a bot could be so smart...
That seems way too douchebaggy to not call it. His sigs all about watching free movies, all he talks about is getting others to share in watching free movies with him, and there's not a single mention of hentai whatsoever in that little "intro" that tells us nothing about him.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Friends
I am new in this community and I like this community I want to share my hobbies with you that is movies music and dancing but more like enjoy with friends.
Haven't we had a cunt here, or at least on one of the other two forums just like this?


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Usually the sig douches copy previous messages, but this is pre-written


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome, Bitbot. Enjoy your stay. Have fun. And remember, we don't bite unless you're asking for it.

Also, Hooah! to MASH, Mass Effect, and D&D.


Feb 5, 2011
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Friends
I am new in this community and I like this community according me I want to share my hobbies with you that is movies music and dancing but more like enjoy with friends.


Horn Dog
Jan 7, 2009
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Yup, that's a douchebag.

Daemon McRae

Demon Girl Master
Dec 24, 2010
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Friends
I am new in this community and I like this community according me I want to share my hobbies with you that is movies music and dancing but more like enjoy with friends.
See you guys, I knew if we kept one of them hostage, they'd make contact in an attempt to negotiate.

I say we hold out for the semi full of twinkies and Rum.


Demon Girls #1 Fan
Nov 11, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi Friends
I am new in this community and I like this community according me I want to share my hobbies with you that is movies music and dancing but more like enjoy with friends.
And now I'm certain we've had a cunt just like this before either here or on the other forums. I distinctly remember the other one advertising watching films for free.


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Seems like years ago though


Feb 6, 2011
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hi everyone, I have been downloading things from the site for quite some time now. I thought it was time to join in and help... But apparently everything I have is already here 8| Anyway, if I come across something interesting, I promise I'll post =D

Name: My lawyer told me not to so...
Screenname / Nicknames: Kamenwati / Stary Adamski
Age: 24
Gender: M
Current Country of Residence: The Big Farm AKA Brazil

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Hair length: long hair is long (Getting bald though =( )
Glasses: Aye!
Features: Always slim =)
Height: 6'2" I guess

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Yellow
Hair color: Black
Hair length: looong
Ears: Big, pointish fox-like please =D
Tail: PLEASE! ;-;
Claws: >=D
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Sounds fun but no thanks
Glasses: Sure
Features: A cat life
Height: less than 6'
Cyclops: Nah
Skin: The same, fur would be nice though =o

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Capricorn
My Fears: Spiders x_x SHARKS! GAH!
Common Utterances: Is that so? No!
Is the glass half full, or half emptyPessimist/Optimist: That depends on what's inside.
Bad Habits: Sleeping la- *looks at the clock, 5:50am* early.

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Discrimination of any sort (I copied that from the last person, but I like it!)
2) Mr/Ms Know-it-all
3) Religious extremists of any sort

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Ken Akamatsu
Other manga of interest: yu-gi-oh, Chobits, One Piece
Video game series: The older FF games, Mass Effect and Duke Nukem. Yes, I have been waiting for that darn game...
TV Show: The Big Bang Theory
Anime: Wolf's Rain
Webcomic: Cyanide & Happiness
Drink: Good ol' wine
Shoe: Cheap and national. Gotta help the local market...
Hat: None, maybe when I'm bald.
Color: Yellow
Music Genre: 70's/80's Rock n' Roll

Do I...

Smoke: Never
Swear: Italian descendant
Flip out and kill people: Nope
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Guitar rookie
Knit scarves for orphans: Should I? :p
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Yep, so many of them I'm beggining to consider it hoarding.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: I don't think so
Have furry leanings?: For 20 years =|

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: Sure, who can't?
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Of course!

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Hentai games mostly, but I recently have been enjoying the hentai movies =D
Other random trivia: I play games like there's no tomorrow! Really, it's a problem...

Notes: I draw some furry art =D If you'd like to see, drop me a message


H-Section Moderator
H-Section Moderator
Nov 28, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome to the forums, but I don't see how being an Italian descendant influences your swearing habits.


Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Welcome Kamen, mind the gap.

Could be that Italians are stereotypically quick to anger, and so quick to swear. Just a thought though.


Chief Nippleseer
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

I like 'dis guy already.

In fact, I like pretty much his entire intro.

Welcome to the forums, Kamen.

And yes, those of Italian descent tend to swear quite a bit.
Or maybe my family's just weird.


Feb 4, 2011
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Hello all, was a lurker for a while. Finally decided to join. I hope I can contribute some and have fun with the rest of you.

Name: Whatever you want.
Screen name: Jon-Snow
Age: 22
Born: 8/13/1988
Gender: Male
Current country of residence: United states of America.

~ Real-life Appearance ~

Eye color: Greenish brown.
Hair color: Dark brown.
Hair length: Over 3 feet last I measured.
Breasts: As big as any other guy's (but if you're asking if I like them then, YES)
Glasses: Only my shades, otherwise none.
Features: Not sure how to really describe myself. I'm just your average Joe I guess, nothing special.
Height: 5'8"-5'10" not sure really, haven't measured in a long time.

~ Ideal Appearance ~

Eye color: Green.
Hair color: I like it like it is now.
Hair length: The length it is now, it's taken me 2 and a half to 3 years to grow it this long.
Ears: Same as they've been all my life.
Breasts: Same as up top.
Tail: Maybe, it depends on the situation I guess. Otherwise no.
Hermaphrodite with retractable Futa part: Heh heh I'm adventurous... or am I.
Glasses: Only my shades.
Features: I like the way I look now.
Height: I do sometimes wish I was a few inches taller.
Cyclops: Why when people would make fun of me for being one.
Skin: Does it really matter, were still all just people in the end, are we not.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Leo ♌ Hear me roar.

My fears: Waking up without my penis is my greatest fear, it scares the hell out of me. Drowning runs a close second though.

Common Utterances: Probably none that are appropriate in public.

Is the glass half full, or half empty: Depends how thirsty I am at the time.

Bad habits: My stubbornness and my temper at times.

3 Things I dislike:
1: Stupidity.
2: Bad hentai.
3: My biological father.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: Tite Kubo

Other Manga of Interest: Bleach, Naruto, Full Metal Alchemist, Histories Strongest Disciple, etc...

Video game series: Call of Duty(black ops), Mass Effect, Castlevania, Assassins Creed, again etc etc...

TV show: The British Top gear (the American guys suck), also Family guy and Futurama.

Anime: Bleach, Death note, Code geass, Full metal alchemist, the original Mobile Suit Gundam, etc...

Webcomic: XKCD.

Drink: RC cola.

Shoe: Ninja Tabi, silence is a virtue they say.

Hat: Don't wear one. It messes my hair up.

Color: Navy blue.

Music genre: I'll listen to anything except rap.

Internet Meme: Don't got one.

Do I...

Smoke: Oh hell no.

Swear: Yeah, more than some less than others.

Flip out and kill people: Requiescate in pace.

Play guitar/Air guitar: I can play real guitar but not very good.

Knit scarves for orphans: Only if I feel like it.

Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Not really.

Resemble a Otaku Hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: No, I'm not THAT much of an otaku. But you could call me a bit of an otaku I guess.

Have furry leanings: I could never say no if a cute Neko, Kitsune or Okami girl called me master. Much more than ears and a tail though and shits getting deep.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it: No, because it would make life very boring if I could.

Should Marty have gone back to it: Maybe, it depends. Good movies though.

~ Other stuff ~

Reason for joining: Honestly... the hentai probably... and everything else, the RP's and such. Besides that everyone on here seems like a decent sort so, whats up everyone.

Other random trivia: I honestly couldn't think of anything else to say... which is strange because I rarely draw a blank on anything.

Notes: I do hope I got all this right and that it's not too long or anything, if so please tell me, I tend to ramble on and on sometimes.


Tentacle God
Jun 2, 2010
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Well, welcome Jon-Snow.

Since I never bothered to post in here when I first signed up, here's mine.

Name: Virgilio(It's an Italian name I think? Not sure. Either way, just cause I'm saying it here doesn't mean you have the right to openly call me by it.)
Screenname / Nicknames: Kirshz, I also go by a few other names but I won't mention them to avoid being stalked in other places.
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: United States

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Black
Hair length: Short
Breasts: Nope. Just the same as any other guy.
Glasses: Yeah.
Features: Lightish Brown skin.
Height: Don't remember.Probaly atleast 5"6, I'm not tall. Don't know how that converts into cms though.

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Don't care. Heterochromia is fine too.
Hair color: Black, though Blue is fine too.
Hair length: Semi-long? Dunno.
Ears: As much as I'm fond of elves and stuff with pointy ears, I wouldn't really want them myself.
Breasts: *shrug* It'd only matter if I decided I wanted to be a girl instead.
Tail: Same as the above.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: That would be interesting, but not something I'd have in mind.
Glasses: Probaly not, if only I didn't fuck up my eye sight.
Features: Dunno.
Height: Maybe a few more inchs added to my current height.
Skin:Fine with how it is right now.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac:Scorpio and Metal Goat(Chinese Zodiac)
My Fears: Losing everything, certain types of insects, Heights(Even to this very day they still bother me, though I'm not one of those people that'll go batshit about it.)
Common Utterances: 'Haah?', 'Well, damn.' '@@'
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Doesn't matter, I'll be drinking the rest of whatever is in the glass anyways.
Bad Habits: Staying up late(while trying to find something to do) Procrastination, lazyness, over explaining things(to the point that they almost/do become walls of text)

3 Things I Dislike:
1) My empty-mindedness(Bad habit of accidently doing things without thinking and realizing them too late.)
2)My Lazyness
3)Certain types of music, unfortunately I don't even know what genre they are.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: H-manga artists? Koume Keito comes to mind and maybe FAKESTAR.
Other manga of interest: I didn't read much manga, so I don't really have one.
Video game series: Fire Emblem and Umineko(if it counts), used to be fan of Final Fantasy but not as much anymore.
TV Show: Watched too much cartoons while growing up, so it's mostly 'favorite cartoons' for this list. 'Whose Line Is It Anyway?', Simpsons, Family Guy and Futurama, and several other shows that have been kicked off of Nick and CN.
Anime: Mobile Suit Gundam(Original Series and Zeta Gundam), Minami-ke(first series only, haven't really seen the other two)
Webcomic: 8-bit theater during the time I was reading it, haven't really read much other webcomics though.
Drink:Lemon-lime flavored sodas(usually Sprite/Sierra Mist) and Lemon-flavored Iced Tea.
Shoe: Don't care. As long as it's comfy and doesn't look silly.
Hat:Same as above, though I don't really wear hats at all.
Color: Don't really have one.
Music Genre: Rock,Metal and J-rock/J-Pop, but that's probably just cause I haven't explored other music genres well enough.
Internet Meme: I'm aware of them but I don't have a fave. If I listed an overused one it'd probably just make people stop reading this thing right here and now.

Do I...

Swear: Yes sir, though I try to avoid it.
Flip out and kill people:Nope.I'd probaly go batshit at most but I wouldn't kill them.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Wanted to learn how to play it, still haven't.
Knit scarves for orphans: For great justice? Honestly something I wouldn't do, it's not that I don't care it's just that I don't even know how to knit.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines:Other than a stuffed Pikachu that I had when I was addicted to Pokemon in grade school, not really.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?:Maybe.
Have furry leanings?: Mostly just the animal ears and tail are what I'm fond of, anything more than that is questionable.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:probaly,but I always see it too late, usually after the consequences hit me.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: I really need to watch those movies.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: I actually forgot the reason why.
Other random trivia: I am Filipino, however I don't know how to speak the language at all, only being able to understand a very, VERY tiny bit of it. Also a former RPer, I used to participate in them quite a bit when I was in jr.high/early high school years, I used to draw alot and write random stories in my spare time.

*goes back to doing whatever the heck he was doing*
Last edited:


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Name: Much as I like you people, I'll keep this to myself.
Screenname / Nicknames: BlueSlime on this forum. Blue is okay for short.
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Current Country of Residence: OZ

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:Brownish Hazel with minute flecks of green.
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Hair length: Short
Breasts: None so far, thank goodness.
Glasses: Yes, but contacts most of the time.
Features: White, the kind that can't get a tan.
Height: 5'9" (175 cm)

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color: Maybe just straight up green, though I like my current eyes.
Hair color: Like my hair color.
Hair length: Short and tamable enough that it could be styled properly.
Ears: If I were in a fantasy world, I wouldn't mind 'em being pointed.
Breasts: If I had the ability to change into an attractive girl at whim, they'd be around a C cup.
Tail: Sure, why not.
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part: Maybe once just to try it out.
Glasses: Nah, I'd like to have unhampered vision.
Features: The ability to polymorph - be a girl, be a demon, be a slime, it'd be fun.
Height: Depends what shape I'm taking now doesn't it? A bit taller for my ideal male form.
Cyclops: I don't see it happening.
Skin: White - but with the capability to get a nice tan, dammit.

~ Personality ~

Zodiac: Moo. Snort. *digs in hoofs*
My Fears: Heights, confined spaces, drowning, and needles.
Common Utterances: "Gosh darn it to heck."
Is the glass half full, or half empty: Half full. Oh snap, I didn't even try to be snarky and clever with my answer to this one. I just copped to being an optimist. How brazen of me.
Bad Habits: Procrastination, as obviously I could have been doing something more worthwhile than filling this out, couldn't I?

3 Things I Dislike:
1) Passenger seat drivers.
2) My inability to multitask.
3) The dog eat dog nature of the world.

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: I don't know any names of manga artists.
Other manga of interest: Not really into manga per se.
Video game series: Baldur's Gate series was where it was at. Dragon Age is an okay spiritual successor.
TV Show: Robot Chicken
Anime: I like the Studio Ghibli movies.
Webcomic: Freak Angels currently. Used to follow Sluggy Freelance before it got too serious with its own storyline years ago. Order of the Stick is good too.
Drink: James Squire Sundown Lager, or perhaps a Leffe Blonde for imports. Gin and tonic for a spirit. And coke or cranberry juice for non-alcoholic.
Shoe: comfortable shoes that I can run in.
Hat: None unless its baseball season and my team is playing - then I'll put on my cap.
Color: I'll give you three guesses...
Music Genre: Classic Rock, some metals, progressive rock, and a smattering of songs from all other genres - though I tend to prefer male vocals. I also have to be in the right mood to listen to some types of songs.
Internet Meme: Don't have a favorite, but right now Over 9000 is getting some use in my day to day life.

Do I...

Smoke: No.
Swear: Yes, though I try to curb it.
Flip out and kill people: No. If it came down to it, I don't think I'd have the stomach to straight up kill people, unless it was to save the lives of those I love and care about, or to end a madman's killing streak or something of that nature.
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: Wish I had the fingers for playing guitar, just couldn't get the timing down.
Knit scarves for orphans: Don't knit. Don't know any orphans.
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: Toy soldiers a bit. I like my sexy dark elf army for gamesworkshop.
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: Hah, no.

Have furry leanings?: Mostly not. If it's clearly a human who's been altered with animal parts like most anime cat girls, then okay. Not a fan of zebra headed men going down on lioness women with fur from head to paw.

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?: No. Wish I could. Insider trading? Hah, prove it.
Should Marty have gone back to it?: Great Scott, that's pretty heavy. Yeah, he probably should've.

Other Stuff

Reason for joining: Lurked for the hentai, joined cause I felt like talking.
Other random trivia: Eh, for some reason I can't think of anything good for this space.

Dark Fox

Feb 7, 2011
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Screenname / Nicknames:pussy Pirate
Current Country of Residence:At seas...

~ Real-life appearance ~

Eye Color:Black
Hair Color:Black
Hair length:1centa

~ Ideal appearance ~

Eye color:blind
Hair color:silver
Hair length:covered
Tail:both furry
Hermaphrodite with Retractable Futa part:depends on situation
Glasses:nah nope
Features:dark fox with blue scar like stripes
Height:adult fox
Cyclops:my dick probably

~ Personality ~

Zodiac:i dont know what this word means
My Fears:becoming a woman
Common Utterances:i`m not sure either
Is the glass half full, or half empty: eh ... half empty......
Bad Habits:gay thoughts, eating strawberrys, daydreaming

3 Things I Dislike:
1)my step dad
2) bullys
3) the way gay guys talk

~ Favorites ~

Manga artist: uh kant remember
Other manga of interest:mysterious
Video game series:fun, murderious, wink wink...
TV Show: Bleach
Anime: Fox
Webcomic: ...Mysterious Girlfriend X
Drink: Water
Shoe: Barefoot
Hat: No hatz
Color: Grey sometimes White
Music Genre: Heavy metal
Internet Meme: Fox

Do I...

Smoke: Oh hell no!
Swear: ...Nope!
Flip out and kill people: Yep!
Play Guitar/Air Guitar: air guitar
Knit scarves for orphans: never
Collect plushes, stuffed animals from the thrift store, and lots and lots of figurines: used to
Resemble a otaku hikikomori in several ways, including possibly being one?: sure...
Have furry leanings?: Defintely

~ The Future ~

Can you see into it?:
Should Marty have gone back to it?: You mean from the Old West?

Other Stuff

Reason for joining:
Other random trivia:

Last edited:


Tentacle Goddess of the H-Section
Staff member
Super Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: New Age Introduction Thread

Screenname / Nicknames:Your Mom
Current Country of Residence:Earth

Edit - God damn it, Inc.