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It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"God...you're so tight." Reiser says, eagerly squeezing her breasts before shifting to gently rubbing them with her nipples held between fingers that slide up and down around the, keeping up continuous stimulation. "Young woman, once you're my age, you'll appreciate someone making the effort to make you feel good." he says in a light-hearted tone, rubbing his beak against her shoulder.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Mmmm...I appreciate it now..." Sarah says, leaning her head back and moaning as he continues to stimulate her big breasts, still riding up and down his length. "I don't care what your age is. You're good to me...So I'll be good to you in turn..." she says happily, one of her hands down to rub as her buzzer, the other reached up affectionately rub at Resier's head. "Now show me how experienced you are, Boss...Show me what I've been missing out on...Pretty please?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Moving his hips to pace with Sarah, Reiser reaches out and catches her tail, pulling it between the pair before bringing his hand back to her breast, groping her with both hands. He then starts rubbing her tail with his beak, eagerly inhaling her scent.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah moans gently as he begins to rub her tail with his beak, not minding at all, letting him get a good whiff of her own scent, barely masked by the very weak watermelon-scented shampoo she uses, as she starts to accelerate her own movements, wanting him to feel even better as he basks in her scent and her soft, well-kept skin. "B-Boss...I think...I may be getting close..." she says, her voice shaky as she rubs at her own buzzer a little harder, the other hand reaching out to press against the wall.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Good girl," Reiser whispers to Sarah's ear just before he cums, the liquid of life flooding into her womb while he keeps pumping her.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah wails out her own pleasure as he begins to peak, spraying out her own dose of fluids around his cock as she climaxes, pressing hard back into him as her body shudders from the pleasure, her head leaned back as she gently bounces atop him, wanting as much of him as possible before they both come down from their respective pleasure highs. "Mm...Thank you..."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

In only a few more seconds the show is over and Reiser pulls out, still straddling Sarah in his lap. "We probably have a while longer..." he idly thinks out loud.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah gently holds her legs together as she relaxes in Reiser's lap. "Would not be against more...But we can't get any work done if we're behaving like minxes all day..." the kitsune says, not really trying to get up off of Reiser, but not making a move to continue their fun.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"Suits me just fine." the tengu replies, continuing to cuddle Sarah and handing her back her top.

After several minutes of cuddling, the internal comm buzzes and the techs at the other end announce that they're ready for calibration.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah puts her top back on, content to relax in the arms of her latest lover, happy that he's willing to oblige her love of cuddling. When the tech finally call, she sighs, finally standing and putting her pants back on properly. "Well then. Whenever you're ready, boss. Let's get this show on the road." she says, waiting for Reiser to be ready, as she prepares for the calibrations as well.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Reiser pulls his pants back on as well, and checks the gauges one more time before getting back on the comms. "Ready when you are. Let's start at 50 GeV and go up from there." Moments later the digital gauges jump to life, showing measurements between 55 and 56 GeV.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah nods and watches the gauges herself. "That's...Not right at all. What the hell could cause a 10% inaccuracy offset?" Sarah wonders as she looks over at Reiser, trying to think of what would have to be strong enough to throw the calibrations off that badly.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"The last tech who calibrated them, most likely. It's only going to get worse, we really didn't expect to find neutrinos in the 200-500 GeV range, so the system isn't really build to be accurate at that range. We'll just have to calibrate it as best as we can and hope to get funding for upgrades." the professor replies.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

"We'll only get funding if we find something valuable. Of course, that isn't implying that it's impossible to get it right WITHOUT funding, considering I'm here..."Sarah says, moving over and starting to calibrate the sensors, using the data from the initial blast to make the corrections, adjusting for the 10% offset and giving a thumbs up. "Let's try it again."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

As Reiser gives the sign, three more pulses come in, showing numbers in the 50.5 range. After a few more tries, Sarah has the 50 GeV calibration point down to less than 0.05% error, and they move onto first 60, then 75, 90 and so on, topping off at 500 GeV as best as they can, though the margin of error stubbornly hovers in the 5% range between neutrinos at the 500 GeV mark, despite Sarah's best efforts. "Got any ideas on how to shave the margin of error or shall we check the secondary detectors?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah hums gently as she works, putting her skills to good work getting the detector aligned. When the margin of error refuses to narrow, her tail begins to fluff out and her face begins to slowly contort in frustration. "I honestly have no clue what could be causing that big of a margin, Boss. It could be the secondaries need calibration as well, or it could just be our equipment will never be able to read as accurate as the eggheads would like." the kitsune says with a sigh, scratching one of her big, fluffy ears with her left hand. "By the time we figure out what it is, we may be slaves of our glorious new alien overlords." she says, her tone flattening and her stance going rigid to further the joke.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Reiser absent-mindedly smooths Sarah's tail. "Well, let's see what we can do with the secondary detectors, then." Standing up and making sure they're not leaving anything laying around in the detector room, he leads Sarah to the first of the tree secondary detectors. "Since the neutrino cannon is ready now, we can get to work right away."
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah sighs as Reiser absentmindedly smoothes her tail, calming her rather effectively as she gets up and helps Reiser make sure there's nothing to interfere with the array, before heading out towards the other with her boss. "Much as I wish it wasn't so, boss...Let's get to work." she says, teasing his beak with her tail as she moves to begin calibrations at this array as well, waiting for the cannon to fire.
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Since they already did the work once, calibrating the rest of the detectors goes smoother, though even with all four detectors calibrated, they still keep getting more than 1% margin on error at the top of the range. "Well, this has been a productive morning. Care to join me for lunch, girl?"
Re: It's raining tentacles! (Sarah/Caulder)

Sarah pouts as they finish the calibrations, her fluffy ears twitching when Reiser mentions lunch. "Actually, I'd love to join you for lunch, Boss." the kitsune says with a quick wink at him, still a little miffed that the arrays weren't accurate enough, but that frustration easily outweighed by the kindness Reiser was offering.