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ACT [jimb133] Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

it may be a little late now:rolleyes: since this is now 6 pages into the topic but there is a game called condom man ill pm with link later that may help you with mechanics and stuff if you can get and edit the code for it rather than makeing your own from scratch
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I certainly hope he'll do his own coding Condom Man sucked... was great for a laugh though.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I certainly hope he'll do his own coding Condom Man sucked... was great for a laugh though.

meh I thought I would try to help a bit since I had only seen 2 other people offer help and or advice rather than just asking when he/she will get it done :p
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Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Looks, well, not half bad actually. I'm interested in seeing it when more is put in.

though, considering there will be humans later (right?) I find the thought of a wolf running up and raping someone as both hilarious and terrifying.

Meh, I'll play it a bit I guess, when it's done.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

hey jimb133 what sort of gameplay is it is it like RoR kinda or is all the (Rape) Sex just CG's (pictures) or more like movie ?? just wondering on this ..:)

Btw im soo (perhaps) Looking forward to this game =)
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Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

hey jimb133 was sort of gameplay is it is it like RoR kinda


Read the first, THE VERY FIRST, post of this thread.


or is all the (Rape) Sex just CG's (pictures) or more like movie ?? just wondering on this ..:)

I would assume typical RoR animations. If you want an example, go play Curse of Cracklevania/Pepe le Rapist/Kunoi- You know what, just go look at games by ToonPimp.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

LOL ROFL .........(about 5-10mins later) Sorry Kusanagi yeah u have a point

Darn im so stupid yea i know:D

Ok thanks i guess for the 2th answear yea i pretty much know all that i've played tons of RoR games sorry for my stupidity but hey thats why the world can be fun sometimes to right =P
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Shit. Still no download link.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Shit. Still no download link.


Here's an irrelevant post in response to an irrelevant post. Seriously, learn some patience, and stop posting about how the game's not ready yet.

Better yet, learn to draw and code, and make your own damn game. At least that will give you some perspective of how much work it entails and thus how much time it takes.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!


Here's an irrelevant post in response to an irrelevant post. Seriously, learn some patience, and stop posting about how the game's not ready yet.

Better yet, learn to draw and code, and make your own damn game. At least that will give you some perspective of how much work it entails and thus how much time it takes.

Whoa, what big penis crawled up your dirty ass? lol

Reduce rep? Who gives a flying shit?

You're right though, I shouldn't be rushing him. He just told me it'd be ready a week ago. If you want to teach me to draw and code, Mr. Angryfag, show me, and I'll make games on the regular.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

I sense a word war coming soon >>
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

You're right though, I shouldn't be rushing him. He just told me it'd be ready a week ago. If you want to teach me to draw and code, Mr. Angryfag, show me, and I'll make games on the regular.

Teach yourself, I'm not your babysitter. they're the kind of things anyone can learn.

And frankly, whether or not he told you anything doesn't matter, there's still no need to make a post to state that there's no link or update, because its clear to see that there's no link or update.

As far as what my problem is, I'm getting a little tired of the sorts of people we've had in the hentai section lately.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Just out of curiosity,what type of people have we had in the Hentai Section recently?
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Go read this thread. Any post with people asking for the games is part of the problem.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

i agree, i get sick and tired of seeing posts / threads only requesting a game. but they wont give back. and since i have nothing to give, i wont ask for anything :rolleyes:
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Teach yourself, I'm not your babysitter. they're the kind of things anyone can learn.

And frankly, whether or not he told you anything doesn't matter, there's still no need to make a post to state that there's no link or update, because its clear to see that there's no link or update.

As far as what my problem is, I'm getting a little tired of the sorts of people we've had in the hentai section lately.

Not my problem.

Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Go read this thread. Any post with people asking for the games is part of the problem.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Care about healthy things, don't go around bitching about people stating the obvious or irrelevant in a forum dedicated to fucking. Don't be that guy, that guy is miserable.

Plus, what fucking planet are you from where forums aren't like this all the time?
I dont see any 'problems', unbunch your panties.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Troll war shuld stop now so the creator doesnt think we're losers and doesn't give us the game kk now zip it and wait ty.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Care about healthy things, don't go around bitching about people stating the obvious or irrelevant in a forum dedicated to fucking. Don't be that guy, that guy is miserable.

Plus, what fucking planet are you from where forums aren't like this all the time?
I dont see any 'problems', unbunch your panties.

Plus Rep for realism.

Now I think I'm finished. But even if the creator doesn't give us the game, someone will find it somewhere. We frequent ULMF dammit.
Re: Rise of jimmy- ( run or rape game ) - IN DEVELOPMENT- Update 02 !!!

Ok so i have a very small update.... i have not had a reply from nuula in days... not even a reply to messages so i cant get anything done because i dont have a person for the art side of the game... i have other projects to complete as well as this and i really dont think im gonna get this finished by my self ... i mean not one offer to help in anyway has been made...

and im not gonna draw the whole game out by myself.. because im no good at art at all..

so yers thats my update ...