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ok so i have time but i dont know anything about japanese or how to translate a GAME even a Flash one but i would like to help translating some of theses games.
If you have faith in your english you could always proofread translations.
If you think you understand spoken japanese at least a bit, you can always try google translating, using the audio from the Japanese text and trying to help translations in that way.

Delexicus and Tengux just made some good headway with a JSK translation tool that's perfect for people who want to help but aren't technically minded.

i had a few question about the last jsk game (cheeky devil). I like the bathroom scene, but i don't manage to have her strip the towel or open the legs...
someone have a tuto?
thank you =)
A reminder that this thread is for game discussion. Please refrain from translation discussions.

i had a few question about the last jsk game (cheeky devil). I like the bathroom scene, but i don't manage to have her strip the towel or open the legs...
someone have a tuto?
thank you =)
the repository, man, check it out, pretty much every game has a walkthrough

i had a few question about the last jsk game (cheeky devil). I like the bathroom scene, but i don't manage to have her strip the towel or open the legs...
someone have a tuto?
thank you =)

First post in the thread has a link to the guide
the guide explain how to have each ending... but not what interest me..... u_u
the dialogue is not the same in the bathroom...
the guide explain how to have each ending... but not what interest me..... u_u
the dialogue is not the same in the bathroom...

Download the v1.2 from the repository, I made a fuck up in the first version, that fucked up the dialogue lines in the bath. :unsure:
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Now that i think about it, were there other creators or games that had this sort of battle stuff like JSK? JSK studio has been around for about 10 years already.

Could only think of the old Crimson / Carmine for DQ/FF. Crimson F.F Fight is probably the closest to JSK battle system format.
Then there is Masurao PhantomKnight game...

Gosh waiting for the next update is killing me.
Now that i think about it, were there other creators or games that had this sort of battle stuff like JSK? JSK studio has been around for about 10 years already.

Could only think of the old Crimson / Carmine for DQ/FF. Crimson F.F Fight is probably the closest to JSK battle system format.
Then there is Masurao PhantomKnight game...

Gosh waiting for the next update is killing me.
There was one game A WHILE back with an elf girl, I remember that was like a JSK game to the tee. Can't find it anymore tho.
I wouldn't say first person combat games are rare though.

Monster Girl Quest is basically like that isn't it?

If the specifics of the formula is that you only fight one girl, you must have stat management, and multiple endings then I'd say JSK is pretty unique.
Ok the last JSKI game the one from december i have no idea how to unlock story Mode 3. I have mode 1 2 and i guess is Free mode? so yeah i dont know how to trigger that Famous Bathroom scene.
Since very few people actually check the translation thread I'd like to make a very quick call to any JSK fan.
If you want to proofread, or help translate, please visit the JSK translation thread.

This is probably the best time to involve yourself in the process as it's easier then ever.

Delexicus made a post linking to google doc spreadsheets with the translation text. This means you can proofread/translate over the phone if you want to. It's very accessible. If you have any faith in your english language then please check it out. Even if you don't know Japanese, maybe you can throw it into Google Translate and proofread the result that comes out. If it still makes no sense to you after google translate then just leave it be.

It used to be that you had to deal with a bunch of flash decryption tools and a whole mess of other things to translate these games. Now it's a google doc you can mess around with on your phone if you have the link.

If you like these games and don't like the fact that so many recent ones have been left untranslated, then become a part of the solution.

And that's all from me.


Lol nvm...
Just checked the new chick on the blog. Goddamn her bottom's small in comparison to her top. Big Boobs don't really work all that will on a slim bottom to me I guess.
New elf girl looks weird around the crotch area in the January 2nd image, i think its the leg perspective is a bit weird for her left leg, and her panties look like a pair of diapers...
Massive knockers though, and clothing destruction sounds cool except for the fact he added a shield that could be potentially annoying to the mix if not tuned right.
Spending half the game leveling up so i could get past the shield would not be a fun experience, though the leveling system has been a chore for his fighting games to slog through anyways, so i'll just have to deal with it.
i think i am pessimistic today...so just take this as a rant.
New elf girl looks weird around the crotch area in the January 2nd image, i think its the leg perspective is a bit weird for her left leg, and her panties look like a pair of diapers...
Massive knockers though, and clothing destruction sounds cool except for the fact he added a shield that could be potentially annoying to the mix if not tuned right.
Spending half the game leveling up so i could get past the shield would not be a fun experience, though the leveling system has been a chore for his fighting games to slog through anyways, so i'll just have to deal with it.
i think i am pessimistic today...so just take this as a rant.
You're supposed to go for the rape ending first, not the love or other endings.
You get bonus EXP for the amount of times you creampie the heroine, which allows you to level up faster.

These are rape games first with the other content added in to ease his conscience/bring in players who have different tastes.
I usually go for the lewd end first, it tends to give the most chances to make the heroine cum via service scenes without making the round to end, to score those extra skill points.
I usually go for the lewd end first, it tends to give the most chances to make the heroine cum via service scenes without making the round to end, to score those extra skill points.
You don't get extra points if the heroines cum though? You only get points if you cream the enemy?
Lewd End's usually the hardest one in most of the games to get too. Only one that's different is the Archer chick as that's one it's so easy you can get it on your first playthrough with 0 points just by choosing the correct dialogue. Easiest one to get is the rape ending so aiming for the Lewd ending is a bit counterintuitive when it comes to point gathering because by the time you're strong enough to get it you've already used up a lot of time grinding.

Designed playstyle I feel is to go for the rape ending first, and build up combat points. If you reach the rape ending, you're probably starting to get a bit strong. In order to tackle lewd and love endings though you need to be the most powerful. Battles end when you rape the heroine so you experience the most amount of battle by going for the love ending which means you need the most stats and can't get more by assaulting her. If you already did the rape ending though, you should be relatively strong to the point that you can tackle the other ones.

Also... You can't even reach the lewd ending in Miyui by raping her...

Also... In Great Demon Lord and MGB you need enough points and agility to use your lust ability which you can't have unless you've tried going down the rape ending to get points first.

So yeah... I'm pretty sure design wise, you get rewarded the most for stats by aiming for the rape ending first.
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this.syouri_pt = 0;
this.kousa_pt = 0;
this.nakadashi_pt = 0;
this.damage_pt = 0;
this.ending_pt = 0;
this.goukei_pt = 0;
this.syouri.text = Object(root).syouri_kuri;
this.nakadashi.text = Object(root).nakadashi_kuri;
this.damage.text = Object(root).damage_c;
if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_rape")
this.ending.text = "Rape End";
this.ending_pt = 100;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_inran")
this.ending.text = "Lewd End";
this.ending_pt = 100;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_tomoochi")
this.ending.text = "Tool End";
this.ending_pt = 100;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_love")
this.ending.text = "Love End";
this.ending_pt = 100;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "nashi")
this.ending.text = "Normal End";
this.ending_pt = 50;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_hyoui1")
this.ending.text = "Mid end1";
this.ending_pt = 50;
else if(Object(root).y_act_log == "end_hyoui2")
this.ending.text = "Mid end 2";
this.ending_pt = 50;
this.ending.text = "None";
this.ending_pt = 0;
this.syouri_pt = int(Object(root).syouri_kuri * 100);
this.nakadashi_pt = int(Object(root).nakadashi_kuri * 100);
this.damage_pt = int((3000 - Object(root).damage_c) / 50);
if(this.damage_pt < 0)
this.damage_pt = 0;
this.goukei_pt = int(200 + this.syouri_pt + this.nakadashi_pt + this.damage_pt + this.ending_pt);
this.syouri_s.text = String(this.syouri_pt);
this.nakadashi_s.text = String(this.nakadashi_pt);
this.damage_s.text = String(this.damage_pt);
this.ending_s.text = String(this.ending_pt);
this.goukei.text = String(this.goukei_pt);
Object(root).gold = Object(root).gold + this.goukei_pt;

directly taken from the game code of MGB, each climax grants 100pts, no matter what scene type, agi rape cheeses you through the game, agi lewd grants the most points, since lewd act climaxes do not progress the story.

3 x 100pts from climax
3 x 50pts from wins
1 x 50 / 100 from ending bonus, 50 if its branches to 2-1 or 2-2.

rape bonus points per playthrough = 450~500 + damage done bonus.
lewd is the same, but always above rape if you focus on going for the lewd skills instead of anything else, harder to pull off, but better pay off once done properly.

Where you need 5 rape playthroughs to get decent stats / skills, I only need 3 to max everything out.

But yeah, you play your way, the easy mode, no effort and challenge required to pull off.
I'll stick with the challenge with slow start and breeze through with everything maxed out. :rolleyes: