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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1B, 2B.)

With slight embarrassment still, Link slipped from town, still wearing her too-skimpy outfit. She froze in place when the guard spoke to her, worried the worst, but his words were casual and good natured. "Be careful out there. It's dangerous." he told her, and she merely waved and smiled in return as she snuck past.

Outside again, Link tossed her grey clothes off and pulled on the dull green Gerudo outfit. The pants were loose and easy to move in, ideal for fighting with her twin-blades, which she promptly equipped to go with her disguise. Her top was a bit more problematic though, when she pulled it tighter, it squeezed her large breasts just the wrong way, making it very hard to get it on. In the end, she was forced to put it on one button looser than it should've been, and merely taking a casual jog towards Milk Road caused the top to come off entirely, leaving a blushing Link bare breasted in the middle of Termina field. She was only thankful no one was there to see it.

She made it to Milk Road and fastened her top again, but had to remember now... any fast actions would leave her topless.


She put the mask on just outside of the Gormon Track and snuck in slowly, a water bucket nearby let her peer in and see the reflection of herself... She was definately still Link, but she was also most certainly a Gerudo now.

"HEY. What're you doing here?" A voice yelled out, causing Link to jump and need to grab her top before it came off.

Link spun round with one hand on her weapon instinctively, and was face to face with the eldest Gormon brother, grinning at her.

"Oh cut the tough girl crap. You know we're in charge. You need us more than we need you, and your big bad leader knows it. So as long as we're in charge, you do whatever we say."

Link held her ground a bit uncertainly until the man suddenly grabbed her and shoved her against the nearby barn wall, one of his grimey hands shoved into her pants and she felt his finger diving into her pussy without mercy, pumping and finger-fucking her while she was still off guard as he slammed his lips into hers, giving her a filthy kiss.

She could taste the sour milk on his breath and his kiss was far too wet for her liking, she began to feel like he was trying to drown her with his saliva as her pussy instinctively quivered in lust, unable to stop herself from moaning like a common slut (caused by GO1 Penalty).

Link's Stats: 4.25 / 4.25 hearts. 80 rupees.

(GO1 Condition) High Libido.
Wearing Gerudo Mask + Outfit.

Equipment: Gerudo Outfit, "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top). Silver Scale.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Masks: Deku Scrub, Gerudo.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (25 /25 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (4 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture).

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

a) Link meekly accepts the man's advances, not wanting to blow her cover.
b) Link shyly encourages his advances, hoping it would be appropriate (and would sate her libido again).
c) Link shoves him away angrily, playing it off as a defiant Gerudo woman.
d) Link attacks the man outright, dropping the act and thinking his words are proof enough that they're in league (no solid proof though).
e) Link tries to retreat outright, knowing it's not enough proof to give the Bombers, but enough that she can attempt another method (revote from previous vote if this choice).
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Gah. I'd rather go with C, but with the GO1 condition, I reckon B is more appropriate, so lets go with that.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Arrgh... the options are so even in value...

I'll go C - she'll take sex, but on HER terms, not somebody else's. Which plays nicely into her dominant streak as well as her disguise.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Arrgh... the options are so even in value...

I'll go C - she'll take sex, but on HER terms, not somebody else's. Which plays nicely into her dominant streak as well as her disguise.

Actually, I didn't think of that, changing vote to this!
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

DeMatt is right, go for C.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Arrgh... the options are so even in value...

I'll go C - she'll take sex, but on HER terms, not somebody else's. Which plays nicely into her dominant streak as well as her disguise.

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Sure, C sounds good.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C, it's about time those gorman bothers got beat shitless for all the times they terrorized the girls.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hahahaha it seems that one person's opinion will sway the vote one way or another. Going with B just to be different.:D
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(A resounding, winning vote: C)

Link cried out and shoved the Gormon brother back hard, the man grabbing at nothing but air as he cracked on his ass with a horrible THUD.

He glared up at her menacingly as she managed to stare back down at him, hoping it would suit the situation.

Tense seconds passed as the man got to his feet and stomped towards her again, his foul breath already catching her nose well ahead of when he reached out and grabbed her by the chin, "You Gerudo whores need to learn your place better... if I didn't still need you as well, I'd hurl you to the goron slave market so fast, you'd have that ass stuffed with cock before you figured out what happened."

Link shoved his hand away again and he seemed to accept it this time, motioning for her, "Hurry up then. I expected you a couple days ago. I found a girl... dressed like your kind, but definately not. She didn't even have any weapons on her, and just kept moaning like a slut no matter what I did to her... heh... not that it wasn't fun, but when I caught her trying to make off with one of the crates..."

He led Link out onto the track and up a narrow pathway into the hill in the center of his land, the large hill took a moment to sneak across, a few bushes newly planted around the edges making it far simpler though, until they reached a small, seemingly ancient secret doorway.

Still following behind, Link instantly realized this must've been here even back when she first helped Romani Ranch, there were old Romani Ranch Milk Bottles and labels in the corners, obviously where the stolen milk had been kept, but the newer, fresh goods were far different.

Link saw a huge slew of weapons, all Gerudo in nature. None as high quality as the ones she'd taken after her fight out in Great Bay, but it looked as if it was armament for an entire army. Yet the blades seemed a little... different. Not quite the same as the ones the Gerudo wielded.

Further in were chains and shackles, collars and slave clothes, it looked like prisoners of this unknown army were clearly meant for slavery.

The man suddenly hurled a disgustingly skimpy outfit at Link and some cuffs, Link barely catching it all. "Put those on. No complaints this time, no backtalk. It's even your color." he laughed a bit, the green silks in her hands too sheer to cover anything properly, even if the outfit wasn't clearly meant to leave her pussy and breasts exposed.

Link has obtained the Slave's Silks.
These "clothes" cover absolutely nothing, and she may as well be naked with them on. Worse still, they denote the wearer as a slave.

Link bit back her protests, knowing she'd gotten this far by acting the part and with a deep flush, choked down the rest of her part, shyly turning away and stripping, clothes and dignity, she pulled on the slave silks given to her.

Her body was almost completely exposed, hairless, perfect pussy just slightly damp, enough that the dim torchlights of this underground cavern could see the shimmering of of wetness. Her breasts now utterly bare, the silks were designed to be decorative, flowing across her legs and about her hips, they rested softly over her breasts and about her arms, yet covered absolutely nothing that should've been covered.

"Good, good, now the chains..." he demanded, Link picking them up and looking them over, she was about to protest, wondering what kind of doublecross this could've been, until she spotted an odd switch on the restraints. She fiddled with it a few times and quickly realized that it was all for show, and she could free herself at any time.

Suspicions alleviated, Link hid her weapons away inside her bag of gear (how DOES all that stuff fit in there anyhow?), and chained herself up.

Link obtained the Trick-Chains.
She can now chain herself up like a slave (with full penalties), but drop the chains at any time, restoring herself safely... not the most useful of items, but it completes the slave disguise.

As soon as the cuffs clanked shut, she felt a vicious tug on the chains and she nearly was pulled off her feet, careening into the eldest Gormon brother's arms, his cruel fingers digging into her breasts and puling roughly on her hair. "Hush up and play the slave for a bit. If you don't look the part, you'll never convince anyone." he spoke down at her.

Not one to simply give in though, Link angrily shoved him away again and gave him a menacing glare, the man raising a hand as if to strike her, but instantly backing off as he saw Link's hand on her sword hilt.

"Fucking Gerudo... The only reason you're not a slave is because you're worth more as a partner..." as he walked off, Link heard him muttering a bit more under his breath, "for now..."


The pair walked a long distance through the underground tunnel, until they reached a small cave exit that was very well concealed into a mountainside.

She could only barely see at first, and Link's heart thudded loudly in her chest as she realized there were Gorons around. She thought they'd come all the way to the Goron Village in Termina. The light slowly became tolerable and Link realized soon after that it wasn't, but instead someplace she'd never been to. A newly created city at the outskirts of Termina, with many Goron Slavers, but also Hylians, and even a few Zoras.

She blushed darkly as she was dragged through the edges of this unusual town, body visible for all to see.

It was about then when the man turned back and a horrible grin rested on his lips. Link instantly knew he was going to punish her somehow for her rejections, and with this many people around, it would be far harder for her to deny him without incident.

Link's Stats: 4.25 / 4.25 hearts. 80 rupees.

(GO1 Condition) High Libido.
Wearing Gerudo Mask, Slave's Silks, and Trick Chains.
(Exposed Pussy and Breasts, embarrassed.)

Equipment: Gerudo Outfit, "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top). Silver Scale. Slave's Silks (Green). Trick-Chains.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Masks: Deku Scrub, Gerudo.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (25 /25 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (4 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture). Dorodock's Collar.

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

(Warning: Getting away from the Gormon Brother means he can't take Link to see whatever he's trying to show her. But Link can still try to find it on her own.)

Vote 1) (Choose only 1)
a) Link begs the man not to do whatever he has in mind.
b) Link bribes the man not to do bad things to her.
c) Link threatens the man to stay in line, or else.
d) Link scoffs at the man's actions to try to belittle him into not doing it.
e) Link encourages the man to punish her (GO1 Condition).
f) Link attempts to cause a fuss elsewhere to distract attention from herself. (Choose item used to cause distraction, or method used.)
g) Link escapes her chains and flees to avoid the punishment of the Gormon Brother.
h) Link tries wearing Dorodock's Collar and requesting to be brought to him to escape the Gormon Brother. (I totally forgot to add the collar to inventory before XD)

Vote 2) If Link fails to escape/convince the man not to punish her... (Choose 1)
a) Link quietly suffers whatever punishment is given to her, to not blow her cover.
b) Link fights her way out of the punishment instead of taking it, not willing to suffer to keep her cover.
c) Link attempts to bribe/beg whoever punishes her instead, hoping that will work better.
d) Link pulls Dorokock's Collar as a last resort, hoping it will still work.

Vote 3) If Link flees/escapes, she realizes she's alone in the Slaver Village, and has no idea where the Gormon was taking her.
a) Dress in Gerudo Outfit again and play a slave-taker, dominantly moving through town and doing as she'd like.
b) Removing the Gerudo Mask and wearing the grey outfit again, try to lay low until learning the rules of the town, then blend in while searching for the Gormons.
c) Putting on Dorodock's Collar, play the slave to blend in, avoiding any major contact while tracking down the Gormons.
C1) Naked, Gerudo Mask off.
C2) In Slave's Silks, with Gerudo Mask.
C3) In Slave's Silks, Gerudo Mask off.

d) Use Dorodock's Collar to try to find him for help.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'll go with
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I'll go with:

1. C
2. A
3. A

Although I'm rather indecisive at this point, and would switch if someone can offer good reasoning.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh. So... the Gerudo are under the control of the Gormon, who are in turn in league with those cloaked dudes from the Zora Kingdom...? Or did the Gerudo come to the Gormon for help freeing their enslaved sisters...?

1) I'm gonna go with A - to keep the image of a broken slave intact in the eyes of the other slavers, she begs him not to punish her. But if she gets a chance, she whispers to him something along the lines of "you shouldn't torment your PARTNER, to ensure they STAY your PARTNER".

2) A - pretty much the same reasoning. She's portraying a slave, she can't afford to break that cover.

3) D - if for some reason she breaks up with the Gormon guy, I don't think it'd be a good idea to stick around a town of slave masters. But Dorodock at least seemed honest, so if she has to stay, better with an ally than alone.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh. So... the Gerudo are under the control of the Gormon, who are in turn in league with those cloaked dudes from the Zora Kingdom...? Or did the Gerudo come to the Gormon for help freeing their enslaved sisters...?

1) I'm gonna go with A - to keep the image of a broken slave intact in the eyes of the other slavers, she begs him not to punish her. But if she gets a chance, she whispers to him something along the lines of "you shouldn't torment your PARTNER, to ensure they STAY your PARTNER".

2) A - pretty much the same reasoning. She's portraying a slave, she can't afford to break that cover.

3) D - if for some reason she breaks up with the Gormon guy, I don't think it'd be a good idea to stick around a town of slave masters. But Dorodock at least seemed honest, so if she has to stay, better with an ally than alone.

this until someone have a better one
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1)a) Link begs the man not to do whatever he has in mind.
2)b) Link fights her way out of the punishment instead of taking it, not willing to suffer to keep her cover.
better to be convincing for now. but when later when we have no need for him we can kill him or just make him a unic.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) C, but she should do it softly so as not to attract attention, while acting meek, with the promise that she will get even with him later.
2) A
3) D
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Huh. So... the Gerudo are under the control of the Gormon, who are in turn in league with those cloaked dudes from the Zora Kingdom...? Or did the Gerudo come to the Gormon for help freeing their enslaved sisters...?

1) I'm gonna go with A - to keep the image of a broken slave intact in the eyes of the other slavers, she begs him not to punish her. But if she gets a chance, she whispers to him something along the lines of "you shouldn't torment your PARTNER, to ensure they STAY your PARTNER".

2) A - pretty much the same reasoning. She's portraying a slave, she can't afford to break that cover.

3) D - if for some reason she breaks up with the Gormon guy, I don't think it'd be a good idea to stick around a town of slave masters. But Dorodock at least seemed honest, so if she has to stay, better with an ally than alone.