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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C-C-B to break the tie. I was going to vote for this earlier before it became a trend, but I was too lazy. :p
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes:
1-C, Link obeys the rules, getting naked and unarmed before heading out.
2-C, Link cautiously moves down the line of caves, deciding to take one of the further ones and hide as best she can... it will make the challenge take far longer. (Slow, but well hidden)
b) Link takes her time while hiding and attempts to only take long range shots, hoping to stay out of sight. (Mid-risk of missing, but missed arrows are likely 50/50 chance of being lost)
c) Link moves in to close range and takes her time shooting, ensuring she won't miss easy shots. (Very low miss chance, easy recovering of arrows, but very exposed.)

Link will use both B and C for vote 3, depending on which one she feels is best at the time.)

Link blushed darkly as the man left and she was alone with the chest and her special arrows. She was in disbelief at what she was about to do, but went for it anyhow... with the Compass of Time guiding her direction, the loss of her already too-skimpy grey outfit left her blushing darkly, running her soft fingers across her ample bussom and down her hips.

She sighed as she threw her things into the chest and slammed it shut... Whimpering a moment later as she fully grasped what she'd just done. She'd be wandering all over Termina, nude, playing a perverse game of hide and seek while shooting targets.

(Link loses 0.5 LS as her pussy dampens and she feels ashamed of her decision to play anyhow.)

Clutching her bow, Link shivered with every step as she walked the depths of the cave towards an exit. She was almost scared to walk out the first one as her heartbeat quickened, and she nearly rushed out without thinking before embarrassment forced her to run back and try to pry open the chest...



Her heartbeat pounding in her chest, the blood rushing through her head was making her dizzy... And she heard the archery man talking, apparently leading another girl down here.

"Same rules as always, hehe. You know, you wouldn't have to put up with this if you'd just sell that dump. You lose money on it most of the year, just to give cheap rooms to a few people during the festival."

Too shy and wanting to cover herself to stay nearby, Link ran for the exits, her common sense returning to her seconds before she ran out the first way out she found, and she tried to calm herself, deciding the best thing to do was to cautiously pick her route, not just rush headlong into whatever was awaiting her.

Link rustled some bushes without meaning to as she began to exit the caves, instantly whincing as she heard a couple voices nearby, "Hey, I think someone's here!"

Turning back, Link realized too late, the cave had sealed itself, and she covered herself with both hands, blushing and crouching as low as she could.

The men talking got closer...

She could hear them walking through the leaves...

A pictobox snapped...

"Don't waste your chances snapping at every moving bush, she's not in there. Moron."

Link's heart had almost stopped when she heard that picture snap, memories of what else she'd done in her mind, but somehow because it was before she cast the Compass of Time, it didn't seem to make her feel more embarrassed about it, the spell only affecting her in the here and now.

"HEY! Look there!" someone yelled from further off, and Link heard a girl shrieking. A mixture of relief and disgrace filled her. Pleased that she was no longer the target, but ashamed that she would actually take pleasure in whoever else was playing being caught ahead of her.

Link bolted out, her drive to act urging her on more than her need to hide. The first balloon coming into view, green to match her color, with a blue one right next to it. She couldn't pass up the chance, drawing her bow and taking the long shot...

It popped with almost no noise, somehow luck was on her side as she rushed onward again, wanting to see if she could help whoever else was playing this very silly, and very embarrassing game.


But no good luck streak lasts forever, as the second she neared the edge of the bushes, she tripped, stumbling out of the bushes and hitting the ground hard, just as someone else running tripped over her.

She heard dozens of snaps of pictures as she strained to get out from under the other person...

(Pictures taken! Link (53/100 points), Anju (42/100 points))

The daze of flashes was a blur, Link's legs splayed wide, she knew every inch of her bare slit was caught, her breasts mostly covered by the rather awkwardly positioned person who tripped on her though, but the position gave everyone plenty of time to get the perfect full-body shots of the pair as they twisted around, entangled in one another, Link's fingers brushing across the other woman's slit, the woman roughly fondling Link's breasts in an attempt to get up...

By the time the pair managed to disappear into the bushes again, running at top speed, Link finally had a chance for her memory to kick in, remembering Anju from the Inn, the woman seeming slightly older, but still very beautiful, bare breasts bouncing hard with every step she took, and she was blushing just as dark as Link, "Damn girl! Do you know how badly this'll look if my husband finds some of those pictures!" she half-whispered, half-yelled at Link, then suddenly grabbed Link and yanked her hard, both girls slamming into a small hidden hold in the ground with many bushes around it, Link's larger breasts smushed beneath Anju's toned body, and Anju's perky breasts rubbing into Link's face as they hid out and their pursuers ran past...

(Link has taken 1 point of LS damage. She now has 3.5 / 5 LS remaining.)

Only a few moments passed before Anju jumped up again, growling to herself, "You're lucky I had to hide you too or they'd search for me. If you can't keep up with the game, then either go flash them on your own, or don't play. But don't drag the rest of us down with you... it's bad enough with the Garo..."

Before Link could ask her anything else, Anju suddenly began to run again, clutching a bow and some blue tipped arrows, she was obviously the other player...

She doesn't get very far before Link spots a few stragglers that seem to have seen Anju, but haven't seen Link yet...

(no stats since her stuff is gone and this is a minigame situation. Just her 3.5 / 5 LS.)

Vote 1)
a) Link leaves Anju to the people who've spotted her.
b) Link risks becoming a target for the two as well, following Anju closely, wanting to ask her questions and hopefully get her help finishing this silly game.
c) Link moves behind the stragglers, deciding to follow them so they'll be after Anju and she can safely track down the balloons by following the group.
d) Link feels bad for messing up earlier, and attempts to sacrifice herself instead of Anju.
d1) By calling out to alert Anju and distract her followers, then running, at least giving them another target.
d2) d1 plus rushing near the followers, then trying to keep moving past, giving them a closer, easier target.
d3) By moaning softly and acting lewdly, to give them a more appealing target before running off.
d4) Both D2 + D3.
d5) By performing lewd actions for them to take pictures of, not fleeing until Anju is safely away.

e) Link ignores Anju and the picture-takers entirely, continuing off on her own...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

C ~ Maybe she can catch up with Anju later, until then, maybe she can lead Link to some more balloons.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

I'll go with C as well
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

All aboard the C-Train!
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Combo breaker! E.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Mmmm... I'll go with D1 - Link gives Anju a warning shout before running off.

What's "the Garo", if you don't mind me asking? Doesn't seem like a short form for Gerudo, but I can't think of anything else it could be...
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Mmmm... I'll go with D1 - Link gives Anju a warning shout before running off.

What's "the Garo", if you don't mind me asking? Doesn't seem like a short form for Gerudo, but I can't think of anything else it could be...

The Garo have a limited role in Majora's Mask, as they are chased away from the valley when the temple is cleared. However, they still exist in fairly large numbers in the areas around Termina and abroad.

I suggest poking at the Wiki, specifically Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask articles, for any information you may be curious about if you haven't played the games. For example, Pamela was a minor character from MM, grown up and joined the group in Kasuto. (p.s. Kasuto is a new region, name taken from an older zelda game, courtesy of the wiki.)
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning vote: C)

(Huge post, much bigger than expected. Vote below is for her next minigame challenge.)

Link crouches down low and groans inwardly, almost ashamed of what she was doing, the legendary heroine, hiding from a bunch of perverts while playing a dirty game, and letting someone else be their target to save herself the humiliation.

Time was such a strange thing, that no one in this timeline really knew that she had rescued them from Ganon.

Her secondary daze of thought was almost enough for her to be spotted as she ducked away just in time for one of the guys to rush towards Anju.

Poor, unsuspecting Anju... She was on guard, but not enough to avoid being caught again as a string of pictures were snapped of her... It was less revealing than the last ones, but her ample breasts and body were snapped in glorious detail before she managed to run off, soon being chased by a trio of players, and Link in tow just behind them. (Anju pictures taken: 26/100 points)

Moments passed, Link heard a pop, and soon spotted another of her balloons just next to where Anju undoubtedly passed. She poked her head out of the bushes, realizing that if anyone were searching for her, she would've been utterly exposed, as she took her time and fired a shot, barely hitting the balloon, it's resounding pop confusing a few of the people as Link heard them yelling out, "What was that? ... Forget it, Anju's still running!"

The tactic worked amazingly, Link finding her next three balloons and popping them one after another without a single problem. Past Termina field, hitting one atop a tree, and another hidden away in a small clearing, that was obviously only emptied because of Anju's recent trip past it. Finally, Link was heading into the home stretch, rushing naked, breasts bouncing, into the Southern Swamp.

Her targets were obvious, she could already see a few as she ran past. Finally though she came to a balloon in the blue shade that wasn't hers, realizing the two women's paths must've parted. Still feeling emboldened from her success, Link thought nothing of rushing the balloon, nearing it, drawing her bow, and aiming ever so slowly...

She was taken completely off guard when at the same time she fired, she caught out of the corner of her eye, another arrow coming at her, eyes widening and suddenly the tip burst in a flash of light, knocking her over and leaving her stunned and dazed...

Shuffling around her...

Excited yelling...


A groan... it was her own...

Link roused after only a moment of being stunned, but it was long enough, her legs were splayed lewdly, laying on her back, bare breasts exposed to the air.

A pair of people with cameras were nearby, a pair of woman at that, both naked and fondling Link's breasts in turn, molesting the downed girl for their picture collection.

Link's body finally snapping into action, she roughly pushed the women off, panting hard and looking as if she were about to attack the pair.

"Relax cutie. It's all part of the game. We got our award-winning shots, now you better finish up fast before someone else gets you in a position that beats ours." The women grinned as they suddenly in unison yelled out, "SHE'S OVER HERE! A HOTTIE, BIG TITS!"

Link whinced as immediately several yells came from nearby, other players. The two women were already dressing again by the time Link was on her feet.

At the last second, just before Link managed to start running, both girls grabbed her again and she felt two wet, excited tongues diving into her mouth as her breasts were fondled again, the hylian beauties that captured her not letting it linger more than a second though, a final kiss stolen from their victim, before Link felt one of them slip something into her pussy, a finger playfully following and wriggling around. "Come visit us later." she whispered. A final slap on the ass, and the game was on once more.

(Link pictures taken: 60/100 points.)
(Link LS lost, 1.5. LS remaining: 2 / 5)

Trembling on her edge, a bit dizzy and unstable still, Link fled into the bushes far enough to escape another wave of pursuers. When she finally stopped, she felt the strangeness of something still inside her, and fingers quickly moved down to slide a small, oddly shaped object out of herself. It was an oddly misshapen sphere with a few magical runes drawn onto it, obviously it's magic inactive at the moment, but Link understood how to activate it.

Link has obtained... something... She isn't quite sure what this is or what it does, but can guess it has a rather lewd purpose.

Taking another moment to gather herself, Link peers out of the bushes slowly and tries to spot the remaining four balloons it was her task to pop.

Off in the distance, a cluster of perverts seemed to be chasing a girl, assumedly Anju again, and Link could see a little closer that another group was already laying in wait for her as well.

Link managed to spot all of her remaining balloons and took a long distance aim at each of them, a deep breath kept before each arrow fired off...

Pop... The first one went down effortlessly.

Pop... Her second shot was a bit shakey, and she could hear a few yells of people trying to find her...

Pop... Time was running out, her second to last balloon popped, but she could already see some of the people swarming her area.

Pop... It was pure luck the last one blew at the right second to get hit... But by now, the group had spotted the heroine.

Pictures being snapped left and right, Link's naked body barely in the shot as she ran as fast as she could, leaves and bushes crashing against her bare skin while a bigger and bigger crowd merged together to go after her.

The frantic running and pounding in her heart merged together and everything was a blur.


The cave where she began at.

She didn't know why it suddenly opened again other than she'd completed her task. Her body was drenched in sweat and she could feel herself excited from the chase, her fingers uncontrollably sliding down to caress her folds.

Softly, she teased herself, and her other hand moving up to fondle her breasts... the cave's cool air against her naked body felt reassuring. It was quiet and dark, away from the lights and perverts crying out for a piece of her...

Her fingertip ever so gently pushed inside her body, teasing in slow circles ever so shallowly, as she pinched at her nipples.

Her orgasm came not as a peak of excitement and the driving force to go on, but as the punctuation of her relief and the task over, collapsing back against the cave wall as her soaking wet fingertips continued to gently play with herself, a weak moan echoing down the cave.


It took a while, but Link felt herself once more. As the Compass of Time spell's effects dwindled into the past, she soon was laughing at her modesty. She had let Epona fuck her senseless while someone watched and took pictures, yet this experience was the more traumatic one for her... The mere notion made her laugh... And yet, if she had treated this the same as back then, she wouldn't be the type of heroine that she wanted to be...

A voice in the back of her head whispered, nothing she could understand for sure, but somehow she knew... To be the heroine she wanted to be, she would endure this strange spell's effects many more times in the future.


Washed off a bit from a small pond in the cave and dressed in her grey outfit once more, Link returned to the archery range owner, giving him a meaningful glare.

"Congrats little lady. I already got some of your pictures in. Come back tomorrow for your final score... I give special prizes to the girl showing off the most... and the least... every day. So if you ever feel up for a challenge, or just want to get nice and dirty with that body, remember me for my daily challenges... oh, and just so you don't think it's the same old boring challenges everyday... the rules change often." His final grin at this was more than a little lewd, and Link had a bad feeling that if she took up this challenge again she wouldn't be coming back just covered in sweat.

Link has obtained a bigger quiver, a piece of heart, and 250 rupees!

A huge haul for such a game, but now that Link stops and thinks about it, she realizes that it's his hook to get girls to come back, as even with her Compass of Time spell active, she can't help but want to play again for another big prize, even knowing what may happen next time.

Content with her winnings, but wanting to burn off a bit more steam, Link heads to the sword training grounds, marching in with a surprisingly bold stride as she moves up to the old man running the place.

"Hey hey, a new student. Come to learn my ways, or do you think you're already talented with that blade?" he asks mockingly, obviously not very respectful of Link in her tattered grey outfit showing off her ample assets.

"You know, I usually have a dress code here, but with a pair like that, I may just change my dress code to let girls like you come in topless." he says, no emotion evident on his face, but Link could feel her own cheeks growing red with anger... She remembered this man now from the Gerudo Valley, the salesman who had the nerve to constantly overcharge her for everyday goods by insisting he wouldn't show her it until she paid.

Although in this timeline, that never happened, she couldn't help but remember several incidents of her trip to the future, including one time her shirt was blown off in the wind after it got cut across the back, and the man swindled her for every rupee she owned without returning her top... She later found out he didn't even have her top, as it got caught on one of the Gerudo flags.


Her flashback snapped away just as the man's sheathed sword was reached out and caught under her top... She was taken completely offguard and he managed to tug at her just right that she stumbled to her knees and he pulled her shirt off entirely, her breasts bouncing hard and he tossed her shirt aside as she covered her breasts with both hands, more embarrassed than ever that this fool had taken her so easily in her carelessness.

"HAH, I knew it. Totally worthless in battle, no defensive technique, a poor offense, and a shameless big breasted bimbo to boot!"

Link kindly repaid his words with a fist lodged in his face he wouldn't soon forget, laying him out flat on his back with a bloody nose. "GAFAHK! Twush! TRWUECE!" he cried out, his voice garbled by an obviously broken nose.

"Gfark. Bitch..." he muttered under his breath as he raised himself to his feet. "Fine, you think you're a fighter, face my challenge. Exactly as you are, using my sword. Win, and you get to keep my blade, and I'll throw in a piece of heart to boot! Lose, and I keep your top while you participate in my next class! Or if you don't think you can handle it, I'll give you your top back and you can wimp out using your swords, but if you really want to prove yourself, try it my way."

(Link takes 0.5 points LS damage)

Link's Stats: 4.5 / 4.5 hearts. 340 rupees. 1.5/5 Lewd Stamina.

Wearing Grey Outfit (rather exposing, may suffer Lewd Stamina Damage more easily, especially if defense against it is low).
(GO1 Condition) High Libido.

Equipment: Gerudo Outfit, "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top). Silver Scale. Slave's Silks (Green). Trick-Chains.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Masks: Deku Scrub, Gerudo.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (35 /35 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (4 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture). Dorodock's Collar. Slave Scorecard (For Link, very high ranks). Gormon/Gerudo secret plans. Compass of Time Spell.

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding), The Bombers (cannot be summoned, but give many bonuses if in the right place to assist).
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

a) Link defiantly agrees, insisting she'll win no matter the challenge.
b) Link reluctantly agrees, greedy for rewards despite her embarrassment.
c) Link punches the man again, then agrees, just to prove herself.
d) Link insists on her top back and takes the lesser challenge.
d1) and punches the guy again just for good measure.
e) Link refuses the challenges, and insists on a free lesson as an apology.
f) Link storms out without having further dealings with this guy.
f1)... after beating the crap out of him.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

A, she can do it.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Though, C if punching him won't have any negative effects.
Guy needs to go eat a biscuit