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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

sex: N
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1D. 2C.)

(Battle with a Gerudo.)
Link drew her sword and grinned, feeling for the first time since she'd arrived that this would be a fair fight, just her against another that was meant to be her equal, a fellow Gerudo.

The Gerudo woman took half a step back in shock, an angry glare aimed down at Link, "I'll wipe that smirk off your face, BITCH!"

The woman dove off the top of the top of the tanks after Link, swords aiming violently to end the fight in a single move, but Link would have nothing of it, easily sidestepping the attack and bringing her sword up across the woman's body, leaving a trail of blood behind as she was hurled backwards, slamming back into the tank with a pitiful shriek of pain.

Link pushed the attack, her sword thrust hard, the woman barely ducking out of the way, sword penetrating the wall of the building while the Gerudo's eyes were wide, and her pounding heartbeat could almost be felt, as she desperately kicked Link in the gut, sending her back a few unsteady steps.

The once bold Gerudo woman suddenly found herself without any more clever taunts, gripping her swords tightly, the two clashed violently, sending sparks of magical energy flying off of each of their swords. Link easily deflecting each blow, and the pirate girl barely keeping up, when she suddenly missed one of the motions, a harsh cut digging into her shoulder and she staggered back to one knee, looking hurt, but her pride unwilling to end the fight...

Sword on sword, both women gave up their defenses, pushing to end the fight, Link felt a gash across her leg, met with a slice into the Gerudo's cheek. A follow up cut digging into the pirate's arm, nearly rendering her limb useless, when she countered with a stab into Link's chest, barely missing anything vital, as it left a trickle of blood rolling down her breast. Any technique lost from the fighting as blows continued to rain down upon one another, for each strike the Gerudo landed on Link, she felt it repaid in kind, and every deft motion Link sliced into the Gerudo's body, she responded with a desperate thrust of her blades.

... The final blow would land at any second, neither woman would be able to stand this level of combat too much longer.

Their swords clashed, Link clutching her double sided blade with both hands and grinding all of her might into the desperately guarding woman, and a surge of power came through her...

Link's magic unleashed as a spin attack, slicing the woman a final time, slicing her arms, blood dripping down her hands and fingers, two loud thuds heard as she dropped her weapons...

"Impossible..." she whispered, tears of frustration and fear in her eyes.

"I'm one of the best swordsman of all the Gerudo Pirates... I cannot be beaten by... by... some... some lowly hylian..."

She reached down for her sword, fingers wrapping around the blade that was stuck into the ground, and crying out as she tried to retrieve it, but had no strength left for it.

Although Link was in poor condition after the vicious exchange of blows, it was obvious who had won.

The Gerudo woman turned and ran for the door, slamming into it and struggling with the doorknob, making it outside and screaming for the guard outside to retreat.

Link picked up the two lost swords of her worthy foe, finding the weapons to be of excellent quality.

Link thinks back to all of her fights with the Gerudo and swings the blades a few times, and as if the weapons were made for her, she finds herself able to wield them as nimbly as her own sword.

This is Link's first new sword style. Twinblade Style combat is far more aggressive, doing extra damage and having better to-hit rates, but Link is more vulnerable to damage, and cannot use her shield with them. Choose Styles in Action/Combat votes!

Link sheathed her blades and walked over to a small bucket of clean water nearby, splashing it over herself with a groan. After the blood was washed away, she found her outfit to be relatively in tatters, the Gerudo's top laying left behind. Link didn't even remember which blow caused the other woman's outfit to be lost, thinking back to the fight only to vaguely remember the two of them going at it violently, and the woman's bare breasts as she fled.

It wasn't of consequence though, Link picking up the tattered top.

Link has taken the Gerudo Pirate's Top.

It's not entirely certain if this is a sign of shame or defeat for the pirate, but it's a fairly pretty top, at least, and someone, somewhere, is sure to be willing to pay to get their dirty hands on this. Or at very least, it looks like it could be easily repaired and worn by Link instead... even if it is rather revealing.

Link's own Zora Swimwear now left her breasts and pussy utterly exposed, enough slices in the materials that it was little more than frilly Zora-looking sleeves that she was wearing.

She turned to the large tank at last and climbed up it, snapping open the latch on top and freeing the young zora girl inside, who blushed furiously at the sight of her rescuer. "Th..th... thank you, miss..." she said with a meek bow.

(After the fight.)
Link arrived back in Zora's Domain a few steps behind the freed girl, and her friends came rushing up, shouting in joy, "IT WAS LULU! IT HAD TO BE!"

The girl shook her head wildly and pointed back at Link, "n.No! It was her! The Pirate wanted to capture her too, and she beat the pirate!"

There was a short, stunned silence as all eyes were on Link once more, not sure what to make of the Hylian Heroine.

"Miss, perhaps we've misjudged you." The Zora she met first said politely, "Were you really telling the truth about Zora's Domain?"

Link nodded without hesitation, offering a few pictures, and a new zora came up, looking at the pictures of Link and Ruto. "H..How? That really is Queen Ruto!... it's true!" With a newfound respect, the zoras quickly swarmed Link, offering her countless zora delicacies, asking her if she'd like a room, or anything else they could do for her. The celebrations short lived as Link quietly interrupted to ask to speak with Lulu, and was finally granted her request.


The door closed behind Link and she saw Lulu armed with small daggers and staring across the room at Link. "Why are you here?"

Link began to explain everything again, only to be cut off, "I know what you told them, but why are you HERE. In my room, asking to talk to me?"

Link told Lulu her plan, that she wanted warriors to come and help protect Zora's Domain.

"Impossible. I'm needed here. Now leave."

Link felt cut short, looking across at Lulu and not sure how to respond to that.

Link's Stats: 1.25 / 4.25 hearts. 65 rupees.
Zora cum drooling from ass. Nipples sore, puffy, and red. Several large cuts across her body.

Equipment: Gerudo Top (damaged but fixable, can't be worn yet), "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), Very Loose fitting grey clothes (Shirt and pants). Silver Scale.
Well-Used Sword. Well-Used Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (19 /25 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (1 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture).

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

Vote 0) Her outfit destroyed, Link changes before going back to Zora Hall, putting on...
a) Her Zora Swimwear still, not changing out of it.
b) Her Blue Swimwear (destroyed).
c) Her grey outfit.
d) Nothing.
e) Her Biri.

Vote 1) (Multiple votes allowed for methods used.)
a) Link politely accept Lulu's decision, leaving without further comment.
b) Link pleads with Lulu, trying to get her to agree.
c) Link tells Lulu the truth about years ago during the festival.
d) Link offers to help Lulu end the pirate scourge here in exchange for help.
e) Link attempts to intimidate Lulu into helping.
f) Link attempts to seduce Lulu into helping.

(non-plot related.)
(I'll probably be out a few days, at least, holidays coming up on me and everything. So I'll take this time to hold some OOC discussion and questioning. Please leave comments with your answers, and feel free to discuss anything amongst yourselves, leave suggestions, whatever. :p I'll read it all before I get back into it. I may even log on a few times, but don't expect updates for a bit.

Biri Birthing:
a) TOO MUCH, way too much, need to tone it down Kathy.
b) A bit over the top, but generally acceptable.
c) Just right.
d) A bit mild, but okay considering.
e) Far too mild.
f) Other (explain!)

Gerudo Fight:
a) Too violent! Too much blood! Please less ;-;
b) A bit violent, an exciting fight though.
c) An excellent fight, not too rough or too mild.
d) A dull fight, almost boring to read.
e) Very boring, I almost fell asleep.
f) Other (explain!)

Plot overall:
a) Moves too fast.
b) Moves too slow.
c) Too much Sexing.
d) Not enough sexing.
e) Not enough consensual sexing.
f) Not enough non-consensual sexing.
g) Link should be more... (fill in the blank and explain)
h) Link should be less... (fill in the blank and explain)
i) Other. (explain please!)

Your personal rating:
5/5 - Going to keep voting on this for a long time, excitedly waiting for it to continue.
4/5 - Will probably keep voting on this, eager to see it continue.
3/5 - Will vote on this if there's nothing else going on. Will likely keep reading it.
2/5 - Not likely to keep voting, but will read if nothing else is going on.
1/5 - This sucks... why am I even voting on this?
0/5 - Stop this atrocity immediately, I don't want this horrible LoZ on my ULMF.)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 0)B) with C) over the swim suit

Vote 1 C) then a little of option E and a little of option F then if all else fails D) (maybe if we hel pend the pirates reign of pillaging we can get a full Gerudo outfit

ps Kathy you forgot to add the Gerudo's top to the inventory

Biri- C)

Fight-F) its had the description but it kind of felt like i want to get this out of the way

plot overall- its progressing

I would rate it 4 out of 5 there is ALWAYS room for improvement
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

*snrk* That Gerudo didn't get beat by just any old lowly Hylian...

Well, given that I can only guess that "the truth about the festival" is something Link did that Lulu would not want becoming known:

Vote 0) B and C - wear the Blue Two-Piece as underwear under the grey clothes, as fanta23 suggests. I don't think the zoras would respect Link any better if she were wearing the remnants of the Zora Swimwear.

Vote 1) D - Link offers to help end whatever trouble (presumably the pirates) is keeping Lulu here. If she's so stubborn as to refuse, then go E and C - remind her that with the Zora King missing, and Queen Ruto having dubbed her queen in her stead while she's being a sage, Link is Queen over the zoras.

Biri Birthing: C

Gerudo Fight: C - although I can kinda see fanta23's point about "wanting to get it out of the way"... the middle paragraphs (between the initial clash and the final attack) seem a little generic.

Plot Overall: I - for IDEAL!

Personal rating: 5/5 - easily the best-written CYOAS on ULMF.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) A

2) B, D

If she's a stubborn bitch about it.

as for the optionals everything is working out fine for me
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0D, 1D.

As for Non-plot votes: C, C, and the overall plot doesn't have any issues so far. 5/5
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0) E, for fighting the pirates.

1) B, D. The Zoras need all the help they can get

non-plot votes
Biri: B
Fight: B
Plot: F, but still good ;)
Rating: 5/5 :D
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0)B with C as fanta suggests.

1)B and D

Non-Plot related voting:
Biri Birthing:D.
Gerudo Fight: C
Plot: F
Personal Rating: 4/5, a few tweaks here and there would be nice, but easily the best CYOAS in a long time.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Vote 0) C
Vote 1) C

BiriBirth: B
Gerudo Fight: C
Plot Overall: G, Aggressive!
Personal Rating: 4/5
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Ah, and I'm making a quick post while having a moment to myself.

Non-Plot, everyone posting seems to praise this as one of the best CYOAs in a while. ^^ A couple suggestions for more NC, and one suggestion Link needs to be more aggressive.

Winning Votes: 0-b/c. 1-minor votes for B and C. Major vote for D.)

Link tugged a few times at her grey tunic, the thing was loose and just a bit awkwardly revealing, but it allowed her to wear her blue swimwear beneath it without being TOO exposed. Breathing easily under the water once again was always a huge relief when dealing with the Zoras, she mused to herself, before her attention re-focused on Lulu.

"I said NO!" Lulu demanded, pointing firmly towards the door, Link taken aback, and once more offering that she would help with the pirates.

"NO! Now leave! I don't need any help!"

Link pleaded, begging again, insisting she would help with the pirates, as Lulu started towards the door and threw it open, stomping her feet and pointing the way out. The meeting seemed to have gone nowhere fast, when Link was begrudgingly about to leave. Just as she was walking out the door, a new idea hit her...

"W..what?" Lulu whispered, obviously shaken, as Link recanted the events of so long ago. She only spoke briefly, mentioning the encounter with the pirates of the Great Bay, but Lulu seemed to turn many shades paler than she already was. "You know what happened to Mikau? ..." Lulu whispered in a weak voice, her arm noticeable trembling as she held the door.

"He said he was going to save my eggs... And... and he did even... but then he disappeared just after I got my voice back... and the next day we found his grave... they say he must've been buried for nearly a week, even though I'd just spoken with him that night."

Link hesitated, not sure if she should explain more, not sure how Lulu would react.

"I don't care. I knew he was acting odd, but I found all I needed to know. His promise to me was strong enough that even from the grave, he fulfilled it somehow. And now, I stay to keep my promise to him."

Before Link could ask anything more, the door slammed shut in her face and the loud "cachunk" of the lock echoed out, leaving Link confused and uncertain what to do next. She'd gotten to meet the heroic pirate fighter, but nothing quite seemed right here...


Heading out of Lulu's room, Link took a moment to relax around Zora's Hall, feeling tense and pent up after the hard fight with that pirate, but not entirely satisfied after the pirate escaped her... Between that encounter, and the less than pleasurable fucking she was given by that Zora, she felt a quivering between her legs, a wetness and urge that she quietly wanted to satisfy.

Link walked out the backdoor of the area and sat down on the rocky outcrop, looking out over the water as the sun was slowly drifting downward towards nightfall.

She had done only a small amount of good here, but even small amounts added up. She had a feeling that she should stay here longer though, as if something would still come up, as if this was the right place to be and the right time to be here.

Not feeling that her path was opened to her though, Link quietly pondered an old adventuring favorite, a bit of grinding... and just maybe finding a few good ways to sate her building lust while she was at it.

Link's Stats: 1.25 / 4.25 hearts. 65 rupees.
Zora cum drooling from ass. Nipples sore, puffy, and red. Several large cuts across her body.

Equipment: Gerudo Top (damaged but fixable, can't be worn yet), "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), Very Loose fitting grey clothes (Shirt and pants). Silver Scale.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (19 /25 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (1 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture).

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

(Note! This is a "grinding" period for Link. It means Link will take many of these options instead of just one or two, doing lots of small side objectives in the area instead of keeping on the main target objectives. Please limit your votings to no more than 3 or 4. But she may do as many as her time permits before the next quest option opens up.

A simple example, hunting is quick and easy, but taking the boat tour (and visiting the witches and deku palace by extention) would take quite a chunk of time.)

Grinding! Vote (2-4 options))
A!) Link decides not to grind. (No other votes if you take this one, will skip the area entirely. Suggest alternate quest to take up.)

x) (Add an X after any vote to encourage it optioning as a sexual encounter.) (This vote indicates Link is actively looking for a sexual encounter)
nc) (Add this after an option to vote for an encounter Link finds herself sexed up in a non-consensual manner. (Added option after I reviewed the votes above))

b) Link stays at Great Bay for a bit, and...
b1) Link finds the zora from earlier and asks for some fun. (Sexual encounters)
b2) Link sneaks off to the top of the waterfalls to take a long, relaxing, fresh water bath to wash off the bay water.
b3) Link visits the house of Spiders to start clearing it out once more.
b4) Link heads to the Pirate Fortress after defeating one of their best warriors and puts a further dent in pirate activities.

c) Link decides to sneak off for some alone time with her animal companions...
c1) Giving Epona some much needed attention.
c2) Getting to know her Biri better.
c3) With both of them, making sure they get along.

c4) Link decides to find someone who can take pictures and gets the Biri entry for the man in Kasuto.

d) Link decides the best way to burn off steam is to go hunt...
d1) Rupees and items in bushes around Termina Field.
d2) Leevers and water monsters at the bay.
d3) Various monsters around Termina field.
d4) (specify hunting area in Termina)

e) Link options to enjoy some of the silly minigames around Termina and visiting familiar places to lighten her day and refresh her mood.
e1) Playing various minigames and completing tasks in Clock Town. (PG)
e2) Looking for "unusual" minigames and tasks in Clock Town, now that more people are there. (Not PG. :p )
e3) Visiting Romani Ranch and old friends there.
e4) Heading to the swamp to take the swamp tours and visit around.
e5) Going to the mountains and meeting with local gorons, and the smithy there.
e6) Exploring Ikana Canyon again now that the area is safer, and checking how it's changed.

f) Free votes. choose your own option.

(Small optional vote)

Optional Vote) Should I keep X and NC options for all votes?
a) No! It's better to only be given the options when plot already hints at it.
b) Maybe... Always keep it as an optional voting for players to vaguely suggest it.
c) Yes, but obvious encounters should still be X or NC even if not voted on. (example, losing a fight)
d) Yes! On top of that, let the players decide the pacing and rate of sex, not having X or NC unless players suggest it.

e) No! But... (suggestions)
f) Yes! But... (suggestions)
g) It's not really necessary, players are already encouraged to add comments for what they want.
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


I think:

C4 - find someone to photograph Link and her Biri having sex
B2 - take a bath
D3 - hunt monsters in Termina Field for rupees and experience
E1/E2 - check Clock Town for regular and "unusual" minigames and tasks

More-or-less in that order. If possible, find a tailor (as part of finding a photographer) who will fix some of her damaged clothing while she's out doing everything else. Probably the Biri would enjoy the bath part too, so the first two options would blend into each other. I find myself undecided as to whether Link would try to avoid the "unusual" stuff in Clock Town, or actively seek it out, so I say she does both.

As to the optional vote... G - voters are already encouraged to add suggestions, so sub-votes aren't really necessary.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

B3, Clear out Spiderhut
D2, Hunt across the bay
C4+B2, Combine washing, pleasure and some work after her extertions!
F, Contemplate over what the effing fuck happened to all masks she got, and make a plan to get em all back.

In this order, of course.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

B3, Clear out Spiderhut
D2, Hunt across the bay
C4+B2, Combine washing, pleasure and some work after her extertions!
F, Contemplate over what the effing fuck happened to all masks she got, and make a plan to get em all back.

In this order, of course.

This, but with an NC with the B3.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

B3, Clear out Spiderhut
D2, Hunt across the bay
C4+B2, Combine washing, pleasure and some work after her extertions!
F, Contemplate over what the effing fuck happened to all masks she got, and make a plan to get em all back.

In this order, of course.

I approve of this.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

D3, hunt monsters to work off steam
E1+2, have some general fun
B2, and enjoy a nice bath

If possible, find a tailor (as part of finding a photographer) who will fix some of her damaged clothing while she's out doing everything else.
Agree with this.
As to the optional vote... G - voters are already encouraged to add suggestions, so sub-votes aren't really necessary.
And this.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

E1 E3 E4 E5

We could really use some upgrades, more hearts and new weapons. It'll make the eventual storming of the pirate fortress a lot easier
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


A. Ok, so I'm a hypocrite. I don't think there should be a choice, but if there is one, I'm opting, ya know.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1)e2) Looking for "unusual" minigames and tasks in Clock Town, now that more people are there. (NC) suggestion- hide an seek
2)e5) Going to the mountains and meeting with local gorons, and the smithy there.
3)f) Visit the mask sellsman for some enchanted masks.

small vote)

a) No! It's better to only be given the options when plot already hints at it.
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Wow. Lots of people eager for more Zelda, 8 votes in a day. <3)

(Small aside vote leans towards A or G. But I notice many people don't mind quietly tacking in an NC here or there. I think I will keep it mostly without NC/X options, and only bring those out occasionally.)

(Winning Votes: (cutting to not spoil Link's activities for those who'd rather read it first.))
B3 (NC2) - Link tries to clear out the spider house some.
E1/E2 - Link looks for both normal and "unusual" minigames in Clock Town.
D2/D3 - Link hunts monsters while traveling between Great Bay and Clock Town.
C4/B2 - Link finds someone to take pictures of biri sex, and washes off the bay water while enjoying herself.
F - Link tries to recover some of her masks.

Link muttered as she got to her feet, shaking off the frustration of being snubbed by Lulu. Even if the zora woman wouldn't help, there was plenty she could still do good for this area, and hopefully fix all of the things that had gone horribly wrong.

(The Spider House by the Bay.)
She began her journey back towards Clock Town, firm in her resolve to do good here, and hopeful that her actions would start a great movement that could save her homeland.

A few leevers ambushed her on her short walk back towards the field, easily being cut down one after another, when one of them unexpectedly snuck up behind her, and she was thrown through the old fisherman's hut's gates from the blow, growling angrily and swinging her blade back at it, the creature instantly regretting its actions as it poofed away in magical fire.

Link collected the few rupees and a bomb it was somehow carrying around, only to turn round and glance up at a familiar hut, remembering the spider infestation that once was here, and how she ended it.

A smile on her lips, she walked inside eagerly, sword sheathed and content as she slid down the long path towards the building's interior. Stairs carved along the passage so it would be easier to walk back up, and the forboding gates long ago removed, placed carefully aside and overgrown with just a bit of cave moss.

Link pushed the doors open to a warm, glowing home, little fires kept going here and there, and the place seemed very cheerful and homey. She assumed happily that the man who'd taken the place years ago had simply kept it and decided to stay living here.

She quietly called out a few times and knocked on some doors, moving from room to silent room. The gentle crackling of the fire prevented there from being an eerie silence, and freshly swept floors in certain areas, with footprints in areas that weren't so freshly swept, encouraging her to continue searching.

Even an all too familiar Stalfos Soldier was spotted away in one corner, clattering and chattering to himself, still awaiting his captain's orders.

Then it happened...
(Warnings - NC. Pain, Rape, Delirium, Abuse, Egg-impregnation, Web-Mummification, First GameOver)
Link was caught completely offguard when the trio of spiders lept at her, the first one diving in from the ceiling, and she dove out of the way, messily splattering through thick layers of spider webbing.

Her entire body was covered with the thick gunk when she tried to wipe it from her face, struggling with the sticky substance. She barely got enough of it out of her eyes to see when two more spiders lept for her, instinct telling her to grab her sword, but when she pulled to unsheath it, the webbing held it firm, unable to draw her blade, she thought it a miracle she managed to avoid the two attacking spiders.

Surrounded, outnumbered, and effectively disarmed, Link yanked violently to try to draw her sword to no success, the two spiders diving at her again and she stumbled backwards, hitting the wall and nearly becoming stuck to it.

Pulling against the webbing with all her might, it was a useless gesture, and the spiders dove at her...

She gave up her sticky shirt, the loose fitting top happily sliding right off and remaining stuck to the wall as Link rolled under the leaping spiders while they injected huge amounts of venom into her shirt nearby. She clutched for her bag, trying to pull out bombs or her hookshot, anything she could use against these creatures, only to find her bag sealed in the same sticky substance.

Her attention diverted onto the two that dove at her, she completely missed the very spider that nearly caught her the first time as it dove down and powerful fangs slammed into her shoulder, then it effortlessly kicked her aside, sending her bursting through a nearby stack of boxes, revealing a small hidden room nearby.

Disarmed and distraught, Link rushed into the room, hoping she could find something there, anything there that could've been used as a weapon.

Her heart nearly stopped as she gasped at what she saw. A string of captured hylians, gerudo, and even zoras and a goron were all gunked over with huge amounts of spider webbing in the hidden room, a few skeletons laying nearby showing that the spiders obviously meant business.

The goron groaned weakly as two more spiders bit into him once more, seeming as if they were trying to eat him alive.

A quick glance at the gerudo women indicated things were far worse for them, the woman nearest moaning and crying out weakly as a spider on her scuttled away, showing a fresh cluster of eggs stuffed into her pussy and ass, her breasts were swollen from many spider bites and seemed to leak a perverted mixture of milk and silk, her mouth bound and her eyes full of tears, a lifeless, defeated look in them.

Link spent too long staring, mouth agape in shock. She felt a sharp jab in her leg, another spider bite, as she tried to kick it away and dove into the room, helplessly clutching at her swordhilt, the weapon still stuck.

She barely managed to use the sheathed blade to fend off further bites, jumping and fleeing another attack, when her leg suddenly gave out, the venom getting to her, adrenaline surged and she finally managed to pull forth her weapon, quickly slaying one of the beasts that was nearly upon her...

And that was the last beast she would slay. Her body drained and poisoned, she couldn't move fast enough to avoid the swarm of spiders... too many of them... too many bites... She barely deflected the first one that slammed into her, before her hands lost their grip on her sword, and disarmed once more, the spiders had no trouble pulling her to the ground and sinking their fangs into her...

Her body burned as she felt each new bite digging into her flesh, tearing just enough to inject their venom, adding a new wave of pain, the burning sensation coursing through her veins, and in a matter of moments she was overcome completely.

She could feel long strands of web dragged across her, and her clothes were shredded away by the countless beasts attacking her.

Thick lengths began to grind against her, she felt her legs spread as one was painfully shoved into her pussy, another into her ass, one down her throat, every inch of her body feeling violated and used, whatever was not being penetrated or stuffed, was quickly being bitten and injected with venoms.

Dark beasts began to drag her, she could see herself being pulled away from her equipment, as the few Gerudo women who were awake could only watch as Link was dragged back deeper into the room, while a strange, gooey substance was being pushed into her body from every hole, the oversized bugs not content at merely that, more huge lengths were constantly being grinded against her tender pussy lips and into her ass. She felt herself trying to scream in pain as a second, and even a third length ruthlessly entered her pussy... then a third... and a fourth... in her ass... tearing her body apart and trickles of blood drooling into the white silk she was bound in.

She was lifted roughly and shoved against the wall next to a gerudo woman, her arms and legs bound as her belly was painfully stretched to its limit in what she could only assume were tiny spider eggs. A mere glance a the eggs stuffed into the gerudo woman was proof enough of that.

As the first length finished its task and Link's battered pussy was finally pulled out of by at least the first creature, Link felt herself almost crying in relief, but even that was short lived, as a new length was slammed into her body seconds later, her pussy pumped and battered, her ass stuffed and filled, she tried to bite down on the spider's strange lenth penetrating her mouth, but every attempt to move met with flaring pain, and she couldn't find the strength to stop the beasts from raping her, nor could she let herself drift into unconsciousness, the venom's dark effects ensuring she would be awake for the duration of her rape.

The creatures tore into her bag next and she watched them scurry about with her rupees and bombs, her bow chewed at until it snapped and its battered pieces stuffed into their webs for support along with her arrows. A sudden flash told her the creatures somehow accidentally activated her pictobox, snapping a clear image of her being used, purely by chance...


Minutes bled into hours... hours dragged into days... Link's body finally stuffed to capacity, not a single orgasm had, the pain and burning far too great, but it only drove her to an almost maddening need for sex, moaning and begging to be fucked by the spiders every time one of them moved near.


Weeks passed, and Link only sobbed softly as she felt her stomach churning with spider eggs... her voice long since gone, she could only muster a pathetic moan of desire whenever one of the spiders crawled over to her and stuffed a few more eggs into her body or shoved its length down her throat to feed her.


Months bled on, and Link felt every muscle in her body had been destroyed, even if she wanted to fight back and was given a chance to, she would be utterly helpless...

She glanced over, only vaguely aware of one of the Gerudo women being dragged away. It hadn't even occured to her, but new, freshly raped women littered the area, sobbing helplessly, broken, battered, each of them in the same condition Link herself was in.

Link could only watch as the woman who was at her side this whole time was now carried off...


(WARNINGS: GURO. Very nasty spider birthing.)
It felt like she was down there for years... but it couldn't have been that long, could it?

Link felt different attention for the first time since she'd arrived so long ago, the spiders cluthing her and dragging her off the wall, across the room, and off into another section of the house.

The room she was put in was dark, almost pitch black, she couldn't move at first, but her muscles began to remember moments later, without so much venom in her body, she managed to slowly lift herself to a kneeling position.

All of the spiders had left her, she was alone in the room, just enough light coming in that she could see herself in a long abandoned mirror nearby.

Her breasts were enormous and engorged from the countless bites and injections of venom. Even that old grey outfit wouldn't have fit around her massive tits, as she lifted them in her weakened arms, finding them too heavy for herself to manage to hold up. Her nipples were puffy and red, constantly leaking a disgusting mixture of milk and spidersilk, the thickness of it paining her with each new spurt, but it had become so common she never thought about it anymore.

Her belly was the most shocking though. Swollen and stuffed with eggs hundreds of times, she could almost feel the eggs churning and shifting inside her. She was more than merely pregnant. It almost looked as if Epona could fit inside her massive belly now. Her skin was stretched and strained until it was see through, transparent enough she could see her bowels pushed down to make way for her egg-filled stomach and overstuffed womb. A newfound pain filling her body as the eggs seemed to be moving around, shuffling inside her.

The heroine of time... she laughed in thought. This was a pitiful sight. She couldn't even stand like this. A small flash was seen nearby.. the spiders apparently having dragged many of her things back to this room, including her pictobox.

But something seemed wrong...

Another flash, capturing the hideous state her body was in... and the pure horror on her face...

She reached out to the mirror and turned it, finding the Gerudo woman's body laying there...

The woman's belly seemed to have exploded outward, and even now she saw countless baby spiders crawling over her body, suckling from her breasts and chewing on the bloody flesh of the dead woman.


It hit her as well, the first hideous pang of birthing. Her stomach suddenly began to tear as the small spiders inside her chewed their way out from inside.

She felt her blood drooling down her belly, and new pain as they began to crawl out of her pussy, biting and eating her from the inside out...

A scream...

It was the most blood curdling scream that Link had ever heard in her life, the most painful, horrified, and horrible yell of defeat and helplessness, yearning to get away... And there was no question who had screamed... it was her own cries for mercy.

She heaved over forwards and felt her stomach clench again, and a huge amount of spiders burst forth from the bloody opening in her gut while she vomitted up even more of the beasts.

Weakness was overtaking her body as another flash caught her eyes. If she didn't know better, she'd think the spiders were trying to take pictures of her suffering...

Another flash as she felt the creatures squirming out of her ass... they were all over her skin... biting softly... her vision dimming...

This... was the end of the legendary heroine... raped and impregnated by spiders... captured for months... then eaten alive by the very beasts she birthed...

Another flash of her pictobox...

Something caught Link's eye.

She used the last of her strength to turn the mirror again, and saw her Ocarina...

The Ocarina of Time...

She clutched for it, grabbing desperately... more pain... her stomach had literally burst open and she could feel the thousands of spiders chewing into her flesh... blood was everywhere... yet she could not die yet... the venom was forcing her to experience every last moment until her death was finished...

She had it in her fingertips... drawing it to her mouth, and with her final breath, she played... and everything went dark...

(Will post more soon!)
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Well that'll teach us to go into a house full of monsters with only one heart. *gets mop and bucket ready just in case*