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Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

*turns the hose on Matt* Down boy, it's just a game and now people will know better.


(And Reputation Manager)
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H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

It was a multiple vote. I'm not too used to multiple votes, but I voted alphabetically, not chronologically. You know, answered in the order they were given. Maybe that's strange.


Jun 18, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Down boys everyone XD The reason I chose spiderhouse first was because of the first vote that said "in this order" followed by 3 "I agree, this." votes all in a row. If not for those suggestions, I would've very likely just taken whatever order I personally felt like.)

http://www.ulmf.org/bbs/showpost.php?p=118846&postcount=399 (Link to previous post for everyone who would prefer to skip the OOC chatter.)

(p.s. That's not an indication to stop discussing, but maybe this needs a discussion thread since it's gotten bigger than I expected it to be.)

(Game Over... Continue?)
Link's heart pounded in her chest... her eyes were closed tight...

She dared not open her eyes as she felt dizzy and sick... but alive.

She could swear she just died...

The memory was there...

The memory... of everything... almost dream-like, drifting through her mind...

Was it a dream?... She didn't know...

Link opened her eyes slowly, finding the Ocarina in her pale fingertips and a cold sweat pouring down her body. Her senses only slowly returning.

The sound of waves were behind her in the Great Bay, the salty ocean breeze in her mouth, her clothes intact, her body intact...

Her stomach churned though, and she ran around the side of the spider house, feeling a sudden lurch as she threw up the entire contents of her stomach, crying weakly as her muscles heaved and revolted against being used once more.


Link struggled to her feet and looked out across the Great Bay. Everything seemed normal. Everything seemed... unnaturally untouched. Her footprints leading up here were clear in the sand, as if she'd just made them, not walked here months ago.

The Song of Time had returned her to just before she entered the spider house...

Her clothes were in tatters, the grey outfit completely torn and shredded away, she finally realized she was standing here practically nude.

She dug into her pack quickly and sighed in relief. Though the song of time hadn't rescued her clothes, it restored her items, saving them from their untimely destruction.

Link quietly sat down in the sand and collected herself, piecing together the tatters of her grey outfit into something she could wear. While she recovered herself from the ordeal.

It took her nearly half an hour of her fingers trembling before she finally calmed enough to finish her task and take a final stock of her things, sighing softly and feeling strange after the unusual trip through time. The last thing she noticed was her pictobox, with a couple small scratches across it...

She opened it slowly to view the pictures... shock and disgust filling her as she looked at the nearly two dozen pictures of herself being raped and used by the spider monsters...

A shiver of disgust and hate ran down her spine, and she couldn't stop herself from throwing up again, nearly collapsing from the strain on her body.

And a disgusting need for sex began to overwhelm her afterwards, memories of the craving to be fucked by anything, the months of trembling with need...

She tried to stave off her urges and pulled on her newly tied together outfit.

Do do do doo?
Link has recovered most of her items unharmed, and managed to tie together a very, very skimpy grey one-shoulder top and loin cloth out of the remains of her loose grey outfit.

Although she's practically nude in these, it covers enough that she can visit cities wearing it, as long as there aren't heavy laws about proper clothing.

Link has also obtained the Spider-Sex/Guro picture set...

(Once more into the Spider's Den.)
Link gripped her sword and shield as she recovered again, the image of the other women from the pictures fresh in her mind. This was what a heroine was meant to do, rescue others, do good deeds, help the helpless.

Even if she was on the brink of wetting herself at the thought of returning to face the spiders once more.

She kicked in the door and stormed in this time, showing no hesitation or delay. She knew exactly where the spider ambush would be, and swore she'd be ready for it this time.

When the door came, she was not cautious or careful, she kicked it down, breaking it clean off its hinges, causing dozens of spiders to flee and scurry away in a panic, the same ones that ambushed her last time knocked out of their hiding places and sent fleeing for cover and trying to prepare another ambush.

Link watched as the spider from above dove at her, sword already drawn, it had no chance of gunking over her weapon this time as a single upward swipe sent its guts splattering to the ground as its legs cringed and curled up, the dead beast landing with a sickening crunch.

Her body recovered and spirit enraged, Link rushed the room with a thirst for vengance that she happily sated, her spinning sword technique unleashed in a whirlwind of raw magical power that smashed pots and cleaved flesh, spider limbs thrashing around as they were sent clattering to the ground, and beast after beast went down in a bloody mess before the dark magical fires engulfed them, seven more of the beasts shrieking in defeat from her single destructive attack, as tokens of her victory burst into shimmering light all around her.

As if to get revenge for her bow as well, she drew it forth and notched an arrow that effortlessly destroyed one of the remaining spiders that was trying to flee into a small hole in the corner.

A quick explosion revealed the hidden path to the captives and Link crouched down, entering the very depths of the spider den.

A single attacker caught her, though guarded, it snuck through her defenses the instant she emerged, diving at her from the side of the room and sinking its fangs into her breasts, leaving a painful burning that coursed through her body...

Link repaied the favor by slicing the beast's fangs clean off, then sinking her 'fang' into its skull.

Her sword retrieved, she shoved its dead body aside and moved to cut free the injured Gerudos, Hylians, Zoras, and that lone Goron... She couldn't help but squirm again at the sight of those eggs, and looking at the beaten faces of the women, and the pain on the faces of the men who were being slowly devoured from the inside out by venom and draining of their blood.

Though a few were dead, Link was happy to find that most of the victims here were okay, and after a short time tending to them, they were at least able to walk enough to flee back to the entrance, where they could rest safely and recover.

(More continuation soon!)


Jun 18, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA


(After the Spider House.)
Link spoke to the Gerudo women and a couple zoras that were captured, managing to convince the Gerudo to try to stop causing such trouble in the area, and urging the Zoras back to Zora Hall. Then after all of the others were sent off, leaving small gifts of rupees and hearts, only the Goron remaining, as he smiled eagerly at her, rubbing his hands with a kind of greed that Link had only seen in half starving Gorons before when they saw their favorite meal.

"Miss, I saw your fighting, and it was astounding. If you were to be my slave... temporarily of course... at the Hyrule Fighting Pit, I bet we could clean up!" He handed her a "card", which was little more than a large, heavy chunk of rock with some writing etched into it.

It read: "Dorodock. Slave Breaker and Trainer.
Unruly slaves turned into anything from housemaids to arena champions."

He bowed gracefully, at least gracefully for a Goron, and turned to walk out, "I'd offer you more for rescuing me, but I've got little on me. Come see me in Hyrule..." He paused a moment, and withdrew a rather plain brown collar that seemed very thick and heavy, handing it to her happily. "Wear this... and nothing else..." he motioned to the already sinfully skimpy grey outfit she had on, clearly indicating for her to be nude when wearing his collar, "...and you'll be taken to me. I'll pay you back somehow then. And I'm a Goron of my word."

Link has obtained Dorodock's Collar. It doesn't really seem to be magical or stylish... but apparently if she walks around nude with this on anywhere with Goron Slavers around, she can be taken to meet Dorodock.

With that, the large goron curled into a ball and rolled off swiftly, Link leaving the Spider House with knowledge that at least one Goron was on her side again... although not necessarily quite the way she had hoped for.

(Heading into Clock Town)
Link took the path to clock town far more casually once she called Epona for help, leaping over the small barrier and trampling a few leevers here and there, but the monsters hardly ever gave anything worthwhile.

A few stray bushes cut down before their time, some quick arrows and even a couple bombs, her vitality feeling fully revived, Link's day was improving considerably, but that strange burning between her legs and need for sex was returning.

Barely clothed in anything as she rode Epona, Link felt the saddle rubbing against her with every powerful motion of the stallion, and her entire body was bucked and bounced around, soon leaving her almost panting in need when the pair finally approached Clock Town... the feeling of months of need stayed with her even though the song of time had undone so much of what had happened...

The guard of the town smiled at her when she arrived, giving her a rather lewd once-over with how she was dressed. Skimpy top, one bare shoulder that was almost revealing too much, a loin cloth that was too skimpy to hold itself together and was practically just a length of cloth tucked into her belt.

Link could almost feel that the guard could see every inch of her body as if she were naked before him.

"Welcome to Clock Town. You're still very early for the festival, but preparations this year are already getting started. Ever since the giants actually visited to stop that horrible moon, the festival seems to have gotten bigger and bigger each year!"

Link quickly prompted for more information before heading in.

"Well, I hope you booked your room well in advance, but I think there's still space left if you'd like to go check. Most of the games are already being set up, and you can probably convince the people running them to let you play a few, or offer to help them prepare. There's plenty of odd work in town as well, but those carpenters have really been whipped into shape lately, so don't expect any jobs constructing for the festival."

He hesitated for a bit while looking Link over once more. "Hey. Come to think of it, if you came here on your own, you're probably pretty handy with that sword. Maybe you'd like to assist us guards in a few jobs too. Once you're settled in, swing by the mayor's office and talk to our captain. Just tell him you're a capable swordswoman looking for work."

The guard nodded and Link bowed, almost showing off a bit more of her body without meaning to, before she rushed inside, feeling flushed and excited. Although Link had been seen nude many times before, the pent up need for sex she had, mixed with the barely covering outfit was driving her libido through the roof, even while she was trying to remain proper.

She barely got into the northern quarter of the city before she found dozens of tents all in half-setup states. Benches and tables everywhere, a few bits of fabric blowing in the light breeze. The entire area was designed to handle the immense influx of people that always came for the festival, she reasoned. Half of the area had sleeping tents, and half of it cooking and eating stalls. Though the majority of the area was empty, so Link got the feeling that this was where travelers and workers stayed for the festival if they didn't book room at the Inn, or didn't want to pay for a room perhaps.

Link walked past the cooking tents, heading towards the eastern quarter of the city, deciding to check on that offer to help out, when she was very unexpectedly tackled. A swarm of teenagers, all just a bit younger than her, burst seemingly out of nowhere, the first one grabbing her roughly from behind and hands crudely groping at her tits.

She saw the next ones coming after her and managed to throw a quick kick that put one down, and pulled against her captor just enough that the next two that dove at her slammed their heads together, the pair falling over like a sack of wet potatos.

The last one approached and quickly helped the first one though, Link soon finding herself bound and gagged, her clothing stripped and she was dragged off through the city.

Past the eastern quarter, down a hidden path, into the underground, where she was tossed in a very ungentle manner, onto a wet stone ground.

"Alright Gerudo Slut! Why are you coming to OUR city!"

The lead teen demanded, hefting a large club.

"Answer our questions well, or you'll be made to suffer for it. You should know by now that the Bombers protect this city." He pulled the gag from her mouth and waited for her answer.

(Quick info: This is an aside that came to me as I was writing it, Link will finish her grinding and there will be a couple votes during grinding, but I couldn't resist adding this when I thought of it.)

Link's Stats: 4.25 / 4.25 hearts. 80 rupees.
Zora cum drooling from ass. Nipples sore, puffy, and red. Several large cuts across her body. (Remnants of her condition before the spider house)

Tied up and nude.

Extremely horny, pussy practically gushing wet. (GO1 condition. May be temporarily sated, but Link's Libido and need for sex is forever boosted as penalty.)

Equipment: Gerudo Top (damaged but fixable, can't be worn yet), "Blue" Two-Piece (extreme damage/no longer covering). Zora's Swimwear (extreme damage/no longer covering), grey remains of outfit (loin cloth + one shoulder top). Silver Scale.
Well-Used Sword+Shield. Twin-Gerudo Blades.

Inventory: Hero's Bow (25 /25 arrows). Hookshot. Bomb Bag (4 / 10 bombs) 6 Deku Nuts, 2 Deku Sticks. 1 Bottle (Empty). "Goron Market" Key. Dr. Mizumi's Book. Multi-Pictobox (10 rupees to take a picture).

Picture Sets: Link and the Hylian groped at the Inn. Link/Epona in the Stables. Link/Ruto Hugging. Link and Pamela, Biri Egg Birthing, Spiderhouse Rape/Guro.
Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

Vote 1) Link tells the Bombers to let her go and that she's...
a) ... not a Gerudo. (Half truth, as Link is one)
b) ... not a local Gerudo, and come here from Hyrule to help police the local ones.
c) ... one of the Gerudo, and come to negotiate with them.
d) ... one of the Bombers, coming back with a report on the Gerudo.
e) ... not talking, and simply insists on being released.
e1) Hinting at being a dangerous Gerudo.
e2) Adding that she's a Bomber and shouldn't be treated like this.
e3) Not telling them anything at all.
f) ... a Zora Princess come looking for help.

Vote 2) Link also... (may choose multiples)
a) ...demands her clothes back.
b) ...asks for their help against the Gerudo.
c) ...asks for their help on behalf of Zora's Domain.
d) ...uses her femininity to help convince them to release her/help her.
e) ...demands they fuck her. (Dominant attempt)
f) ... begs them to fuck her. (submissive attempt)
g) ... offers bribes to help convince them to release her/help her.
h) ... offers to prove herself as ... (whatever her votes earlier were).
i) ... offers to help the Bombers with jobs/missions. (Sidequest)


Dec 6, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

f) ... a Zora Princess come looking for help.
f) ... begs them to fuck her. (submissive attempt)
& i) ... offers to help the Bombers with jobs/missions. (Sidequest)

You draw more flies with honey then blood or water.


Nov 16, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) B - Link's a DESERT Gerudo, not one of those waterborne brigands.
2) B - Link asks for their help in fighting the Gerudo Pirates. Once she's untied, A-I-D-F: she asks for her clothes back, offers to help the Bombers with local jobs, and tries to seduce the leader into bed.

If they wanted "nice Link", they should've started talking to her when they first met her, instead of dogpiling her and tying her up.

Quick question... does Link actually know of this Bomber gang from the previous games?


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) B - Link's a DESERT Gerudo, not one of those waterborne brigands.
2) B - Link asks for their help in fighting the Gerudo Pirates. Once she's untied, A-I-D-F: she asks for her clothes back, offers to help the Bombers with local jobs, and tries to seduce the leader into bed.

If they wanted "nice Link", they should've started talking to her when they first met her, instead of dogpiling her and tying her up.

Quick question... does Link actually know of this Bomber gang from the previous games?
Agreed with this entirely :V


Jun 18, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

If they wanted "nice Link", they should've started talking to her when they first met her, instead of dogpiling her and tying her up.

Quick question... does Link actually know of this Bomber gang from the previous games?
Yes Link knows about them.

In Majora's Mask (where Clock Town is from), Link joined their group in order to gain access to a secret passageway in order to leave town in her first run-through of the 3 day time.

They view themselves as do-gooders and if Link re-completes their mission, she gains a special journal that keeps track of most of the game's side-quests.

This is several years later and the group has matured somewhat. ;)

For those that didn't catch on entirely, the Bombers still view themselves as a force for good and have been guarding Clock Town against stray Gerudo thieves. Against one or two, the group has enough strength to prevail, but any real attack would end very badly for them.

And yes, this kind of defense is required, since anyone who knows Majora's Mask knows that the city guards are 100% useless as guards. (The ONE thief in the game the guard will block you from chasing him and let the thief happily prance past.)


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1) B
2) H, I, D B


Panda King
RP Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

1B e2 seems the most likely to work, and 2e or 2f for great justice.


The user previously known as Hero-in-the-Dark
Oct 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hee. Kathy, this is an excellent CYOA. So I shall vote now that I spent a while reading it!

2~H and I

((She'll come back for 2~E later, when she can't take it anymore :D))


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
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Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA




RP Moderator
Dec 22, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

Hee. Kathy, this is an excellent CYOA. So I shall vote now that I spent a while reading it!

2~H and I

((She'll come back for 2~E later, when she can't take it anymore :D))
*Mimic's Plmnko*


Jun 18, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

(Winning votes: 1B, 2 H/I)

Link growled out menacingly as she proclaimed herself as a desert gerudo, not one of the pirate ones from nearby, only to get quickly shoved back over with a gag in her mouth, whimpering again as the boys rushed off to discuss her fate, snatching up her things as they bolted off.

Left alone, in the dark, squirming around, Link managed to undo her bindings and walked over to check the doorway they brought her in through...


Given the choices to either sit here helplessly until the gang came back from their debate, or to try to do something, the answer was obvious.

Link grabbed a nearby pot and shattered it, lucking out with a deku stick inside it, and used a clever trick she learned long ago to break the thing just short enough it wouldn't be damaged anymore and she could wield it like a short club.

She remembered last time she was here that the bomber's secret hideout led to the nearby observatory, and she could easily slip outside from there.

The path was dank, but safe, with the bombers grown up, they tended to their hideout much better than before, and the few spiders she'd fought here as a child were utterly cleared out. She zoomed past the exit, out into the colorful basement of the observatory and managed to sneak past the old man still working there with her dignity mostly intact.

Unfortunately, this left her standing outside as the sun was setting, nude, and armed with nothing more than a stick.

She hopped the small fence around observatory, and streaked through the field with one hand meekly covering her bare breasts while she rushed back to Clock Town. Patience prevailing as she waited for the useless guard to grow tired and wander off, then crept inside while no one was watching.

Clock town was a lot like she remembered it... Although a few things were different. Mostly the lack of decorations, since the festival was still a while off, and the number of stands already being prepared in hopes for this year's festival being big.

Link barely managed to run past the open courtyard as the dim-witted guard wandered past, only missing spotting her by inches as her heart raced, and a sudden twinge of lust overtook her...

She felt her pussy dripping wet... without meaning to, her fingers slid down and began to push in and out of herself... a weak moan filled the air as she cupped her breasts, panting and gasping out. This was so unlike her... she knew she occasionally had cravings, but never this strong, she could always contain herself...

... but not this time. She needed help sating this lust, needed someone, anyone... that guard she'd so carefully avoided suddenly seemed like the perfect man to kneel down and beg for sex.

She barely shook the thought off as she attempted to gather herself, rushing towards the main square, her eyes darting from building to building, noticing some strange signs, things she never thought of when she was young... subtle context in signs that hinted at something more... or maybe it was just her sex starved mind.

She burst into the main square of town, panting and whining, crouching behind one of the empty stall tables and peering out over it... another familiar face. Sakon. She cringed a bit, remembering what troubles the thief had caused her before, but that wasn't something she wanted to remember now... She tried to sneak past him, wanting to get to the Bombers and see about retrieving her things and her clothes... They were good guys, after all, just a little quick to judge, but their hearts were in the right place. She'd even offer to help them after this whole thing was settled, she thought to herself.

Link's Stats: 4.25 / 4.25 hearts. 0 rupees.
Zora cum drying in ass. Nipples just a bit sore and red. Several small cuts across her body. (Remnants of her condition before the spider house)

Nude, horny as hell, embarrassedly sneaking through Clock Town (GO1 condition, cannot be bold or unembarrassed about her situation right now.)

Extremely horny, pussy practically gushing wet. (GO1 condition.)

Equipment: Half broken Deku Stick (Durable, won't break further from combat)

Inventory: None!

Picture Sets: None! (With Inventory)

Companions: Kasuto Lake Biri (May be worn, Electrical attacks), Epona (For Riding)
Songs: Song of Soaring, Epona's Song (Epona and Biri Variations), Saria's Song (Ruto Variation), Song of Time (GO Recovery - Causes lasting penalties.)
Owl Statues: Hyrule Field, Kasuto Field.

Vote 0) History with Sakon.
a) Mild nuisance, Link never dealt with him much beyond helping Kafei.
b) Moderate annoyance, Link had her sword stolen by him at least once.
c) Large pain in the ass, Link not only had her sword stolen from him, but further had mild inappropriate encounters with him. (stole clothes, fondled her, etc.)
d) Humiliating reminder of the past, Link foolishly and naively was tricked into doing many things with Sakon while she still believed most Hylians were good. (Naive approach, take all additional D#s that apply as well)
d1) Including public humiliation (convinced her to strip/stole her clothes in town, or similar (open suggestions)).
d2) Including sex (mostly consensual or tricked into).
d3) Including rape (tricked into disarming and ravaged against her will).
d4) Including kinks... (open suggestions).
d5) Done on her final trip through time, so Sakon remembers it too...
d6) Link willingly did one or more of these multiple times for her own enjoyment.

Vote 1) Sneaking through Town.
a) Link reads some of the signs and tries to visit one of the naughtier parts of town, hoping for fun and relief.
a1) Link checks the treasure chest game's nighttime challenge.
a2) Link tries to sneak into the Milk Bar, offering "fresh" milk.
a3) Link heads to the Post Office to ask about a "Special Delivery Job".
a4) Link sneaks past the northern quarter into the Deku Scrub Playground, hoping for something interesting.

b) Link tries to sate her sexual need by...
b1) going to the guards. As incompotent as they are, they've gotta be good for something.
b2) heading to the northern quarter, so many workers there are bound to have sexual tension amongst them.
b3) sneaking past the northern quarter to the Great Fairy's Fountain... the fairies always say if she ever needs anything, after all...
b4) trying to get into the Inn. The upper door is hopefully unlocked and a nude girl walking by is an easy sign of a horny patron looking for some...
b5) approaching Sakon, as detestable as he is, he probably will help with THIS particular problem... though at what cost remains unclear.
b6) leaving town and looking for any stray monsters to fuck her, dangerous, yes. But at least she's slightly armed if things go bad...

c) Link decides to go after the Bombers, since they still hold her gear. Everything else can wait... kinda...
c1) She decides to offer herself to them on the spot, unable to hold in her needs... it'll probably lead to be tied up again, but at least they'll take her seriously this time.
c2) She attacks the Bombers outright, using the same element of surprise they used on her to take them out. After she takes them down, they'll be forced to listen to her.
c3) She tries to reason with them right away, doing her best to hold in her need for sex until they come to a conclusion.

(Note: Multiple votes accepted, 1 must be a way to relieve herself, and masturbation isn't cutting it. Please make your votes in the order you want Link to do them in.

Vote 0) D + D5.
Vote 1) A3 then C2 then B6.

Votes will be judged on order and number of votes towards it. And yes, what she does in what order will obviously affect the story.)

(A bit of OOC catchup.)
Votes of previous (offer to help Bombers) are still being kept, but due to her telling that she was a Gerudo, they didn't listen to her offer yet.

Link is almost done grinding, with the morning arriving, the main quest is very likely to pick up again. After she finishes dealing with the Bombers (or before even ;) ) she's going to play a few Clock Town games. The only grinding vote left was to find her masks, which will be the last thing she does, and I've already prepared a few lead-ups towards it.

Link isn't likely to recover too many of her masks too quickly, but expect to have at least one or two by the time the main plot returns, depending on what minigames she takes up. ;)

And as always, OOC and comments are welcomed here.


Former Moderator
Nov 24, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0) A

1) A1 B3 C3


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0: D1,2,3,4
(BDSM, candle wax, public urination, crapping in public, enemas, acts as a pony [bit gag, saddle and harness], being urinated on.)
and D5.
1.) A2 then C1 then B2

I know I need help :eek:
Last edited:


Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0) D1 + D5
1) C3, A1, B5
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Kathy's Legend of Zelda CYOA

0) A

1) A1 B3 C3