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RPG Patreon [Kenkou Cross] Monster Girl Encyclopedia RPG


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Angels and such are also monsters in the MGE universe.
Though honestly the MGE universe has a HEAVY corruption focus.

I wonder if he'll include that faction in the game or not. I like monster girls primarily because of the female assertive sexual content focus. The designs of the girls sometimes takes me out of the experience. Humanoid girls are safe and consistently sexy in my eyes.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
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Well ending this off topic tangent.

Smol brain: Debating the Alice x Lukas relationship.
Awakened brain: Illias ending in the second part of MGQ is the best ending.
Ascended brain: Worshipping Illias will result in you ascending to MGQ heaven for some eternal love-making with the Cupids.
>Thinking Ilias end is good
>Wanting to fuck cupids

Back on topic, any updates this week?

Angels and such are also monsters in the MGE universe.
Though honestly the MGE universe has a HEAVY corruption focus.

I wonder if he'll include that faction in the game or not. I like monster girls primarily because of the female assertive sexual content focus. The designs of the girls sometimes takes me out of the experience. Humanoid girls are safe and consistently sexy in my eyes.
I think Angels are a commonality in monster girl games, in general. I know Monster Girl Labyrinth and I think Incubus Quest had them. Pretty sure Succubus in Wonderland also had them. I don't know that they'll be corrupted in MGE, but maybe agents of the Old God.

I gotta agree with humanoid girls being the best. I mean, there are some animal-half monsters that do it, but they're really hit and miss depending on the artist. MGQ: Paradox got lucky with a lot of the artists for those scenes being able to do sexy correctly.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Wanting to fuck cupids
Now that I think about it... I wonder how he's gonna handle those types of scenarios.

In MGQ some of the monsters were extremely sexually active, while others were "wife" material.
Like for instance, cupid had tons of sex before luca, and so did Cerberus. All the succubi were giga sluts too. One was covered in semen when she has sex with you if I remember properly. (I remember being so excited for succubus village and then grimacing pretty hard at that fight.)
Then there were monsters like the antgirls who are so numerous that the ones who fight you are new to the whole sex thing and that turns into a communal harem situation.
As well as the Elf Samurai and Elf Ninja who don't have any male prospects protecting a village of old people.

Kenkou doesn't really design giga slut monsters like you could find in MGQ tho. While I don't enjoy those monsters I do have to admit they are useful for the story to add tension and weight.
Also having bad heroines allows for some heroines to feel much better by comparison.
I gotta agree with humanoid girls being the best. I mean, there are some animal-half monsters that do it, but they're really hit and miss depending on the artist. MGQ: Paradox got lucky with a lot of the artists for those scenes being able to do sexy correctly.
I think people were really excited for the succubus village for that reason. It was hyped up pretty well, and most monster-girl games post-monstergirl quest don't have the girls look as monstrous as MGQ.
Hell ROBF is loved because of its Monster Girl Designs and they're all humanoid in that series. Same with the Sequel series.
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Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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It sounds like KC has tastes similar to my own, therefore i look forward to his game.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
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What do you mean by tastes?
Like fetish taste, or character design taste.
I should clarify that everything i heard about his vision is from people's description of his past works and butting heads with others who had different visions is from this very thread. It seems to me that KC and i have a very similar interpretation of what a monster girl *should* be in this setting. Now let me also state that since MGQ and other similar works became popularized there has been many different interpretations of the genre, but the one i like best personally is the following...

High sexualized, highly assertive monster girls with superior physical (and maybe magical) strength to that of a human or specific monster characteristics which give them a district advantage in their pursuit of men, who are a highly desired commodity amongst all competing monster girls in the universe of the work. Most relationships between monster girls and men is a predator-prey relationship. Men, being the prey, cannot hope to meaningfully combat these creatures as the creature's specific evolution gave them a distinct advantage, it would be like a fly trying to defeat a Venus fly trap, a creature specifically designed to capture and feed off of flies. As such, men exist only as slaves, cattle, semen tanks or otherwise unwilling companions of monster girls who continually feed on their semen and/or use them for sexual pleasure/reproduction.

This interpretation is contrasted by more 'lovey dovey' or waifu type monster girls with a wide range of quirky personalities, especially if it consists of an equal partnership, who are less likely to be on a cold-blooded quest to capture and rape men, but more likely to be seeking a traditional husbando.

Once again, no interpretation is the same, but i tend to enjoy what is more clearly femdom rape fantasy as opposed to monster girl romance.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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High sexualized, highly assertive monster girls with superior physical (and maybe magical) strength to that of a human or specific monster characteristics which give them a district advantage in their pursuit of men, who are a highly desired commodity amongst all competing monster girls in the universe of the work. Most relationships between monster girls and men is a predator-prey relationship. Men, being the prey, cannot hope to meaningfully combat these creatures as the creature's specific evolution gave them a distinct advantage, it would be like a fly trying to defeat a Venus fly trap, a creature specifically designed to capture and feed off of flies. As such, men exist only as slaves, cattle, semen tanks or otherwise unwilling companions of monster girls who continually feed on their semen and/or use them for sexual pleasure/reproduction.

This interpretation is contrasted by more 'lovey dovey' or waifu type monster girls with a wide range of quirky personalities, especially if it consists of an equal partnership, who are less likely to be on a cold-blooded quest to capture and rape men, but more likely to be seeking a traditional husbando.
I think your analysis of KC might be a bit off then.

The monsters are definitely high sexualized. They aren't really all highly assertive.
The ones that are assertive are super assertive, but there's quite a few that have reversal conditions. AKA "do this and that and she'll be your submissive slut."

Orcs and orc chiefs for instance. They can take the lead or be super submissive cumdumps that are ok with whatever their master wants.
The redcap is also like this where if she gets horny her head is red but she turns demure and passive when that sex drive is fulfilled.
It'd take a while to go through all of them but a lot of monsters have reversal conditions.
In fact I think all the book 3 monsters have one.
Some are just full submissive, though to be fair some are also full dom.

Men, being the prey, cannot hope to meaningfully combat these creatures as the creature's specific evolution gave them a distinct advantage,
This though I think is your biggest misconception.
Heroes exist in this world. It's a fantasy dragon quest style world.

While the monsters are strong, humans are also powerful due to the advantages of magic and fantasy weaponry.

Dragons, who are another submissive type of monster, are cocky and look down on others. They will only take men capable of beating them as husbands, but when they do get husbands they wait on them hand and foot, giving them full access to their treasure. Fact is, that means people exist that are capable of defeating them in that universe.

especially if it consists of an equal partnership, who are less likely to be on a cold-blooded quest to capture and rape men, but more likely to be seeking a traditional husbando.
I think this is your second biggest misconception.
Some monsters are like this no doubt. Like sharkgirls for instance.

But Kenkou is actually pretty obsessed with classifying the relationship between monster and man as "husband and wife." He uses the terminology often. In most of his entries, he refers to the monster's mate as their husband, and talks about them searching for a husband and what not. Not prey or sexual partner. But husband.

In fact the battle system for this game is designed around an "equal" (hmmm more like male leading tbqh) relationship from what I can see. It's battlefuck. You don't get one-sidedly fucked in most battle-fuck. You fuck back. If she takes the lead, that means you're losing. In order to win battles you have to please her sexually to the point that her love points are maxed before yours. Becoming allies with them means making them subservient to you in a sense.


I'm excited because I like KC's design sense and he comes up with interesting scenarios in MGE. The dominant girls are also all really hot and I hope he includes my favorites. I hope they take their time designing a good battle system.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Very well, however there are works that convey this exact type of message such as Milking Farm or Pandora's Forest.

The monster girl genre can be whatever people want it to be, though it seems to be gravitating more towards people who just want a girlfriend with cat ears lately.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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though it seems to be gravitating more towards people who just want a girlfriend with cat ears lately.
I'd like to say that Kenkou Cross is kind of the progenitor of the monster girl boom.

Monster Girls existed b4 Kenkou mind you. Monster girls like succubi and stuff existed in Sogna's old works for instance, but monster girls as we see them today was really pioneered by Kenkou.
That being said, girls being sexually assertive wasn't really a thing in hentai until pretty recently. There were hints of it back in the day with the Discipline series and some scenes in Bible Black because the villain was a woman in that game, but for the most part early hentai was girls getting raped full stop. That included the "monster girls."

But yeah, before Kenkou, monster girls were just regular girls who could probably take a dick the size of their body and "survive."

Kenkou was the one who got the idea of...
"You know those monsters you fight in fantasy rpgs? What if there were girl versions of them."
This lent itself well to aggressive girls as the monsters in fantasy rpgs were enemies, and aggressively pursued the heroes.


Very well, however there are works that convey this exact type of message such as Milking Farm or Pandora's Forest.
Slut characters are surprisingly unpopular though.

In MGQ the least popular of the 4 heavenly knights by a considerable margin is Alma Elma. Alma Elma has prior sexual experience as she consistently visited the coliseum where she's raped men before. She's also the only heavenly knight with 0 romantic buildup towards the protagonist.

And I'm not saying that people don't like her cause she's not a virgin. It's hinted that Tamamo isn't one either but Tamamo is quite well liked.

When playing games with narrative importance, I think it makes sense that the popular characters actually have an emotional connection with the hero. Whether they're hyper aggressive sexually or not has less to do with it. Luca doesn't take the lead in sex until MGQ Paradox, and yet there's a distinct ranking in the original games.

Like for Milking Farm, nobody even remembers the names of the succubi. They might have favorite scenarios but nobody actually "likes" any of the girls in that game.
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Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
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@TheUnsaid I, too, was a bit disappointed with Succubus Village, although semen-demon was the cherry on top of the "it's shit" sundae. The succubi were all small-breasted despite the fact that Alma was out and about. It was just disappointment after disappointment with that place, and the only upside was the stuff that came after. In terms of the Succubus Village, it was hyped pretty hard and failed in every respect aside chocolate perfection. The only issue I have with Lilith/Lilim is that they were the titular "Succubosses" and weren't just a pair among the multitude. It just... sucked.

I look at stuff like ROBF, Succubus/Wonderland, Incubus Quest, and even Succubus Senki and I see monstergirls done better by anyone who isn't associated with TTR.

I did like the variety in personalities and experience between monsters. Most other monstergirl games have the monster devolving to "ara ara~!" shenanigans rather than have defining personalities. That said, Succubus Senki just hit all the right notes in terms of experience and personality.

I'm hopeful we see in this KC game that kind of commitment to design. We know from lore stuff that there is a variety of personalities, so it will be interesting to see how that affects gameplay.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
Everyone has their own tastes, Succubus village to me was one of my favorite places n MGQ. I'm a big fan of 'giga sluts'


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Everyone has their own tastes, Succubus village to me was one of my favorite places n MGQ. I'm a big fan of 'giga sluts'
Oh of course sexually it's nice to see girls in the lead, but there's a difference between thinking a scene is hot and liking the monster right?
Are you talking... like romantically?
If that's the case, I'm surprised you like male MC games then tbqh.

I recommend you play FeMC games :)
A lot of the heroines are giga sluts or become giga sluts as you play the game. Very sexually promiscuous.
Especially the NTR ones.

I, too, was a bit disappointed with Succubus Village, although semen-demon was the cherry on top of the "it's shit" sundae. The succubi were all small-breasted despite the fact that Alma was out and about. It was just disappointment after disappointment with that place, and the only upside was the stuff that came after. In terms of the Succubus Village, it was hyped pretty hard and failed in every respect aside chocolate perfection.
Yeah Lilim was pretty nice. The fight was not boss-fight level though. It was too easy.

I agree that the village was hyped up too much and disappointed too hard. There was a lot of CG for the village though so you can tell they put in the effort. The illustrator that did those succubi also only draws flat to moderate sized girls. Wish Torotoro put up more polls so there was more interaction between fans and devs.

I look at stuff like ROBF, Succubus/Wonderland, Incubus Quest, and even Succubus Senki and I see monstergirls done better by anyone who isn't associated with TTR.
I think some of those works barely count as monstergirl works?

Like, I'm with you when I say I don't like the girls being too monstrous. For instance, Sphinx and most of Setouchi's monster designs are just unattractive to me in MGQ.

That being said, I still like unique skin color, and unique sclera color. I also don't mind some animal parts like tails or fur in the right places. In fact, I'm a big fan of a lot of shark girl designs. I feel like Succubus/Wonderland and Incubus Quest focus too hard on girls with horns maybe? wings maybe? and Tattoos maybe... If it's a scale of 0 being basically human, and 100 being basically beastiality, Setouchi's monster designs are at a 80. The other guys are at 20 and 25 respectively. I kinda just want a 40.

Kenkou Cross is probably the closest I'll get to that. His designs are 30-60.


Tentacle God
Nov 10, 2010
Reputation score
I've played every kind of H-game, I've been a member of this forum since 2010 and prior to discovering MGQ my favorite genre was tentacles, its still high up on the list, but i think im more interested in femdom and reverse rape.

Female Protag doesn't have the variety in femdom oriented game, besides, i don't know how many femdom games with a female protag exist. *being* assaulted is the main draw to me more than any individual character. Captivity is a another pretty big one to me.

In terms of the tentacle stuff, the female mc being dominated and held in captivity is incredibly arousing to me. Classic M on F is boring to me and NTR couldn't be further from my interests.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Classic M on F is boring to me and NTR couldn't be further from my interests.
I was just extrapolating from what you said about liking sluts.
Biggest sluts are in FeMC games. Ones with NTR element are usually hyper mega giga sluts.

I play a lot of games as a developer and also have no interest in that kind of content. I was just trying to help.

*being* assaulted is the main draw to me more than any individual character. Captivity is a another pretty big one to me.
It's a surprise you like Succubus Village then.
That area has the least amount of aggression onto Luca in Part 2. There's a joke monster there with temptation play that you can beat in 1 hit, and the other little girl has high magic power and just likes foreplay. 2 of the monsters there don't hold luca captive but just rape him to death too. The boss is also the easiest one in all of part 2.

I'd say the battles at Grangold are more to that level.

You have Mud Golemn girl which refuses to listen to you. A crazed automata who won't stop riding you until you reach 3 thousands ejaculations inside her, and ant-girls who endlessly gangrape you. Not only that but the queen ant having actual animosity towards Luca.

I'd say the difference is the girls are not only sexually forward but also likeable. You get a lot of characterization for the ant girls and feel a lot of empathy for queen ant.

OOf, I feel like I'm off topic or talking about MGQ half the time... I'm gonna stop. Sorry for bothering.
Green Thoughts
Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
Yeah, it might be better to take this discussion to another thread (possibly a new thread), since it doesn't really relate to KC's upcoming game anymore.


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
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Yeah, it might be better to take this discussion to another thread (possibly a new thread), since it doesn't really relate to KC's upcoming game anymore.
Hahaha yeah my bad.
Back on topic, I'm having a hard time parsing out this paragraph he wrote on .

It gives a lot of insight on the design principles of the combat system I'd say.
Google Translate:
You can do naughty things from here, but even if you try to climax and take the initiative, they will only be pleased that you are positive and enjoy the situation being blamed. You can't beat the demon girl by fellowship.
I don't get how the two sentences follow each other. It's like there's a thought missing. Any insight would be helpful.

This statement he makes is kinda confusing as well.
If you fill up the "Charm Gauge" of the demon girl and then lose, the monster girl will squeeze you thoroughly and then take you as a companion to help you with your adventure, or inns wherever you go. They do erotic things in the shade of rocks!

Even if you ejaculate, drink or pour your semen, the "fascination gauge" of the demon girl will increase, so let's ejaculate without hesitation and lose comfortably!
I'm guessing this means you can make them an ally by losing to them if their charm gauge is full?
He says multiple times that it's a game in which you can ejaculate multiple times as well, so I'm curious what the gameover condition is and how he plans on handling game difficulty.

Reading through the enty google translated and I came across this as well.
Also, there are only 10 types of monster girls, even though they are "Monster Musume Encyclopedia"! It's a long story because it's sad to say, "I don't have a favorite monster girl!", But eventually I want to be able to flirt with all races.
Wow! So few!
I think that's pretty amazing and bold. Seems he really wants to create a special relationship with the girls in the game. He says pretty often that he wants to add a lot of flirting and romance elements with the girls. Seems like he wants to carefully produce each girl. That's pretty interesting. I'm still worried about how this part's gonna be handled because I generally don't like his take on romance from his short stories. Exet's takes on romance have been relatively good tho.

Any guesses on which 10 he'll choose?

Oh, also, it hasn't been mentioned before but this game is being made in... RPG MAKER... XP!!!! Like holy shit... That program's so old. Does anyone even have the RTPs for that thing anymore? Is this guy running drawing monster girls on a WindowsXP still or something XD


EDIT: Lol!
on Patreon is just a translated version of the post on Enty.

The translation to the above quote, "こちらからえっちな事もできますが、例え絶頂させまくって主導権をとろうとも、彼女達はあなたが積極的である事を悦んだり、責められている状況を愉しんだりするだけなので、交わりで魔物娘に勝つ事はできません。"
Is actually.
"You can do lewd things to them too, but even if you try to take the initiative by making them climax over and over, they'll just delight in your aggression and enjoy the situation of being attacked, so you can't beat a monster girl with sex. Once you're pounced on by them, that's it... Your penis will be fondled, engulfed, and sucked on, and you'll be milked as much as they please... "
Google translate was pretty close I'd say.
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Active member
May 15, 2018
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If you're translating, try DeepL's translations as well. Also just to comment on the XP statement, yes there's the real possibility that a Japanese game dev could be using the older operating system. Japan does have some who are slow to transition to the latest technologies. Some games have carried on with no game overs at all. I do know a few that'd just put back to the nearest save point forgoing the whole you lost shtick altogether.
Green Thoughts
Mar 26, 2018
Reputation score
. You can get it from , , and , but it seems that all of these require payment.


May 26, 2018
Reputation score
. You can get it from , , and , but it seems that all of these require payment.
So, I've tried it.

All I can say is, you're not missing out on much.

  • In general, it's very stale, generic RPG-Maker fare, with some MGE frills to it. Add to this the usual molasses-like pacing that makes japanese indie projects so often intolerable. Perhaps they think that having a dialogue text box with 5hrs minimum display time means more playtime means "more" content means better sales - but it is not so.
  • The "combat system" is very shoddily designed - convoluted and tedious and stressful at the same time. Just bad, bad, bad game design.
  • The sound effects have to be, on the whole, the worst in the entire history of gaming, and in the entire history of pornography. They're not merely "can't fap to this" bad, they're "do not unmute ever" horrible.
  • The music, or what poses for music, is terrifyingly crappy.
If anything, this demo is more motivation to cancel membership of his patreon than the other way around. So I guess it's actually good for himself that he paywalled the demo - a public release would probably damage public interest in this game.


Mystic Girl
Feb 2, 2014
Reputation score
So, I've tried it.

All I can say is, you're not missing out on much.
Oh... Oh, that's bad.

In general, it's very stale, generic RPG-Maker fare, with some MGE frills to it. Add to this the usual molasses-like pacing that makes japanese indie projects so often intolerable. Perhaps they think that having a dialogue text box with 5hrs minimum display time means more playtime means "more" content means better sales - but it is not so.
The guy has entire books on the universe. He could easily put all the backstory and lore into books scattered throughout the in-game world. That he went with the worst possible option tells me that the story is going to be a slog to get through.

The "combat system" is very shoddily designed - convoluted and tedious and stressful at the same time. Just bad, bad, bad game design.
I mean, is it the usual battlefuck system, early development woes, or an actual godawful design so bad that it makes you want to gouge out your own eyes?

The sound effects have to be, on the whole, the worst in the entire history of gaming, and in the entire history of pornography. They're not merely "can't fap to this" bad, they're "do not unmute ever" horrible.
I mean, Shrift had some really questionable porn sounds. I find it difficult to top that.

The music, or what poses for music, is terrifyingly crappy.
I want to believe you're exaggerating.

If anything, this demo is more motivation to cancel membership of his patreon than the other way around. So I guess it's actually good for himself that he paywalled the demo - a public release would probably damage public interest in this game.
It will get pirated and either support will tank, or his few fans will defend it to their last dime. Either way, we can confirm KC is a hack, through and through. That's disappointing. I was hoping this would be good, and we would have another player in the monster girl genre.