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ACT [KooooN Soft] Shinobi Girl (RJ078162)

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Re: Shinobi Girl

Re: Shinobi Girl


Waiting for the game to be finished still....
Re: Shinobi Girl

Wow. The images I can take, but one word posts that consists of one "lol"? Are you serious?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Herpderp, I fucking know that.

I mean the moe style and 'genre' of anime in general needs to die. It's a god awful and frankly lazy way of mass producing shit that the average otaku/weeaboo will suck up just because it's cute. Then they go and throw in some stuff that they know that will make it sell even better like panty shots, some nudity, implicated sex etc...

In short moe is the cancer that's killing decent anime. Why can't we go back to the times when you could have a 'moe' character in something without the entire fucking series gravitating around that.

Evengelion was never a 'moe' anime. Rei and Asuka's 'cuteness' was never the focal point of the series, hell from what I can remember their youthful looks was never even touched upon. Sure, there was ONE TIME Asuka's was kind of, but that was Shinji jacking off to her bare chest while she was IN A FUCKING COMA.

So, I suggest you go think about what you say before you say anything again. And hopefully that'll stop you from ever saying anything ever again because you're without a doubt the most pants on head retarded person I have ever had the misforune to communicate with.
No, just no.

Rei was never DESIGNED to be cute so she technically cannot be considered moe. Sure, there may be people who think she's cute and she may have features that could be considered cute but ultimately that wasn't what she's about. Take Shinobu from Love Hina (never heard of it or her? Tough, she's my example, deal with it), she was designed to be the cute loli/jailbait character of the manga so she would be considered moe even though, if my memory serves me correctly, the term wasn't in use or at least wasn't widely used back when Love Hina was created.

I'm not saying all cute things need to die, just the moe shit thats flowing out like water from a broken faucet. Stuff like Lucky Star, K-On, Moe-tan and basically any of the not decent anime posted on Sankaku Complex. I dont mind cute, but when it's literally being shoved down your throat just so people can get a fuckton of money from it it becomes pretty fucking hard to tolerate it. Another thing, most of the characters are interchangeable. You would hardly notice a difference if you were to transplant a blonde moe whore from one anime to another because there it literally no character design. "Oh hey, lets just change the hair style/colour and eye colour and we're sorted!" No, that doesnt make for a good anime. Fuck off. Yes, I'm well aware hentai does the same but ultimately the goal for hentai is for you to get off on it so who gives a fuck?

I'd continue but I'm afraid my rant would take up several posts worth of text. That and I've got pizza to eat.

Can you really talk, Oni?
Re: Shinobi Girl

Not quite sure what you're trying to point out so I'm going to just assume you're targeting me because 'lol u mad' and I pointed it out :p

Anywho, the point that I was making with Evangelion is that ALTHOUGH the girls can be considered cute, and oftentimes are cute, the series itself wasn't about their 'cuteness'.

EDIT: I gets you now, you were calling me out on being mad. If it were most other people then I probably would've ignored it but nearly everyone knows how much I fucking hate TentanariX so I had to do something.
Re: Shinobi Girl

u mad too then
Re: Shinobi Girl

Its funny how every time someone post I click hopefully at the tread hoping for update. The suspense is killing me. lol
Re: Shinobi Girl

i agree completely, i was clicking on this thread with my hopes up. excuse me as i go cry now.
Re: Shinobi Girl

Hi everyone, new poster here. Just wanted to know, what software was used to uncensor the previous versions?

I'm interested because while waiting, I've been trying to rip the rape animations out of shinobi girl and stick them into the gallery for angel girl to have access to a gallery mode. Unfortunately, the program I'm using (sothink swf quicker) seems to do a very poor job of this and has graphical problems in all the animations it extracts. I'd be interested in having some better tools to work with

If anyone's interested, my current attempt is available here


It has the ogre animations put into gallery slots 1 and 2 (gallery available using the code 'a b b a a b -right- -right- -left-' at the menu, for anyone who doesn't know). Also, the orgasm sequence has been put into infinite loop. But, as you can see, there are some annoying graphical glitches, so I want to find better software to do this with.
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