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Jul 29, 2018
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The story follows Univer. Having received a letter requesting Adventurers to investigate a Ruins on a remote island, she immediately boards a boat destined for the island. There, she meets another adventurer, Neige.
This is a story about their adventure.

Going from the trial version that I've played two years ago and the Ci-en updates I've vigorously followed, the game isn't your generic RPGMaker H-Game. I'm confident it'll be a nice ride story-wise. As the trial version doesn't go too far into the story, I can't give much more on the summary other than what was listed in the DLSite page for the game, so it is pretty uninformative.

Aside from usual RPG combat, there are various mini-games(both for recreational[Such as fishing] or H-Scenes[Like the one mentioned in the OP]) and various unique events. The DLSite page mentioned base development, but I've never seen it in Ci-en so I can't comment on it.

In terms of events:
- Articles also seem to suggest various branching options such as one introducing your party boarding a train. Letting Neiver, a glutton, get sidetracked for food before boarding may cause her to nearly miss the train departure and have to board a lower-class cart with other suspicious men. Ref:
- Another introduced a beach the party would(can?) have to enter where any kind of clothing is not allowed(Nudist beach!). Of course, that means Scenes this kind of circumstance can make. There is also a special fight in this area. Ref:

Standard controls for RPGMaker MV. Arrow keys to move, Z to interact/confirm, etc.

Characters: (All with their own scenes)
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One gameplay mechanic of note are these decision based events:
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Options you choose will decide to which side the gauge will lean towards. As expected, it will effect the outcome of the whole ordeal. In this case, you convince the sentry to lower his guard or aggravate him and fight. It is suggested this little mini-game-esque system will also be used for H-Scenes. The gauge has already been used in a specific H-Scene event in the trial version used to keep track of the event progress when trying to save the Elf from being violated(or purposely letting her be violated.)

Another example released in Ci-en:
image-800 (6).jpg image-800 (7).jpg

It seems the game had some rough moments in its developments considering the more than half-year silence in its Ci-en page and constant delays prior to the silence. It's something to keep note of.
Still high hopes though! I didn't wait 3 years for this game for nothing. Was ecstatic when I saw the update announcing its release on my Ci-en feed. :)
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I remember when people making fuss because the developer delayed the game several times, which kind of silly since the guy doesn't even ask for donate money or what so ever. Anyway, should this game still be consider as under construction, since the game isn't released yet.
I remember when people making fuss because the developer delayed the game several times, which kind of silly since the guy doesn't even ask for donate money or what so ever. Anyway, should this game still be consider as under construction, since the game isn't released yet.
Was thinking about that, but alas, I'm not well versed with posting in this forum so I just assumed it was fine.

I didn't really mind the delays as long as it allowed them to create what they wanted, though it was sad seeing it delayed about 4~ times then a silence. The last Ci-en article prior to the release announcement had a lot of comments asking/demanding when the release is.. which is pretty sad but somewhat understandable considering the more than 3 year development(and postponements.) Art and characters were up my alley, so I just hoped for the best when a delay was announced. :p

Seems the thread was moved by a Mod, so I'll just add the Active prefix and whatever. Sorry!
And does anyone know the usual time it takes for DLSite reviews to be accepted?
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Maybe about 5 hours it be release or another day :unsure:
DLSite page has been updated with a new release date!
Do note, however, that their previous Ci-en article has mentioned their intention to increase the sale price to 1650¥, so the price may be subject to change. There will be a 15% of sale for the first month of its release, though!
Is there anything more to the gameplay that you can add? You specified some unique mechanics, but other than that, is it just standard RPG fare?
The trial version didn't really reveal much(or at least I don't remember too much!), so I'll have to definitely play the game first to answer that.
From what I know from Ci-en articles, there are various mini-games(both for recreational[Such as fishing] or H-Scenes[Like the one mentioned in the OP]) and various unique events. The DLSite page mentioned base development, but I've never seen it in Ci-en so I can't comment on it.

In terms of events:
- Articles also seem to suggest various branching options such as one introducing your party boarding a train. Letting Neiver, a glutton, get sidetracked for food before boarding may cause her to nearly miss the train departure and have to board a lower-class cart with other suspicious men. Ref:
- Another introduced a beach the party would(can?) have to enter where any kind of clothing is not allowed(Nudist beach!). Of course, that means Scenes this kind of circumstance can make. There is also a special fight in this area. Ref:

So there is a lot of spice to what events the game has to offer, perhaps.

The trial version was released way back in 2019. Since then, two years has passed. There's probably much more to the game now than what I've seen in the Trial and in update articles.
Ooh the artstyle of this looks hella cute!
I will check out the trial
The trial version didn't really reveal much(or at least I don't remember too much!), so I'll have to definitely play the game first to answer that.
From what I know from Ci-en articles, there are various mini-games(both for recreational[Such as fishing] or H-Scenes[Like the one mentioned in the OP]) and various unique events. The DLSite page mentioned base development, but I've never seen it in Ci-en so I can't comment on it.

In terms of events:
- Articles also seem to suggest various branching options such as one introducing your party boarding a train. Letting Neiver, a glutton, get sidetracked for food before boarding may cause her to nearly miss the train departure and have to board a lower-class cart with other suspicious men. Ref:
- Another introduced a beach the party would(can?) have to enter where any kind of clothing is not allowed(Nudist beach!). Of course, that means Scenes this kind of circumstance can make. There is also a special fight in this area. Ref:

So there is a lot of spice to what events the game has to offer, perhaps.

The trial version was released way back in 2019. Since then, two years has passed. There's probably much more to the game now than what I've seen in the Trial and in update articles.

This works for me. I've added this to the OP and moved this thread to the H-Games section.
On the topic of artsyle, there are multiple illustrators(6?) that worked on this game apparently. Just in-case you notice some differences between scenes(Of course, there is an obvious difference with the last two characters.) It is mentioned here:
Glad even though this developer disappeared he came again, seems to be a trend for certain Japanese devs going way back to 2014 heh.

This H game is actually pretty nice, lots of story to get past initially, and the choices decide most of the H content. One of those games you can only play with a translator, but I like the implementation of the H content with the story at least. Was good spent time I would say.
Anyone know some events where I can lower Aeon's(elf) RES value? Can't seem to get anything for her.
There is a game breaking bug after the event in the boys dorm.
There is a game breaking bug after the event in the boys dorm.

Yeah, event wont let you progress. You can do another branch of the event and just go to bed instead of trying to find Univer. This will just do an event where it's only her and the blonde hair guy. IT seems this has already been reported, so perhaps a fix in the next update so we can actually explore this branch of the event.

There are a fair amount of bugs I've stumbled onto(some serious like the one above.) Hope it's all sorted out in a future update.
Yeah, event wont let you progress. You can do another branch of the event and just go to bed instead of trying to find Univer. This will just do an event where it's only her and the blonde hair guy. IT seems this has already been reported, so perhaps a fix in the next update so we can actually explore this branch of the event.

There are a fair amount of bugs I've stumbled onto(some serious like the one above.) Hope it's all sorted out in a future update.

Yes, it is sad that the game is pretty buggy. I kind of gave up on finding the events normally.

Did anyone manage to get all events?

I tired to use the save editor but could not find how to unlock them.
Once you beat the game the recollection book automatically enables all the scenes.