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Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Whichever you think is better Shrike!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Alright, Tsuki's is up, sorry for the cheesyness, first posts are always the hardest for me :/

it's already a half hour past my bedtime, so I'll get one or two posted on and then start back up in the morning :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You accidentally posted the last one twice in Eve's thread.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Yeah, I noticed. It's been half-deleted, and will be moved to the etiquette bin once I get onto an actual computer.

On a side note, is everyone having fun so far? I know I haven't started yours up yet TWO, and I'm sorry, but I am flat out of new ideas to tie you in for the moment. Come to think of it, did you specify a preffered clan, or are you holding off on reading that pdf so you can be surprised?
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm amused thus far, mainly as I'm curious on how Luna will deal with her need to feed on the blood of others provided she hates drinking from people she's out to kill. Does she target the "sinless" and simply try to avoid converting/killing them as she eats? Or does she try to outright not eat until the state where she becomes crazed by hunger? So many ideas, so little time...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well seeing as how this game is all I've really thought about the last week, I'm enjoying myself. You should have seen how my one coworker looked at me when I randomly answered their question with ventrue. They thought I was crazy. I think I would say this is better than D&D. If you didn't have a boyfriend and I wasn't engaged I would probably kiss you for this game.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I didn't even know there was a PDF...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I'm loving it, personally! I've been craving playing a vampire game again for a while but I really didn't want to get into an established game or something...rigid. This is working out perfectly for me. Not to mention I'm loving reading the other's stories, too!
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Speaking of which, do you have a preferred clan for Miss Frost? No gaurantees of course ;)

Everything is pretty much as you know it I suspect, might want to glance over the disciplines, they got a tweaking to work better in the system but that's about all that's different. I know PDF's are a pain, but I'm going to repost the one here anyways.

There's the PDF for you TWO.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

I should have mentioned I would like to keep it as a surprise... oh well...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well I didn't download it either, I just looked up the clans briefly on wiki.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Even if you do read it, you'll just know about the clans, there's no guarantee you'll be able to pick yours out until your told, though a some are obvious past a certain point, like Luna's or Ronell's ;)

The Embrace is not something that happens by accident, it needs pretty specific circumstances for it to happen. Though, there was this one time regarding a rather new Kindred and a ghoul, but that's coincidence ;) so you at least won't have to worry about that, Keylo.

VtM and DnD hold completely separate niches in my heart. They are both really good at what they are for, but the basis and feel for them are such that they really shouldn't be compared to each other, being almost completely separate things.

Anywho, glad everyone is having as much fun as I am, I'mma go back to posting now :)
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Well when I said D&D, I really meant roleplaying games. I just always say D&D because that's the first to always pop in my head.

On a side note I just remembered I was supposed to go to my class reunion tonight. Oh well I enjoyed this more than I would have that.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

On another note, (no offense to copper), but every time I see "Isabella Frost"'s thread come up, I start remembering encounters with certain twitard fangirls...

Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Eh, I happen to like the last name Frost and I picked Isabella on a whim. About the closest thing you might compare her to is a one Emma Frost as far as where the name came from.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

You know I actually like the idea of playing as the clan I'm pretty darn sure I'm ending up as.

However I feel somewhat offended that I'm apparently blue-blood material, since I pretty much made myself. I guess I didn't realize how evil I was. Muahahaha.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Hey Shrike do you need personality in the background thing? I usually don't do that and just let it unfold in my mind... I could try though if you want.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Wait... if I'm right... Luna was embraced by... an Assamite? o_O;; I thought they generally avoided women...
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

Ronny - as the plot thickens...

Keylo - Modern times, modern measures, maybe. And they can *avoid* women, but it's not an all-boys club.
Re: Laws of the Night OOC and Discussion

True...but another iffy part. They generally prey on other vampires so... does that mean Luna would be getting her munchies from another character?